507 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (98)

9 of 10
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June 27, 2009

Lived here two years ago-- had no problems-- landlord was nice- received my deposit in full which was great! This place is ideal for UCLA students b/c it is so close to campus.


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June 27, 2009

the building is pretty clean and the rooms are pretty large, there are carpet floors, tiled kitchen, walk-in closets.
All of the appliances worked great and there is a dishwasher! :)
their is gated parking - but weird pricing
washer and dryer in the apt
cool neighbors
the rooms have great lighting
Balcony are pretty spacious
it was very close to campus
*Cons *
the small pool on top(nice view but only heats for the night)
there was someone always parking in my spot from another unit
it was really annoying...........

would recommend it would have stayed if i wasn't graduating I am unsure of the pricing this year but its alot cheaper that what we were paying last year.


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June 20, 2009

Our Apartment is spacious and we even have a washing machine in the unit- that was pretty convenient. I have never had any problems with the landlord. The building staff is cool- problems are taken care of usually pretty quickly. Love the view and the jacuzzi- not always warm during the day, but warms up nice during the night. Overall, i would recommend living here.


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June 20, 2009


1. Spacious Rooms- fireplace

2. Large balconies- great to have friends over- nice view.

3. Close to UCLA

4. All of the appliances actually work (there is a dishwasher, microwave oven, and even washer and dryer!)
b/c in my last apartment the year before- i lived somewhere and most of my appliances never worked!!

5. Great amount of sunlight inside our unit- loved this!



1. Can have friends over, but they do not allow big parties.

2. jacoozi only warms up at night-- they should change that.

3. it seems like problems get taken care of quickly, but one time it took about four days for the repairman to come to our unit to replace the refrigerator

4. elevator broke down twice this year-- but atleast the management tried to fix it as fast as they could


Overall, this place is not bad- lived here for about a year and i do not have major complaints. If i have any problems i go straight to the managers in the office.-- One of the main guys litterally always is smiling- he's nice. i would live here again-- Have experienced much worse.


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June 11, 2009

This place was cool. the view is pretty nice. the rooms were spacious and had big closet room. we really didnt have anything broken in out apt like comments below but one time we clogged the shower... but Carlos th repair guy fixed it..he's really good.

i like that there was alot of Lihgting in our apt and the large living room



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June 11, 2009

I have lived here for two years and I haven’t had any major issues. When I have a problem it usually gets addressed by the guys down stairs...I had trouble with the elevator this year but its working now... I read some of these comments and it seems that some people over exaggerate things. This place is a lot cleaner than other buildings. I recommended this place to my friends that are moving next year.


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June 2, 2009

I call bullshit on the post below. I live in 202 and neither I or any of my roommates wrote that post. Interesting.....
PS- None of us "tan and/or study" on the roof. Why? A) Because its ghetto. B) the jacuzzi has never been heated and C) We have better things to do than tan on the ghetto roof all day


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June 1, 2009

It's a nice place to live. The apartments are very spacious and the neighbors are generally quite. The landlord is not as bad as others have written- my complaints have always been attended quickly. There are occasionally parties, but people are usually respectful of the other tenants. It's a couple minutes walking distance to UCLA and it's clean, so you get what you pay for in comparison to some other slightly less expensive buildings. I will also live here next year.


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May 19, 2009

DO NOT LIVE HERE!!!!! My roommates and I have had the WORST experience living at 507 Glenrock. First of all, the apartment rent is, at least, robbery. For the amount we pay($3300!!), we could be living on the beach in Newport Beach. No joke. Mike(the landlord, or that's what he SAYS his name is) is the shadiest person ever. When I moved in, the place looked DISGUSTING! The carpet needed to be replaced 5 years ago, the frig smelled horrible and looked worse, the paint job was also horrible and paint stains were all over the floor. I spent three hours cleaning up the place to make it livable. He told me that he "shampooed" the carpets but when my roommate vacuumed, the entire filter filled up with hair!! Also, our drains in our tubs were clogged and Mike just came with Drain-o and thought that would do the trick. Well, the tubs ended up being filled with muddy/dirty water that looked like sewer water and he told my roommates that if the water spilled over, we would have to PAY for the damages! He didn't even get someone out to our apt until late the NEXT DAY! And when they were showing the apartments to the potential new tenants this year, they literally came to our apt OVER 70 TIMES over three months trying to get in to show it. I am not even exaggerating, I wish I were. I think that paying over three grand a month is enough to pay for some privacy, but apparently not to our landlord. They would knock non-stop and we stopped answering the door for obvious reasons. THIS IS THE WORST PLACE TO LIVE AND I WOULD LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE NEXT YEAR BESIDES HERE!!!! And you should, too.


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May 16, 2009

Positive(s): distance from UCLA, spaciousness and (the huge) balcony. The amount of sun light is good too if you like your rooms well-lit in the morning.

The so-called jacuzzi does not work at all! Even if it does, it only works for 30 minutes.

The landlord (Mike) is the shadiest person ever. Sure, the landlord get things fixed within a good amount of time, but they constantly keep breaking (i.e. the elevator). Heck when we complain about anything, he doesn't even listen and tells us to stop complaining. He is disrespectful & rude. If we have complaints, he should listen to it and not brush it aside.

Honestly, with all the bad reviews on this apartment, I would not live here (again). This would be beyond my last resort. I think I would rather live on the streets than in this apartment for the price I'm paying! It's about the same as living at Tiverton Court (near Ralph's) except Tiverton Court has better amenities!

This apartment also installed cameras which isn't a big deal ONLY if he informed us about this! I know it might be for "safety" reasons, but this is an invasion of privacy! There was NO notice or prior knowledge of the camera installation. Next thing you know he's going to install spy cameras in every unit. I'm not exaggerating, but this is the shadiest apartment building ever.

The pipes are also a problem. I known of incidents where the pipe burst and water was dripping from that floor to the first floor. Someone's bath tub had bugs coming out of their drain too.

Parking space is expensive with the cost ranging from $50 to $100 per month. With the amount you pay to live here, parking should be provided!

Safety was an issue until Mike had to fix it after the firefighters came. A bbq grill caught on fire while the tenants were absent, but NO FIREALARMS rang and it was the neighbors from another apartment building who called the firefighters! You can smell the smoke from the fourth floor, but no alarms rang. What if there was a real fire? When I first moved in, there was only a few fire hydrants on certain floors. NOW there are fire hydrants on every floor, but why did he wait till now for safety precautions!

This shows how careless Mike is as a landlord. He waits till the last minute to get things done especially when he gets a warning from the fire department! He is rarely around, and you end up talking to a lady who knows absolutely nothing or a (shady) smiling man who tries to be your bff!

I can't wait to move out...


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Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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