
J.P. Maloy

Overall Ratings
Based on 206 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (206)

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June 15, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Maloy for 7A was one of the best teachers I have had at UCLA so far. With the new "flipped classroom" approach that the LS7 series uses, it can be quite apparent which teachers are well-versed in such a classroom setting and which ones are totally inept. Maloy clearly knew how to teach in this manner. His lectures are clear and concise, and his clicker questions are very useful for learning the material and putting the concepts to use. If you don't understand something the first time around, he is also great at explaining things in office hours, where he'll clarify concepts and make some practice problems. Structure of the class is fairly simple; you have two midterms (the 2nd one is 30 points more than the 1st so you have a little more leeway if you mess up) and a final, and the rest of the points is obtained through attending discussion sections and completing work on Launchpad. All of that is free points and in 7A actually accounts for like 40% of your grade, so do them. This class is pretty smooth sailing if you pay attention in lecture and really put an emphasis on the clicker questions (what concepts they ask about, how they word the questions, etc.) when you study. Maloy certainly made this class as manageable as possible. If you have the choice, take 7A with him, hands down.


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June 20, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

Maloy was a decent professor, but overall for an intro bio class he wasn't as helpful as I thought he could have been. But that could have been for the "flipped classroom" and the clicker questions/speed. The flipped classroom just does not work for a 400 person class, and while clicker questions could be helpful they would spend 10 minutes on one question and everyone would just end up talking. Or he would give us 30 seconds and then not go over it. While I really wanted to like Maloy, I found that I really just liked him as a person not as a professor. For the class in general, it is helpful to go over clicker questions and PE questions for the midterm and final.


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June 16, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A

LS7A itself was definitely much harder than I expected. Flipped classroom is doable and there are a lot of extra points to get, but you have to make sure you're managing your time wisely relative to other classes as well. Also make sure to take advantage of all the study opportunities and resources, like CLC hours and taking the practice exam questions seriously. With Maloy, in-lecture discussion isn't as important because he explains everything clearly and thoroughly. His teaching style works very well with the exam format. Make sure to understand not only the correct answer but why the other options are incorrect—TA OHs are extremely helpful for this. He is engaging and very passionate about his work. I haven't been to any of his review sessions or OH, so I can't speak on that.

Because this class is listed under multiple professors, avoid Campbell if you can. His lectures are extremely dry and definitely unbearable if you don't have anyone to talk to lol. He also wasn't as clear in explanations as Maloy.


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June 16, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A+

Dr. Maloy is an awesome professor who clearly wants all of his students to succeed. Take LS 7A with him.


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June 19, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+

Maloy is really, really helpful and nice. He makes it clear that he wants you to succeed in the course and offers you a lot of resources to succeed. Personally, I recommend going to his office hours. That's something I wish I did more after taking the course. There's a lot of assignments in this course that you have to keep track of (reflection assignments, launchpad readings/quizzes/practice exam questions, etc.,) so make sure you're doing all of them on time. He also offered 2 extra credit opportunities my quarter so jump on that. CLC is also a good resource. Keep track of all the papers you get because they can help. Attendance in this class is important (tracked with iClicker); actually pay attention in class because he goes over a lot of important things. All in all, it's a good class. I just didn't take advantage of my resources enough. But there's a lot of points that go into this class so if you don't perform as well on a test as you would've liked, it's okay.


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June 26, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B

Professor Maloy really cares about his students and that is evident by how he helps students during lecture. However, LS 7A is a poorly organized class and requires a lot of teaching it yourself. Lectures are usually just clicker questions, which unfortunately don't really help your learning. However, I thought Maloy was a great person and teacher. I would take another class with him that is organized in a better fashion.


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June 26, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: C+

Focus on the iClicker questions and similar study tools when studying. I would redo the practice and preclass exams and review the iClicker and CLC lab worksheets.

The extra credit given in this class sucks completely so don't bank on it saving your grade.

The tests/exams are difficult and you aren't the only one struggling. It's all about improving. If I could do it again, I would do everything I can to take advantage of reviewing the midterm questions. The TAs allow you to look over your tests and the questions you got wrong for a week.

I had a hard time wrapping my head around the test questions because the test questions didn't seem to correlate with what we were reading in launchpad. They correlate perfectly with Lecture and the other supplemental shit done outside of lecture. I know people who aced the class and got a C or D on the first midterm.


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July 1, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Maloy was fine, he's a pretty good professor, he engages with students and is always willing to help. The class itself sucks though, LaunchPad is a pain and lectures weren't really that useful. Attendance is mandatory because of clickers, that's pretty much the only reason I went. You basically have to study everything by yourself. The tests are really similar to the review and practice exam questions on LaunchPad, as well as the clicker questions in class, so make sure you really know them. It's more application of concepts rather than memorization, so the practice exam and clicker questions really prepare you for that. Discussions were okay, you just go in and do a worksheet.


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July 14, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+

He is really cold when responding to emails and isn't receptive to student issues outside of just teaching the content. Launchpad is such a poorly organized system too. Pyle and Dasgupta were god awful, Pyle especially like Christ. Regret taking this class.


