
Kimberly Boswell

Overall Ratings
Based on 48 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (48)

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Jan. 18, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Boswell has great slides, and if you use her resources you can succeed. The class is graded on a curve, but she might not apply it if the distribution of grades in the class is close enough to the normal distribution. My only complaint is that she would occasionally go on tangents on topics not relevant to the coursework during lectures. However, she posts her slides promptly before or right after each lecture, streams lectures on Zoom, and posts recordings of lectures to watch asynchronously. She posts optional practice sets for each week. There are 2 midterms and a cumulative final exam. There are also 3 assignments that you do in groups, and you can either form your own group or work in the one she randomly assigns you. From what I remember, section attendance was optional. Overall solid class.


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Dec. 23, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B

professor boswell was just ok. she wasn't outstanding when it came to lecturing but i got by. i feel like she used an excessive amount of curveballs in her exams but i always averaged a B. the assignments were pretty easy, which was nice to have as a cushion compared to econ 1. she allows a printer paper sized doubled sided cheat sheet for each midterm and 3 (this quarter) for our final which was very generous. overall, she's an average lecturer


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Dec. 22, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

The structure of this course consisted of three group projects each worth 15%, one midterm, and one final exam. If your final exam score was higher than your midterm, your entire exam grade would be determined by the final. The course material was not particularly easy to comprehend, requiring memorization of numerous models and their implementation using R.

We faced a challenging midterm exam and a considerably easier final exam. The final exam did not include complex calculation questions; it was entirely focused on concepts and definitions. If you understood all the group project and lab topics and prepared a very detailed cheat sheet, it could be a super easy A. In our class, 44% of the students received an A. Even if you did not put in much effort or never study at all, there was no need to worry; the lowest grade given by the instructor was a C-, which is the minimum requirement set by the econ department. Even with a score of zero, your grade would still be a C-.

I received a terrifyingly low score on my midterm, having not reviewed any content throughout the semester. The night before the final exam, I spent a total of 10 hours reviewing all the key points and included them all on my cheat sheet. In the end, I managed to achieve an A-.

Professor Boswell is one of the nicest professors I have ever met. I took her Econ 103 and 104 classes. She cares deeply about her students, explains concepts clearly, and offers ample office hours.


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Oct. 17, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C

Don't get me wrong, I liked this class and Boswell's lectures and the material were super interesting, but she curves downward like crazy. I've never had a professor curve down before and it was so unexpected because she does it at the end of the class when there's nothing you can do about it. I got a B in the class and she curved it down an entire letter grade down to a C which is crazy, especially when most people in the class are trying to reach the gpa requirement for biz Econ. Be prepared to get at least an A on all the exams and homework if you want a somewhat good grade.


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Oct. 16, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+

I do not have anything bad to say about Professor Boswell. The class was fine and was pretty manageable you just really need to study hard to do well on the finals. The thing that was very disappointing is that she downcurved the class. I never understood why professors do this, but I would have gotten an A- if she hadn't have downcurved,


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July 1, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

Overall I would definitely recommend Boswell for anyone taking Econ 2, though as others have said the downcurve is noticeable, especially at the lower grades. So while you do have to beat the curve, Boswell actually gives you all the resources you need to succeed in the class.

Grades Weights :
15% for 3 Assignments : Definitely double check your work, but overall pretty average difficulty and workload, can be done in a few hours for each
25% Midterm 1 and 25% Midterm 2 : These two are open notes
35% Final Exam : Not open notes, but you can bring a 1 sheet cheat sheet

Pros :
- Uses same textbook required for Econ 1 (Ohanian), meaning you save money and get the MindTap version as well for Econ 2.
- Mindtap (and it's practice problem and non-required homework) is extremely helpful in learning the content. You do all the sections and the practice problems, you'll be well-prepared for the exams like literally this is the absolute best way to do well in this class.
- Practice Exams, especially the Final exam are accurately reflective of the difficulty and type of questions asked in the actual exams. Doing well on these means you'll do well on the actual one, but don't slack off because of it.
- Straightforward class, there's nothing particularly out of place and the exams are reflective of the content learned, and Boswell will go as far as mention exactly which chapter, and if not the whole chapter, which sections are going to be on the exam.
- Class is zoomed and recorded, which is always helpful

Cons :
- The further into the class we got, the more confusing the lectures got not in a sense that it was some really hard stuff but rather that it was taught less methodically and more of the flow kind of thing, but mindtap will be helpful to reinforce those topics
- Downcurve
- The assignment can get a pretty confusing at times

Essentially, Boswell, is a good professor that gives all the resources you need to succeed, exams are fair and reflect what was taught, and as long as you put time into Mindtap and actually learning as you do it, you've set yourself up really well.


