
Juliet Williams

Overall Ratings
Based on 60 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (60)

3 of 5
3 of 5
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Feb. 21, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

i thought she was absolutely DELIGHTFUL. loved her and all the material. but i'd consider this class to be pretty reading-intensive. one midterm, one final and one essay. midterm and final were term id and short essays, and she gave the potential essay prompts beforehand. from what i recall, she provided multiple prompts for the essay. her contemporary examples made the class really entertaining and her bubbly personality was a definitely plus. easy A if you're willing to spend about 5 hours reading/week.


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June 7, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Williams is a very bright woman with a great personality. She has personal teaching skills and presents the material in a very organized and thoughtful manner.

There was a substantial amount of reading for the class and you need to do them for discussion because there are weekly quizzes. I found it helpful to make note cards for the midterm/final with each author of the readings and what their main ideas were.

Williams also loves to show music videos in class(esp. Lady Gaga and Beyonce) so going to lecture is worthwhile. Overall a very enjoyable class and I would recommend it for a GE.


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Feb. 21, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Williams is a clear, no BS professor. Her lectures are very concise and present the information in such an organized way. The discussions for this class were quite interesting but HEAVILY reading-based. If you do not do the readings for this course, you will be able to do well on the tests etc, but you will drown in the discussions because discussions are mainly like a book club for the class. This class is probably pretty easy if you understand the main themes that link each topic (reification of XXXXX)


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Nov. 30, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Williams is well-informed, articulate, and intelligent. The course readings are extremely interesting and eye-opening and if you do them and attend lectures regularly you'll do well. People who complain about having to attend class and do required readings are illogical to me anyway. Williams also gives a clear study guide that helped me do well on the midterm and final.
Williams' lectures explain and expand on the required readings. Williams shows pertinent and entertaining videos (that range from Beyonce music videos to a documentary on young transgendered people) to clarify her points.
In some of the below reviews people have complained about this class making them feel "guilty" because it emphasizes that inequalities exist and some are more privileged than others. If you ask me, there aren't enough classes at this school that highlight the inequalities that still exist today, and this course does so in an eye-opening way.
In short, this class changed the way I see gender relations and societal structures on a larger scale. I took this class my freshman year, and as a senior still look back on it as one of my favorite classes. And I've taken lots of excellent classes! Williams is helpful and knowledgeable. I hope more people (women and men) take this class.


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Sept. 5, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor William's is basically the sweetest person ever. The class lectures were usually pretty interesting. She was obsessed with showing Beyonce videos and discussing them, which was... odd. She does make you watch a series about transgender people that was pretty interesting. There are also many articles that make you feel guilty if you are white. The class is fairly easy though. I didn't do much of the reading and got a B+.


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June 9, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class was great. Not only is Williams the sweetest person ever, but also it's apparent that she really cares about her students. I thought the material was really eye-opening and introduced the general subject of women's studies. There was one midterm, one paper, and one final, and the TAs are all really helpful and clearly passionate. You don't even have to put in a lot of work...everyone I talked to ended up getting an A. It was easy and rewarding--definitely my favorite class this year.


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March 9, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class is awful. Seriously, her lectures are pointless and boring. The class is based mostly on transgender people, and has hardly any basis in the actual feminist theory. It was confusing, often times disturbing, and a complete waste of time. Don't take this unless you are a feminist and underprivileged, otherwise, she and the TA's will make you feel as though all the oppression in the world is your fault.


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Dec. 17, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Williams is absolutely fabulous! The class is eye opening, fascinating and engaging. It is a bit of work, but don't let that stop you, because the TA's grade easily as long as you show that you are trying. 100% take this class, the things you learn will influence you in all walks of life. It is a class that is truly applicable to everything!


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Nov. 19, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Williams is a sweatheart. She comes into class everyday very excited to begin lecture and insight her students. She is very approachable and, as the class goes on, becomes more personal as she shares with us stories about her family.

With that said, do not expect this to be an easy GE. You have weekly readings that average to about ~60 pages per week; they're not an easy-read either. Every page takes a good 5-7 minutes to read to be able to fully comprehend the text. The authors are also very superfluous in their writing, so you have to be patient when reading the text and refrain from taking a dump on the textbook.

