
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 154 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (154)

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3 of 12
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Dec. 22, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I feel mixed leaving a review since I really wish I could rate Dr. Khankan separately from the standardized curriculum of LS7A. As far as Dr. K is concerned, I absolutely loved her as a professor. She is very fair, understanding, easy to approach, and an extremely engaging professor. Her lectures serve more as a review of what you cover in the textbook, as per the flipped classroom curriculum, but I found it a bit difficult to take any meaningful notes on paper because she moves super quickly. I definitely recommend downloading the lecture slides and annotating them. Attendance is taken through iClicker. I found a pdf of the textbook and just bought the iClicker separately since achieve is not a requirement.

If you're used to a lot of structure in your classes, I definitely recommend this class as a first quarter course because it holds you accountable right away instead of realizing how behind you are once the first midterm rolls around. The workload is manageable, and I spent probably 8 hours tops on work every week outside of studying for midterms and finals.

As far as the actual standardized class goes, I'm not a fan. I dislike the note guides because I like taking my own notes, so I ended up doing notes twice. The exam questions test you more on how well you understand the questions than the actual material. The professors as a whole often do not fix mistakes on the grounds that they offer extra credit, so it shouldn't matter. There's a large section of the class that focuses on "growth mindset" and "interior locus of control", which is quite tedious after you finish the first set of reflections. This is the only class I took where I felt like I had busy work.

TL;DR if you have to take this class as a major rec, I definitely recommend Dr. Khankan. If you aren't a life science major and/or do not need this class, I'd skip it if you aren't good at mcq tests and don't like a super structured class with a lot of small assignments.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Khankan is the best professor to take an LS series class with. She has taught the LS core classes for many quarters so she has a very in depth understanding of the material and what will be asked on the exams. She is also very approachable, passionate about the material she is teaching, and will answer any question about the material no matter how simple or straightforward (so don't be afraid to ask questions!!) I highly highly recommend to attend her office hours which are extremely helpful!! Even if you don't have any questions, she clear up confusing concepts and test students with example (very realistic) exam questions.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Professor Khankan is a great and engaging lecturer. This is most evident when our lecturer switched near the end of the course; you truly realize how interesting she can make a long 1hr 15min lecture be in comparison to others. The lecture slides aren't very content heavy, and I didn't bother taking notes over them. The most effective method I found is to thoroughly read and take notes over the Launchpad readings before lecture, and have the lecture serve as a content review. Professor Khankan's lecturing is very clear, well organized, and engaging.

While I have the same complaints about wording and typos on exams, since the department and not the professor makes the exams this is essentially out of her control. However, the exams are still fair, and everything we have been tested over has been covered in either Launchpad readings or in class. I had no problem with time on the exams as well. There is a lot of content covered in one quarter, so I highly recommend that you stay on top of things and not fall behind.

You can tell that Professor Khankan cares greatly about student learning. She holds office hours four times a week, three of them are content office hours and one is for non-content office hours which is a great opportunity to chat with her and get to know her. During office hours she answers any and all questions very thoroughly and clearly to her best ability. Overall the LS7A class may have some flaws, but I highly recommend you choose her as your professor if you get the chance.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Professor Khankan is the MOST fantastic LS professor without doubts. She is super clear with everything. The class is super engaging and efficient. She is patient with every question. The class sometimes popped up extended knowledge, which is very interesting. Best Experience Ever!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Professor Khankan is a good professor, She cares about students and is quite engaging. Every professor basically has the same tests for the LS7 series so don't bother trying to find a professor who is "easier", I think its all about how interesting they are and how well you learn from them.
All in all Khankan is a great Professor and always loves to talk to students and offer help.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A

While Khankan is a good lecturer & professor, I think especially this quarter, LS 7C gave everyone a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety, in an already difficult time. Launchpad was particularly unhelpful, and the tests had very poor wording (which did not change despite feedback from students). As a result, many students did poorly in the exams, and while the professors & TAs kept stressing that they would give us opportunities to make up lost points, these opportunities were limited. LS 7C was much harder compared to 7A & 7B, and there also seemed to be less room for error (because students did worser in the midterms). I think overall that the way LS7C is structured definitely needs to change, because it just isn't working, but everyone has to take it anyways.

