
J.P. Maloy

Overall Ratings
Based on 206 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (206)

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June 26, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

So usually LS 7A is taught with multiple professors utilizing the flipped classroom format, and Professor Maloy is one that certainly knows the in and outs of this teaching style. Lectures consist of him going over slides and some clicker questions (they count as part of your grade, but clicker questions are graded based on completing 75% of that lecture's clicker questions), and he encourages you to converse amongst yourselves. It's a good method that encourages both learning and socializing, so much so in that I found it relaxing and enjoyable to go to his lectures (he brings his dog in, so be on the lookout for that!).
Outside of lecture, you will have both Launchpad and discussion. Launchpad can be annoying sometimes, but usually there is a quizlet (and if not coursehero usually has a free preview lol). I'm not saying this to encourage you to look off of them, but rather to note the fact that Professor Maloy himself said that Launchpad is more for getting the background knowledge, and studying the clicker questions and lecture content is so much more crucial for the exams. In discussion, you will have worksheets to do, which will count as part of your grade. You are encouraged to work in groups, and honestly, most people should get these points, either from doing the work or asking for help from the TAs (who seem more than willing to help you do well in this class).
Like above, study the clicker questions and lecture content for the exams, it is by far the most crucial part. There are really a lot of application problems (e.g. looking at this biological system, what would happen if this part was inhibited?) and very few pure memorization problems. Make sure to utilize the diagrams on the exams, because those can definitely be helpful. Also, all exams (1 final, 2 midterms) are multiple choice (with both midterms being around 60 questions and the final 100 questions), and they provide the scantrons, so no need to worry about that part of the class.
In terms of grading, everything is on a straight scale (unless the average is below a 75%), so you don't need to worry about competition or anything. There are a total of 726 points (76 clicker points, 80 discussion points, 90 midterm 1 points, 120 midterm 2 points, 200 final points, 150 total points possible from Launchpad, 10 weekly survey points), with the straight scale boundary being 93% and up for A, 90%-92.9% for A-, etc. Overall, as long as you are staying on top of your work, because Maloy lectures so well, you should be able to ace this class!


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Nov. 11, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+

Maloy is by far the best professor for 7A. He is engaging, cares about student learning, and makes attending lectures worth your while. The tests are hard, but he hosts office hours that are extremely helpful right before exams. Would recommend but stay on top of your Launchpad!!


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Dec. 11, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: I

Maloy is awesome! I am really into the course material and the flipped classroom setting allow me to think of more problems and do more online research about the details. Maloy also tells about many interesting researches and applications.

We are seated according to discussion sections making it easy to form stronger bond, and I am very glad to meet so many great people!!

The exams are kinda hard compare to homework practice questions. I think the main trick is to go to all of the 4 office hours before the exam weeks. Even you don't have questions, Maloy always comes up with very 'interpretive' practices that allow you to connect knowledges across chapters.

For TA, I am very fortunate and super grateful to have Liz. She makes the sections very interesting and clear and knows the concepts very well.

One last note: don't put in way too much time in the class, or your other courses may not have good grades. Ask questions instead of stuck on them all the day.


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Dec. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This class genuinely challenged me, but it was worth all the work that I put into the class. They gave a million resources (LAs, TAs, CLC, CampusWire forum, preclass worksheets (optional), clicker questions, practice exam and review questions, and practice tests on Launchpad). They know that the style of testing is new (it's like similar to the ACT science portions based on diagrams, charts, etc.). The first midterm is weighted way less than the second midterm, knowing that it will be the first test in this style that many students will be taking. There was extra credit and a curve. Prof. Maloy pushed me to work hard and I appreciate it. I think it will push me to work just as hard in my other classes, such as in the rest of the LS7 series!!


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

Maloy really cares about his students and often holds really helpful office hours. If you are not understanding the material, I HIGHLY recommend going to office hours to ASAP because the class is pretty fast paced and it is easy to fall behind. Though this class was a lot of work, Maloy made it really engaging and interesting. But if it's not required for you, honestly take another easy GE.


