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Juliet Williams
Based on 62 Users
She offered a very intellectually challenging approach to gender studies and lecture was very interesting. Her midterm and final were both essays that if you had done all the reading, were not too bad. However, 40% of your grade is based off of reading tests each week, so you always had to stay on top of reading. Overall, a great course
Professor Williams was a great teacher and this is the perfect class if it's your first quarter at UCLA. This class is a great transition to college. The only assignments are a paper for the midterm and another for the final which are pretty short and you are basically taught how to write them during discussion. I had Sa as my TA and she was amazing. This class is super interesting and definitely doable. I ended up writing my final paper the day it was due, ended up getting a B on the paper, but still got an A- in the class. Williams does not like electronics, especially cell phones and WILL call you out in class about it.
The class was really enjoyable and challenged how I saw the world. Professor Williams is very insightful and engaging. I enjoyed her lectures greatly. It's not an easy class, but I feel like the hardwork I put into this class paid off in the knowledge I gained from it. I'd suggest this class to everyone because I feel that it covers really important aspects of life.
Workload: There's no midterm or final, just two 1000 word essays due on Turnitin at 3 pm on the due dates. For the first 5-10 minutes of each section meeting, you will be asked to respond to a question related to prior class readings and lectures. Reading is needed in this class, but I thought the reading selections were interesting once I was able to see the main idea.
25% Critical Analysis Paper I
25% Critical Analysis Paper II
40% Reading Responses
10% Section Participation
Course taken: gender studies 10
It was a great class!The professor is super sweet and caring. The class is also really easy. You just have to do the readings each week.
If anyone is interested, I'm selling my course reader for $40. It's originally $88 at the extension store. Email me if interested.
Oops, made a mistake on the 04/12 evaluation:
Midterm and finals are short answer (define key terms, name author, explain significance) and essay question. The essay questions are given beforehand, but not the key terms.
OVERALL DIFFICULTY: Pretty easy. I would recommend it as an easy GE.
INTERESTING?: My motivations for taking this was that it was a GE that fit my schedule. I don't consider myself a feminist (but I'm no misogynist either), and while I gained a little bit more perspective, overall I remain pretty uninterested in this area of study.
READING, Y/N?: Preferably yes, but you can get away with skimming them. Mostly fluff, but there will usually be one or two very important paragraphs. If the article has a conclusion, just read that and you're good to go.
LECTURE: Will not make up for not reading AT ALL. Can be skipped completely if you do read/ skim. If you already ARE interested in this, then lecture will probably be very entertaining. She likes to show videos and stuff.
TESTS: Based completely on the reading. MC and essay questions, which are given beforehand. I'd recommend making flashcards for all the key terms you find. There will be a hell of a lot to study. Don't fall behind reading/ skimming, and you'll be fine.
PAPERS: Besides the tests, there's one paper based on a documentary series you write outside of class. 4 pages, very manageable, and it was graded pretty leniently, IMO.
SECTIONS: Reading is useful insofar as making you able to participate and do well on the writings/ quizzes or whatever. My TA made us do weekly writings, usually summarizing the readings of the week or giving our opinions on them.
GRADING BREAKDOWN: Midterm (20%), One paper (25%), Midterm (25%), Sections (30%).
RECOMMEND?: Yes. Easy GE, and the professor is a very nice and engaging lady.
She offered a very intellectually challenging approach to gender studies and lecture was very interesting. Her midterm and final were both essays that if you had done all the reading, were not too bad. However, 40% of your grade is based off of reading tests each week, so you always had to stay on top of reading. Overall, a great course
Professor Williams was a great teacher and this is the perfect class if it's your first quarter at UCLA. This class is a great transition to college. The only assignments are a paper for the midterm and another for the final which are pretty short and you are basically taught how to write them during discussion. I had Sa as my TA and she was amazing. This class is super interesting and definitely doable. I ended up writing my final paper the day it was due, ended up getting a B on the paper, but still got an A- in the class. Williams does not like electronics, especially cell phones and WILL call you out in class about it.
The class was really enjoyable and challenged how I saw the world. Professor Williams is very insightful and engaging. I enjoyed her lectures greatly. It's not an easy class, but I feel like the hardwork I put into this class paid off in the knowledge I gained from it. I'd suggest this class to everyone because I feel that it covers really important aspects of life.
Workload: There's no midterm or final, just two 1000 word essays due on Turnitin at 3 pm on the due dates. For the first 5-10 minutes of each section meeting, you will be asked to respond to a question related to prior class readings and lectures. Reading is needed in this class, but I thought the reading selections were interesting once I was able to see the main idea.
25% Critical Analysis Paper I
25% Critical Analysis Paper II
40% Reading Responses
10% Section Participation
Course taken: gender studies 10
It was a great class!The professor is super sweet and caring. The class is also really easy. You just have to do the readings each week.
If anyone is interested, I'm selling my course reader for $40. It's originally $88 at the extension store. Email me if interested.
Oops, made a mistake on the 04/12 evaluation:
Midterm and finals are short answer (define key terms, name author, explain significance) and essay question. The essay questions are given beforehand, but not the key terms.
OVERALL DIFFICULTY: Pretty easy. I would recommend it as an easy GE.
INTERESTING?: My motivations for taking this was that it was a GE that fit my schedule. I don't consider myself a feminist (but I'm no misogynist either), and while I gained a little bit more perspective, overall I remain pretty uninterested in this area of study.
READING, Y/N?: Preferably yes, but you can get away with skimming them. Mostly fluff, but there will usually be one or two very important paragraphs. If the article has a conclusion, just read that and you're good to go.
LECTURE: Will not make up for not reading AT ALL. Can be skipped completely if you do read/ skim. If you already ARE interested in this, then lecture will probably be very entertaining. She likes to show videos and stuff.
TESTS: Based completely on the reading. MC and essay questions, which are given beforehand. I'd recommend making flashcards for all the key terms you find. There will be a hell of a lot to study. Don't fall behind reading/ skimming, and you'll be fine.
PAPERS: Besides the tests, there's one paper based on a documentary series you write outside of class. 4 pages, very manageable, and it was graded pretty leniently, IMO.
SECTIONS: Reading is useful insofar as making you able to participate and do well on the writings/ quizzes or whatever. My TA made us do weekly writings, usually summarizing the readings of the week or giving our opinions on them.
GRADING BREAKDOWN: Midterm (20%), One paper (25%), Midterm (25%), Sections (30%).
RECOMMEND?: Yes. Easy GE, and the professor is a very nice and engaging lady.