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July 16, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Maloy is a pretty good lecturer and he tries his best to explain the clicker questions, which are essential to succeeding in LS7A (and for the LS7 series in general). Launchpad is rather tedious, but it is helpful for gaining some background knowledge on the subject. The exams were challenging in the sense that they test more on concept application than knowledge - you have to be able to apply the concepts more than memorizing them.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 15, 2019

Maloy for 7A was one of the best teachers I have had at UCLA so far. With the new "flipped classroom" approach that the LS7 series uses, it can be quite apparent which teachers are well-versed in such a classroom setting and which ones are totally inept. Maloy clearly knew how to teach in this manner. His lectures are clear and concise, and his clicker questions are very useful for learning the material and putting the concepts to use. If you don't understand something the first time around, he is also great at explaining things in office hours, where he'll clarify concepts and make some practice problems. Structure of the class is fairly simple; you have two midterms (the 2nd one is 30 points more than the 1st so you have a little more leeway if you mess up) and a final, and the rest of the points is obtained through attending discussion sections and completing work on Launchpad. All of that is free points and in 7A actually accounts for like 40% of your grade, so do them. This class is pretty smooth sailing if you pay attention in lecture and really put an emphasis on the clicker questions (what concepts they ask about, how they word the questions, etc.) when you study. Maloy certainly made this class as manageable as possible. If you have the choice, take 7A with him, hands down.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
June 20, 2019

Maloy was a decent professor, but overall for an intro bio class he wasn't as helpful as I thought he could have been. But that could have been for the "flipped classroom" and the clicker questions/speed. The flipped classroom just does not work for a 400 person class, and while clicker questions could be helpful they would spend 10 minutes on one question and everyone would just end up talking. Or he would give us 30 seconds and then not go over it. While I really wanted to like Maloy, I found that I really just liked him as a person not as a professor. For the class in general, it is helpful to go over clicker questions and PE questions for the midterm and final.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2019

LS7A itself was definitely much harder than I expected. Flipped classroom is doable and there are a lot of extra points to get, but you have to make sure you're managing your time wisely relative to other classes as well. Also make sure to take advantage of all the study opportunities and resources, like CLC hours and taking the practice exam questions seriously. With Maloy, in-lecture discussion isn't as important because he explains everything clearly and thoroughly. His teaching style works very well with the exam format. Make sure to understand not only the correct answer but why the other options are incorrect—TA OHs are extremely helpful for this. He is engaging and very passionate about his work. I haven't been to any of his review sessions or OH, so I can't speak on that.

Because this class is listed under multiple professors, avoid Campbell if you can. His lectures are extremely dry and definitely unbearable if you don't have anyone to talk to lol. He also wasn't as clear in explanations as Maloy.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A+
June 16, 2019

Dr. Maloy is an awesome professor who clearly wants all of his students to succeed. Take LS 7A with him.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+
June 19, 2019

Maloy is really, really helpful and nice. He makes it clear that he wants you to succeed in the course and offers you a lot of resources to succeed. Personally, I recommend going to his office hours. That's something I wish I did more after taking the course. There's a lot of assignments in this course that you have to keep track of (reflection assignments, launchpad readings/quizzes/practice exam questions, etc.,) so make sure you're doing all of them on time. He also offered 2 extra credit opportunities my quarter so jump on that. CLC is also a good resource. Keep track of all the papers you get because they can help. Attendance in this class is important (tracked with iClicker); actually pay attention in class because he goes over a lot of important things. All in all, it's a good class. I just didn't take advantage of my resources enough. But there's a lot of points that go into this class so if you don't perform as well on a test as you would've liked, it's okay.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B
June 26, 2019

Professor Maloy really cares about his students and that is evident by how he helps students during lecture. However, LS 7A is a poorly organized class and requires a lot of teaching it yourself. Lectures are usually just clicker questions, which unfortunately don't really help your learning. However, I thought Maloy was a great person and teacher. I would take another class with him that is organized in a better fashion.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: C+
June 26, 2019

Focus on the iClicker questions and similar study tools when studying. I would redo the practice and preclass exams and review the iClicker and CLC lab worksheets.

The extra credit given in this class sucks completely so don't bank on it saving your grade.

The tests/exams are difficult and you aren't the only one struggling. It's all about improving. If I could do it again, I would do everything I can to take advantage of reviewing the midterm questions. The TAs allow you to look over your tests and the questions you got wrong for a week.

I had a hard time wrapping my head around the test questions because the test questions didn't seem to correlate with what we were reading in launchpad. They correlate perfectly with Lecture and the other supplemental shit done outside of lecture. I know people who aced the class and got a C or D on the first midterm.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
July 1, 2019

Maloy was fine, he's a pretty good professor, he engages with students and is always willing to help. The class itself sucks though, LaunchPad is a pain and lectures weren't really that useful. Attendance is mandatory because of clickers, that's pretty much the only reason I went. You basically have to study everything by yourself. The tests are really similar to the review and practice exam questions on LaunchPad, as well as the clicker questions in class, so make sure you really know them. It's more application of concepts rather than memorization, so the practice exam and clicker questions really prepare you for that. Discussions were okay, you just go in and do a worksheet.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B+
July 14, 2019

He is really cold when responding to emails and isn't receptive to student issues outside of just teaching the content. Launchpad is such a poorly organized system too. Pyle and Dasgupta were god awful, Pyle especially like Christ. Regret taking this class.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
July 16, 2019

Maloy is a pretty good lecturer and he tries his best to explain the clicker questions, which are essential to succeeding in LS7A (and for the LS7 series in general). Launchpad is rather tedious, but it is helpful for gaining some background knowledge on the subject. The exams were challenging in the sense that they test more on concept application than knowledge - you have to be able to apply the concepts more than memorizing them.


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