
Daria Bahtina

Overall Ratings
Based on 26 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (26)

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LING 170
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 12, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

The material for this class is very interesting, and Professor Bahtina makes it very approachable. She's very friendly and approachable, and I'll definitely be taking more courses with her in the future. This class is mostly based on homework assignments and a group project, none of which I found too difficult, nor were they graded particularly harshly. Keep in mind that participation and attendance are graded. I would recommend taking this class, the information is something I that I feel everyone should know, and Professor Bahtina was great.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Professor Daria is extremely helpful and caring for her students. For each lecture, she provides detailed notes and great lecture slides, and the assigned reading that comes along with each lecture is also very interesting. She makes the concept easily digestible by using relatable examples and she answers any questions carefully to avoid any confusions student might have. The final project is also very interesting, although it is a group project, professor Daria gives a lot of time in discussions to allow students to work on them and constantly provide guidance on the project. Professor Daria is also approachable outside of class, she makes her schedule flexible according to students' needs. One time before the finals, the professor arranged a meet-up with me outside of her regular office hours and went through my questions one by one thoroughly until I understood, and I was really touched by her. I highly recommend taking this class with her!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 30, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A-

Professor Bahtina is so wonderful! She is very knowledgeable and informative. I also felt that she was very encouraging and cared about her students enough to even reach out to them via Slack or email. The grades were made up of Perusal annotations, research proposal, group project presentation, participation, and blog entry. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what the percentage weights are since I don't have access to the syllabus anymore, however, I feel that they range from 15-25% each and were all important to getting a good grade. Because the group quarter-long project is so important to the class and our grades, we were almost step-by-step guided through it which makes it so we have the opportunity to improve but also not be overwhelmed. Professor actually reached out to us after the end of the quarter for potential regrade of the blog because some of us were close to the next grade, which I found to be incredibly generous. She is that type of professor and so I would highly recommend her. So long as you stay focused and on top of the material, you will learn a lot and be rewarded with a good grade. Good luck!


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May 6, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

If you're looking for a course to fulfill the linguistic anthro requirement, or if you're just looking for an elective I definitely reccomend this course. The class consists of 5 "participation" assignments, 5 annotation assignments and a final group project. The participation assignments are super easy since they can be pretty much anything, including lecture notes, questions about the readings or lectures, or even drawings that are relevent to the class topics; you also have until the end of the quarter to turn them in since they don't have a hard deadline. For the annotation assignments, each one requires 3 annotations for the assigned reading, around 200 words per annotation posted and Perusall will automatically give you full credit. The final project makes up a majority of your grade since it has multiple components to it that you work on throughout the quarter, each worth like 10-15%, but everything is turned in as a group so that makes it a lot easier. You're pretty much allowed to choose any topic you want as long as its relevant to the class. If you have a good group of people (you are allowed to choose your own group members) where everyone contributes, you're almost guaranteed an A.


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Jan. 14, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I absolutely loved taking 170 with Daria and Corinna as my TA!! They were both so accommodating and helpful, and really took student's opinions into account. Daria is so sweet and funny and played us a song at the beginning of every lecture. Due to the TA strike I didn't get to spend the whole quarter with Corinna but she was an amazing and helpful instructor leading up to the strike. The course is centered around one group project where you study a sociolinguistic phenomenon of your choice and it was a lot of fun. I loved this class and plan on taking bilingualism with Daria in the future!


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May 5, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

This class was easy, fun, and interesting. There are no tests or quizzes, only readings, and a group project. The professor is very helpful and engaging. Highly recommend for comm or soc majors!


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April 5, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

Professor Bahtina is an easygoing, kind, and helpful professor! This class is graded on Persuall annotations that are done throughout the quarter, participation, and the biggest grade being the group project, (there are NO test and quizzes!). The group project in this class had a few milestones to complete such as an annotated bibliography, meetings throughout the week with the T.A., research proposal, final research proposal, presentation, and blog post. Professor Bahtina is super helpful and her use of Slack to communicate with students was a great and quick way to get answers to questions. However, this may have just been a problem for Winter 2023, but the communication between the T.A. and Professor was lacking. At times us students in the class were being told one thing to do by the professor and then being told differently by the T.A. Lastly, I'd like to add that attendance was not mandatory and she did record lectures!
Some personal suggestions I'd like to put out there if you are ever considering this class is if you dislike group projects, this class is NOT for you. It is heavily based on the group project so that is something to look out for. Also if you do take this class, you need to make sure you are in a group that works consistently and well together. Ultimately, this class is an easy A. As long as you and your group members keep up on assignments and work you should do great in the class.


