
Kimberly Boswell

Overall Ratings
Based on 51 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (51)

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Jan. 9, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

Professor Boswell is a godsend and made this class so incredibly painless. There are professors that care about their craft, that care about their students’ wellbeing, and that care about their students’ learning, and then there are professors who care about all three. Professor Boswell is the latter. This class has virtually no homework or busywork—everything seems intentional and purposeful in furthering our understanding of the subject and success in the class. She is concise and clear in lectures, using an abundance of real-world examples and ties in current events to every lecture to keep the subject matter relevant and show us why each concept is important. Outside of her lectures though, Cengage is a godsend for extra practice problems, and similar problems from the cengage practice sets are often on the midterms. Professor Boswell is intelligent, adept, and funny while still being firm, fair, and accommodating where need be. If you dislike this class for any reason, it’s going to be because really how interesting can macroeconomics be, but I promise you it won’t be because of Boswell <3.


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Jan. 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class is a great introduction to macroeconomic concepts and their real-world applications. Boswell does a phenomenal job of walking students through each concept in intricate detail – if you simply pay attention to the lectures, you will fully understand the concepts. The class is organized as follows:

- 2 midterms (30 questions MC, 1 page double-sided cheat sheet allowed)

- 1 final (60 questions MC, 3 pages double-sided cheat sheet allowed)

- Group assignment (everybody aces these; they are easy)

During my quarter, she dropped the lowest midterm grade as well. Not sure if she'll do this again since it was because our testing room had issues for the first midterm. People also talk about the down curve for this class -- thankfully, our class was not downcurved at all, but there was also no up curve. You will most likely have to get A's on the exams in order to get an A- or above. In order to do well in the class you should:

- Make an excellent cheat sheet. Study and understand every concept you put on it because you will have to apply these concepts.

- Do practice midterms/finals over and over until you can get A's consistently on them. She provides these before each midterm/final.

- Do MindTap practice problems. I started doing this after the first midterm and my scores improved.

- Again, go to/watch every lecture.

Overall, the class was one of my favorites at UCLA. Concepts are also useful for interviewing for finance/econ internships and just interesting to know in general.


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Oct. 15, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Practice tests and project material (summary/spreadsheet of all the codes for Econ 103 and 104; super helpful for 104!) are available, $30 for full package (negotiable - I'm flexible and nice dw). Email me at *************.

Boswell is pretty nice and extends project due dates if most of the class needs extra time for the group projects. Make sure for your groups, you choose responsible group partners and that you study well for the midterm. the midterm itself wasn't super difficult, but in my opinion, the environment was poorly planned out. She also records and livestreams lectures.


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June 25, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-

This class is very doable and would recommend to anyone. Boswell is a good prof, but there's nothing that is stand out amazing about her, she is just very fair. 25% midterm1, 25% midterm2, 35% final and 15% assignments and 2% extra credit on your final exam if you fill out course eval. The assignments are done in groups and there's only 3 for the whole quarter (5%) each and are all graded on accuracy. They're not that bad but there can be a few questions that really get you.

Midterms and final are all multiple choice. 30 questions for the midterms and 60 questions for final. Let me just say that there's SO MUCH CHEATING on those damn midterms. Both midterms were held in person and there was still so much cheating. Let me preface this by saying this class was 440 people so we took it in Moore 100 and everyone sat next to each other (some profs make you sit every other seat but we would not fit if we did that). There were 3 different versions of both midterms but all the versions had the same questions, just different order so the entire midterm everyone is just looking over at everyone's paper to check answers. It's also scantron and you don't need to show work to get credit so that why people are able to pull this off. It was sooooooo frustrating because everyone was worried for the down curve, but she didn't end up down curving but only because of the TA strike. There were so many people who would walk out of the midterm saying they couldn't focus because their friends were just looking at their paper the whole time.