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June 27, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B-

This class was relatively easy. The lectures are recorded and there is also a zoom option. Grades consisted of 15% group assignments, 25% midterm 1, 25% midterm 2 (or she might've taken the highest of the two for 50%), and 35% final. There were only 3 assignments which were pretty easy and you get to choose your group. The midterms were 30 multiple choice questions online and the final was 60 multiple choice questions in-person, but she let us make a cheat sheet and she provided an equation sheet. The Mindtap is provided unless you opt out of it and I highly suggest using it. The only downside to this class is that it is down curved, so instead of ending with a B+ I ended with a B-. Anyone who ended with a 70-79% got a C-. For this reason I would suggest taking the course with another professor but other than that I thought Boswell was a great lecturer and I enjoyed this class.


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June 27, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B

the class is downcurved!!!!
the class consists of: 3 group assignments, 2 midterms, & a final (you're allowed a cheatsheet)
- the 2 midterms are online & you're allowed your notes but I still felt that they were a bit difficult
- i def recommend getting MindTap & splitting the price with someone
- i can also tell she cares about her students & if you ask her questions about the hw she'll help you out
however.. my biggest problem with the class is that it operates on a downcurve so make sure to get good grades on the midterms & homework assignments or else you're grade is going to suffer


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June 27, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C+

Overall, the workload for this class was extremely manageable -- there were 3 group worksheets throughout the quarter that were relatively easy, especially when split between the group. Additionally, the 2 midterms and final were very fair. Our midterms were on canvas and the final was in person. My one quarrel with this class was the extreme down curve that we were not made aware of. My final grade was an 86%, but got down-curved to a C+, which was really upsetting. I'm pretty sure the curve was only really bad for this particular quarter BUT, just in case, make sure you're acing everything if you want to get a B or above in the class.


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June 26, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B

First off don't let the individual below who is high on his/her ego full you. Congrats you wanted everyone to know you beat the curve! Bravo! However they left out one key note; the class is down curved.

The class is overall easy, it consists of two midterms, 3 group assignments, and 1 final. The midterms are short and easy overall. The final allows 1 cheat sheet but the finals are recycled from previous quarters so your best off studying those. Group assignments are easy but be careful not to get screwed as you work as a group for the assignment but your final grade in the class your competing among each other. The final is easy just study and do mind tap. However the one problem in this class is informing the class that grades won't be down curved only to drastically curve the class the the day before grades are due. Overall the content and material itself is not hard rather interesting but your better off finding a class who won't down curve. Econ 1 with Ohanian is a much better option if you want an engaging professor who wants the best for his students and doesn't overload material.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 18, 2024

Boswell has great slides, and if you use her resources you can succeed. The class is graded on a curve, but she might not apply it if the distribution of grades in the class is close enough to the normal distribution. My only complaint is that she would occasionally go on tangents on topics not relevant to the coursework during lectures. However, she posts her slides promptly before or right after each lecture, streams lectures on Zoom, and posts recordings of lectures to watch asynchronously. She posts optional practice sets for each week. There are 2 midterms and a cumulative final exam. There are also 3 assignments that you do in groups, and you can either form your own group or work in the one she randomly assigns you. From what I remember, section attendance was optional. Overall solid class.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B
Dec. 23, 2023

professor boswell was just ok. she wasn't outstanding when it came to lecturing but i got by. i feel like she used an excessive amount of curveballs in her exams but i always averaged a B. the assignments were pretty easy, which was nice to have as a cushion compared to econ 1. she allows a printer paper sized doubled sided cheat sheet for each midterm and 3 (this quarter) for our final which was very generous. overall, she's an average lecturer


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ECON 104
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Dec. 22, 2023

The structure of this course consisted of three group projects each worth 15%, one midterm, and one final exam. If your final exam score was higher than your midterm, your entire exam grade would be determined by the final. The course material was not particularly easy to comprehend, requiring memorization of numerous models and their implementation using R.

We faced a challenging midterm exam and a considerably easier final exam. The final exam did not include complex calculation questions; it was entirely focused on concepts and definitions. If you understood all the group project and lab topics and prepared a very detailed cheat sheet, it could be a super easy A. In our class, 44% of the students received an A. Even if you did not put in much effort or never study at all, there was no need to worry; the lowest grade given by the instructor was a C-, which is the minimum requirement set by the econ department. Even with a score of zero, your grade would still be a C-.

I received a terrifyingly low score on my midterm, having not reviewed any content throughout the semester. The night before the final exam, I spent a total of 10 hours reviewing all the key points and included them all on my cheat sheet. In the end, I managed to achieve an A-.

