
Jamie Goodwin-White

Overall Ratings
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 3.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (18)

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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 9, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

I had Professor Goodwin-White for GEOG 158 Population Geography in Fall 2021. As an aspiring Demographer, I really enjoyed taking this class with her! I thought her midterm and final were very manageable but some people in the class seemed to have found them very confusing and challenging. There is a very short research paper due near the end of the quarter, and I thought it was very fun. I think the prof graded only like 10-15% of the papers submitted, and the TA graded the rest. I got mine graded by the professor, and I think she did so in a very thoughtful and generous way as she gave me a 100 out of 100 with a nice feedback. Overall, I do not think this class is hard at all. You do need to watch the lectures and read the textbook every week but that's pretty much all you need to do. 100% recommended.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+

The lectures for this class are so long and boring, it took me so long to take notes for this class and the topics went super into detail so if you're not interested in this subject, don't take the class. The midterm and final were both 50 question multiple choice tests with a few extra credit questions about weekly articles the prof posted. The exams were not that challenging but you definitely have to study. The thing that took the most time was taking notes on the lectures, because she talks so fast and includes so much information that I had to pause the video every 5 seconds to write something down. There is also a 5-8 page research paper due at the end of the quarter. This professor did not have good communication with the TA because the TA graded this paper a lot nicer than the prof did. The TA read over my paper and gave me nothing but positive feedback before I turned it in, but when the professor graded my paper she gave me a C. Her feedback was very vague and seemingly just docked off points randomly with no explanation. She was unwilling to regrade my paper even though I explained that the TA told me my paper was good. Honestly this was a very annoying class that I dreaded doing the work for every week, but everyone's experience is different.


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Jan. 4, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

professor was injured so the class was online. it consisted of a midterm, a 6-8 page paper due week 9, and a final. midterm and final consisted of 3 questions to be answered in a paraphrase and 1 question to be answered in 2-3 paragraphs with an extra credit question. professor is helpful though the material is dense. lots of information to cover so learn to take good notes


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Jan. 3, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: B

To start off, it’s currently the day grades are due and she has not put in our final grade, which was a multiple choice online test due to TA protests. Her lectures are boring and she gives conflicting information on what is on the tests. The tests also have many errors and questions that have multiple possible answers but she only accepts the “best” one. Also some of her info conflicts with information found online. Class only consists of a research paper, a midterm and final so that was nice I guess. Exams are unfair in my opinion.


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May 24, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B

The course of the material is very interesting as it is a demography class and Goodwin is a trained demographer. The class consists of 1 midterm, 1 research paper and 1in-class final. Both the midterm and final are multiple choice but the test is almost entirely concept application and her questions require memorizing case examples in comparison to one another verses just knowing a concept. She does have 5 extra credit questions in each exam which serves as a good cushion.

She is very approachable and helpful in office hours! I thought she was really good but advice, do not more than one of her classes at a time! Dates are the exact same and the papers are VERY tedious.


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March 20, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B

Race and ethnicity are contentious topics, and the lack of agreement between "professionals" in the field makes this class' reading material onerous - and there is quite a bit of required reading. Jamie Goodwin-White is not a poor professor, though lectures can be a bit boring. I had one important class assignment (broken into two parts), a midterm, and a final. The grading for the assignment was vague and unhelpful; however, the midterm and final were fairly written and graded. BOTTOM LINE: if you enjoy sociology, or if you are interested in understanding US racial dynamics, then you might enjoy this class. Would I enroll again? Not a chance.


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June 23, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-

The class itself is not that difficult. There are a handful of very straightforward pop quizzes with 2-3 questions based on the readings, a midterm and final that also contend with the readings, and a research paper. The midterm and final were pretty straightforward as long as you did the readings or paid attention to what the professor said about them in lecture. We were also allowed a notecard cheatsheet for both exams. The research paper was also pretty simple, although the prompt is very loose so the rigor and depth expected were unclear. Not a difficult class by any means, but required a bit more effort than you would expect. The professor herself was not a very interesting lecturer, most classes were very boring and dry and she's somewhat ramble-y, and overall I don't feel that I've learned much from this class. I would not recommend this class.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 4, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

This professor was a good, clear lecturer, her teaching made sense, and I did learn a good amount. It was also a very easy class, at least for me. Would definitely recommend.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 31, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

