507 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (98)

7 of 10
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Feb. 8, 2013

Nice place to live... People are trippin


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Feb. 8, 2013

Ron is an awesome landlord. he's so helpful with anything and so easy to talk too. Any concerns you have with the apartment he will help you in no time, the only confer I had was with the elevator but after the renovation it's not been much an issue. The apartment complex is really clean and Ron will make sure the building is very quite throughout the year. The apartment is so spacious, you have a huge living room, a two bedroom that's big enough for five and you'll still have your own personal space. The walk to campus isn't bad is 15 walking distance. I stayed here for two years, this was my first apartment and I felt so lucky to come across it.


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Feb. 4, 2013


I lived here last year and I moved out for my senior year because I would probably go crazy and kill myself if I had to live here again. Do you play League of Legends or rely on the internet for most of your day? Live here and your internet will mess up several times a day, sometimes it will be out for several hours. Oh that's okay, just buy your own internet provider right? Nope! The management says they're "contracted with Verizon" so you can't even buy your own. Don't let any of the talk about them being "under new management" fool you. The same shady old guy "Mike" is still in charge of the building. You'll find several other reviews talking about this guy, they're all true. He seems like the kind of shady guy who owns like some huge ass empire and has millions to his name while he sits in the backyard of his Bevvy Hills mansion with nothing but swimming trunks on, boasting that hairy chest, some fine girls on his side, sippin'on some expensive drink, having his whole shady apartment business running on autopilot.

The two managers who seem to be in charge of the place are Ron and Matthew. I'm pretty sure Matthew is just "Mike's" son or something. He seems pretty nice most of the time but he can seem intimidating and sometimes you'll catch him being pretty mean to Ron. Poor Ron. He's like a minion that Matthew commands. Ron is a pretty nice manager, helping us when we need it. However, he kind of gave my roommates and me a creepy vibe. Our place came with a lot of defects, like the balcony door not opening correctly and it took forever for them to fix it. The balcony is pretty nice and is one of the only things I will commend about this place.

The people that lived above us and below us were terrible people, and I wouldn't be surprised if they still lived there without being penalized by the management. They have loud, obnoxious parties 2-3 times a week, blasting their hip-hop playlist of 5 different songs including "Clique." AIN'T NOBODY MESSIN' WITH MY CLIQUE! about 500 times throughout the night. During these parties, they go out on the balcony and do things like urinate, vomit, and throw trash off the side, hitting the cars in the parking lot. One of my roommate's cars had vomit all over the roof and my other roommate has a Jeep.. you can guess how that was!

Management seems to be putting in a decent effort to try to make the place better. I heard from my friend who still lives there that they built a little office for Ron to stay in next to the elevator. It's like a creepy little glass box that he sits in as you wait for the elevator. On top of that, I was told they hired some lady who sits on webcam during a Skype call and just stares at you as you wait for the elevator, randomly greeting you.

The price might be kind of decent, but it really isn't that great. If you're paying less (~$600), think about the room you're staying in. It's probably really small and you're probably sharing it with someone. I guarantee you can find a place for the same price that's better. However, another thing that was nice was that they provided water. BUT, a couple of times during the year, it would randomly shut off in the bathrooms. One of these times, I turned the sink on and some black stuff gushed out. Seriously?!

Okay, I'm going to go back to complaining about the internet. It's really bad throughout the day. I believe they have one cable modem in the office and they have Wi-Fi supplied to the whole building. My friend told me this year they ran wires through the building and people could use their own routers. It's still pretty terrible. I go back to my friend who still lives here's place to play some games and it's unbearable. If you spend a decent amount of time on the internet, playing games, watching YouTube or whatever, DON'T LIVE HERE. You can't do anything about the internet because the managers will just tell you some BS about you not being able to change it. One time I had an assignment due at midnight and the internet went out all night. I had to run all the way to the dorms to save my grade!

If you think the price you're paying is worth enduring all the things I'm mentioned, then go ahead, and good luck, you'll need it. I'm not exaggerating any of the things I have said. Don't let Ron's politeness sell you when you come to check out the place. Any dislikes this review gets will most likely be from the management of this building.


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Jan. 20, 2013

What a terrible mistake. Ron is a very charming fellow and does a great job of highlighting the good points of the apartment, including the great roof view. However, if you buy into his salesmanship you're sealing yourself a fate of bad communication, infestation, and disrepair.

ALL the exciting amenities of the unit (washer, dryer, heater) were not functional and have yet to be fixed as I write this. Communication with the management is impossible and makes you feel like a small, small person with no power. If you enjoy cockroaches then this apartment is a keeper.

If you're reading this, you've been warned. Don't make the same mistake we did.