Note: unlike previous classes, this quarter our grades were not curved. It felt like they were trying to make sure they didn't have to curve by throwing in a lot of random extra credit surveys at the end (like Week 10).


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 27, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

This was probably my favorite class in the 7 series content wise, but don't get me wrong it is fairly difficult. I absolutely loved professor Khankan. She made class super engaging with optional worksheets or problems to help us use the tools we were learning about and had lots of clicker questions which could be a bit annoying but were incredibly helpful while studying for the exam. The class was structured fairly similarly to the other classes in the series but is broken down as follows: Midterm 1 90pt, midterm 2 90pt, final 180 pt, discussion 72 pt, participation 72 pt, launchpad activities 45pt, pre-class review questions 45pt, PEQ's 45pt, syllabus quiz 5pt. The midterms had an optional 2 point reflection and a 6 point mini quiz as extra credit. I'm not going to sugar coat it the midterms were incredibly difficult. I didn't do a ton of the prep work before classes so to study for the midterm I would do all of the pre-class worksheets but I highly recommend doing them as you go. The best things that helped me the most, especially for the final, was to go through all of the clicker questions and write out explanations for why the answer is correct, make a study guide based on the learning goals and objectives, write out explanations for the practice exam questions, and do the CLC worksheets. The final felt much easier to me then the first two midterms, but that may have just been because I studied like a crazy person for it. There were an obnoxious amount of sort of trick questions as the majority of the tests were true or false and results took around a week to come out. Overall I highly recommend taking this class with her. The majority of the issues are with the class and LS core both of which she does not really have any control over.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 29, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B-

Professor Khankan was actually a joy to be in class with. She is a great professor and I have nothing bad to say about her at all. Lectures were engaging and she always knew what she was talking about. She was pretty thorough in her explanations which helped my understanding of the class material. However, the grading system was atrocious. Launchpad was straightforward as usual, but the lab sections and exams were horrendous. The exam questions were horribly worded which made them difficult to answer regardless of how well you know the material. The class average for the first midterm was around 65% which did not get curved in the slightest. Again, I think professor Khankan is a great professor and she certainly did her part to teach us the material well, but when the majority of the scores a D or lower on an exam, it is hard to blame the students entirely. In addition to this, the lab sections were harshly graded. You would get points taken off for seemingly no reason sometimes. They would ask super open-ended questions and then take points off if your answer did not use specific words.

Overall, Professor Khankan is great, but the class structure and grading is quite awful. If you have to choose a professor you will not go wrong with Khankan, but in order to excel in the class you will need to put in lots of extra practice so you get used to answer the poorly phrased questions that you will be confronted with come exam time.


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Dec. 23, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Khankan is hands down the best LS professor I have encountered. I think by 7C the points and wording on questions and worksheets were pretty standard, 7C just felt like there was a lot more material than the others. That being said it was the most interesting material. The first midterm was pretty easy, the second midterm required you to have some material just memorized which was unexpected(bc they're literally always harping about how we do not have to memorize anything), and the final was about on par with the second midterm--the new material was extremely easy and the review was a lot of "yeah sure sounds about right". I did not put in that much work for this class in terms of studying (maybe like 2 hours total for the first midterm, 6 hours for the second, and a fair amount for the final) but I also tend to do well on the logical way the questions are worded on the exams. Overall what changed this course for me was going to her office hours almost every single time. They were so helpful and honestly really enjoyable to the point that even if you felt you understood everything or knew nothing, you would come out having learned a lot and feeling better. She is incredibly nice and genuine, but she's also just not afraid to act like a real human being with us. 10/10 would recommend. she also ended up curving our course at least 2% in the end fyi.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 4, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Prof. Khankan was one of the greatest professors I have had so far at my time at UCLA. She was very good at explaining complicated topics and offered many office hours for more options to understand. She was very straightforward and cared about her students. This quarter was online, but she handled it very well and offered many resources and alternatives for students in special circumstances. If you have the option to take her, do it.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Dec. 22, 2022

I feel mixed leaving a review since I really wish I could rate Dr. Khankan separately from the standardized curriculum of LS7A. As far as Dr. K is concerned, I absolutely loved her as a professor. She is very fair, understanding, easy to approach, and an extremely engaging professor. Her lectures serve more as a review of what you cover in the textbook, as per the flipped classroom curriculum, but I found it a bit difficult to take any meaningful notes on paper because she moves super quickly. I definitely recommend downloading the lecture slides and annotating them. Attendance is taken through iClicker. I found a pdf of the textbook and just bought the iClicker separately since achieve is not a requirement.