I took Population Geography (Geog 158) with Professor Goodwin-White in Fall 2020. We met twice a week on Zoom and covered a chapter in one week. The lectures are PowerPoint slides and the professor explains the material very clearly during the lecture. I would advise using the slides she posts and the recording to take good notes for the exams. She allows to get the 11th, 12th, or 13th edition of the book and edition 12 is a free PDF. The grade is being determined by four factors: paper abstract (5%), research paper (30%), midterm (25%), and final (40%). The exams are multiple-choice and True or False (50 questions). She recommends short articles and adds a few extra credit questions on the exam about those articles. The exams are timed: 1 hour and 15 minutes. You will need to write a paper for the class. That is actually a fun assignment because I think you can learn a lot from it. Both the professor and the TA (Bryan) are extremely helpful, pleasant, approachable, and knowledgeable. The professor curved the grades at the end of the quarter and 90+ counted for an A, not A-. I really enjoyed the class and have learned a lot from it.


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GEOG 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 8, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

I really liked Professor Goodwin-White! I took ethnicity in American cities in winter of 2021 so it was online/ it was also geog 162 not geog 144 but it was still titled ethnicity in American cities! The course material was definitely not easy but if you watch all the lectures and do all the readings you will likely get a good grade. Her lectures were recorded and they were no longer than an hour lectures and sometimes they would be two one hour long lectures per week so not bad at all for a recorded lecture. The readings were relatively long but there was usually 1-2 readings a week (She posted the pdfs on ccle/there was no textbook) and they were fairly interesting! She does talk about the readings in lecture but I'd still recommend doing the readings because you have to bring them in on the midterm and final. The midterm and final (for the online version of this class) were both through ccle and there was a few day window to take it. Both the midterm and final were a few multiple choice questions, and short answer/ essay questions. There was also an extra credit question on both the midterm and final. The other part of the class was a research paper which had a research assignment before it. The part 1 of the research paper is where you had to pick a city and do research on it based on the guidelines she gave out and then you wrote a short research paper (I think it was approx 5-6 pages). The TA was also very helpful and answered all my questions about it. Overall, I'd recommend this professor and class but don't expect an easy A but rather like a doable A.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 9, 2021

I had Professor Goodwin-White for GEOG 158 Population Geography in Fall 2021. As an aspiring Demographer, I really enjoyed taking this class with her! I thought her midterm and final were very manageable but some people in the class seemed to have found them very confusing and challenging. There is a very short research paper due near the end of the quarter, and I thought it was very fun. I think the prof graded only like 10-15% of the papers submitted, and the TA graded the rest. I got mine graded by the professor, and I think she did so in a very thoughtful and generous way as she gave me a 100 out of 100 with a nice feedback. Overall, I do not think this class is hard at all. You do need to watch the lectures and read the textbook every week but that's pretty much all you need to do. 100% recommended.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+
Feb. 1, 2022

The lectures for this class are so long and boring, it took me so long to take notes for this class and the topics went super into detail so if you're not interested in this subject, don't take the class. The midterm and final were both 50 question multiple choice tests with a few extra credit questions about weekly articles the prof posted. The exams were not that challenging but you definitely have to study. The thing that took the most time was taking notes on the lectures, because she talks so fast and includes so much information that I had to pause the video every 5 seconds to write something down. There is also a 5-8 page research paper due at the end of the quarter. This professor did not have good communication with the TA because the TA graded this paper a lot nicer than the prof did. The TA read over my paper and gave me nothing but positive feedback before I turned it in, but when the professor graded my paper she gave me a C. Her feedback was very vague and seemingly just docked off points randomly with no explanation. She was unwilling to regrade my paper even though I explained that the TA told me my paper was good. Honestly this was a very annoying class that I dreaded doing the work for every week, but everyone's experience is different.


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GEOG 144
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Jan. 4, 2023

professor was injured so the class was online. it consisted of a midterm, a 6-8 page paper due week 9, and a final. midterm and final consisted of 3 questions to be answered in a paraphrase and 1 question to be answered in 2-3 paragraphs with an extra credit question. professor is helpful though the material is dense. lots of information to cover so learn to take good notes


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GEOG 142
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: B
Jan. 3, 2023

To start off, it’s currently the day grades are due and she has not put in our final grade, which was a multiple choice online test due to TA protests. Her lectures are boring and she gives conflicting information on what is on the tests. The tests also have many errors and questions that have multiple possible answers but she only accepts the “best” one. Also some of her info conflicts with information found online. Class only consists of a research paper, a midterm and final so that was nice I guess. Exams are unfair in my opinion.


