
Rajat Maji

Overall Ratings
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 1.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 1.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (23)

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June 3, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

If Dr. Maji is hired again by the chem department, you will basically have to teach yourself the material. He does go over all the concepts in lecture, but he speeds through them and mostly teaches through example problems instead of going through the lecture slides. The Klein book was a lifesaver for me, even more so than in 14C which I took with Anderson. You do still need to go to lecture since he would sometimes put problems from class on the exams and there were some mechanisms and details that he taught that were different from Klein, but it's a great resource for teaching yourself the material.

He only gave us Pham's old exams and problem sets to prepare for the exams, so we had no idea what to expect for them and they actually ended up being quite different. I was also told that the TAs wrote our exams and went based off the lecture slides, but he didn't even teach from the slides so we never knew what was going to be on the exams beforehand.

The most frustrating part of being in Maji's class, though, was how he belittled students during lecture. He frequently asked questions to students to increase engagement and see where the confusions were as he was lecturing, but without fail, he interrupted the students he asked for an answer every single time without fail. If a student did end up saying the correct answer, he would explain why they were wrong and then finish their exact thought while playing it off as the correct answer.

I will say that Maji was very accommodating and understanding with both the protests and the TA strike and how to adapt his course to those external challenges. However, I hope that he doesn't teach this course again and honestly hope he gets fired because his rudeness to students is absolutely unacceptable above any faults he has relating to the structure of the course or the nature of his exams.


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June 15, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C+

Professor Raji screwed the students over this quarter. I was well above average on the final and both midterms yet I received a C+ in the class (unless he ends up curving the grades more). He was incredibly unclear and barely followed any sort of organization or slide shows. Therefore, when students went to discussion, the TAs had no idea what he had gone over in class. He frequently went off on tangents and would teach different concepts to his two different lectures. He made students feel stupid for not understand the complex questions he asked in lectures and on tests. Furthermore, while it is great to encourage in class participation, he would frequently choose 5-10 students to solve practice problems on the board for the whole lecture (which is not an ideal format for a 250 person lecture). I had a 4.0 before taking this class and put A LOT of time into studying. After all this, I still received a C+ so I strongly strongly suggest you take it with another professor if at all possible.


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June 19, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B

like all the other reviews, i say run as far away from this professor as possible. he belittled students, taught different material in different lectures (and proceeded to include this on the exam!), did not use his slides, rushed through the last few WEEKS of content within 2-3 lectures and gave ridiculously difficult exams.


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June 18, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C

To be completely transparent, I hated this class!!! Professor Maji was a nice guy in person, but he tended to be condescending in lecture. He literally went on a rant during one of the lectures talking about how people had no excuse to fail the second midterm because he "gave" us all the answers in class, etc. To be honest, a lot of the problems were reflective of the class material, but the way he was talking was literally disgusting. As someone else mentioned, the BACON is literally useless. Exams were so hard, and I just lost confidence as the quarter progressed. I would recommend taking with someone else if you can, but if you cannot, I highly recommend teaching yourself from Day 1.


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June 16, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B

This class was incredibly difficult. The amount of information we had to learn and memorize in 10 weeks was so muchhhhhh PLUS having a professor who was not good made this class TERRIBLE. Dr. Maji would frequently stray away from the lecture slides and write purely on the whiteboard. The bruincast would also never follow him around so if you have to watch the lecture later it will be rlly difficult to follow along. Since he strayed away from lecture slides it made it impossible for TAs to know where he is at unless they attended lecture. I hated how he would make students come up and do problems and have them explain the answer like bruh YOU DO IT I NEED TO LEARN FROM U, do this shit in discussion or sum. My TA also told me that none of the TAs would see the exams until the day of when they were printed so they were never able to give him feedback on the difficulty level. I honestly got sick of how he taught and just tried to learn the material on my own. My grades on each exam were M1 36/60, M2 36/60, and final 69/120. The class medians were M1 34/60, 37/60, and final 58/120. I got a D+ in the class but with the curve I ended up with a B woo! I knew there would be a curve but seeing a D grade for the entire quarter was very stressful. The thing I hated most about the exams is how difficult they were and partial credit was like never offered and if you noticed an error in your exam and you wanted a regrade the ENTIRE EXAM would be regraded and just that single question so I never risked it. The bacon tutorials which were homework were so STUPID AND DIDNT HELP. It was purely busy work but at least it was free easy points. Discussion attendance was not mandatory.
Grade Breakdown:
Bacon Tutorial: 40 points (15%)
(8 quizzes total, two lowest scores will be dropped)
Discussion session quiz: 10 points (5%)
(3 quizzes total, the lowest one will be dropped)
Midterm exam 1: 50 points (20%)
Midterm exam 2: 50 points (20%)
Final exam: 100 points (40%)
Extra credits (surveys and activities): * 16 points (8%)
*Extra credits will be added to your letter grade at the end of the quarter.
TLDR: he sucks dont take


