
Han Du

Overall Ratings
Based on 55 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (55)

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Dec. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

no textbook. huge class so hard to get close w anyone really so you may feel alone. hard to understand her bc she has a very heavy accent but she wants everyone to get an A. she will weigh either your midterm, final, or assignments heavier depending on which you do better on. example: i did well overall, but got my midterm weighed heavier. she truly wants everyone to get an A and succeed. get unlimited attempts at quizzes. one attempt on hw assignment but she encourages you to work w others and compare. she will drop the lowest quiz and hw assignment too. lecture is often long and boring but it is statistics.


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Nov. 1, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Super low-stress. You are allowed a full-page cheat sheet on exams to help you remember the three concepts that this class covers. Jamovi, the software used to sample data, can be unintuitive at first but is very easy to understand if actually you go to your lab section.


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June 21, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

Coming into this class, I was kind of scared because I had never taken a stats course in my life. But ultimately, I really enjoyed this class! The content was pretty interesting, Jamovi (the statistical analysis software we used) was surprisingly fun & easy, and the grading schemes were extremely forgiving. Some of the lecture slides were unnecessarily repetitive, but I thought that they served as great review. Professor Du is obviously very invested in student learning, and she wanted as many students to get an A in the class as possible (she even made the cutoff for a solid A 90%). Take Professor Du if you can!


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May 31, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Professor Han is just amazing! She made everything easy to understand and straightforward! The workload is light, but you have to attend class for participation quizzes. She is a fair grader and the labs are short/not mandatory to attend. Take her class!


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Dec. 4, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Psych 142H is one of the very few classes at UCLA that you can take and not only benefit from on paper (i.e., standing out in the graduate school application process) but also learn skills that you will absolutely need if pursuing research in psychology. Han is an amazing professor who paces her teaching according to the level of the students. Definitely do not be intimidated by the fact that this is an advanced/honors level course because the material is very straight forward as long as you are willing to go to lecture and follow along. The workload is not very labor-intensive, but also do not expect to get an A if you are unwilling to do the homework and review the material. Finally, if you need help with the homework, Han's office hours are extremely useful so definitely take advantage of the opportunity to take this class!!


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Jan. 3, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Amazing lady! Snazzy dresser! Great professor! 10/10 would recommend and I wish I could take another class with her. She definitely knows what she’s talking about and teaches it really well and made the stuff really straightforward which was amazing. I thought I hated stats until I took this class! Thank you professor Du! Also her office hours are very helpful and the room they’re in is very pretty I’d recommend going if you’ve got the time!


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Dec. 16, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Wow! Talk about a great class with a great professor! Professor Du knows the material like the back of her hand and she’s very enthusiastic about statistics! The quizzes are on ccle and can be done as many times as you want until you get 100% and are a great indication for the midterm and final (which you are allowed a cheat sheet for). She is always accessible if you need any further help and she also grades using 3 grading schemes in order for everyone to get an A! I definitely would take her as a professor again for any class. She teaches the class every Fall, so if you can wait until then definitely do!


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Dec. 17, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Professor Du is the BEST professor you can have for PSYCH100A. I was a little scared going in after so many people gave warnings against 100A and 100B but she's an incredible professor. There's one HW and quiz assigned per week, but you can retake the quiz as many times as you want and everything you need to know about the homework is taught during lab. The midterm and final are pretty straightforward and she allows cheat sheets on both. Also, she replies to emails super quickly. I never had to wait more than 3 hours to get a reply (even if it was late at night). Yes, she's strict on participation but it's completely worth it considering how well she manages the rest of the class. I would take another class with her again in a heartbeat.


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Jan. 5, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B

Professor Du is a great professor. She, along with her TAs, give every opportunity to help whoever needs it. The first 5 weeks are quite easy and the last 5 are a bit more challenging but not difficult. Attendance/participation is easy, just show up and answer questions on Poll Everywhere. The quizzes are easy to get full participation because you can take them multiple times to get an A and the homework is quite easy as well. A full page of notes, back and front, is allowed for exams.


