
Tonya Kane

Overall Ratings
Based on 123 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (123)

8 of 9
8 of 9
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 18, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

This class is completely points-based. There are 774 total points: 120 Midterm 1, 120 Midterm 2, 200 Final, 135 lab worksheets, 64 clicker, 45 launchpad activities, 45 PCRQs, 45 PEQs.
Like 7A, Launchpad is just busywork. Try to find the PCRQs on Quizlet so you don’t have to waste hours clicking through the content, although not all of the questions are there so you may have to either guess on a few questions or actually read some of the content. Labs are also time-consuming and mostly done as groups, and only somewhat helped in learning concepts. There aren’t as many extra credit opportunities as 7A had, just the syllabus quiz, LA/TA/instructor evals, and mini midterms. Mini midterms consist of a reflection survey and a mini midterm that allow you to earn some extra points on the midterm up to 123/120 points. There is no mini final.
Kane uploaded prelecture slides at the beginning of the week, but she wouldn’t post a complete set of the slides she showed in lecture, even though she usually showed new slides so unless you wanted to watch the recording, you were left with an incomplete slideshow. Kane was also really bad at explaining anything and asking her questions often left me more confused. While she posted practice questions for the midterms and final, there was no answer key, and we were instead told to compare answers with classmates. Even the “feedback” you get on the midterm questions is useless; it consists of telling you the learning objective for the question and sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll be told that the question is based on the week 2 lab. The grading for the midterms and finals took a really long time considering that the tests are all MC and done on CCLE which has the capacity to grade MC questions right away. Kane is also not an accommodating person and is extremely unapproachable. She’s often rude and expected us to have good wifi all the time even though she knew most of us were using unreliable wifi networks on campus. Sometimes in lecture, she’d have us go into breakout rooms and talk, but then she’d get annoyed if no one was sharing a screen even if we told her about wifi issues. She would also go overtime for almost every lecture and sometimes even have clicker questions for us to do after class was supposed to end so even if you left the zoom on time, you’d have to keep the app open to make sure you answered at least 75% of questions. Overall, I would strongly recommend taking this class with a different professor and only with Kane if you’re desperate to finish prereqs or have no other choice.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 20, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

Professor Kane was nice, but not the best at explaining topics clearly.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 26, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

I had to attend lecture outside half of the time because I had class right after this, so the wifi was bad and I would give up on listening to lecture halfway through. Kane was an okay professor, but the class was kind of boring. At least the tests weren't too hard, and it was open-book. Our discussion sections were almost 2 hours, but I often had to email my TA to let her know I'm going to turn in the lab worksheet a little late because I couldn't finish during class. They were ridiculously long, in my opinion.
In terms of asking for help, I would go to office hours and LA workshops, but the LA workshops were more helpful. When I asked Kane a question during office hours, she would sometimes get confused herself and tries to reason through it and take me in circles, ultimately giving a weak answer. The class overall wasn't too bad, though, so don't worry.


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March 24, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

I don't really like the LIFESCI curriculum because of launchpad. But Kane is a good professor and the lectures are solid. Midterms are not too bad, just a time constraint on the first midterm. There are so many free points in this class that even if you do poorly on the midterms and final you should still get a decent grade. GL


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Dec. 10, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A

Great upper division EEB course. Kane is a wonderful professor and kind lady, I can not wait to take another course with her. Do not miss out on taking this class!


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Sept. 26, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

I took this class with Katie Hannibal and I could not in good faith recommend it to anyone. The most frustrating part of the class was the unclear instructions from the TA regarding the labs and the final project. I visited office hours multiple times to clarify what I would need to do when submitting assignments and get a better grade, but when it came to grading I would get marked off of what I was told to do during office hours. Regarding grading, in a six-week session, we would get our labs back two weeks after we submitted them, however, there were multiple times when something would be taught in week 4 for example but we'd get marked off in our week two lab when we did not even learn the material yet.


