
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 154 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (154)

4 of 12
4 of 12
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June 25, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

I would highly recommend taking this class with Professor Khankan! Her teaching style is great; her lectures are very clear, she answers questions and makes herself available to students.
This class focuses more on problem-solving skills applied to course material rather than intensive memorization of the material. Hence, you are better off studying the hand-outs, graphs, rather than learning every piece of information.


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March 27, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Took Khankan over Esdin because Khankan Bruincasted and I knew from friends who took the class already that Esdin did not (maybe changed now?). 7C was definitely the hardest class out of the LS 7 series. I did bad on the first midterm, but when I started watching every Bruincast they helped A LOT and I was able to do better on midterm 2 and the final. I'd basically watch every Bruincast again, something I barely did in 7A and 7B, to hear her explanations for every clicker question. A lot of the stuff on Launchpad is NOT helpful, especially when it talks about all the body systems in different organisms, so I would only look at Launchpad for super specific questions about something when studying.
Khankan lived on the Hill so it was super convenient when she held OH/Reviews the night before the midterms and final on the Hill at like 10 pm. I only went to one of her OH though because they were pretty crowded but I went to my TA's before every midterm to ask specific questions and practically no one else was there. Final was weird--it was super easy for all the gene editing/bacteria stuff (Weeks 7-10) but everything else pertaining Weeks 1-6 (30% of questions on the final) was pretty hard. Definitely study Weeks 1-6 for the final.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 12, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Dr. Khankan is the BEST! I fell in love with biology in this class and Khankan just made the experience even better. She gives engaging lectures and does not hesitate to help her students out. If you have the chance to take any class with her, jump on it -- your grade and learning will thank you.

If you're taking this class, you're probably already used to the 7 series and know the level of difficulty of tests. I would say I found 7B tests harder but only because I didn't enjoy the content so I didn't learn as well. In this class, human physiology is so damn interesting and it more or less came as second nature to me on the tests. However, this class being online meant the midterms had short answers (which was new to the 7 series) and the professors did NOT allow us to look at what we missed on the MCs (which definitely hindered my understanding and learning) so in general the class did mediocre on the midterms.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 3, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Khankan is one of the best lecturers I've ever had at UCLA. She explains concepts and clicker questions very clearly and her office hours are so helpful if you want to do well in the class. She's super understanding and caring. LS7C is a pretty tough class so I would definitely recommend taking it with Khankan!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 16, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A

This class was so great! Professor Khankan was an amazing lecturer, and I honestly found it difficult to not understand things when she explained. The material covered in the course was still difficult and required much review and analysis (CLC sessions are SO important for this), but Professor Khankan makes herself available as often as possible after lecture or during office hours. Some of the questions on Launchpad (the online homework/textbook platform) were sort of unfair, in my opinion, which was exacerbated by the fact that every point counted in this class. However, if you attend CLC sessions, office hours, and make the most of every lecture, you will succeed. Be sure to practice analyzing every physiological system (from genes to skin to digestive system to the whole body) for each of the three exams in this course.


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July 1, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: NR

FOR LS7C: khankhan was super nice and seemed very informed on the material. She explained stuff pretty well at lectures 7 I'd advice to take some notes b/c the slides don't cover everything. Luckily this class is bruincasted in case you miss something. But even with her great teaching, the 7 series is still pretty new. So i felt like the tests weren't up to the same level as her teaching. Only b/c the tests are pure true/false and they are really set up to trick you. I can't blame her though b/c the teachers seem to be learing how to teach better within the 7 series. Just go to office hours and pay attention in lecture.


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Aug. 21, 2018
Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: A

Amazing teacher and good class if you put in the work. Highly recommend going to office hours and asking questions about what muscles are working with what types of movement, and going over general anatomy in the second half of the course. She gave us sheets on what muscles do what movement and you are expected to memorize and understand that for the practicals as well. For the first half of the course, you will be going over all the body systems, which in my opinion, was really difficult. Her tests are hard and I recommend studying in groups and explaining to someone the exact steps each system goes through, where they get their blood supply, etc. Overall, I really enjoyed Professor Khankan and good luck in the course!