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Dec. 20, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B

Like everyone has said, Launchpad sucks! It's $105+ for the access code and a complete waste of money. However, you must purchase it because almost 1/3 of the class points come from Launchpad activities. It is extremely time consuming and expect to spend 3+ hours a night on homework. The two midterms and final aren't even based off Launchpad, so don't expect your hard work to pay off. They are application questions that are worded weirdly and are extremely hard to answer. Attendance to both lecture and discussions are mandatory. Lectures are solely clicker questions (you do need a clicker for the class that's about $50) and you don't learn any material, just review what you briefly learned through Launchpad. Overall, Maloy was a great professor. He was super enthusiastic during lectures and had a ton of office hours to assist students. He is genuinely one of the best professors you'll have at UCLA and you can tell he's passionate about teaching but is constrained by the format of the LS7 series. If you don't have to take this course for your major, DON'T, it definitely isn't an easy GE. But if you do have to, try to take it with Maloy.


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Dec. 20, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B+

This class is HARDCORE. Taking this class as an incoming freshman, I was immediately made aware of the academic rigor of UCLA. This class is extremely fast-paced and you have to remember so much material it is insane.
Maloy definitely cared about his students and hosted plenty of office hours, especially before midterms and the final. He was very engaging, and whenever he taught the class, I felt like I learned so much. He made 7A kind of bearable.
IIf you want to survive this class, make sure to always stay on top of it, and attend office hours!!! The exams are monsters so make sure you really study your ass off.


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Dec. 20, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This was a deceptively hard class. I thought the material was simple enough but it was difficult to get used to the exam questions (we have 2 midterms and a final). They are application based and kind of weird. However, I put in a lot (a LOT) of time into this class and ended up doing well. Flipped classroom and launchpad suck, go to office hours and CLC sessions to learn the material. If you don’t have to take this class, I’d recommend against it just because it took way more time and effort than I thought it would.


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Dec. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This class most definitely was not a breeze. Every week we had several assignments due and readings. The tests were also unnecessarily difficult and it did not matter how much you studied. It did not in any shape or form test knowledge rather it was more about how well you take tests and critical thinking skills. This was most probably why the class was difficult as the tests are unpredictable and every time you come out of the exam you have no idea how well you did. My words of advice is to just try your best and hope things turn out your way. Overall though Dr. Maloy was a great professor and he hosted several office hours/q&a sessions to help prepare for exams.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 9, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

I had Professor Maloy for 2 classes and in both courses, he clearly showed interest in helping students learn beyond the material. He held office hours where lecture content was not allowed to be brought up, it was strictly for asking him questions about careers, his experience, etc. Besides his thoughtfulness, he is also a great professor! The tests were fair and the workload was manageable.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 26, 2019

So usually LS 7A is taught with multiple professors utilizing the flipped classroom format, and Professor Maloy is one that certainly knows the in and outs of this teaching style. Lectures consist of him going over slides and some clicker questions (they count as part of your grade, but clicker questions are graded based on completing 75% of that lecture's clicker questions), and he encourages you to converse amongst yourselves. It's a good method that encourages both learning and socializing, so much so in that I found it relaxing and enjoyable to go to his lectures (he brings his dog in, so be on the lookout for that!).
Outside of lecture, you will have both Launchpad and discussion. Launchpad can be annoying sometimes, but usually there is a quizlet (and if not coursehero usually has a free preview lol). I'm not saying this to encourage you to look off of them, but rather to note the fact that Professor Maloy himself said that Launchpad is more for getting the background knowledge, and studying the clicker questions and lecture content is so much more crucial for the exams. In discussion, you will have worksheets to do, which will count as part of your grade. You are encouraged to work in groups, and honestly, most people should get these points, either from doing the work or asking for help from the TAs (who seem more than willing to help you do well in this class).
Like above, study the clicker questions and lecture content for the exams, it is by far the most crucial part. There are really a lot of application problems (e.g. looking at this biological system, what would happen if this part was inhibited?) and very few pure memorization problems. Make sure to utilize the diagrams on the exams, because those can definitely be helpful. Also, all exams (1 final, 2 midterms) are multiple choice (with both midterms being around 60 questions and the final 100 questions), and they provide the scantrons, so no need to worry about that part of the class.
In terms of grading, everything is on a straight scale (unless the average is below a 75%), so you don't need to worry about competition or anything. There are a total of 726 points (76 clicker points, 80 discussion points, 90 midterm 1 points, 120 midterm 2 points, 200 final points, 150 total points possible from Launchpad, 10 weekly survey points), with the straight scale boundary being 93% and up for A, 90%-92.9% for A-, etc. Overall, as long as you are staying on top of your work, because Maloy lectures so well, you should be able to ace this class!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+
Nov. 11, 2019

Maloy is by far the best professor for 7A. He is engaging, cares about student learning, and makes attending lectures worth your while. The tests are hard, but he hosts office hours that are extremely helpful right before exams. Would recommend but stay on top of your Launchpad!!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: I
Dec. 11, 2019

Maloy is awesome! I am really into the course material and the flipped classroom setting allow me to think of more problems and do more online research about the details. Maloy also tells about many interesting researches and applications.

