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Tonya Kane
Based on 123 Users
The 7 series is the 7 series; it's not gonna vary too much by professor. However, I highly recommend Kane. She's super sweet and would chat with me before and after class. She really cares about her students and her lectures are AMAZING, she's so clear. Take it with her!
Definitely easier than 7A. A lot of the material isn't the most engaging if you're pre-med, as it delves a lot into ecology, but it isn't too difficult. Kane is a good professor and you can tell she really cares about the subject.
I honestly don't see what all the hype is about. Sure Kane is a great person, but there wasn't anything special in lecture. It was the same as any other LS 7 series class. They say 7B is easier than 7A, but I actually found it to be wayyy harder than 7A. Since the final was on CCLE because of COVID they made the exam harder, which is frankly very unfair. A lot of people were flaming the LS core for the way they handled the whole final situation.
Def a lot easier than 7A. Kane is a good professor, but she isn't all that, maybe because I did not really get to know her but her lectures are good and she explains the material sufficiently enough. When reviewing for midterms, her and Pires contradicted each other a few times, so that was bit confusing. Absolutely hated the labs they were always way too long and sometimes confusing. Didn't love or hate this class but everyone is different.
I highly encourage taking this class with this professor. She was very understanding throughout the quarter and genuinely wanted students to do well on exams. She assigned us weekly quizzes on a scientific article and a separate quiz ("end of the week quizzes") that was super straightforward as long as you were caught up on lectures. Highly recommend!! Loved this class!
The six week course undoubtedly is more challenging than the course during a regular quarter due to the much faster pace. I do think, however, the amount/ variety of content in 7B is better suited to be squeezed into six weeks without overburdening the students (compared to 7A).
Since the class was online, it could not be very interactive. However, I do feel that Dr.Kane created a casual but productive learning environment that keeps students engaged. Dr. Kane is quite easy going and spends a good amount of time explaining clicker questions, as well as making necessary clarifications for questions asked in Zoom chat.
The three day lecture + 2 day lab format works fine and allowed us to cover all the necessary materials (though I think there was a bit of rushing in the last week). The animal and plant diversity take-home labs were extremely long and frustrating for students to complete. The midterms/final, like all other LS7 series' assessments, are all multiple-choice questions and often involve nuisances (regarding relationships between different processes or factors) that may be confusing. We could not see which questions we got wrong and had to meet Dr.Kane one-on-one (I really appreciate her taking out probably 3-4 hours in an afternoon to meet everyone, but I think this restriction from the LS department really makes life more difficult for both students and professor).
She is a nice person but not the best professor. Lecture is mainly her doing clicker questions and not much else. Lab sections were very bland and dry. Luckily I had a good TA who did not grade too harshly on worksheets. However, some kids were unlucky and got some that deducted tons of points even if you had grammar mistakes. I mean it is literally a biology class not english. Midterms and final however were incredibly difficult. Way harder than 7A. My recomendation is to know genetics and all the math behind it so WELL. That is literally all on one of the midterms and it was so difficult and was why so many kids did poorly. Anyway good luck.
Dr. Kane was a very personable professor and she knew the material well. One of her only drawbacks is that she could often get off topic, and when taking this course in the summer, that doesn't bode well for covering all the material before the final. Having two midterms during a 6 week course was a little rough, but it was doable. I would recommend doing the CLC worksheets and going to their meetings twice a week. This is your best way to apply what you have learned. Launchpad is not the best, but it is doable. I would recommend Dr. Kane as a professor for 7B! Lab sections were not the best, and how hard you are graded depends on your TA. I think they would definitely be better in person. Tests were on CCLE and they had a two hour time limit, expect the final had 3.
LIFESCI 7B was co-taught by Dr. Kane and Dr. Kremer. Dr. Kane focused on the introduction and evolution, while Dr. Kremer focused on ecology later on in the quarter. I thought that both of them were engaging lecturers, if a bit slow to go through the material. The clicker questions were very helpful to gauge understanding and preparedness for the exams, because the questions were similar. The exams were difficult because of the question style, which was true with LIFESCI 7A as well. But the material tested was fair, and if with some study was manageable. I enjoyed this class for its content, and it was never too stressful.
Dr. Kane's portion of the class was pretty easy to understand, but applying those concepts to the exams were tough. She explains clickers pretty well, but there was just too much Launchpad, especially in short weeks and midterm weeks.
