
Joseph Esdin

Overall Ratings
Based on 579 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (579)

31 of 45
31 of 45
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April 4, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

I absolutely loved Esdin's part of PS 111A! He was always so engaging in his lectures and spoke very clearly and concisely. I never felt intimidation in asking him a question after class and he definitely wanted the whole class to succeed. I would definitely take his class again if I could. His tests were a little challenging but if you pay attention in class and review you should be fine. I didn't really use the textbook at all and I figured it was more helpful for background information.


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April 2, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: NR

Was selling course materials, but they are sold.
Good luck everyone ! Great Professor BTW


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April 6, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

The Class Content Itself: The material is very relevant your lives and is very interesting. It has changed the way I approach my diet. It's also very interesting. The lectures are interesting too.

The Grading: About half of your grade is determined by the exams. Everything else, I got 100% on and is pretty easy to get full credit on. For the lecture quizzes, I suggest taking it with friends. Have one friend take it and you all collaborate on it, then the next person takes it. These quiz questions give a rough estimate of the difficulty of questions on the exams. The only hard part about this class is the exams. The first midterm was very hard. I ended up getting in the high 80%s. The questions are very specific and often involve the wording of a sentence. He'll also often ask questions that have choices like "A and B" or "all of the above". So, you pretty much have to memorize everything in the reader. The final was a little bit more fair and less specific and was not cumulative. I got a score in the low 90s. My raw score was about 95% in the class.

Note: the professor does not upload his slides. So, you have to take your own notes.

Overall, I wouldn't say the course is hard, but I wouldn't say it is easy either. I find that the best way to study is make flash cards of most things in the reader. Read each chapter, then every once in a while, just skim the chapters multiple times. When I would eat and go to the gym, I would pull up flash cards. The class was all memorization, but it is foolproof in that if you memorize a lot, you will can get an A.


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May 2, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

Do not be fooled by all of the positive reviews. Sure, at first glance, this class seems very simple and straightforward. For the most part, it is. The homework and project are extremely simple, the lectures are interesting, and the lab quizzes are as easy as can be. The thing is, everything before is worth only half of your grade. The other half is determined by how well you do on Dr. Esdin's two gruesome exams. I find it interesting that people praise this class for its easiness and simplicity, but succeeding in the most important part of the course (the exams) is not nearly as easy.

The exams are each about 40-50 multiple choice questions that consist of tricky wording, "all of the above" answers, and your favorite "a and b" or "c and d" answer choices. Not only that, but there is not study guide. He has a "review" session where he lightly covers a few topics of each chapter, but even says himself that you still need to study the course reader because the few topics he brushes over are not all that is going to be on the exam. This amounts to having to study 40% of the course reader, every single word, for the first exam, and the other 60% for the final. This can put your grade and GPA in jeopardy.

TLDR; Don't take this class unless you want to study an entire course reader in order to do well on the exam.


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April 30, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

This course sucks. The content is super detailed, and professor explains so little in the lecture. The lecture is very tedious, and the course reader is so expecnsive.


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April 5, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Material = amazing. Lectures = amazing. Exams = amazing. Professor = AMAZING. this all being said, just make sure to study and know everything for the exams. it may sound overwhelming but the material is very interesting, applicable, and should be something everyone is aware of. I had fun studying for the class. Definitely an easy A if you attend lectures, take the quizzes, go to lab, follow step by step the instructions for your lifestyle assessment project, and study. Would 20/10 recommend, you'll learn to love Esdin!


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June 23, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B-

Esdin is an amazing professor and I'd recommend him to anyone. I absolutely enjoyed this class so much that it didn't bother me waking up early to go to his 8 a.m.
I know what you're thinking... "8 a.m.?!" It sounds bad, I know. However, he is worth it! Esdin is great and apart from the subject being super engaging so are his lectures.
If you've taken 7 A and B then you know how this class is structured. It's pretty much just composed of points. He was right because this is definitely the most interesting from the 7 series.
I 100% recommend Esdin to any 7C seeking student.


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June 26, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

The most important thing to know about this class is that the tests are almost completely based off of the course reader. To do well, you will have to memorize almost everything that is in the course reader. Other than that, the class was pretty easy. The big class project is extremely easy and can be finished in less than 3 hours if done efficiently.

Lectures are pretty interesting and you should go as attendance is part of the class grade and Esdin sometimes includes little hints for the tests during lecture. It was a pretty cool class and I would definitely take it again.


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July 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

Lectures were engaging and entertaining. Even though it was just 50 minutes, you really feel like you learned a good chunk. The tests were easy to pass since majority of the questions came straight from the course reader. You have a project that worth a good portion of your grade but is incredibly easy to complete. Part of the project is done with your TA so there really is not an excuse not to do/complete the project. Overall, this class is an easy G.E. but incredibly fun and informative. It's easy to receive an A+ but the only reason I got my grade is because I was incredibly lazy (being a freshman and all)


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Aug. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A-

I love Dr. Esdin , he's such a kind professor and also explains things so well. This class wasn't the easiest GE, as there's a lot of material, and the midterm and final were based on the course reader that you had to technically memorize. But the big project definitely boosts your grade; everyone gets an A on it. Also, the final wasn't cumulative, which was nice. Overall, this class was really interesting, and the material was pretty relevant to our lives!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 4, 2019

I absolutely loved Esdin's part of PS 111A! He was always so engaging in his lectures and spoke very clearly and concisely. I never felt intimidation in asking him a question after class and he definitely wanted the whole class to succeed. I would definitely take his class again if I could. His tests were a little challenging but if you pay attention in class and review you should be fine. I didn't really use the textbook at all and I figured it was more helpful for background information.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: NR
April 2, 2019

Was selling course materials, but they are sold.
Good luck everyone ! Great Professor BTW


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 6, 2019

The Class Content Itself: The material is very relevant your lives and is very interesting. It has changed the way I approach my diet. It's also very interesting. The lectures are interesting too.

