
Joseph Esdin

Overall Ratings
Based on 579 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (579)

32 of 45
32 of 45
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Aug. 29, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

This class is the best class I have ever taken, at UCLA or elsewhere, despite it being an 8AM and me being a CS major. I would *highly* recommend. The information you learn is quite practical. Unless you hate bio, just take the class!


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July 25, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Easiest Lab GE to take. Esdin is a fantastic lecturer - the only slightly annoying thing is that he's a stickler for attendance. You only get three free passes for lectures all quarter, and you have to attend all labs. As for workload, there's a lecture quiz every week (super easy, directly from the lecture), a Lab quiz every week (even easier, directly from the lab lecture), one midterm, one final, and a lifestyle assessment project (a little time consuming but fairly easy). As for the content, the difficulty and complexity is really low, but the volume is pretty large - you will have to study :)


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July 19, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

If you need a science GE or need to fill physiology requirements take this class with Professor Esdin! Professor Esdin is one of the nicest and understanding professors I've had in my four years at UCLA. Taking this class allowed me to understand my own health and diet and is one of the few classes where I took away the most knowledge and will continue to apply in my everyday life. I highly recommend going to office hours too! You will learn so much more and will be inspired to change your lifestyle.


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June 23, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Although I took this class as an easy science GE, my takeaways from it far outweigh the grade that I received. All the information learned in the class is practical to one's daily life and is broken down into digestible pieces with no science background required. Professor Esdin is also incredibly knowledge yet helpful and understanding. I would recommend this class to anyone wanting to learn more about their body!


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June 23, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

For anyone who is wondering if they should take physical science 5… PLEASE DO.

Professor Edsin is one of the most caring professors at UCLA, and is one who CARES about your learning and of course, pertaining to the class, your own health and lifestyle. He is very organized, and is consistent with updates and announcements on assignments and important dates. He uses slides, and as of Spring 2023, lectures are recorded. He also gives out extra credit.

This class is easy, but in order to do well you have to be able to engage, come to class (Attendance to the lecture AND discussion is mandatory as of Spring 2023), do the readings, complete assignments on time, take good notes (as of Spring 2023, you are able to use them on exams and quizzes), and of course have fun.

Professor and the TAs are looking out for you. I had a personal problem, and speaking up to them helped me get through the course despite everything going on. They really support you, and care about your wellbeing as a student.

The main things to look out for in this course, aside from the exams and quizzes, is the Lifestyle Assessment Report. In which you are required to write a comprehensive report about your diet and fitness evaluations. The laboratory section/discussion will help guide you through completing all the report components. Thus, please ask your TA’s and professor your questions. They are very helpful. This project is time consuming, but you get to learn about yourself and your health, so it is rewarding. However, as it is time consuming, you have to put in the effort and have a good pace. The TA’s and professor will remind you to work on it until the due date.

The current point break down of Spring 2023:

Exam 1 - 100 points
2 Lecture quizzes (20 points each) - 40 points
3 Laboratory quizzes (15 points each) - 45 points
Attendance and Participation in laboratory - 25 points
Attendance in lecture - 25 points
Lifestyle Assessment Report - 100 points
Final Exam on Monday - 100 points
Completing online course evaluation during OID’s evaluation period - 6 points

Total: 441 points



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June 23, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Professor Esdin was one of the most helpful teachers I have ever had at UCLA. I was struggling a lot in this class because I had gotten a concussion during the first 3 weeks of the spring quarter and wasn’t able to attend class or take quizzes/tests. I was able to reach out to Professor Esdin and he was super easy to work with. He was very supportive trying to get me caught up and not only explained the material very thoughtfully and well, he was super quick to respond to my emails which really showed me how dedicated he was to his students. He posted all his lectures and made his class clear and straight forward. I ended up with an A in this class and was very happy with the material. It is easy to learn. This was one of my favorite classes because the professor was fair and once again helpful.


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June 21, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Professor Esdin is a great professor who clearly cares about his students. He is great at teaching. The class itself is actually useful and the material you go over can be applied to daily life. The class is also very easy if you study a little, as his tests are very fair. Overall, I would 100% recommend to take this class for the important information you learn about diet and living a healthy lifestyle.


