
Will Conley

Overall Ratings
Based on 291 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (291)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 3, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Professor Conley is THE BEST. He is one of the few teachers I have had so far at UCLA that genuinely wants all students to pass his class. Conley goes above and beyond to help his students succeed. He is generous with grading and attendance considering it is virtual and much harder. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and learned a lot. If you ever get the chance to one of his classes you should!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 21, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

I almost failed calculus in high school but got an A in this class Will is a great professor and a good guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A


Literally the best and most caring professor ever. His class was so simple and easy (the last three weeks were a bit challenging but if you keep up it's fine). I genuinely would want to take this class again just to have him as my professor.

Any time you ask for an extension on a deadline he would ALWAYS give it, including labs, and even portions of exams since they have 2 phases. He is so accommodating and would always listen to what his students wanted.

There are so many opportunities to get points in his class besides exams so it wasn't difficult to keep a good grade. I didn't even watch the last 4 weeks of lecture and I still got an A. His class wasn't strict on covering certain topics on certain class days. Sometimes he would over-explain topics which would result in him shortening homework since he couldn't cover the rest of the material until the next class meeting.

For exams, he would always host a review session a few days before it and go over all of the content that the exams covered. Those review sessions were the only reasons I got A's on all of my exams (2 midterms and one final). I'm not even kidding, this man would break down everything and basically reteach all of the material in those review sessions.

Conley was so funny and such a precious guy. He would always show us his dogs and crack jokes in class. TAKE IT WITH HIM!!!!


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March 26, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B

Professor Conley is one of those professors that really cares about his students. You'll need an account for Aleks in the class but if you need financial aid, he'll give you a code for that. His review sessions are pretty helpful, they pretty much sum up every lecture which is really nice compared to one of those Q & A review sessions. I could've gotten an A if I didn't slack off my studying for the final, the class is doable if you put the effort in. He's a really nice guy (always smiling), very approachable if you need help or whatnot.
Selling the textbook in a binder (the textbook comes in handy for Math 31B as well)
text: **********
email: *************
good luck with the class


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 30, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-

Professor Conley is one of the best teachers I have ever had. If I could take every math class with him I would. He is a very clear speaker and his lectures are very helpful. Homework is completed on Sapling. During COVID he allowed us to have infinite tries on the problems. He assigns challenging questions, but if you go to office hours he can show you how to properly complete them.
His midterms were challenging for me and I failed the first one. But this was because I didn't attend his review session and I didn't spend much time on the provided practice exams. For the 2nd Midterm and Final I went to the review sessions and completed the practice exams. They are very similar to the actual tests. Definitely take advantage of his review sessions. He puts a lot of time into them, sometimes spending 4 hours going over material and answering everyone's questions. He gave us 24 hours to complete the exams. I took about 5 hours on the final because I tend to make silly mistakes but the review sessions and practice tests prepare you well.
Professor Conley allows for 2 grading schemes and chooses whichever one will give you a better grade. Since I did well on the 2nd midterm and final he dropped my 1st midterm (which I failed) and I was able to pull through with an A-. There are also short quizzes every week. I did ok on them, but if you do well you can get a few extra points with them.
If you have the chance to take a math class with Professor Conley definitely do it. He is such a dedicated and approachable teacher. He also showed us his dogs at the end of the final review session, which was nice after 5 hours of reviewing material. If you do not do well in this class it is because you are not taking advantage of all of the resources Mr. Conley provides.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 3, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Will Conley (and Artur who taught with him) are quite possible the best professors on the entire campus. I took this course during the pandemic, and they have been so accommodating and understanding of student needs. LS30B is harder than LS30A, but not only does Conley make difficult linear and multi-variable concepts understandable, he also cares so much about student learning and well-being. He's a fantastic lecturer and is so clear with explanations! Only downside was that we had pre-lectures on top of normal lecture, so the workload was more than a usual in-person class; however, the professors allow you to watch at your own pace since its podcasted and drop your lowest assignments. 100% recommend!!!


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Jan. 6, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This professor knows what he is teaching and gives engaging lectures. He is very nice and actually cares about your grades and tries to give you the best appropriate grade that you deserve. He also provides the class with past midterms and finals to study before exam. His midterm were very similar to the practice midterms when I took the class. Also, if you need help or have a hard time understanding the material I would recommend for you to go to his office hours because he is very approachable. If you want a good grade and you will put effort then definitely go for him.


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Feb. 13, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B

Will not be taking another class with this professor. Lectures were long, drawn out, and unclear. I took this professor as reviews said classes were clear and he was helpful but that was not the case. Gave ambiguous study guides for tests, making the final extremely difficult by involving concepts not covered/very little covered in class. This professor is not worth it, definitely look for a different one.


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June 23, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C+

Conley is an amazing lecturer but at the same time his tests were incredibly hard and his assignments took weeks to complete. The assignments were almost 15 questions and they took minimum of 72 hours to complete. You would just stare at the questions, and then go for office hours and copy the solutions (without really learning much). I thought the class would be curved but I ended with a C+ after putting in so much work and effort into the class. It is really not worth it if you are simply looking to fulfill a tech breath or try the class. Keep in mind I did the honors version.

I will say that he is very passionate about teaching the students and helping them. I cannot dispute that. I just feel that after putting in so much effort and time into the class, the curve was really not as other students had advertised and a lot of other kids fell into the same boat. I ended switching out of my Mathematics major because of this class and I realized that I was really not fit to be a Mathematician in my lifetime.

If you are really passionate about Mathematics, do the class. Otherwise, it is really not worth the time and effort.