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Aug. 18, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A-

This was a horrible class. Please avoid the TA Katie Hannibal if you can. She has been the worst TA that I have had and is extremely condescending if you ask her for anything (like she wont give you feedback or help bc doing her job is hard). The course is graded off of 5 labs and a final project, each worth a large percentage of your grade. The average for these labs was about a 70%. Our TA would take off points for anything from wrong color font, to adding too much detail. She graded our week 2 lab in week 5 but then was upset you didn't incorporate the previous feedback. She would also randomly skip lab sessions without notifying us. The professor then defended the TA when the concerns were brought up by many people and then explained that "we just don't think you can keep up with the expectations from before covid." implying that we were incompetent, when the points taken off were not outlined in the syllabus. The grading was so entirely arbitrary, which was the most disheartening part. I respect and liked Kane as a professor for 109, but she did not have the time to dedicate to 109L. This was shown by the zero office hours offered by the prof, and the TA, and the complete refusal to answer emails. Please avoid taking this class over the summer, but especially avoid katie:)


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March 29, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-

First, I don't know if it was just for my quarter but bruincast wasn't set up in the room so the "recorded lectures" ended up being podcasts which made it super hard to follow. The professor herself is mid. We fell behind a couple of times because of the amount of clicker questions she would ask in lectures. There were a lot! It was honestly annoying. We also had Dr. Pires be a guest lecturer for us a couple of times and she went through our whole week's worth of slides in just one day which is saying something about the pace of Kane. She also provides practice questions before the midterm and final but no answer keys. They expect you to colloborate with others which was super annoying. The professor doesn't explain things as well as Pires did so if you have the choice, definitely take it with Pires. People tended to do worse on midterm 1 than 2 so don't feel too bad if you don't get a good grade. Overall 7B wasn't too bad.


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March 27, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Coming from LS7A. This class was a bit clearer than the previous, and this has to do with both the condensed number of assignments (1 vs 2 reading guides per week, but same number and structure of weekly quizzes) and this professor's more straightforward teaching style. I really appreciated how accessible this professor was - her office hours were right before or after class, and she was patient enough to draw out some diagrams and explain some ideas I wasn't familiar with when I asked her about my confusions. Her frank walkthroughs of how to read graphs on the slides and how to do PEQs also helped greatly on the exam.


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March 26, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

7B is just 7A 2.0, but the individual phase of the midterms and final were in person (20 questions). I don't think I have much to say about 7B in general; it's genetics (weeks 1-3), evolution (weeks 4-7), and ecology (weeks 8-10, actually i forgot the exact weeks). I personally enjoyed 7A more, but that's just personal preference. The material itself isn't difficult, and with some prior knowledge most people should do fine in this class.

Professor Kane is a great professor, she explains things clearly and is willing to help her students (although I haven't been to her office hours since I had class at that time). So if you're looking for a good prof, Kane is a great choice.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 18, 2021

This class is completely points-based. There are 774 total points: 120 Midterm 1, 120 Midterm 2, 200 Final, 135 lab worksheets, 64 clicker, 45 launchpad activities, 45 PCRQs, 45 PEQs.
Like 7A, Launchpad is just busywork. Try to find the PCRQs on Quizlet so you don’t have to waste hours clicking through the content, although not all of the questions are there so you may have to either guess on a few questions or actually read some of the content. Labs are also time-consuming and mostly done as groups, and only somewhat helped in learning concepts. There aren’t as many extra credit opportunities as 7A had, just the syllabus quiz, LA/TA/instructor evals, and mini midterms. Mini midterms consist of a reflection survey and a mini midterm that allow you to earn some extra points on the midterm up to 123/120 points. There is no mini final.
Kane uploaded prelecture slides at the beginning of the week, but she wouldn’t post a complete set of the slides she showed in lecture, even though she usually showed new slides so unless you wanted to watch the recording, you were left with an incomplete slideshow. Kane was also really bad at explaining anything and asking her questions often left me more confused. While she posted practice questions for the midterms and final, there was no answer key, and we were instead told to compare answers with classmates. Even the “feedback” you get on the midterm questions is useless; it consists of telling you the learning objective for the question and sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll be told that the question is based on the week 2 lab. The grading for the midterms and finals took a really long time considering that the tests are all MC and done on CCLE which has the capacity to grade MC questions right away. Kane is also not an accommodating person and is extremely unapproachable. She’s often rude and expected us to have good wifi all the time even though she knew most of us were using unreliable wifi networks on campus. Sometimes in lecture, she’d have us go into breakout rooms and talk, but then she’d get annoyed if no one was sharing a screen even if we told her about wifi issues. She would also go overtime for almost every lecture and sometimes even have clicker questions for us to do after class was supposed to end so even if you left the zoom on time, you’d have to keep the app open to make sure you answered at least 75% of questions. Overall, I would strongly recommend taking this class with a different professor and only with Kane if you’re desperate to finish prereqs or have no other choice.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 20, 2021

Professor Kane was nice, but not the best at explaining topics clearly.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 26, 2021

