
Rajat Maji

Overall Ratings
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 1.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 1.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (23)

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June 2, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A

Run from this professor. His lectures are extremely disorganized and he teaches different examples in each of his lectures (then picks only one to put on his exam so half the class knows it and half the class doesn’t). His exams are brutally difficult, as the average for both the midterms were an F. He gives practice worksheets but won’t give answer keys so you can’t check your learning. Communication was very limited, even with the TAs. He is also very condescending.


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May 4, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A

he makes none of the worksheet content and they are all reused from other professors. the practice exams and quizzes were also not made by him so it is hard to know what he expects on an exam. he does not communicate with TAs and no one knew what was going to be on the monday midterm until friday evening.


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Feb. 16, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Lectures were recorded and he had lecture slides... but I think it's also important to take good notes of your own as the tests can be pretty in-depth. Maji was a good lecturer imo and I definitely learned a lot in this class.

He also held regular office hours which were extremely helpful in grasping the concepts. The class was definitely not easy, but was thankfully curved. He also offered plenty of practice materials which are an absolute MUST to go over. Overall, I think CHEM 30A with Maji was cool.


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June 27, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B

He got frustrated that no one went to his class (rightfully so since his lectures were terrible) so he made a couple questions on the midterm impossible to solve with the knowledge he taught and instead gave the answers to these questions in his lecture. He specifically told them to cut the cameras so that only the students that went to lecture would be able to solve the question on the midterm. Kudos to the students who stayed in his lecture, but this professor is incredibly petty and truly believes that failing a class is necessary experience in college. He will not offer any accommodations even with the CAE supported students. It's worth skipping on him and taking this class another quarter.

I mean bro literally admitted to only being here for research and he knows himself that he's a terrible teacher. Why take a class with a prof that doesn't care about his students.. fire this fool.


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Dec. 21, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B

This was by no means an easy class, but it is primarily due to the content. Tests are well written, but are very tough (averages for the midterms this quarter were around 52%); you have to learn everything he talks about during lecture very thoroughly. Prof. Maji does not follow slides or the textbook exactly, but the examples he draws on the board will contain all the information you need to know. Consequently, how well you are able to learn the content strongly depends on the amount you participate in class. I would highly recommend to ask questions about the content, visit his office hours, and most importantly, GET TO CLASS EARLY AND DO THE EXAMPLE PROBLEMS ON THE BOARD. Maji is very helpful and will support you if you get lost, but you have to make the initiative yourself.


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June 19, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C+

Rajat Maji is an awful professor. You will pay tuition to teach yourself the class content. He is disorganized, and often goes off on tangents unrelated to his example problems, which he also does wrong half the time. He teaches two completely different lectures in terms of content due to his lack of organization. His TA’s are unable to provide us with relevant practice material for his tests, and rather give you worksheets for Pham’s class, which make much more sense and are much easier. His class averages speak to his abysmal teaching skills. I would rather teach myself with youtube videos than watch his poorly taught lectures. Be prepared to read plenty of the Kleinbook because Rajat could care less about building foundational knowledge of concepts. All in all the worst professor i’ve ever had the displeasure of being “taught” by. UCLA needs to do better because this seriously makes me rethink my choice in even attending “The Number One Public University”. We could never be number one as long as Rajat “teaches” here. Genuinely terrible I wish I took this class last quarter with Pham.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
June 2, 2024

Run from this professor. His lectures are extremely disorganized and he teaches different examples in each of his lectures (then picks only one to put on his exam so half the class knows it and half the class doesn’t). His exams are brutally difficult, as the average for both the midterms were an F. He gives practice worksheets but won’t give answer keys so you can’t check your learning. Communication was very limited, even with the TAs. He is also very condescending.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
May 4, 2024

he makes none of the worksheet content and they are all reused from other professors. the practice exams and quizzes were also not made by him so it is hard to know what he expects on an exam. he does not communicate with TAs and no one knew what was going to be on the monday midterm until friday evening.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Feb. 16, 2024

Lectures were recorded and he had lecture slides... but I think it's also important to take good notes of your own as the tests can be pretty in-depth. Maji was a good lecturer imo and I definitely learned a lot in this class.

He also held regular office hours which were extremely helpful in grasping the concepts. The class was definitely not easy, but was thankfully curved. He also offered plenty of practice materials which are an absolute MUST to go over. Overall, I think CHEM 30A with Maji was cool.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B
June 27, 2024

He got frustrated that no one went to his class (rightfully so since his lectures were terrible) so he made a couple questions on the midterm impossible to solve with the knowledge he taught and instead gave the answers to these questions in his lecture. He specifically told them to cut the cameras so that only the students that went to lecture would be able to solve the question on the midterm. Kudos to the students who stayed in his lecture, but this professor is incredibly petty and truly believes that failing a class is necessary experience in college. He will not offer any accommodations even with the CAE supported students. It's worth skipping on him and taking this class another quarter.

I mean bro literally admitted to only being here for research and he knows himself that he's a terrible teacher. Why take a class with a prof that doesn't care about his students.. fire this fool.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Dec. 21, 2023

This was by no means an easy class, but it is primarily due to the content. Tests are well written, but are very tough (averages for the midterms this quarter were around 52%); you have to learn everything he talks about during lecture very thoroughly. Prof. Maji does not follow slides or the textbook exactly, but the examples he draws on the board will contain all the information you need to know. Consequently, how well you are able to learn the content strongly depends on the amount you participate in class. I would highly recommend to ask questions about the content, visit his office hours, and most importantly, GET TO CLASS EARLY AND DO THE EXAMPLE PROBLEMS ON THE BOARD. Maji is very helpful and will support you if you get lost, but you have to make the initiative yourself.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: C+
June 19, 2024

Rajat Maji is an awful professor. You will pay tuition to teach yourself the class content. He is disorganized, and often goes off on tangents unrelated to his example problems, which he also does wrong half the time. He teaches two completely different lectures in terms of content due to his lack of organization. His TA’s are unable to provide us with relevant practice material for his tests, and rather give you worksheets for Pham’s class, which make much more sense and are much easier. His class averages speak to his abysmal teaching skills. I would rather teach myself with youtube videos than watch his poorly taught lectures. Be prepared to read plenty of the Kleinbook because Rajat could care less about building foundational knowledge of concepts. All in all the worst professor i’ve ever had the displeasure of being “taught” by. UCLA needs to do better because this seriously makes me rethink my choice in even attending “The Number One Public University”. We could never be number one as long as Rajat “teaches” here. Genuinely terrible I wish I took this class last quarter with Pham.


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