The 7 series is the 7 series; it's not gonna vary too much by professor. However, I highly recommend Kane. She's super sweet and would chat with me before and after class. She really cares about her students and her lectures are AMAZING, she's so clear. Take it with her!
Definitely easier than 7A. A lot of the material isn't the most engaging if you're pre-med, as it delves a lot into ecology, but it isn't too difficult. Kane is a good professor and you can tell she really cares about the subject.
I honestly don't see what all the hype is about. Sure Kane is a great person, but there wasn't anything special in lecture. It was the same as any other LS 7 series class. They say 7B is easier than 7A, but I actually found it to be wayyy harder than 7A. Since the final was on CCLE because of COVID they made the exam harder, which is frankly very unfair. A lot of people were flaming the LS core for the way they handled the whole final situation.
Def a lot easier than 7A. Kane is a good professor, but she isn't all that, maybe because I did not really get to know her but her lectures are good and she explains the material sufficiently enough. When reviewing for midterms, her and Pires contradicted each other a few times, so that was bit confusing. Absolutely hated the labs they were always way too long and sometimes confusing. Didn't love or hate this class but everyone is different.
I highly encourage taking this class with this professor. She was very understanding throughout the quarter and genuinely wanted students to do well on exams. She assigned us weekly quizzes on a scientific article and a separate quiz ("end of the week quizzes") that was super straightforward as long as you were caught up on lectures. Highly recommend!! Loved this class!
The six week course undoubtedly is more challenging than the course during a regular quarter due to the much faster pace. I do think, however, the amount/ variety of content in 7B is better suited to be squeezed into six weeks without overburdening the students (compared to 7A).
Since the class was online, it could not be very interactive. However, I do feel that Dr.Kane created a casual but productive learning environment that keeps students engaged. Dr. Kane is quite easy going and spends a good amount of time explaining clicker questions, as well as making necessary clarifications for questions asked in Zoom chat.
The three day lecture + 2 day lab format works fine and allowed us to cover all the necessary materials (though I think there was a bit of rushing in the last week). The animal and plant diversity take-home labs were extremely long and frustrating for students to complete. The midterms/final, like all other LS7 series' assessments, are all multiple-choice questions and often involve nuisances (regarding relationships between different processes or factors) that may be confusing. We could not see which questions we got wrong and had to meet Dr.Kane one-on-one (I really appreciate her taking out probably 3-4 hours in an afternoon to meet everyone, but I think this restriction from the LS department really makes life more difficult for both students and professor).
She is a nice person but not the best professor. Lecture is mainly her doing clicker questions and not much else. Lab sections were very bland and dry. Luckily I had a good TA who did not grade too harshly on worksheets. However, some kids were unlucky and got some that deducted tons of points even if you had grammar mistakes. I mean it is literally a biology class not english. Midterms and final however were incredibly difficult. Way harder than 7A. My recomendation is to know genetics and all the math behind it so WELL. That is literally all on one of the midterms and it was so difficult and was why so many kids did poorly. Anyway good luck.
Dr. Kane was a very personable professor and she knew the material well. One of her only drawbacks is that she could often get off topic, and when taking this course in the summer, that doesn't bode well for covering all the material before the final. Having two midterms during a 6 week course was a little rough, but it was doable. I would recommend doing the CLC worksheets and going to their meetings twice a week. This is your best way to apply what you have learned. Launchpad is not the best, but it is doable. I would recommend Dr. Kane as a professor for 7B! Lab sections were not the best, and how hard you are graded depends on your TA. I think they would definitely be better in person. Tests were on CCLE and they had a two hour time limit, expect the final had 3.
LIFESCI 7B was co-taught by Dr. Kane and Dr. Kremer. Dr. Kane focused on the introduction and evolution, while Dr. Kremer focused on ecology later on in the quarter. I thought that both of them were engaging lecturers, if a bit slow to go through the material. The clicker questions were very helpful to gauge understanding and preparedness for the exams, because the questions were similar. The exams were difficult because of the question style, which was true with LIFESCI 7A as well. But the material tested was fair, and if with some study was manageable. I enjoyed this class for its content, and it was never too stressful.
Dr. Kane's portion of the class was pretty easy to understand, but applying those concepts to the exams were tough. She explains clickers pretty well, but there was just too much Launchpad, especially in short weeks and midterm weeks.