
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 154 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (154)

11 of 12
11 of 12
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July 17, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

It's the LS 7 series, and 7C suffers from the same problems as 7A and 7B. Launchpad is annoying, and the exams seem designed to trick you, not test your understanding of the material (the exams are most difficult for 7C). That said, if you have to take 7C, and you probably do, Dr. Khankan is a good choice as a professor. She is engaging in lecture and helpful in office hours, and I do think she wants students to be successful.


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June 29, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Khankan was a great professor! Very engaging and funny - often walked around the hall during lecture and talked to students. Would recommend taking with her. As all 7c series the exams are worth a lot of your grade, there are two midterms and one final. Midterm 1 came as a shock and was very hard. The questions in all of the exams in this class are worded terribly and are often confusing/not concise. Don't worry if you score low on the first midterm because the questions are tricky - the second midterm and final are better once you get the hang of what type of thought process they want you to go through on tests.


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June 26, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Before taking this class I was extremely afraid because of the reviews and comments about the exams. As these reviews were somewhat right as this class was the hardest class I've taken so far, but it was also one of my favorites. The content is super interesting and Professor Khankan explains everything so thoroughly. She was one of the best professors I have had so if you are taking this class PLEASE try to get her as your professor!! As you have probably seen from other reviews, the tests are absolutely brutal. However, they are online so that takes away a little bit of test anxiety. Additionally, the exams aren't a major part of your grade so if you do poorly there are other things that will help to bring up your grade. I scored an 86% and 80% on the midterms and an 85% on the final exam but still ended with an A because of extra credit and doing launchpad every week. I absolutely loved this class so do not let the bad reviews scare you away!


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June 22, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Every test question is a model given on Canvas or on the slides!!! Then it would ask things like "oh no the gastrowhateveridase amount decreased, what happens to the xyzidase enzyme amount?" and you would have to go through all the feedback loops to find out. The whole class is basically one giant feedback loop with the occasional where-does-the-ventricle-contract-on-this-diagram. So...tests were pretty hard. I heard the average was less than 60% for the first one? and you need to average 88% on all tests to get an A, assuming you get 100% in everything else...personally I thought the tests were hard. But Khankan is such a good lecturer and so understanding! I realized that I, somehow, was in the wrong Launchpad class and was getting 0's on everything (it goes automatically into Canvas from Launchpad) and she was just like "eh whatever we'll fix it later dw about it lmao." Another time I saw her on the Hill (she lived on the Hill) and I was like "heyo u teach my bio class!" and she was all like "yeah! if u ever need help come knock on my door :D" and I really appreciate that she was so open to helping students like that.


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May 31, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A

I won't lie. The LS7 series is truly the bane of my existence. However, Professor Khankan is truly the most caring professor I have ever had. I see her on the Hill all the time and that's because she literally holds office hours on the Hill for students who can't make it to her regular office hours. She has non-content hours where you can ask her for career advice and talk about anything that isn't biology. In terms of the class, yes, it was horrible. But if you're gonna learn the same content and take the same tests anyway, might as well do it with a professor that is actually good at teaching and is chill.


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May 9, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B

The tests were insanely hard. I recommend not taking her for LS3. Nearly every question required extensive critical thinking on each subject, when most of what is taught in class is how a certain process works. There is tons of busywork on launchpad, which by the way costs $120. She is helpful in office hours, but her exams are tricky.


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April 2, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: C+

*Took LS3*

I loved Dr. Khankan! She was a very good lecturer and is also very funny. Although I didn't do as well as I would've liked because her tests are a little challenging, I would definitely recommend her to others.


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April 2, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A

Dr. Khankan is a pretty good lecturer. She's engaging and pretty funny. The material of LS3 was definitely less intense than LS2, but wow her tests were tricky. Know all the material so well you think you're over prepared. The true false questions can really get you. They'll often rely on one specific fact. That specific fact will make you get it wrong, even though you knew the overarching themes and a lot of other details. The test averages were always in the 70s. That being said, if I had the choice to go back and take this class with her again I would. The class wasn't bad and I think she ended up curving a few percent at the end. Also there are a bunch of free points from clickers and discussion section. The discussion sections had quizzes starting mid quarter, but I found them to not be hard and usually got 100%. Just review her slides and really stay on top of it.


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April 17, 2017
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A-

I personally loved LS2 with Professor Khankan. The LS series has a reputation of being highly competitive and weeding out students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, but Professor Khankan made her grading scheme on a point scale so that you did not have to worry about doing well relative to other people. I think this made me feel a lot more comfortable asking questions and collaborating with other people, which is really important in memorization-heavy classes. Her class wasn't podcasted during the summer so I ended up recording her lectures on my phone and listening back to parts of the lecture that I was confused on. She's a good lecturer--articulates the material clearly and concisely, and humors students (which is good because the material can get dense and you end up losing focus sometimes). The LS series is a difficult one in general, so if you're expecting not to put a lot of effort into the class it's not fair to complain that the course itself was at fault.


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Sept. 26, 2017
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A-

Professor Rana is an excellent professor. Her lectures are funny and clear. She does not try to trick you or confuse you. She is so helpful and open outside of class. The material it's hard alone, but Professor khankan does an amazing job making it more understandable. She does bring some concept questions but that's just to make you a better student in the subject. What I could recall from her midterms, it had MC , fill in the blank, and short response. You will have to put in some work and study because there is a lot of material. It's not easy but it's doable. And very interesting with a Dr. Khankan.
Labs are fun too, real cadavers. I had a great TA , Gaby. I'm not sure if she'll TA for this lower div again but I know she TAs for other upper div physci classes and will suggest picking her.