If you're used to a lot of structure in your classes, I definitely recommend this class as a first quarter course because it holds you accountable right away instead of realizing how behind you are once the first midterm rolls around. The workload is manageable, and I spent probably 8 hours tops on work every week outside of studying for midterms and finals.

As far as the actual standardized class goes, I'm not a fan. I dislike the note guides because I like taking my own notes, so I ended up doing notes twice. The exam questions test you more on how well you understand the questions than the actual material. The professors as a whole often do not fix mistakes on the grounds that they offer extra credit, so it shouldn't matter. There's a large section of the class that focuses on "growth mindset" and "interior locus of control", which is quite tedious after you finish the first set of reflections. This is the only class I took where I felt like I had busy work.

TL;DR if you have to take this class as a major rec, I definitely recommend Dr. Khankan. If you aren't a life science major and/or do not need this class, I'd skip it if you aren't good at mcq tests and don't like a super structured class with a lot of small assignments.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

Khankan is the best professor to take an LS series class with. She has taught the LS core classes for many quarters so she has a very in depth understanding of the material and what will be asked on the exams. She is also very approachable, passionate about the material she is teaching, and will answer any question about the material no matter how simple or straightforward (so don't be afraid to ask questions!!) I highly highly recommend to attend her office hours which are extremely helpful!! Even if you don't have any questions, she clear up confusing concepts and test students with example (very realistic) exam questions.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 29, 2021

Professor Khankan is a great and engaging lecturer. This is most evident when our lecturer switched near the end of the course; you truly realize how interesting she can make a long 1hr 15min lecture be in comparison to others. The lecture slides aren't very content heavy, and I didn't bother taking notes over them. The most effective method I found is to thoroughly read and take notes over the Launchpad readings before lecture, and have the lecture serve as a content review. Professor Khankan's lecturing is very clear, well organized, and engaging.

While I have the same complaints about wording and typos on exams, since the department and not the professor makes the exams this is essentially out of her control. However, the exams are still fair, and everything we have been tested over has been covered in either Launchpad readings or in class. I had no problem with time on the exams as well. There is a lot of content covered in one quarter, so I highly recommend that you stay on top of things and not fall behind.

You can tell that Professor Khankan cares greatly about student learning. She holds office hours four times a week, three of them are content office hours and one is for non-content office hours which is a great opportunity to chat with her and get to know her. During office hours she answers any and all questions very thoroughly and clearly to her best ability. Overall the LS7A class may have some flaws, but I highly recommend you choose her as your professor if you get the chance.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 2, 2020

Professor Khankan is the MOST fantastic LS professor without doubts. She is super clear with everything. The class is super engaging and efficient. She is patient with every question. The class sometimes popped up extended knowledge, which is very interesting. Best Experience Ever!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 29, 2021

Professor Khankan is a good professor, She cares about students and is quite engaging. Every professor basically has the same tests for the LS7 series so don't bother trying to find a professor who is "easier", I think its all about how interesting they are and how well you learn from them.
All in all Khankan is a great Professor and always loves to talk to students and offer help.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A
June 23, 2021

While Khankan is a good lecturer & professor, I think especially this quarter, LS 7C gave everyone a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety, in an already difficult time. Launchpad was particularly unhelpful, and the tests had very poor wording (which did not change despite feedback from students). As a result, many students did poorly in the exams, and while the professors & TAs kept stressing that they would give us opportunities to make up lost points, these opportunities were limited. LS 7C was much harder compared to 7A & 7B, and there also seemed to be less room for error (because students did worser in the midterms). I think overall that the way LS7C is structured definitely needs to change, because it just isn't working, but everyone has to take it anyways.