I had to attend lecture outside half of the time because I had class right after this, so the wifi was bad and I would give up on listening to lecture halfway through. Kane was an okay professor, but the class was kind of boring. At least the tests weren't too hard, and it was open-book. Our discussion sections were almost 2 hours, but I often had to email my TA to let her know I'm going to turn in the lab worksheet a little late because I couldn't finish during class. They were ridiculously long, in my opinion.
In terms of asking for help, I would go to office hours and LA workshops, but the LA workshops were more helpful. When I asked Kane a question during office hours, she would sometimes get confused herself and tries to reason through it and take me in circles, ultimately giving a weak answer. The class overall wasn't too bad, though, so don't worry.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 24, 2020

I don't really like the LIFESCI curriculum because of launchpad. But Kane is a good professor and the lectures are solid. Midterms are not too bad, just a time constraint on the first midterm. There are so many free points in this class that even if you do poorly on the midterms and final you should still get a decent grade. GL


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Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A
Dec. 10, 2024

Great upper division EEB course. Kane is a wonderful professor and kind lady, I can not wait to take another course with her. Do not miss out on taking this class!


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Sept. 26, 2024

I took this class with Katie Hannibal and I could not in good faith recommend it to anyone. The most frustrating part of the class was the unclear instructions from the TA regarding the labs and the final project. I visited office hours multiple times to clarify what I would need to do when submitting assignments and get a better grade, but when it came to grading I would get marked off of what I was told to do during office hours. Regarding grading, in a six-week session, we would get our labs back two weeks after we submitted them, however, there were multiple times when something would be taught in week 4 for example but we'd get marked off in our week two lab when we did not even learn the material yet.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A-
Aug. 18, 2024

This was a horrible class. Please avoid the TA Katie Hannibal if you can. She has been the worst TA that I have had and is extremely condescending if you ask her for anything (like she wont give you feedback or help bc doing her job is hard). The course is graded off of 5 labs and a final project, each worth a large percentage of your grade. The average for these labs was about a 70%. Our TA would take off points for anything from wrong color font, to adding too much detail. She graded our week 2 lab in week 5 but then was upset you didn't incorporate the previous feedback. She would also randomly skip lab sessions without notifying us. The professor then defended the TA when the concerns were brought up by many people and then explained that "we just don't think you can keep up with the expectations from before covid." implying that we were incompetent, when the points taken off were not outlined in the syllabus. The grading was so entirely arbitrary, which was the most disheartening part. I respect and liked Kane as a professor for 109, but she did not have the time to dedicate to 109L. This was shown by the zero office hours offered by the prof, and the TA, and the complete refusal to answer emails. Please avoid taking this class over the summer, but especially avoid katie:)


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
March 29, 2024

First, I don't know if it was just for my quarter but bruincast wasn't set up in the room so the "recorded lectures" ended up being podcasts which made it super hard to follow. The professor herself is mid. We fell behind a couple of times because of the amount of clicker questions she would ask in lectures. There were a lot! It was honestly annoying. We also had Dr. Pires be a guest lecturer for us a couple of times and she went through our whole week's worth of slides in just one day which is saying something about the pace of Kane. She also provides practice questions before the midterm and final but no answer keys. They expect you to colloborate with others which was super annoying. The professor doesn't explain things as well as Pires did so if you have the choice, definitely take it with Pires. People tended to do worse on midterm 1 than 2 so don't feel too bad if you don't get a good grade. Overall 7B wasn't too bad.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 27, 2024

Coming from LS7A. This class was a bit clearer than the previous, and this has to do with both the condensed number of assignments (1 vs 2 reading guides per week, but same number and structure of weekly quizzes) and this professor's more straightforward teaching style. I really appreciated how accessible this professor was - her office hours were right before or after class, and she was patient enough to draw out some diagrams and explain some ideas I wasn't familiar with when I asked her about my confusions. Her frank walkthroughs of how to read graphs on the slides and how to do PEQs also helped greatly on the exam.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 26, 2024

7B is just 7A 2.0, but the individual phase of the midterms and final were in person (20 questions). I don't think I have much to say about 7B in general; it's genetics (weeks 1-3), evolution (weeks 4-7), and ecology (weeks 8-10, actually i forgot the exact weeks). I personally enjoyed 7A more, but that's just personal preference. The material itself isn't difficult, and with some prior knowledge most people should do fine in this class.

Professor Kane is a great professor, she explains things clearly and is willing to help her students (although I haven't been to her office hours since I had class at that time). So if you're looking for a good prof, Kane is a great choice.


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8 of 9

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