The Grading: About half of your grade is determined by the exams. Everything else, I got 100% on and is pretty easy to get full credit on. For the lecture quizzes, I suggest taking it with friends. Have one friend take it and you all collaborate on it, then the next person takes it. These quiz questions give a rough estimate of the difficulty of questions on the exams. The only hard part about this class is the exams. The first midterm was very hard. I ended up getting in the high 80%s. The questions are very specific and often involve the wording of a sentence. He'll also often ask questions that have choices like "A and B" or "all of the above". So, you pretty much have to memorize everything in the reader. The final was a little bit more fair and less specific and was not cumulative. I got a score in the low 90s. My raw score was about 95% in the class.

Note: the professor does not upload his slides. So, you have to take your own notes.

Overall, I wouldn't say the course is hard, but I wouldn't say it is easy either. I find that the best way to study is make flash cards of most things in the reader. Read each chapter, then every once in a while, just skim the chapters multiple times. When I would eat and go to the gym, I would pull up flash cards. The class was all memorization, but it is foolproof in that if you memorize a lot, you will can get an A.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
May 2, 2019

Do not be fooled by all of the positive reviews. Sure, at first glance, this class seems very simple and straightforward. For the most part, it is. The homework and project are extremely simple, the lectures are interesting, and the lab quizzes are as easy as can be. The thing is, everything before is worth only half of your grade. The other half is determined by how well you do on Dr. Esdin's two gruesome exams. I find it interesting that people praise this class for its easiness and simplicity, but succeeding in the most important part of the course (the exams) is not nearly as easy.

The exams are each about 40-50 multiple choice questions that consist of tricky wording, "all of the above" answers, and your favorite "a and b" or "c and d" answer choices. Not only that, but there is not study guide. He has a "review" session where he lightly covers a few topics of each chapter, but even says himself that you still need to study the course reader because the few topics he brushes over are not all that is going to be on the exam. This amounts to having to study 40% of the course reader, every single word, for the first exam, and the other 60% for the final. This can put your grade and GPA in jeopardy.

TLDR; Don't take this class unless you want to study an entire course reader in order to do well on the exam.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
April 30, 2019

This course sucks. The content is super detailed, and professor explains so little in the lecture. The lecture is very tedious, and the course reader is so expecnsive.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 5, 2019

Material = amazing. Lectures = amazing. Exams = amazing. Professor = AMAZING. this all being said, just make sure to study and know everything for the exams. it may sound overwhelming but the material is very interesting, applicable, and should be something everyone is aware of. I had fun studying for the class. Definitely an easy A if you attend lectures, take the quizzes, go to lab, follow step by step the instructions for your lifestyle assessment project, and study. Would 20/10 recommend, you'll learn to love Esdin!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B-
June 23, 2019

Esdin is an amazing professor and I'd recommend him to anyone. I absolutely enjoyed this class so much that it didn't bother me waking up early to go to his 8 a.m.
I know what you're thinking... "8 a.m.?!" It sounds bad, I know. However, he is worth it! Esdin is great and apart from the subject being super engaging so are his lectures.
If you've taken 7 A and B then you know how this class is structured. It's pretty much just composed of points. He was right because this is definitely the most interesting from the 7 series.
I 100% recommend Esdin to any 7C seeking student.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 26, 2019

The most important thing to know about this class is that the tests are almost completely based off of the course reader. To do well, you will have to memorize almost everything that is in the course reader. Other than that, the class was pretty easy. The big class project is extremely easy and can be finished in less than 3 hours if done efficiently.

Lectures are pretty interesting and you should go as attendance is part of the class grade and Esdin sometimes includes little hints for the tests during lecture. It was a pretty cool class and I would definitely take it again.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
July 15, 2019

Lectures were engaging and entertaining. Even though it was just 50 minutes, you really feel like you learned a good chunk. The tests were easy to pass since majority of the questions came straight from the course reader. You have a project that worth a good portion of your grade but is incredibly easy to complete. Part of the project is done with your TA so there really is not an excuse not to do/complete the project. Overall, this class is an easy G.E. but incredibly fun and informative. It's easy to receive an A+ but the only reason I got my grade is because I was incredibly lazy (being a freshman and all)


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A-
Aug. 21, 2019

I love Dr. Esdin , he's such a kind professor and also explains things so well. This class wasn't the easiest GE, as there's a lot of material, and the midterm and final were based on the course reader that you had to technically memorize. But the big project definitely boosts your grade; everyone gets an A on it. Also, the final wasn't cumulative, which was nice. Overall, this class was really interesting, and the material was pretty relevant to our lives!


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31 of 45

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