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June 17, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Going into 7c, I was absolutely terrified because of how many bad things I have heard about this class, but I ended up really enjoying it. Is it the hardest of the 7 series? For sure. Is it nearly as bad as people say it is? Definitely not. As far as professors go, Dr. Esdin is my favorite life science professor. He explains things very well in a way that prompts you to think the way the exams want you to think, and he distributes time spent on topics very effectively. I think he's mainly a lecturer, so he actually is a really great teacher. I feel like I learned a lot in this class, and that is coming from someone who has taken 5 anatomy/physiology classes throughout high school. I definitely recommend going to office hours, especially Dr. Esdin's office hours since he is always happy to answer questions and understands what you're asking him. He actually listens to students and responds to emails quickly. He has a dry sense of humor, which some people appreciate, and some don't. I also recommend going to the CLC sessions since many of the exam questions are similar in how they approach concepts. Reading the textbook is pretty pointless, but Dr. Esdin's lecture slides have most of the information you need, so I used those to study and did very well. Overall, if you have to take 7c, take Dr. Esdin's class if you can manage three classes a week.


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June 14, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Professor Esdin was extremely engaged with the class material. He was able to lecture on diet and exercise in a digestible way, while still maintaining student interests in mind. His coursework was not too difficult, as long as you are paying attention in lectures and reading the book, you'll feel prepared for all exams. His TAs were extremely well-informed and supportive. Furthermore, I had personal issues that made it difficult to focus on my classes. Dr.Esdin accommodated my needs and made sure I didn't fall behind. Overall, I recommend you take this class. Please know that you can depend on Dr.Esdin to provide you with quality teaching.


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June 14, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: NR

I absolutely loved this class! Initially, I had some doubts because I saw my friends, who had already completed the class, working on their lengthy class project. However, my concerns were quickly proven wrong because this class turned out to be a breeze. The professor's explanations were extremely clear, making it easy to grasp the subject matter.

The class structure was great, with only 5 discussion sections held every other week. Additionally, during 3 of those sections, we had a lab quiz, which was very easy. The TAs always provided guidance on the types of questions that would be asked, making it even simpler.

While the project was a bit tedious, it wasn't difficult at all. This quarter, both the midterm and final were conducted online, and they were surprisingly straightforward. Just reviewing all the lectures should be enough to excel in these exams. The professor was also super accommodating!

Attending all the lectures or watching the recordings was mandatory, so make sure not to miss any. Overall, I highly recommend this class!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
Aug. 29, 2019

This class is the best class I have ever taken, at UCLA or elsewhere, despite it being an 8AM and me being a CS major. I would *highly* recommend. The information you learn is quite practical. Unless you hate bio, just take the class!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
July 25, 2023

Easiest Lab GE to take. Esdin is a fantastic lecturer - the only slightly annoying thing is that he's a stickler for attendance. You only get three free passes for lectures all quarter, and you have to attend all labs. As for workload, there's a lecture quiz every week (super easy, directly from the lecture), a Lab quiz every week (even easier, directly from the lab lecture), one midterm, one final, and a lifestyle assessment project (a little time consuming but fairly easy). As for the content, the difficulty and complexity is really low, but the volume is pretty large - you will have to study :)


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
July 19, 2023

If you need a science GE or need to fill physiology requirements take this class with Professor Esdin! Professor Esdin is one of the nicest and understanding professors I've had in my four years at UCLA. Taking this class allowed me to understand my own health and diet and is one of the few classes where I took away the most knowledge and will continue to apply in my everyday life. I highly recommend going to office hours too! You will learn so much more and will be inspired to change your lifestyle.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 23, 2023

Although I took this class as an easy science GE, my takeaways from it far outweigh the grade that I received. All the information learned in the class is practical to one's daily life and is broken down into digestible pieces with no science background required. Professor Esdin is also incredibly knowledge yet helpful and understanding. I would recommend this class to anyone wanting to learn more about their body!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 23, 2023

For anyone who is wondering if they should take physical science 5… PLEASE DO.

Professor Edsin is one of the most caring professors at UCLA, and is one who CARES about your learning and of course, pertaining to the class, your own health and lifestyle. He is very organized, and is consistent with updates and announcements on assignments and important dates. He uses slides, and as of Spring 2023, lectures are recorded. He also gives out extra credit.

This class is easy, but in order to do well you have to be able to engage, come to class (Attendance to the lecture AND discussion is mandatory as of Spring 2023), do the readings, complete assignments on time, take good notes (as of Spring 2023, you are able to use them on exams and quizzes), and of course have fun.

Professor and the TAs are looking out for you. I had a personal problem, and speaking up to them helped me get through the course despite everything going on. They really support you, and care about your wellbeing as a student.