With all of that being said, the midterms and final are very fair. She bases all the problems from mindtap and she posts 3 practice tests for each midterm and final. The average for the midterm is decent, I think mid 80's for both. The final was pretty easy but I just didn't prepare enough. Overall pretty fair and doable class


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June 24, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Very solid class. Lectures are recorded which is really nice, and they are very clear and easy to understand. 15% of your grade is group assignments that everyone gets 100% on. The rest are midterms and finals (25% each midterm, 35% final) which are difficult but totally manageable. She allows cheat sheets for the tests and she lets you make them huge so the tests are basically open note. Make sure you make good cheat sheets. Also use the MindTap section reviews/quizzes before each test - they really help and she takes questions from MindTap so its a great way to prepare. Class is not a lot of work at all - just study for a day or two before the tests and you're totally fine. Def recommend.


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June 22, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

This class is easy for people who have prior knowledge of economics. Professor Boswell is a really patient and generous professor, she pays attention to students' needs and is willing to do whatever she can to make the students' lives easier. However, the course is designed to have only the top 30% of the class get an A and 35% of people would get a B, the rest are either C+ or lower. The grade boundary changes each year. There are three group assignments for the class and are graded on accuracy, so make sure you find a reliable group to work with. One double-sided cheat sheet is allowed on midterms (there are two midterms), and 3 double-sided cheat sheets are allowed on the final. The professor gave us extra credit for completing the course evaluation as well so this year's average was higher than the previous. The key to success in this class is to do the discussion practices and the MindTap problems, like every single one of them, and you need to understand the concept behind them in order to score well on the exam. The MindTap is around $70, but I know people who still succeed without the MindTap by simply reading the whole textbook and doing the textbook practices.


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June 8, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

I really liked the TA. The professor is extremely accommodating. I feel like that last 2 weeks of material was not covered as extensively as it should have been. Before the last two weeks, material was covered pretty well and it got confusing.


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May 29, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This class requires thorough understanding of concepts to easily grasp the main ideas being taught, focus and check past papers to succeed.


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May 29, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

The class is easy if you stay focused and are on top of your assignments, go through past tests for midterms and finals.


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April 12, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B

This class was extremely well-taught, with strong slides and plenty of practice exams, homeworks, and resources to prepare for exams. The final grade was comprised of 30% midterm, 40% final, and 30% group projects. If you do all the practice weekly questions and make a good cheat sheet, you'll be fine. Taking Boswell again for 104!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Jan. 9, 2023

Professor Boswell is a godsend and made this class so incredibly painless. There are professors that care about their craft, that care about their students’ wellbeing, and that care about their students’ learning, and then there are professors who care about all three. Professor Boswell is the latter. This class has virtually no homework or busywork—everything seems intentional and purposeful in furthering our understanding of the subject and success in the class. She is concise and clear in lectures, using an abundance of real-world examples and ties in current events to every lecture to keep the subject matter relevant and show us why each concept is important. Outside of her lectures though, Cengage is a godsend for extra practice problems, and similar problems from the cengage practice sets are often on the midterms. Professor Boswell is intelligent, adept, and funny while still being firm, fair, and accommodating where need be. If you dislike this class for any reason, it’s going to be because really how interesting can macroeconomics be, but I promise you it won’t be because of Boswell <3.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 2, 2024

This class is a great introduction to macroeconomic concepts and their real-world applications. Boswell does a phenomenal job of walking students through each concept in intricate detail – if you simply pay attention to the lectures, you will fully understand the concepts. The class is organized as follows:

- 2 midterms (30 questions MC, 1 page double-sided cheat sheet allowed)

- 1 final (60 questions MC, 3 pages double-sided cheat sheet allowed)

- Group assignment (everybody aces these; they are easy)

During my quarter, she dropped the lowest midterm grade as well. Not sure if she'll do this again since it was because our testing room had issues for the first midterm. People also talk about the down curve for this class -- thankfully, our class was not downcurved at all, but there was also no up curve. You will most likely have to get A's on the exams in order to get an A- or above. In order to do well in the class you should:

- Make an excellent cheat sheet. Study and understand every concept you put on it because you will have to apply these concepts.

- Do practice midterms/finals over and over until you can get A's consistently on them. She provides these before each midterm/final.

- Do MindTap practice problems. I started doing this after the first midterm and my scores improved.

- Again, go to/watch every lecture.

Overall, the class was one of my favorites at UCLA. Concepts are also useful for interviewing for finance/econ internships and just interesting to know in general.


