
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 154 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (154)

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June 6, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B

I think this was her first quarter teaching the class and it was literally all over the place. I felt bad for her because you could tell she was trying, but the homework never correlated with lecture and sometimes discussions didn't even match up. So much busy work on launchpad and I just generally hated this class and am actually changing my major as a result. The tests were insanely difficult. I think it's the hardest class I've taken so far at UCLA. I got a C on every exam, but did all the launchpad and and got all the participation points and ended up with a B. I think she could be a good professor for this class if it was more structured and organized.


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April 2, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A

I took LS 3 with her.
Professor Khankan is a very kind person but don't be fooled. While her grading scheme is very generous (almost 50% of your grade is busywork) the simulations you had to do almost every week on launchpad were really difficult and it was easy to lose points there. The reading and video quizzes weren't too bad as you were able to pause the time limit and take all the time to find the answers online. She dropped your two lowest clicker days so I guess clickers points weren't too bad. Although the first 5 weeks of discussion everyone got full points, starting week 6 she suddenly threw in discussion quizzes 5 questions each week in which the questions sometimes were really specific and it was easy to lose a point because of that. Lastly, her tests had questions that were some of the trickiest I've seen in any multiple choice test so far and you had to really know the material to get a good grade. Because of her tests, her class is extremely difficult to get an A in. Overall, while I liked her lectures, she wasn't the best professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B
June 6, 2017

I think this was her first quarter teaching the class and it was literally all over the place. I felt bad for her because you could tell she was trying, but the homework never correlated with lecture and sometimes discussions didn't even match up. So much busy work on launchpad and I just generally hated this class and am actually changing my major as a result. The tests were insanely difficult. I think it's the hardest class I've taken so far at UCLA. I got a C on every exam, but did all the launchpad and and got all the participation points and ended up with a B. I think she could be a good professor for this class if it was more structured and organized.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A
April 2, 2017

I took LS 3 with her.
Professor Khankan is a very kind person but don't be fooled. While her grading scheme is very generous (almost 50% of your grade is busywork) the simulations you had to do almost every week on launchpad were really difficult and it was easy to lose points there. The reading and video quizzes weren't too bad as you were able to pause the time limit and take all the time to find the answers online. She dropped your two lowest clicker days so I guess clickers points weren't too bad. Although the first 5 weeks of discussion everyone got full points, starting week 6 she suddenly threw in discussion quizzes 5 questions each week in which the questions sometimes were really specific and it was easy to lose a point because of that. Lastly, her tests had questions that were some of the trickiest I've seen in any multiple choice test so far and you had to really know the material to get a good grade. Because of her tests, her class is extremely difficult to get an A in. Overall, while I liked her lectures, she wasn't the best professor.


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12 of 12

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