The main things to look out for in this course, aside from the exams and quizzes, is the Lifestyle Assessment Report. In which you are required to write a comprehensive report about your diet and fitness evaluations. The laboratory section/discussion will help guide you through completing all the report components. Thus, please ask your TA’s and professor your questions. They are very helpful. This project is time consuming, but you get to learn about yourself and your health, so it is rewarding. However, as it is time consuming, you have to put in the effort and have a good pace. The TA’s and professor will remind you to work on it until the due date.

The current point break down of Spring 2023:

Exam 1 - 100 points
2 Lecture quizzes (20 points each) - 40 points
3 Laboratory quizzes (15 points each) - 45 points
Attendance and Participation in laboratory - 25 points
Attendance in lecture - 25 points
Lifestyle Assessment Report - 100 points
Final Exam on Monday - 100 points
Completing online course evaluation during OID’s evaluation period - 6 points

Total: 441 points



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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 23, 2023

Professor Esdin was one of the most helpful teachers I have ever had at UCLA. I was struggling a lot in this class because I had gotten a concussion during the first 3 weeks of the spring quarter and wasn’t able to attend class or take quizzes/tests. I was able to reach out to Professor Esdin and he was super easy to work with. He was very supportive trying to get me caught up and not only explained the material very thoughtfully and well, he was super quick to respond to my emails which really showed me how dedicated he was to his students. He posted all his lectures and made his class clear and straight forward. I ended up with an A in this class and was very happy with the material. It is easy to learn. This was one of my favorite classes because the professor was fair and once again helpful.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 21, 2023

Professor Esdin is a great professor who clearly cares about his students. He is great at teaching. The class itself is actually useful and the material you go over can be applied to daily life. The class is also very easy if you study a little, as his tests are very fair. Overall, I would 100% recommend to take this class for the important information you learn about diet and living a healthy lifestyle.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 17, 2023

Going into 7c, I was absolutely terrified because of how many bad things I have heard about this class, but I ended up really enjoying it. Is it the hardest of the 7 series? For sure. Is it nearly as bad as people say it is? Definitely not. As far as professors go, Dr. Esdin is my favorite life science professor. He explains things very well in a way that prompts you to think the way the exams want you to think, and he distributes time spent on topics very effectively. I think he's mainly a lecturer, so he actually is a really great teacher. I feel like I learned a lot in this class, and that is coming from someone who has taken 5 anatomy/physiology classes throughout high school. I definitely recommend going to office hours, especially Dr. Esdin's office hours since he is always happy to answer questions and understands what you're asking him. He actually listens to students and responds to emails quickly. He has a dry sense of humor, which some people appreciate, and some don't. I also recommend going to the CLC sessions since many of the exam questions are similar in how they approach concepts. Reading the textbook is pretty pointless, but Dr. Esdin's lecture slides have most of the information you need, so I used those to study and did very well. Overall, if you have to take 7c, take Dr. Esdin's class if you can manage three classes a week.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 14, 2023

Professor Esdin was extremely engaged with the class material. He was able to lecture on diet and exercise in a digestible way, while still maintaining student interests in mind. His coursework was not too difficult, as long as you are paying attention in lectures and reading the book, you'll feel prepared for all exams. His TAs were extremely well-informed and supportive. Furthermore, I had personal issues that made it difficult to focus on my classes. Dr.Esdin accommodated my needs and made sure I didn't fall behind. Overall, I recommend you take this class. Please know that you can depend on Dr.Esdin to provide you with quality teaching.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: NR
June 14, 2023

I absolutely loved this class! Initially, I had some doubts because I saw my friends, who had already completed the class, working on their lengthy class project. However, my concerns were quickly proven wrong because this class turned out to be a breeze. The professor's explanations were extremely clear, making it easy to grasp the subject matter.

The class structure was great, with only 5 discussion sections held every other week. Additionally, during 3 of those sections, we had a lab quiz, which was very easy. The TAs always provided guidance on the types of questions that would be asked, making it even simpler.

While the project was a bit tedious, it wasn't difficult at all. This quarter, both the midterm and final were conducted online, and they were surprisingly straightforward. Just reviewing all the lectures should be enough to excel in these exams. The professor was also super accommodating!

Attending all the lectures or watching the recordings was mandatory, so make sure not to miss any. Overall, I highly recommend this class!


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32 of 45

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