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ECON 104
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Oct. 15, 2023

Practice tests and project material (summary/spreadsheet of all the codes for Econ 103 and 104; super helpful for 104!) are available, $30 for full package (negotiable - I'm flexible and nice dw). Email me at *************.

Boswell is pretty nice and extends project due dates if most of the class needs extra time for the group projects. Make sure for your groups, you choose responsible group partners and that you study well for the midterm. the midterm itself wasn't super difficult, but in my opinion, the environment was poorly planned out. She also records and livestreams lectures.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
June 25, 2024

This class is very doable and would recommend to anyone. Boswell is a good prof, but there's nothing that is stand out amazing about her, she is just very fair. 25% midterm1, 25% midterm2, 35% final and 15% assignments and 2% extra credit on your final exam if you fill out course eval. The assignments are done in groups and there's only 3 for the whole quarter (5%) each and are all graded on accuracy. They're not that bad but there can be a few questions that really get you.

Midterms and final are all multiple choice. 30 questions for the midterms and 60 questions for final. Let me just say that there's SO MUCH CHEATING on those damn midterms. Both midterms were held in person and there was still so much cheating. Let me preface this by saying this class was 440 people so we took it in Moore 100 and everyone sat next to each other (some profs make you sit every other seat but we would not fit if we did that). There were 3 different versions of both midterms but all the versions had the same questions, just different order so the entire midterm everyone is just looking over at everyone's paper to check answers. It's also scantron and you don't need to show work to get credit so that why people are able to pull this off. It was sooooooo frustrating because everyone was worried for the down curve, but she didn't end up down curving but only because of the TA strike. There were so many people who would walk out of the midterm saying they couldn't focus because their friends were just looking at their paper the whole time.

With all of that being said, the midterms and final are very fair. She bases all the problems from mindtap and she posts 3 practice tests for each midterm and final. The average for the midterm is decent, I think mid 80's for both. The final was pretty easy but I just didn't prepare enough. Overall pretty fair and doable class


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 24, 2024

Very solid class. Lectures are recorded which is really nice, and they are very clear and easy to understand. 15% of your grade is group assignments that everyone gets 100% on. The rest are midterms and finals (25% each midterm, 35% final) which are difficult but totally manageable. She allows cheat sheets for the tests and she lets you make them huge so the tests are basically open note. Make sure you make good cheat sheets. Also use the MindTap section reviews/quizzes before each test - they really help and she takes questions from MindTap so its a great way to prepare. Class is not a lot of work at all - just study for a day or two before the tests and you're totally fine. Def recommend.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 22, 2024

This class is easy for people who have prior knowledge of economics. Professor Boswell is a really patient and generous professor, she pays attention to students' needs and is willing to do whatever she can to make the students' lives easier. However, the course is designed to have only the top 30% of the class get an A and 35% of people would get a B, the rest are either C+ or lower. The grade boundary changes each year. There are three group assignments for the class and are graded on accuracy, so make sure you find a reliable group to work with. One double-sided cheat sheet is allowed on midterms (there are two midterms), and 3 double-sided cheat sheets are allowed on the final. The professor gave us extra credit for completing the course evaluation as well so this year's average was higher than the previous. The key to success in this class is to do the discussion practices and the MindTap problems, like every single one of them, and you need to understand the concept behind them in order to score well on the exam. The MindTap is around $70, but I know people who still succeed without the MindTap by simply reading the whole textbook and doing the textbook practices.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 8, 2024

I really liked the TA. The professor is extremely accommodating. I feel like that last 2 weeks of material was not covered as extensively as it should have been. Before the last two weeks, material was covered pretty well and it got confusing.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
May 29, 2024

This class requires thorough understanding of concepts to easily grasp the main ideas being taught, focus and check past papers to succeed.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
May 29, 2024

The class is easy if you stay focused and are on top of your assignments, go through past tests for midterms and finals.


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ECON 103
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
April 12, 2024

This class was extremely well-taught, with strong slides and plenty of practice exams, homeworks, and resources to prepare for exams. The final grade was comprised of 30% midterm, 40% final, and 30% group projects. If you do all the practice weekly questions and make a good cheat sheet, you'll be fine. Taking Boswell again for 104!


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