Overall both these ladies know their stuff, are very sweet, very helpful. I would highly recommend them!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
July 17, 2022

It's the LS 7 series, and 7C suffers from the same problems as 7A and 7B. Launchpad is annoying, and the exams seem designed to trick you, not test your understanding of the material (the exams are most difficult for 7C). That said, if you have to take 7C, and you probably do, Dr. Khankan is a good choice as a professor. She is engaging in lecture and helpful in office hours, and I do think she wants students to be successful.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 29, 2022

Khankan was a great professor! Very engaging and funny - often walked around the hall during lecture and talked to students. Would recommend taking with her. As all 7c series the exams are worth a lot of your grade, there are two midterms and one final. Midterm 1 came as a shock and was very hard. The questions in all of the exams in this class are worded terribly and are often confusing/not concise. Don't worry if you score low on the first midterm because the questions are tricky - the second midterm and final are better once you get the hang of what type of thought process they want you to go through on tests.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 26, 2022

Before taking this class I was extremely afraid because of the reviews and comments about the exams. As these reviews were somewhat right as this class was the hardest class I've taken so far, but it was also one of my favorites. The content is super interesting and Professor Khankan explains everything so thoroughly. She was one of the best professors I have had so if you are taking this class PLEASE try to get her as your professor!! As you have probably seen from other reviews, the tests are absolutely brutal. However, they are online so that takes away a little bit of test anxiety. Additionally, the exams aren't a major part of your grade so if you do poorly there are other things that will help to bring up your grade. I scored an 86% and 80% on the midterms and an 85% on the final exam but still ended with an A because of extra credit and doing launchpad every week. I absolutely loved this class so do not let the bad reviews scare you away!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 22, 2022

Every test question is a model given on Canvas or on the slides!!! Then it would ask things like "oh no the gastrowhateveridase amount decreased, what happens to the xyzidase enzyme amount?" and you would have to go through all the feedback loops to find out. The whole class is basically one giant feedback loop with the occasional where-does-the-ventricle-contract-on-this-diagram. So...tests were pretty hard. I heard the average was less than 60% for the first one? and you need to average 88% on all tests to get an A, assuming you get 100% in everything else...personally I thought the tests were hard. But Khankan is such a good lecturer and so understanding! I realized that I, somehow, was in the wrong Launchpad class and was getting 0's on everything (it goes automatically into Canvas from Launchpad) and she was just like "eh whatever we'll fix it later dw about it lmao." Another time I saw her on the Hill (she lived on the Hill) and I was like "heyo u teach my bio class!" and she was all like "yeah! if u ever need help come knock on my door :D" and I really appreciate that she was so open to helping students like that.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: N/A
May 31, 2022

I won't lie. The LS7 series is truly the bane of my existence. However, Professor Khankan is truly the most caring professor I have ever had. I see her on the Hill all the time and that's because she literally holds office hours on the Hill for students who can't make it to her regular office hours. She has non-content hours where you can ask her for career advice and talk about anything that isn't biology. In terms of the class, yes, it was horrible. But if you're gonna learn the same content and take the same tests anyway, might as well do it with a professor that is actually good at teaching and is chill.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B
May 9, 2017

The tests were insanely hard. I recommend not taking her for LS3. Nearly every question required extensive critical thinking on each subject, when most of what is taught in class is how a certain process works. There is tons of busywork on launchpad, which by the way costs $120. She is helpful in office hours, but her exams are tricky.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: C+
April 2, 2017

*Took LS3*

I loved Dr. Khankan! She was a very good lecturer and is also very funny. Although I didn't do as well as I would've liked because her tests are a little challenging, I would definitely recommend her to others.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A
April 2, 2017

Dr. Khankan is a pretty good lecturer. She's engaging and pretty funny. The material of LS3 was definitely less intense than LS2, but wow her tests were tricky. Know all the material so well you think you're over prepared. The true false questions can really get you. They'll often rely on one specific fact. That specific fact will make you get it wrong, even though you knew the overarching themes and a lot of other details. The test averages were always in the 70s. That being said, if I had the choice to go back and take this class with her again I would. The class wasn't bad and I think she ended up curving a few percent at the end. Also there are a bunch of free points from clickers and discussion section. The discussion sections had quizzes starting mid quarter, but I found them to not be hard and usually got 100%. Just review her slides and really stay on top of it.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A-
April 17, 2017

I personally loved LS2 with Professor Khankan. The LS series has a reputation of being highly competitive and weeding out students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, but Professor Khankan made her grading scheme on a point scale so that you did not have to worry about doing well relative to other people. I think this made me feel a lot more comfortable asking questions and collaborating with other people, which is really important in memorization-heavy classes. Her class wasn't podcasted during the summer so I ended up recording her lectures on my phone and listening back to parts of the lecture that I was confused on. She's a good lecturer--articulates the material clearly and concisely, and humors students (which is good because the material can get dense and you end up losing focus sometimes). The LS series is a difficult one in general, so if you're expecting not to put a lot of effort into the class it's not fair to complain that the course itself was at fault.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A-
Sept. 26, 2017

Professor Rana is an excellent professor. Her lectures are funny and clear. She does not try to trick you or confuse you. She is so helpful and open outside of class. The material it's hard alone, but Professor khankan does an amazing job making it more understandable. She does bring some concept questions but that's just to make you a better student in the subject. What I could recall from her midterms, it had MC , fill in the blank, and short response. You will have to put in some work and study because there is a lot of material. It's not easy but it's doable. And very interesting with a Dr. Khankan.
Labs are fun too, real cadavers. I had a great TA , Gaby. I'm not sure if she'll TA for this lower div again but I know she TAs for other upper div physci classes and will suggest picking her.

Overall both these ladies know their stuff, are very sweet, very helpful. I would highly recommend them!


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