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Jan. 7, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Selling full class notes including midterm and final study material for $15. Contact ********** if interested.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Dec. 1, 2022

no textbook. huge class so hard to get close w anyone really so you may feel alone. hard to understand her bc she has a very heavy accent but she wants everyone to get an A. she will weigh either your midterm, final, or assignments heavier depending on which you do better on. example: i did well overall, but got my midterm weighed heavier. she truly wants everyone to get an A and succeed. get unlimited attempts at quizzes. one attempt on hw assignment but she encourages you to work w others and compare. she will drop the lowest quiz and hw assignment too. lecture is often long and boring but it is statistics.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Nov. 1, 2022

Super low-stress. You are allowed a full-page cheat sheet on exams to help you remember the three concepts that this class covers. Jamovi, the software used to sample data, can be unintuitive at first but is very easy to understand if actually you go to your lab section.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 21, 2022

Coming into this class, I was kind of scared because I had never taken a stats course in my life. But ultimately, I really enjoyed this class! The content was pretty interesting, Jamovi (the statistical analysis software we used) was surprisingly fun & easy, and the grading schemes were extremely forgiving. Some of the lecture slides were unnecessarily repetitive, but I thought that they served as great review. Professor Du is obviously very invested in student learning, and she wanted as many students to get an A in the class as possible (she even made the cutoff for a solid A 90%). Take Professor Du if you can!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
May 31, 2022

Professor Han is just amazing! She made everything easy to understand and straightforward! The workload is light, but you have to attend class for participation quizzes. She is a fair grader and the labs are short/not mandatory to attend. Take her class!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 4, 2019

Psych 142H is one of the very few classes at UCLA that you can take and not only benefit from on paper (i.e., standing out in the graduate school application process) but also learn skills that you will absolutely need if pursuing research in psychology. Han is an amazing professor who paces her teaching according to the level of the students. Definitely do not be intimidated by the fact that this is an advanced/honors level course because the material is very straight forward as long as you are willing to go to lecture and follow along. The workload is not very labor-intensive, but also do not expect to get an A if you are unwilling to do the homework and review the material. Finally, if you need help with the homework, Han's office hours are extremely useful so definitely take advantage of the opportunity to take this class!!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2020

Amazing lady! Snazzy dresser! Great professor! 10/10 would recommend and I wish I could take another class with her. She definitely knows what she’s talking about and teaches it really well and made the stuff really straightforward which was amazing. I thought I hated stats until I took this class! Thank you professor Du! Also her office hours are very helpful and the room they’re in is very pretty I’d recommend going if you’ve got the time!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 16, 2019

Wow! Talk about a great class with a great professor! Professor Du knows the material like the back of her hand and she’s very enthusiastic about statistics! The quizzes are on ccle and can be done as many times as you want until you get 100% and are a great indication for the midterm and final (which you are allowed a cheat sheet for). She is always accessible if you need any further help and she also grades using 3 grading schemes in order for everyone to get an A! I definitely would take her as a professor again for any class. She teaches the class every Fall, so if you can wait until then definitely do!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 17, 2019

Professor Du is the BEST professor you can have for PSYCH100A. I was a little scared going in after so many people gave warnings against 100A and 100B but she's an incredible professor. There's one HW and quiz assigned per week, but you can retake the quiz as many times as you want and everything you need to know about the homework is taught during lab. The midterm and final are pretty straightforward and she allows cheat sheets on both. Also, she replies to emails super quickly. I never had to wait more than 3 hours to get a reply (even if it was late at night). Yes, she's strict on participation but it's completely worth it considering how well she manages the rest of the class. I would take another class with her again in a heartbeat.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B
Jan. 5, 2020

Professor Du is a great professor. She, along with her TAs, give every opportunity to help whoever needs it. The first 5 weeks are quite easy and the last 5 are a bit more challenging but not difficult. Attendance/participation is easy, just show up and answer questions on Poll Everywhere. The quizzes are easy to get full participation because you can take them multiple times to get an A and the homework is quite easy as well. A full page of notes, back and front, is allowed for exams.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 7, 2020

Selling full class notes including midterm and final study material for $15. Contact ********** if interested.


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