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April 10, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B+

If you want to get an A in this class, or even enjoy this class at all, I highly suggest that you avoid taking it with Professor Khankan. I very rarely dislike professors beyond their grading scheme, but I disliked almost everything about her teaching method. She is sarcastic and funny, and she knows her material. However, I felt like she didn't try at all to be helpful throughout the course. She was condescending, her tests were RIDICULOUSLY hard, and the workload was absolutely ridiculous. Not only that, but I genuinely felt like she did not care about her students or how they were learning the class material. Really did not enjoy this class with her.


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April 4, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

Took Dr. Khankan for LS3 during Winter 2017. She was not a viable teacher to teach this course nor was she interested in well being of her students. The fact that no one got a 100 or 98 on either of her midterms shows that there is something seriously lacking in her teaching approach. She is not flexible when it comes to helping students nor is she concerned about her students' performance on her examinations. She does not seem all that knowledgeable about the course material and it is evident that professorship is a mandated activity for her research career here at UCLA. While I ended up getting an A in LS3, it was definitely one heck of a quarter with two hard midterm exams and a hard final. The class was apparently "straight" scaled but in reality it was eventually curved due to the low distribution of scores.


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March 30, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

This class was surprisingly tolerable. I heard so many bad things about Khankan from other Bruinwalk reviews, but she wasn't that bad. I mean she wasn't amazing, but she wasn't too horrible. Yes, the class isn't the most exciting and she spends way too much time waiting for clickers, but that's not the worst thing in the world. Exams are hard as expected. The questions are stereotypically "tricky" like the rest of the LS series. You have to memorize more info than the other LS classes, but not too bad. Overall, she's the not the best, not the worst, but it's not the end of the world if you end up stuck with her. Plus she gives 8 points of extra credit or something at the end of the course, and also since our class did above 75 average, the class ended up not being curved. But like all the other classes just do the clickers, do the discussion section, and the launchpad stuff and you get almost half the points given to you free A, so you just need like an 88 or whatever to get an A. Overall, not that bad.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 25, 2019

I would highly recommend taking this class with Professor Khankan! Her teaching style is great; her lectures are very clear, she answers questions and makes herself available to students.
This class focuses more on problem-solving skills applied to course material rather than intensive memorization of the material. Hence, you are better off studying the hand-outs, graphs, rather than learning every piece of information.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
March 27, 2020

Took Khankan over Esdin because Khankan Bruincasted and I knew from friends who took the class already that Esdin did not (maybe changed now?). 7C was definitely the hardest class out of the LS 7 series. I did bad on the first midterm, but when I started watching every Bruincast they helped A LOT and I was able to do better on midterm 2 and the final. I'd basically watch every Bruincast again, something I barely did in 7A and 7B, to hear her explanations for every clicker question. A lot of the stuff on Launchpad is NOT helpful, especially when it talks about all the body systems in different organisms, so I would only look at Launchpad for super specific questions about something when studying.
Khankan lived on the Hill so it was super convenient when she held OH/Reviews the night before the midterms and final on the Hill at like 10 pm. I only went to one of her OH though because they were pretty crowded but I went to my TA's before every midterm to ask specific questions and practically no one else was there. Final was weird--it was super easy for all the gene editing/bacteria stuff (Weeks 7-10) but everything else pertaining Weeks 1-6 (30% of questions on the final) was pretty hard. Definitely study Weeks 1-6 for the final.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 12, 2020

Dr. Khankan is the BEST! I fell in love with biology in this class and Khankan just made the experience even better. She gives engaging lectures and does not hesitate to help her students out. If you have the chance to take any class with her, jump on it -- your grade and learning will thank you.