We are seated according to discussion sections making it easy to form stronger bond, and I am very glad to meet so many great people!!

The exams are kinda hard compare to homework practice questions. I think the main trick is to go to all of the 4 office hours before the exam weeks. Even you don't have questions, Maloy always comes up with very 'interpretive' practices that allow you to connect knowledges across chapters.

For TA, I am very fortunate and super grateful to have Liz. She makes the sections very interesting and clear and knows the concepts very well.

One last note: don't put in way too much time in the class, or your other courses may not have good grades. Ask questions instead of stuck on them all the day.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 21, 2019

This class genuinely challenged me, but it was worth all the work that I put into the class. They gave a million resources (LAs, TAs, CLC, CampusWire forum, preclass worksheets (optional), clicker questions, practice exam and review questions, and practice tests on Launchpad). They know that the style of testing is new (it's like similar to the ACT science portions based on diagrams, charts, etc.). The first midterm is weighted way less than the second midterm, knowing that it will be the first test in this style that many students will be taking. There was extra credit and a curve. Prof. Maloy pushed me to work hard and I appreciate it. I think it will push me to work just as hard in my other classes, such as in the rest of the LS7 series!!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 19, 2019

Maloy really cares about his students and often holds really helpful office hours. If you are not understanding the material, I HIGHLY recommend going to office hours to ASAP because the class is pretty fast paced and it is easy to fall behind. Though this class was a lot of work, Maloy made it really engaging and interesting. But if it's not required for you, honestly take another easy GE.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B
Dec. 20, 2019

Like everyone has said, Launchpad sucks! It's $105+ for the access code and a complete waste of money. However, you must purchase it because almost 1/3 of the class points come from Launchpad activities. It is extremely time consuming and expect to spend 3+ hours a night on homework. The two midterms and final aren't even based off Launchpad, so don't expect your hard work to pay off. They are application questions that are worded weirdly and are extremely hard to answer. Attendance to both lecture and discussions are mandatory. Lectures are solely clicker questions (you do need a clicker for the class that's about $50) and you don't learn any material, just review what you briefly learned through Launchpad. Overall, Maloy was a great professor. He was super enthusiastic during lectures and had a ton of office hours to assist students. He is genuinely one of the best professors you'll have at UCLA and you can tell he's passionate about teaching but is constrained by the format of the LS7 series. If you don't have to take this course for your major, DON'T, it definitely isn't an easy GE. But if you do have to, try to take it with Maloy.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B+
Dec. 20, 2019

This class is HARDCORE. Taking this class as an incoming freshman, I was immediately made aware of the academic rigor of UCLA. This class is extremely fast-paced and you have to remember so much material it is insane.
Maloy definitely cared about his students and hosted plenty of office hours, especially before midterms and the final. He was very engaging, and whenever he taught the class, I felt like I learned so much. He made 7A kind of bearable.
IIf you want to survive this class, make sure to always stay on top of it, and attend office hours!!! The exams are monsters so make sure you really study your ass off.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 20, 2019

This was a deceptively hard class. I thought the material was simple enough but it was difficult to get used to the exam questions (we have 2 midterms and a final). They are application based and kind of weird. However, I put in a lot (a LOT) of time into this class and ended up doing well. Flipped classroom and launchpad suck, go to office hours and CLC sessions to learn the material. If you don’t have to take this class, I’d recommend against it just because it took way more time and effort than I thought it would.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 21, 2019

This class most definitely was not a breeze. Every week we had several assignments due and readings. The tests were also unnecessarily difficult and it did not matter how much you studied. It did not in any shape or form test knowledge rather it was more about how well you take tests and critical thinking skills. This was most probably why the class was difficult as the tests are unpredictable and every time you come out of the exam you have no idea how well you did. My words of advice is to just try your best and hope things turn out your way. Overall though Dr. Maloy was a great professor and he hosted several office hours/q&a sessions to help prepare for exams.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
Sept. 9, 2020

I had Professor Maloy for 2 classes and in both courses, he clearly showed interest in helping students learn beyond the material. He held office hours where lecture content was not allowed to be brought up, it was strictly for asking him questions about careers, his experience, etc. Besides his thoughtfulness, he is also a great professor! The tests were fair and the workload was manageable.


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