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June 14, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: DR

I really hope for the sake of students' mental health that professor Maji is never hired again. Not only are his exams the most difficult questions ever beyond our scope of understanding, but even going to office hours or 1 on 1 meetings with him he loves to make his students feel dumb because of how egotistical he is. I highly advise taking 14D with Pham or any other professor because there's no way me or any kid I know would choose to take Maji again after this. 130 kids dropped the class going into the final, fyi. If you get him, even praying won't be enough..


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June 14, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Dr. Maji is such a smart person and a great professor if you are willing to put in the work. I studied but not enough for the first five weeks of class and didnt do well on the tests. The last two weeks of the quarter I was at all his office hours and participated in lecture. It seriously made all the difference. If you are willing to put in the time for this class, Dr. Maji will help you and meet you half way. The content is hard but it’s not Dr. Maji’s fault


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June 13, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-

Please do not take Professor Maji. If you need to take 14D then just opt for a different professor. His lectures are incredibly disorganized and while he encourages class participation and involvement, this just wastes time in a lecture setting. In fact, because of this teaching style, we had to learn the last 2.5 weeks of material in the week before finals.
14D is a notoriously difficult class and Professor Maji just makes it more difficult. The averages for BOTH midterms and the final were failing grades. He offers little to no partial credit on ANY problem all while many problems are connected (like a. b. c. or a flowchart) so that if you miss one question, you miss credit for any question connected to it. His grading style is inherently polarizing as you essentially need to have perfect mastery of the material to earn a good grade as anything less will likely be a 0 due to the lack of partial credit. I believe this is his first quarter teaching 14D, so perhaps in the future, he will change his teaching methods or offer better study materials in the future that better reflect what will appear on the exams. I would avoid him if possible.


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May 23, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A

Run if you are not good at teaching yourself through textbooks or videos. His lectures are extremely disorganized and he uses material from other professors so a lot of what we learn in lecture doesn’t match up with practice midterms and lectures. The midterm averages were extremely low but the exams were not difficult. I think it was because everyone had a completely different understanding of the topic because we were all outsourcing materials. If you take this class with him reference the Klein book, khan academy, and chads prep. Add him to the list of the horrible professors in the chem department.


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May 7, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A

Since the lectures are recorded, many students did not show up to the lecture. However, it is important to note that he covers everything you need for the exam during the lecture time. He gives plenty of practice examples on the board, slowly explain each mechanism step-by-step, and encourage us to participate and come to the board and solve them. The examples on the exam clearly mirrors the examples he covers during the lecture, neither super easy nor super hard. This professor has been a gem so far; he is very knowledgeable about the subject and his passion in teaching is contagious. He lectures very slowly, making sure you master the concept very well.
The average on the midterm is low, yes, but I feel it has more to do with the students procrastinating rather than his teaching style. When I went to the discussion section, I felt many students are procrastinating to study for the midterm, which explains the low average score. I attended all lectures he had, sat in the front, constantly participated and asked questions, and managed to do very well on the exam. He has a nice personality, gives extra credit and I heard he curves at the end, so don't worry. I would highly recommend him because trust me, his exams are fair if you put in the effort, attend all the lectures and study well his practice problems.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 3, 2024

If Dr. Maji is hired again by the chem department, you will basically have to teach yourself the material. He does go over all the concepts in lecture, but he speeds through them and mostly teaches through example problems instead of going through the lecture slides. The Klein book was a lifesaver for me, even more so than in 14C which I took with Anderson. You do still need to go to lecture since he would sometimes put problems from class on the exams and there were some mechanisms and details that he taught that were different from Klein, but it's a great resource for teaching yourself the material.