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GEOG 142
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B
May 24, 2016

The course of the material is very interesting as it is a demography class and Goodwin is a trained demographer. The class consists of 1 midterm, 1 research paper and 1in-class final. Both the midterm and final are multiple choice but the test is almost entirely concept application and her questions require memorizing case examples in comparison to one another verses just knowing a concept. She does have 5 extra credit questions in each exam which serves as a good cushion.

She is very approachable and helpful in office hours! I thought she was really good but advice, do not more than one of her classes at a time! Dates are the exact same and the papers are VERY tedious.


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GEOG 144
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B
March 20, 2018

Race and ethnicity are contentious topics, and the lack of agreement between "professionals" in the field makes this class' reading material onerous - and there is quite a bit of required reading. Jamie Goodwin-White is not a poor professor, though lectures can be a bit boring. I had one important class assignment (broken into two parts), a midterm, and a final. The grading for the assignment was vague and unhelpful; however, the midterm and final were fairly written and graded. BOTTOM LINE: if you enjoy sociology, or if you are interested in understanding US racial dynamics, then you might enjoy this class. Would I enroll again? Not a chance.


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GEOG 162
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B-
June 23, 2024

The class itself is not that difficult. There are a handful of very straightforward pop quizzes with 2-3 questions based on the readings, a midterm and final that also contend with the readings, and a research paper. The midterm and final were pretty straightforward as long as you did the readings or paid attention to what the professor said about them in lecture. We were also allowed a notecard cheatsheet for both exams. The research paper was also pretty simple, although the prompt is very loose so the rigor and depth expected were unclear. Not a difficult class by any means, but required a bit more effort than you would expect. The professor herself was not a very interesting lecturer, most classes were very boring and dry and she's somewhat ramble-y, and overall I don't feel that I've learned much from this class. I would not recommend this class.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
June 4, 2021

This professor was a good, clear lecturer, her teaching made sense, and I did learn a good amount. It was also a very easy class, at least for me. Would definitely recommend.


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GEOG 142
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 31, 2020

I took Population Geography (Geog 158) with Professor Goodwin-White in Fall 2020. We met twice a week on Zoom and covered a chapter in one week. The lectures are PowerPoint slides and the professor explains the material very clearly during the lecture. I would advise using the slides she posts and the recording to take good notes for the exams. She allows to get the 11th, 12th, or 13th edition of the book and edition 12 is a free PDF. The grade is being determined by four factors: paper abstract (5%), research paper (30%), midterm (25%), and final (40%). The exams are multiple-choice and True or False (50 questions). She recommends short articles and adds a few extra credit questions on the exam about those articles. The exams are timed: 1 hour and 15 minutes. You will need to write a paper for the class. That is actually a fun assignment because I think you can learn a lot from it. Both the professor and the TA (Bryan) are extremely helpful, pleasant, approachable, and knowledgeable. The professor curved the grades at the end of the quarter and 90+ counted for an A, not A-. I really enjoyed the class and have learned a lot from it.


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GEOG 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
June 8, 2021

I really liked Professor Goodwin-White! I took ethnicity in American cities in winter of 2021 so it was online/ it was also geog 162 not geog 144 but it was still titled ethnicity in American cities! The course material was definitely not easy but if you watch all the lectures and do all the readings you will likely get a good grade. Her lectures were recorded and they were no longer than an hour lectures and sometimes they would be two one hour long lectures per week so not bad at all for a recorded lecture. The readings were relatively long but there was usually 1-2 readings a week (She posted the pdfs on ccle/there was no textbook) and they were fairly interesting! She does talk about the readings in lecture but I'd still recommend doing the readings because you have to bring them in on the midterm and final. The midterm and final (for the online version of this class) were both through ccle and there was a few day window to take it. Both the midterm and final were a few multiple choice questions, and short answer/ essay questions. There was also an extra credit question on both the midterm and final. The other part of the class was a research paper which had a research assignment before it. The part 1 of the research paper is where you had to pick a city and do research on it based on the guidelines she gave out and then you wrote a short research paper (I think it was approx 5-6 pages). The TA was also very helpful and answered all my questions about it. Overall, I'd recommend this professor and class but don't expect an easy A but rather like a doable A.


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