Professor Boswell is one of the nicest professors I have ever met. I took her Econ 103 and 104 classes. She cares deeply about her students, explains concepts clearly, and offers ample office hours.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C
Oct. 17, 2023

Don't get me wrong, I liked this class and Boswell's lectures and the material were super interesting, but she curves downward like crazy. I've never had a professor curve down before and it was so unexpected because she does it at the end of the class when there's nothing you can do about it. I got a B in the class and she curved it down an entire letter grade down to a C which is crazy, especially when most people in the class are trying to reach the gpa requirement for biz Econ. Be prepared to get at least an A on all the exams and homework if you want a somewhat good grade.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
Oct. 16, 2023

I do not have anything bad to say about Professor Boswell. The class was fine and was pretty manageable you just really need to study hard to do well on the finals. The thing that was very disappointing is that she downcurved the class. I never understood why professors do this, but I would have gotten an A- if she hadn't have downcurved,


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
July 1, 2023

Overall I would definitely recommend Boswell for anyone taking Econ 2, though as others have said the downcurve is noticeable, especially at the lower grades. So while you do have to beat the curve, Boswell actually gives you all the resources you need to succeed in the class.

Grades Weights :
15% for 3 Assignments : Definitely double check your work, but overall pretty average difficulty and workload, can be done in a few hours for each
25% Midterm 1 and 25% Midterm 2 : These two are open notes
35% Final Exam : Not open notes, but you can bring a 1 sheet cheat sheet

Pros :
- Uses same textbook required for Econ 1 (Ohanian), meaning you save money and get the MindTap version as well for Econ 2.
- Mindtap (and it's practice problem and non-required homework) is extremely helpful in learning the content. You do all the sections and the practice problems, you'll be well-prepared for the exams like literally this is the absolute best way to do well in this class.
- Practice Exams, especially the Final exam are accurately reflective of the difficulty and type of questions asked in the actual exams. Doing well on these means you'll do well on the actual one, but don't slack off because of it.
- Straightforward class, there's nothing particularly out of place and the exams are reflective of the content learned, and Boswell will go as far as mention exactly which chapter, and if not the whole chapter, which sections are going to be on the exam.
- Class is zoomed and recorded, which is always helpful

Cons :
- The further into the class we got, the more confusing the lectures got not in a sense that it was some really hard stuff but rather that it was taught less methodically and more of the flow kind of thing, but mindtap will be helpful to reinforce those topics
- Downcurve
- The assignment can get a pretty confusing at times

Essentially, Boswell, is a good professor that gives all the resources you need to succeed, exams are fair and reflect what was taught, and as long as you put time into Mindtap and actually learning as you do it, you've set yourself up really well.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B-
June 27, 2023

This class was relatively easy. The lectures are recorded and there is also a zoom option. Grades consisted of 15% group assignments, 25% midterm 1, 25% midterm 2 (or she might've taken the highest of the two for 50%), and 35% final. There were only 3 assignments which were pretty easy and you get to choose your group. The midterms were 30 multiple choice questions online and the final was 60 multiple choice questions in-person, but she let us make a cheat sheet and she provided an equation sheet. The Mindtap is provided unless you opt out of it and I highly suggest using it. The only downside to this class is that it is down curved, so instead of ending with a B+ I ended with a B-. Anyone who ended with a 70-79% got a C-. For this reason I would suggest taking the course with another professor but other than that I thought Boswell was a great lecturer and I enjoyed this class.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B
June 27, 2023

the class is downcurved!!!!
the class consists of: 3 group assignments, 2 midterms, & a final (you're allowed a cheatsheet)
- the 2 midterms are online & you're allowed your notes but I still felt that they were a bit difficult
- i def recommend getting MindTap & splitting the price with someone
- i can also tell she cares about her students & if you ask her questions about the hw she'll help you out
however.. my biggest problem with the class is that it operates on a downcurve so make sure to get good grades on the midterms & homework assignments or else you're grade is going to suffer


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C+
June 27, 2023

Overall, the workload for this class was extremely manageable -- there were 3 group worksheets throughout the quarter that were relatively easy, especially when split between the group. Additionally, the 2 midterms and final were very fair. Our midterms were on canvas and the final was in person. My one quarrel with this class was the extreme down curve that we were not made aware of. My final grade was an 86%, but got down-curved to a C+, which was really upsetting. I'm pretty sure the curve was only really bad for this particular quarter BUT, just in case, make sure you're acing everything if you want to get a B or above in the class.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B
June 26, 2023

First off don't let the individual below who is high on his/her ego full you. Congrats you wanted everyone to know you beat the curve! Bravo! However they left out one key note; the class is down curved.

The class is overall easy, it consists of two midterms, 3 group assignments, and 1 final. The midterms are short and easy overall. The final allows 1 cheat sheet but the finals are recycled from previous quarters so your best off studying those. Group assignments are easy but be careful not to get screwed as you work as a group for the assignment but your final grade in the class your competing among each other. The final is easy just study and do mind tap. However the one problem in this class is informing the class that grades won't be down curved only to drastically curve the class the the day before grades are due. Overall the content and material itself is not hard rather interesting but your better off finding a class who won't down curve. Econ 1 with Ohanian is a much better option if you want an engaging professor who wants the best for his students and doesn't overload material.


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