He only gave us Pham's old exams and problem sets to prepare for the exams, so we had no idea what to expect for them and they actually ended up being quite different. I was also told that the TAs wrote our exams and went based off the lecture slides, but he didn't even teach from the slides so we never knew what was going to be on the exams beforehand.

The most frustrating part of being in Maji's class, though, was how he belittled students during lecture. He frequently asked questions to students to increase engagement and see where the confusions were as he was lecturing, but without fail, he interrupted the students he asked for an answer every single time without fail. If a student did end up saying the correct answer, he would explain why they were wrong and then finish their exact thought while playing it off as the correct answer.

I will say that Maji was very accommodating and understanding with both the protests and the TA strike and how to adapt his course to those external challenges. However, I hope that he doesn't teach this course again and honestly hope he gets fired because his rudeness to students is absolutely unacceptable above any faults he has relating to the structure of the course or the nature of his exams.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C+
June 15, 2024

Professor Raji screwed the students over this quarter. I was well above average on the final and both midterms yet I received a C+ in the class (unless he ends up curving the grades more). He was incredibly unclear and barely followed any sort of organization or slide shows. Therefore, when students went to discussion, the TAs had no idea what he had gone over in class. He frequently went off on tangents and would teach different concepts to his two different lectures. He made students feel stupid for not understand the complex questions he asked in lectures and on tests. Furthermore, while it is great to encourage in class participation, he would frequently choose 5-10 students to solve practice problems on the board for the whole lecture (which is not an ideal format for a 250 person lecture). I had a 4.0 before taking this class and put A LOT of time into studying. After all this, I still received a C+ so I strongly strongly suggest you take it with another professor if at all possible.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B
June 19, 2024

like all the other reviews, i say run as far away from this professor as possible. he belittled students, taught different material in different lectures (and proceeded to include this on the exam!), did not use his slides, rushed through the last few WEEKS of content within 2-3 lectures and gave ridiculously difficult exams.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C
June 18, 2024

To be completely transparent, I hated this class!!! Professor Maji was a nice guy in person, but he tended to be condescending in lecture. He literally went on a rant during one of the lectures talking about how people had no excuse to fail the second midterm because he "gave" us all the answers in class, etc. To be honest, a lot of the problems were reflective of the class material, but the way he was talking was literally disgusting. As someone else mentioned, the BACON is literally useless. Exams were so hard, and I just lost confidence as the quarter progressed. I would recommend taking with someone else if you can, but if you cannot, I highly recommend teaching yourself from Day 1.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B
June 16, 2024

This class was incredibly difficult. The amount of information we had to learn and memorize in 10 weeks was so muchhhhhh PLUS having a professor who was not good made this class TERRIBLE. Dr. Maji would frequently stray away from the lecture slides and write purely on the whiteboard. The bruincast would also never follow him around so if you have to watch the lecture later it will be rlly difficult to follow along. Since he strayed away from lecture slides it made it impossible for TAs to know where he is at unless they attended lecture. I hated how he would make students come up and do problems and have them explain the answer like bruh YOU DO IT I NEED TO LEARN FROM U, do this shit in discussion or sum. My TA also told me that none of the TAs would see the exams until the day of when they were printed so they were never able to give him feedback on the difficulty level. I honestly got sick of how he taught and just tried to learn the material on my own. My grades on each exam were M1 36/60, M2 36/60, and final 69/120. The class medians were M1 34/60, 37/60, and final 58/120. I got a D+ in the class but with the curve I ended up with a B woo! I knew there would be a curve but seeing a D grade for the entire quarter was very stressful. The thing I hated most about the exams is how difficult they were and partial credit was like never offered and if you noticed an error in your exam and you wanted a regrade the ENTIRE EXAM would be regraded and just that single question so I never risked it. The bacon tutorials which were homework were so STUPID AND DIDNT HELP. It was purely busy work but at least it was free easy points. Discussion attendance was not mandatory.
Grade Breakdown:
Bacon Tutorial: 40 points (15%)
(8 quizzes total, two lowest scores will be dropped)
Discussion session quiz: 10 points (5%)
(3 quizzes total, the lowest one will be dropped)
Midterm exam 1: 50 points (20%)
Midterm exam 2: 50 points (20%)
Final exam: 100 points (40%)
Extra credits (surveys and activities): * 16 points (8%)
*Extra credits will be added to your letter grade at the end of the quarter.
TLDR: he sucks dont take