I stopped attending lectures week 2 because I felt like Professor Williams talks the whole period. Though she makes excellent points, the material is projected in a monotone voice and made very dry because she condenses the text to the main, abstract points. I.E "The Master's Tool Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" *palm face*

Section is a piece of cake as long as you keep up with the reading. If you miss just one article, you're behind and will have play catch-up. You're grade is based 20% on discussion, 20% on midterm, 20% on a paper, and 40% on the final. The paper is easy but time-consuming because you have to review old material if you want to write an articulate paper. Section, as previously mentioned, is easy as long as you keep up with the reading as you have weekly quizzes (topics are very easy/general to write about). Now, the mid term and final are a fucking bitch. Every reading, Professor Williams gives you a set of keywords. Now, given that we read upwards of 100 articles throughout the quarter, that's about 200 key terms. Those key terms, my friends, are what's gonna be on the midterm/final.

OH AND THE CATCH IS, she doesn't tell you which ones you're gonna be examined on. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. You have to list the the author of the term! Oh! And significance! So good luck studying 200+ key terms. I actually had a breakdown during the midterm because I was so overwhelmed. I wasn't alone though, as everyone during the day of the midterm were shaking of nervousness.

Overall, I think the class is very insightful and engaging. However, you have to work for your grade. It can be fun if you're into modernism of feminism and LGBT issues, but other than that, it's very hard to keep engaged.


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Nov. 19, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Personally, I did not enjoy the class. Yeah, she shows you videos about Beyonce and Shakira. But I feel that the class lacks real insight on feminism, maybe I'm old school and want to learn about how the feminism movement came about and all that stuff, but I think it shouldn't be called " Introduction to Women's Studies: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Society" if the majority of the class focuses on transgender issue it should be called that. I personally do not understand why she gets bothered by people sleeping, texting or conversating, its their choice. She's a very nice women don't get me wrong, its just not the class for me. Good luck on the midterm too, she hands out a study guide and you guess what your ids are, she won't tell you, she does give the essay question. The TAs like to focus on making you think, so it's not an average class where you "discuss" but really get told what's on the midterm, so prepare for a big chunk of the class begin an actual discussion. Best you make study groups with your friends because you'll need it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 21, 2012

i thought she was absolutely DELIGHTFUL. loved her and all the material. but i'd consider this class to be pretty reading-intensive. one midterm, one final and one essay. midterm and final were term id and short essays, and she gave the potential essay prompts beforehand. from what i recall, she provided multiple prompts for the essay. her contemporary examples made the class really entertaining and her bubbly personality was a definitely plus. easy A if you're willing to spend about 5 hours reading/week.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 7, 2011

Professor Williams is a very bright woman with a great personality. She has personal teaching skills and presents the material in a very organized and thoughtful manner.

There was a substantial amount of reading for the class and you need to do them for discussion because there are weekly quizzes. I found it helpful to make note cards for the midterm/final with each author of the readings and what their main ideas were.

Williams also loves to show music videos in class(esp. Lady Gaga and Beyonce) so going to lecture is worthwhile. Overall a very enjoyable class and I would recommend it for a GE.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 21, 2011

Williams is a clear, no BS professor. Her lectures are very concise and present the information in such an organized way. The discussions for this class were quite interesting but HEAVILY reading-based. If you do not do the readings for this course, you will be able to do well on the tests etc, but you will drown in the discussions because discussions are mainly like a book club for the class. This class is probably pretty easy if you understand the main themes that link each topic (reification of XXXXX)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 30, 2010

Professor Williams is well-informed, articulate, and intelligent. The course readings are extremely interesting and eye-opening and if you do them and attend lectures regularly you'll do well. People who complain about having to attend class and do required readings are illogical to me anyway. Williams also gives a clear study guide that helped me do well on the midterm and final.
Williams' lectures explain and expand on the required readings. Williams shows pertinent and entertaining videos (that range from Beyonce music videos to a documentary on young transgendered people) to clarify her points.
In some of the below reviews people have complained about this class making them feel "guilty" because it emphasizes that inequalities exist and some are more privileged than others. If you ask me, there aren't enough classes at this school that highlight the inequalities that still exist today, and this course does so in an eye-opening way.
In short, this class changed the way I see gender relations and societal structures on a larger scale. I took this class my freshman year, and as a senior still look back on it as one of my favorite classes. And I've taken lots of excellent classes! Williams is helpful and knowledgeable. I hope more people (women and men) take this class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 5, 2010