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Dec. 4, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Conley is the best professor I've ever have! Not only his classes are so great but also his notes are arranged in such a clear way !!! His notes are FANTASTIC!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Feb. 3, 2021

Professor Conley is THE BEST. He is one of the few teachers I have had so far at UCLA that genuinely wants all students to pass his class. Conley goes above and beyond to help his students succeed. He is generous with grading and attendance considering it is virtual and much harder. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and learned a lot. If you ever get the chance to one of his classes you should!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Jan. 21, 2021

I almost failed calculus in high school but got an A in this class Will is a great professor and a good guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 22, 2021


Literally the best and most caring professor ever. His class was so simple and easy (the last three weeks were a bit challenging but if you keep up it's fine). I genuinely would want to take this class again just to have him as my professor.

Any time you ask for an extension on a deadline he would ALWAYS give it, including labs, and even portions of exams since they have 2 phases. He is so accommodating and would always listen to what his students wanted.

There are so many opportunities to get points in his class besides exams so it wasn't difficult to keep a good grade. I didn't even watch the last 4 weeks of lecture and I still got an A. His class wasn't strict on covering certain topics on certain class days. Sometimes he would over-explain topics which would result in him shortening homework since he couldn't cover the rest of the material until the next class meeting.

For exams, he would always host a review session a few days before it and go over all of the content that the exams covered. Those review sessions were the only reasons I got A's on all of my exams (2 midterms and one final). I'm not even kidding, this man would break down everything and basically reteach all of the material in those review sessions.

Conley was so funny and such a precious guy. He would always show us his dogs and crack jokes in class. TAKE IT WITH HIM!!!!


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B
March 26, 2019

Professor Conley is one of those professors that really cares about his students. You'll need an account for Aleks in the class but if you need financial aid, he'll give you a code for that. His review sessions are pretty helpful, they pretty much sum up every lecture which is really nice compared to one of those Q & A review sessions. I could've gotten an A if I didn't slack off my studying for the final, the class is doable if you put the effort in. He's a really nice guy (always smiling), very approachable if you need help or whatnot.
Selling the textbook in a binder (the textbook comes in handy for Math 31B as well)
text: **********
email: *************
good luck with the class


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Jan. 30, 2021

Professor Conley is one of the best teachers I have ever had. If I could take every math class with him I would. He is a very clear speaker and his lectures are very helpful. Homework is completed on Sapling. During COVID he allowed us to have infinite tries on the problems. He assigns challenging questions, but if you go to office hours he can show you how to properly complete them.
His midterms were challenging for me and I failed the first one. But this was because I didn't attend his review session and I didn't spend much time on the provided practice exams. For the 2nd Midterm and Final I went to the review sessions and completed the practice exams. They are very similar to the actual tests. Definitely take advantage of his review sessions. He puts a lot of time into them, sometimes spending 4 hours going over material and answering everyone's questions. He gave us 24 hours to complete the exams. I took about 5 hours on the final because I tend to make silly mistakes but the review sessions and practice tests prepare you well.
Professor Conley allows for 2 grading schemes and chooses whichever one will give you a better grade. Since I did well on the 2nd midterm and final he dropped my 1st midterm (which I failed) and I was able to pull through with an A-. There are also short quizzes every week. I did ok on them, but if you do well you can get a few extra points with them.
If you have the chance to take a math class with Professor Conley definitely do it. He is such a dedicated and approachable teacher. He also showed us his dogs at the end of the final review session, which was nice after 5 hours of reviewing material. If you do not do well in this class it is because you are not taking advantage of all of the resources Mr. Conley provides.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 3, 2020

Will Conley (and Artur who taught with him) are quite possible the best professors on the entire campus. I took this course during the pandemic, and they have been so accommodating and understanding of student needs. LS30B is harder than LS30A, but not only does Conley make difficult linear and multi-variable concepts understandable, he also cares so much about student learning and well-being. He's a fantastic lecturer and is so clear with explanations! Only downside was that we had pre-lectures on top of normal lecture, so the workload was more than a usual in-person class; however, the professors allow you to watch at your own pace since its podcasted and drop your lowest assignments. 100% recommend!!!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 6, 2020

This professor knows what he is teaching and gives engaging lectures. He is very nice and actually cares about your grades and tries to give you the best appropriate grade that you deserve. He also provides the class with past midterms and finals to study before exam. His midterm were very similar to the practice midterms when I took the class. Also, if you need help or have a hard time understanding the material I would recommend for you to go to his office hours because he is very approachable. If you want a good grade and you will put effort then definitely go for him.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B
Feb. 13, 2018

Will not be taking another class with this professor. Lectures were long, drawn out, and unclear. I took this professor as reviews said classes were clear and he was helpful but that was not the case. Gave ambiguous study guides for tests, making the final extremely difficult by involving concepts not covered/very little covered in class. This professor is not worth it, definitely look for a different one.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C+
June 23, 2023

Conley is an amazing lecturer but at the same time his tests were incredibly hard and his assignments took weeks to complete. The assignments were almost 15 questions and they took minimum of 72 hours to complete. You would just stare at the questions, and then go for office hours and copy the solutions (without really learning much). I thought the class would be curved but I ended with a C+ after putting in so much work and effort into the class. It is really not worth it if you are simply looking to fulfill a tech breath or try the class. Keep in mind I did the honors version.

I will say that he is very passionate about teaching the students and helping them. I cannot dispute that. I just feel that after putting in so much effort and time into the class, the curve was really not as other students had advertised and a lot of other kids fell into the same boat. I ended switching out of my Mathematics major because of this class and I realized that I was really not fit to be a Mathematician in my lifetime.

If you are really passionate about Mathematics, do the class. Otherwise, it is really not worth the time and effort.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 4, 2012

Professor Conley is the best professor I've ever have! Not only his classes are so great but also his notes are arranged in such a clear way !!! His notes are FANTASTIC!!!!


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