If you're taking this class, you're probably already used to the 7 series and know the level of difficulty of tests. I would say I found 7B tests harder but only because I didn't enjoy the content so I didn't learn as well. In this class, human physiology is so damn interesting and it more or less came as second nature to me on the tests. However, this class being online meant the midterms had short answers (which was new to the 7 series) and the professors did NOT allow us to look at what we missed on the MCs (which definitely hindered my understanding and learning) so in general the class did mediocre on the midterms.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 3, 2020

Khankan is one of the best lecturers I've ever had at UCLA. She explains concepts and clicker questions very clearly and her office hours are so helpful if you want to do well in the class. She's super understanding and caring. LS7C is a pretty tough class so I would definitely recommend taking it with Khankan!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A
Sept. 16, 2020

This class was so great! Professor Khankan was an amazing lecturer, and I honestly found it difficult to not understand things when she explained. The material covered in the course was still difficult and required much review and analysis (CLC sessions are SO important for this), but Professor Khankan makes herself available as often as possible after lecture or during office hours. Some of the questions on Launchpad (the online homework/textbook platform) were sort of unfair, in my opinion, which was exacerbated by the fact that every point counted in this class. However, if you attend CLC sessions, office hours, and make the most of every lecture, you will succeed. Be sure to practice analyzing every physiological system (from genes to skin to digestive system to the whole body) for each of the three exams in this course.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: NR
July 1, 2018

FOR LS7C: khankhan was super nice and seemed very informed on the material. She explained stuff pretty well at lectures 7 I'd advice to take some notes b/c the slides don't cover everything. Luckily this class is bruincasted in case you miss something. But even with her great teaching, the 7 series is still pretty new. So i felt like the tests weren't up to the same level as her teaching. Only b/c the tests are pure true/false and they are really set up to trick you. I can't blame her though b/c the teachers seem to be learing how to teach better within the 7 series. Just go to office hours and pay attention in lecture.


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Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: A
Aug. 21, 2018

Amazing teacher and good class if you put in the work. Highly recommend going to office hours and asking questions about what muscles are working with what types of movement, and going over general anatomy in the second half of the course. She gave us sheets on what muscles do what movement and you are expected to memorize and understand that for the practicals as well. For the first half of the course, you will be going over all the body systems, which in my opinion, was really difficult. Her tests are hard and I recommend studying in groups and explaining to someone the exact steps each system goes through, where they get their blood supply, etc. Overall, I really enjoyed Professor Khankan and good luck in the course!


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B+
April 10, 2017

If you want to get an A in this class, or even enjoy this class at all, I highly suggest that you avoid taking it with Professor Khankan. I very rarely dislike professors beyond their grading scheme, but I disliked almost everything about her teaching method. She is sarcastic and funny, and she knows her material. However, I felt like she didn't try at all to be helpful throughout the course. She was condescending, her tests were RIDICULOUSLY hard, and the workload was absolutely ridiculous. Not only that, but I genuinely felt like she did not care about her students or how they were learning the class material. Really did not enjoy this class with her.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
April 4, 2017

Took Dr. Khankan for LS3 during Winter 2017. She was not a viable teacher to teach this course nor was she interested in well being of her students. The fact that no one got a 100 or 98 on either of her midterms shows that there is something seriously lacking in her teaching approach. She is not flexible when it comes to helping students nor is she concerned about her students' performance on her examinations. She does not seem all that knowledgeable about the course material and it is evident that professorship is a mandated activity for her research career here at UCLA. While I ended up getting an A in LS3, it was definitely one heck of a quarter with two hard midterm exams and a hard final. The class was apparently "straight" scaled but in reality it was eventually curved due to the low distribution of scores.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 30, 2019

This class was surprisingly tolerable. I heard so many bad things about Khankan from other Bruinwalk reviews, but she wasn't that bad. I mean she wasn't amazing, but she wasn't too horrible. Yes, the class isn't the most exciting and she spends way too much time waiting for clickers, but that's not the worst thing in the world. Exams are hard as expected. The questions are stereotypically "tricky" like the rest of the LS series. You have to memorize more info than the other LS classes, but not too bad. Overall, she's the not the best, not the worst, but it's not the end of the world if you end up stuck with her. Plus she gives 8 points of extra credit or something at the end of the course, and also since our class did above 75 average, the class ended up not being curved. But like all the other classes just do the clickers, do the discussion section, and the launchpad stuff and you get almost half the points given to you free A, so you just need like an 88 or whatever to get an A. Overall, not that bad.


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4 of 12

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