507 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (98)

8 of 10
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March 3, 2011

this building was not as bad what people say it is. i dont know how it was 2 years ago but this building was great. i heard there was a different manager befor but now ron is great he helps us out alot.

they dont allow parties.
the pool does work now we use it like 2 time a month tho

we had a plumbing issue but was fixed after 2 days.

the eleator at the beggining of the yeat was breaking down but they put a new one and had not have a problem since.

if you guys have questions please email me YAGUBE@YAHOO.COM


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March 3, 2011


I use to work for a management company that would go to this site and write bad reviews for other apartment building.... we would make up names and different scenarios of things that would happen and post it on bruinwalk.com
The management company did not want to pay us so I’m going to every building we had reviewed in the last couple of years and post this comment.
I am very sorry. We have also sent an email to Bruinwalk.com


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Dec. 5, 2010

If there are any positive sounding reviews for this place, you can be sure that they are fake since they all sound like they were written by the same person. Maybe instead of taking the time to write fake reviews, management should spend more time trying to be honest fair landlords who aren't constantly breaking housing laws. I'll keep this short. Just don't live here. Don't do it! It's not even cheap! Seriously. It's been years and my old roommates and I are still pissed off at Mike/John or whatever his name is. Save yourself the headache. Ok, I'm done venting. Sigh.


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April 19, 2010

Close to UCLA- Ron the manager has been very helpful. I would recommend overall.


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Feb. 16, 2010

Currently live here- no problems. Management is nice- problems are taken care of pretty quickly. Always there when you need them- seriously forgot my key one night and my roomates were not home-- Ron (manager) actually came back to give me the spare key at 2:00 A.M.-- Close to Campus which is a big plus.


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Feb. 6, 2010

I live here right now. Things get taken care of pretty quickly-- I have a nice living room and my bedroom is pretty spatious. My apartment was pretty clean when I moved in and my carpet was clean. I enjoy the fireplace the unit has and the washer and dryer in the unit is a big plus. Have not had any major problems except for jacoozi that only warms up at night. Excellent parties on the roof though. Elevator has never been broken ever since I moved in since Sept. Overall, I recommend the place.


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Feb. 6, 2010



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Jan. 28, 2010

this apartment was not a great experience overall. i mean sure the management fixes things in a jiffy, but you pay (a certain amount more) to live in the upper floors. why is it that the elevator cannot transport the residents up and down the building? it didn't break down once or twice a year. it was practically down for almost a month, and it kept breaking down at least once a month!

the jacuzzi is alright, but someone mentioned that it only heated up at night which seems to be true.
the carpets were disgusting.
we didn't get our full deposit back, and mike (or john may i say) kept b*tching about stains and what not in our apartment.

i didn't enjoy the apartment as much because he accused us of a lot of things. the manager also plays favorite, so if you want your deposit and everything back, then you better start being friendly to him or else he won't give you back your money.

everyone in the building practically moved out after a year. those who stayed had new carpets and paint jobs in their apartment, but the other apartments basically sucked!


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Aug. 28, 2009

To address the person who wrote the review in May 2009 and any other review written this year and claimed they were living here next year- strange. Just moved out of the godforsaken complex and so did EVERYONE ELSE. These scammers are scrambling still to rent out every. single. unit. since NO ONE renewed their lease, and apparently they're also finding free time to flood Bruinview with fake, positive reviews.

I really have nothing pleasant to report about this place...
1. The sewage water from neighbors' showers flood into your own tub, creating algae and mold. The management knows this but blames it on our uncleanliness and expected us to clean up strangers' sewage water that collects in the tub at least once a day.
2. Upon movein, the carpets were filthy and there were HUGE black stains, along with pee stains from the previous tenants' dog(s). The manager's son told me today that they leave their units spotless for the new tenants. Uhhh...
3. They deduct "only" $850 for cleaning/painting. Not to mention the price in itself is a scam unless they completely remodel the entire unit, but the fact that they don't even bother cleaning the units adequately shows their dishonesty and unethical practice.
4. The real kicker- They deducted an additional $100 from the security deposit because the garage openers and a few keys weren't turned in, obtained a contract from me and two other roommates present that said he'd refund the $100 when we turned it in. Went back the next day with garage openers and remaining keys, he claims we magically generated a burn mark on the carpet (which he specifically acknowledged during our initial walkthrough and didn't comment on at our final walkthrough the day before) that's obviously been there for DECADES upon DECADES and refused to return the $100 OR the contract that gave us the legal right to the rest of our refund.

If you voluntarily live here after reading the REAL reviews here AND on lifeafterdorms.com, then you're in for a legal battle, some kind of infectious disease due to the horrid, unsanitary conditions, or both.


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June 28, 2009

I live in a 2bedroom/2bath. We have spacious apartments, ours has a fireplace and a bar area--- nice :). The living area is very large and there is lots of closed space for storage or clothing-- in addition we have 2 walk in closets. There are managers on site but do not live here- it was good for when i had any problems. I had a problem with my sink-- was fixed next day which i thought was quick. The balcony is HUGE!-- u can easily fit 15 people on it! Had problems with the elevator twice this year. I have had some parties on which nobody complained so it is a pretty relaxed place. Overall, quiet building though-- walls are pretty thick-- thank god--lol !! Nice views and good location- it takes like 8 minutes to walk to school.


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Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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