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: DR
June 14, 2024

I really hope for the sake of students' mental health that professor Maji is never hired again. Not only are his exams the most difficult questions ever beyond our scope of understanding, but even going to office hours or 1 on 1 meetings with him he loves to make his students feel dumb because of how egotistical he is. I highly advise taking 14D with Pham or any other professor because there's no way me or any kid I know would choose to take Maji again after this. 130 kids dropped the class going into the final, fyi. If you get him, even praying won't be enough..


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 14, 2024

Dr. Maji is such a smart person and a great professor if you are willing to put in the work. I studied but not enough for the first five weeks of class and didnt do well on the tests. The last two weeks of the quarter I was at all his office hours and participated in lecture. It seriously made all the difference. If you are willing to put in the time for this class, Dr. Maji will help you and meet you half way. The content is hard but it’s not Dr. Maji’s fault


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
June 13, 2024

Please do not take Professor Maji. If you need to take 14D then just opt for a different professor. His lectures are incredibly disorganized and while he encourages class participation and involvement, this just wastes time in a lecture setting. In fact, because of this teaching style, we had to learn the last 2.5 weeks of material in the week before finals.
14D is a notoriously difficult class and Professor Maji just makes it more difficult. The averages for BOTH midterms and the final were failing grades. He offers little to no partial credit on ANY problem all while many problems are connected (like a. b. c. or a flowchart) so that if you miss one question, you miss credit for any question connected to it. His grading style is inherently polarizing as you essentially need to have perfect mastery of the material to earn a good grade as anything less will likely be a 0 due to the lack of partial credit. I believe this is his first quarter teaching 14D, so perhaps in the future, he will change his teaching methods or offer better study materials in the future that better reflect what will appear on the exams. I would avoid him if possible.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
May 23, 2024

Run if you are not good at teaching yourself through textbooks or videos. His lectures are extremely disorganized and he uses material from other professors so a lot of what we learn in lecture doesn’t match up with practice midterms and lectures. The midterm averages were extremely low but the exams were not difficult. I think it was because everyone had a completely different understanding of the topic because we were all outsourcing materials. If you take this class with him reference the Klein book, khan academy, and chads prep. Add him to the list of the horrible professors in the chem department.


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Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A
May 7, 2024

Since the lectures are recorded, many students did not show up to the lecture. However, it is important to note that he covers everything you need for the exam during the lecture time. He gives plenty of practice examples on the board, slowly explain each mechanism step-by-step, and encourage us to participate and come to the board and solve them. The examples on the exam clearly mirrors the examples he covers during the lecture, neither super easy nor super hard. This professor has been a gem so far; he is very knowledgeable about the subject and his passion in teaching is contagious. He lectures very slowly, making sure you master the concept very well.
The average on the midterm is low, yes, but I feel it has more to do with the students procrastinating rather than his teaching style. When I went to the discussion section, I felt many students are procrastinating to study for the midterm, which explains the low average score. I attended all lectures he had, sat in the front, constantly participated and asked questions, and managed to do very well on the exam. He has a nice personality, gives extra credit and I heard he curves at the end, so don't worry. I would highly recommend him because trust me, his exams are fair if you put in the effort, attend all the lectures and study well his practice problems.


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