Professor William's is basically the sweetest person ever. The class lectures were usually pretty interesting. She was obsessed with showing Beyonce videos and discussing them, which was... odd. She does make you watch a series about transgender people that was pretty interesting. There are also many articles that make you feel guilty if you are white. The class is fairly easy though. I didn't do much of the reading and got a B+.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 9, 2010

This class was great. Not only is Williams the sweetest person ever, but also it's apparent that she really cares about her students. I thought the material was really eye-opening and introduced the general subject of women's studies. There was one midterm, one paper, and one final, and the TAs are all really helpful and clearly passionate. You don't even have to put in a lot of work...everyone I talked to ended up getting an A. It was easy and rewarding--definitely my favorite class this year.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 9, 2010

This class is awful. Seriously, her lectures are pointless and boring. The class is based mostly on transgender people, and has hardly any basis in the actual feminist theory. It was confusing, often times disturbing, and a complete waste of time. Don't take this unless you are a feminist and underprivileged, otherwise, she and the TA's will make you feel as though all the oppression in the world is your fault.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 17, 2009

Professor Williams is absolutely fabulous! The class is eye opening, fascinating and engaging. It is a bit of work, but don't let that stop you, because the TA's grade easily as long as you show that you are trying. 100% take this class, the things you learn will influence you in all walks of life. It is a class that is truly applicable to everything!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 19, 2009

Professor Williams is a sweatheart. She comes into class everyday very excited to begin lecture and insight her students. She is very approachable and, as the class goes on, becomes more personal as she shares with us stories about her family.

With that said, do not expect this to be an easy GE. You have weekly readings that average to about ~60 pages per week; they're not an easy-read either. Every page takes a good 5-7 minutes to read to be able to fully comprehend the text. The authors are also very superfluous in their writing, so you have to be patient when reading the text and refrain from taking a dump on the textbook.

I stopped attending lectures week 2 because I felt like Professor Williams talks the whole period. Though she makes excellent points, the material is projected in a monotone voice and made very dry because she condenses the text to the main, abstract points. I.E "The Master's Tool Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" *palm face*

Section is a piece of cake as long as you keep up with the reading. If you miss just one article, you're behind and will have play catch-up. You're grade is based 20% on discussion, 20% on midterm, 20% on a paper, and 40% on the final. The paper is easy but time-consuming because you have to review old material if you want to write an articulate paper. Section, as previously mentioned, is easy as long as you keep up with the reading as you have weekly quizzes (topics are very easy/general to write about). Now, the mid term and final are a fucking bitch. Every reading, Professor Williams gives you a set of keywords. Now, given that we read upwards of 100 articles throughout the quarter, that's about 200 key terms. Those key terms, my friends, are what's gonna be on the midterm/final.

OH AND THE CATCH IS, she doesn't tell you which ones you're gonna be examined on. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. You have to list the the author of the term! Oh! And significance! So good luck studying 200+ key terms. I actually had a breakdown during the midterm because I was so overwhelmed. I wasn't alone though, as everyone during the day of the midterm were shaking of nervousness.

Overall, I think the class is very insightful and engaging. However, you have to work for your grade. It can be fun if you're into modernism of feminism and LGBT issues, but other than that, it's very hard to keep engaged.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 19, 2009

Personally, I did not enjoy the class. Yeah, she shows you videos about Beyonce and Shakira. But I feel that the class lacks real insight on feminism, maybe I'm old school and want to learn about how the feminism movement came about and all that stuff, but I think it shouldn't be called " Introduction to Women's Studies: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Society" if the majority of the class focuses on transgender issue it should be called that. I personally do not understand why she gets bothered by people sleeping, texting or conversating, its their choice. She's a very nice women don't get me wrong, its just not the class for me. Good luck on the midterm too, she hands out a study guide and you guess what your ids are, she won't tell you, she does give the essay question. The TAs like to focus on making you think, so it's not an average class where you "discuss" but really get told what's on the midterm, so prepare for a big chunk of the class begin an actual discussion. Best you make study groups with your friends because you'll need it.


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3 of 5

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