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Aug. 14, 2012

Great apartment. Really not as bad as what other people say. Don't regret living here at all. Apartment was a lot roomier than I expected and it's very close to campus.


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June 8, 2012

I stayed here after transferring and had a great time (laundry machine in apt + no quarters required = win). The place came furnished and my neighbors were pretty cool guys. Ron, the manager, was very helpful and always responded quickly to any problems I had. Overall nice place to live and right up the street from campus too.

P.S. Head to the roof during sunset and you'll see an amazing view of the surrounding area and campus


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April 16, 2012

My son stayed in one of the apartments for two years.It has been a very wonderful years.I felt safe.The place was very "homey" and people were very friendly. The management is superb.I would highly recommend this place for all people/students from all walks of life.


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June 8, 2011

I am a full-time engineering student attending UCLA. Four friends and I decided to live in the apartments for the 2010-2011 school year, and we chose 507 Glenrock Ave. I have long forgotten the original reasons we chose to live at this place; these reasons were quickly displaced by the many problems that came about living here for a year. As with every apartment, there are occasionally unpredictable mishaps that make living there stressful. The following is a summary of what we encountered.

Ron is the manager who takes care of the day-to-day operations of the apartment. He is extremely friendly, he knows the names of everyone living in the apartment (~80 people), and he calls the repair-man the moment you tell him there is a problem. If you are a day late on paying rent, he will text you reminding you to pay it and will waive the late payment fee. He's a great guy, and nothing in this review will say otherwise.

The unit I live in has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. A washing and drying machine is also included, stuffed into a closet near the front door. The apartment was never designed to house these machines in the units; there is no outside exhaust vent for the dryer to attach to, so all of the heat and lint gets fumed into the entire unit.

The kitchen has a vent above the gas stove top; however, this vent does not move the air outside either. It pushes the air towards the ceiling and away from your person, so all of the airborne grease ends up on the ceiling and not on your clothes. All of the windows are made of plastic, which does little to drown out the noise of occasional parties.

Several appliances have broken during our stay. The washing machine overflowed due to a faulty "overflow sensor" or something. The air conditioning unit was busted when we moved in; this took several weeks to fix. Our kitchen sink got clogged; the repairman later told me the plumbing couldn't effectively support the garbage disposal machine in the sink. Many, many other units in this building have had similar problems; one person had to have their stove replaced, another had to replace the fridge (comes with the unit).

The biggest complaint I have is that there isn't a stable hot water supply. The water temperature fluctuates a lot when taking a shower; it changes from scalding hot water to freezing cold every minute. It has essentially developed into an art, turning the water knob to different positions to get the best possible water temperature. Several times the water heater broke completely, so we were left with only cold showers (very painful btw).

The hallways and stairways are clean but look like crap. A lot of walls have holes in them and dried drops of paint litter the carpet floors everywhere. Don't get tricked by Ron's salesman nature when he shows you the view from the roof of the complex; you're most likely never going to go up there. Also, I still question the true cleanliness of the small pool on the roof.

There is one elevator in this complex. It has broken a few times, contrary to what other reviews have said, although it hasn't been a major issue considering it only breaks once every month. All of the buttons are in crap condition too; people have used sharpies to write the floor number next to the worn and cracked elevator buttons.

There is only tandem parking, and the parking lot is gated so your cars are safe from outsiders. The front door never locks, so anyone can enter the building if they wanted to (not a big problem for me, but I'd prefer security).

Fall quarter and winter quarter things took forever to get repaired or inspected, especially the air conditioner. Spring quarter new repair guys showed up that seemed to be fairly competent at their jobs. Repairs now took only a day to fix.

Judging from previous reviews, I think the quality of living at this apartment is improving. Nonetheless, my friends and I don't think the steep $3100 rent is worth the effort. We're moving to a place on Veteran Ave. that charges about $2200. It is only two blocks away, so saving that $900 a month by walking a little longer to school is worth it. Just know there are better choices than this place.

PS: I'm doing everything I can to procrastinate on studying for my next Spring final, so this review is long. I'm sure some of you will understand :)


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April 22, 2011

the place isnt as bad as the reviews from last year make it out to be, maybe because its under new management. its cleaned up


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March 10, 2011

This apartment is spacious and has a nice balcony, but it comes at a price. The management, and especially owners, were on responsive to maintenance needs. As soon as 1 problem would get fixed, another one would come up and would not be handled until a month later. Semi Roach problem, bugs. There was something in the apartment and my roommates had an allergic reaction too and the owner said that it was OUR fault, for growing up in bad areas and that WE brought it to the apartment. Parking is tandum, and SUCKS.

15-20 minute walk to campus, and spacious if you don't mind bugs, rude owners, nosy manager, and problems galore


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Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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