Note: unlike previous classes, this quarter our grades were not curved. It felt like they were trying to make sure they didn't have to curve by throwing in a lot of random extra credit surveys at the end (like Week 10).


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 27, 2021

This was probably my favorite class in the 7 series content wise, but don't get me wrong it is fairly difficult. I absolutely loved professor Khankan. She made class super engaging with optional worksheets or problems to help us use the tools we were learning about and had lots of clicker questions which could be a bit annoying but were incredibly helpful while studying for the exam. The class was structured fairly similarly to the other classes in the series but is broken down as follows: Midterm 1 90pt, midterm 2 90pt, final 180 pt, discussion 72 pt, participation 72 pt, launchpad activities 45pt, pre-class review questions 45pt, PEQ's 45pt, syllabus quiz 5pt. The midterms had an optional 2 point reflection and a 6 point mini quiz as extra credit. I'm not going to sugar coat it the midterms were incredibly difficult. I didn't do a ton of the prep work before classes so to study for the midterm I would do all of the pre-class worksheets but I highly recommend doing them as you go. The best things that helped me the most, especially for the final, was to go through all of the clicker questions and write out explanations for why the answer is correct, make a study guide based on the learning goals and objectives, write out explanations for the practice exam questions, and do the CLC worksheets. The final felt much easier to me then the first two midterms, but that may have just been because I studied like a crazy person for it. There were an obnoxious amount of sort of trick questions as the majority of the tests were true or false and results took around a week to come out. Overall I highly recommend taking this class with her. The majority of the issues are with the class and LS core both of which she does not really have any control over.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B-
June 29, 2021

Professor Khankan was actually a joy to be in class with. She is a great professor and I have nothing bad to say about her at all. Lectures were engaging and she always knew what she was talking about. She was pretty thorough in her explanations which helped my understanding of the class material. However, the grading system was atrocious. Launchpad was straightforward as usual, but the lab sections and exams were horrendous. The exam questions were horribly worded which made them difficult to answer regardless of how well you know the material. The class average for the first midterm was around 65% which did not get curved in the slightest. Again, I think professor Khankan is a great professor and she certainly did her part to teach us the material well, but when the majority of the scores a D or lower on an exam, it is hard to blame the students entirely. In addition to this, the lab sections were harshly graded. You would get points taken off for seemingly no reason sometimes. They would ask super open-ended questions and then take points off if your answer did not use specific words.

Overall, Professor Khankan is great, but the class structure and grading is quite awful. If you have to choose a professor you will not go wrong with Khankan, but in order to excel in the class you will need to put in lots of extra practice so you get used to answer the poorly phrased questions that you will be confronted with come exam time.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2019

Khankan is hands down the best LS professor I have encountered. I think by 7C the points and wording on questions and worksheets were pretty standard, 7C just felt like there was a lot more material than the others. That being said it was the most interesting material. The first midterm was pretty easy, the second midterm required you to have some material just memorized which was unexpected(bc they're literally always harping about how we do not have to memorize anything), and the final was about on par with the second midterm--the new material was extremely easy and the review was a lot of "yeah sure sounds about right". I did not put in that much work for this class in terms of studying (maybe like 2 hours total for the first midterm, 6 hours for the second, and a fair amount for the final) but I also tend to do well on the logical way the questions are worded on the exams. Overall what changed this course for me was going to her office hours almost every single time. They were so helpful and honestly really enjoyable to the point that even if you felt you understood everything or knew nothing, you would come out having learned a lot and feeling better. She is incredibly nice and genuine, but she's also just not afraid to act like a real human being with us. 10/10 would recommend. she also ended up curving our course at least 2% in the end fyi.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 4, 2020

Prof. Khankan was one of the greatest professors I have had so far at my time at UCLA. She was very good at explaining complicated topics and offered many office hours for more options to understand. She was very straightforward and cared about her students. This quarter was online, but she handled it very well and offered many resources and alternatives for students in special circumstances. If you have the option to take her, do it.


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