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March 26, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Dr. Bahtina is an awesome professor who really knows her craft. The lectures and readings are pretty dense with information and can feel a bit overwhelming. With that said, Dr. Bahtina is there for her students all the time and provides a lot of recourse for any issues that may arise while learning. The group projects are probably the toughest part of the class because they entail the most work and communication among your peers more than any other element of the class. If you attend class, do what is required, and engage in the material, you'll do well. We're lucky to have her here at UCLA.


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LING 170
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 18, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

I have taken both 170 and c140(bilingualism and second language acquisition) with professor Bahtina and I am truly amazed how good she is. First of all you can approach to her with any issues, she is caring and understanding on another level. Second, she makes her classroom environment super friendly where shy people like me feel very comfortable. This honestly is hard to do with bunch of students but she does. Her class is very organised and structured. She created this really helpful excel sheet that has all the importance dates that helps to keep track of everything. Overall i never felt overwhelmed with the material in class bc everything is nicely organized . On top of that she reaches back fast if you contact her through slack or email. Okay now about how hard her class is. Considering that both classes are upper div and you are expecting to have knowledge on those topics her class is very doable. She doesn’t have any exams which makes the lectures less stressful and for me it was like watching a very interesting movie. Her lectures are interesting and engaging but because of the length of the class (around 2 hours and no break) it was hard to focus for the entirety of the class. But if you do pay attention in class and do the assignments and ask for her help when something is unclear you will be fine. The group project is time consuming so start early. It is not an easy project you have to choose a topic you are interested and conduct a research about it. So start doing literature review early and look though instructions, don’t wait until she tells everyone to start working on the project bc then it will be a little stressful. Overall if someone is enjoying a more humanistic studies rather then pure linguistics then this class is for you!


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Can't find the review page for her Ling M7, I'll just write it here:

I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS CLASS TO ANYONE, THIS CLASS HONESTLY GAVE ME SO MUCH PAIN AND ANXIETY. Most people taking this class are just trying to fulfill their GE req, but Prof Bahtina thinks everyone is linguistics genius or sth, so she made the material really challenging for us. If it wasn't for the curve, I probably would have got a B+, but just because the entire class was doing so poorly, I got round up to an A+ ...?

This class killed my interest for linguistics lol


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LING 170
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Nov. 12, 2022

The material for this class is very interesting, and Professor Bahtina makes it very approachable. She's very friendly and approachable, and I'll definitely be taking more courses with her in the future. This class is mostly based on homework assignments and a group project, none of which I found too difficult, nor were they graded particularly harshly. Keep in mind that participation and attendance are graded. I would recommend taking this class, the information is something I that I feel everyone should know, and Professor Bahtina was great.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
March 30, 2020

Professor Daria is extremely helpful and caring for her students. For each lecture, she provides detailed notes and great lecture slides, and the assigned reading that comes along with each lecture is also very interesting. She makes the concept easily digestible by using relatable examples and she answers any questions carefully to avoid any confusions student might have. The final project is also very interesting, although it is a group project, professor Daria gives a lot of time in discussions to allow students to work on them and constantly provide guidance on the project. Professor Daria is also approachable outside of class, she makes her schedule flexible according to students' needs. One time before the finals, the professor arranged a meet-up with me outside of her regular office hours and went through my questions one by one thoroughly until I understood, and I was really touched by her. I highly recommend taking this class with her!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A-
Aug. 30, 2021

Professor Bahtina is so wonderful! She is very knowledgeable and informative. I also felt that she was very encouraging and cared about her students enough to even reach out to them via Slack or email. The grades were made up of Perusal annotations, research proposal, group project presentation, participation, and blog entry. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what the percentage weights are since I don't have access to the syllabus anymore, however, I feel that they range from 15-25% each and were all important to getting a good grade. Because the group quarter-long project is so important to the class and our grades, we were almost step-by-step guided through it which makes it so we have the opportunity to improve but also not be overwhelmed. Professor actually reached out to us after the end of the quarter for potential regrade of the blog because some of us were close to the next grade, which I found to be incredibly generous. She is that type of professor and so I would highly recommend her. So long as you stay focused and on top of the material, you will learn a lot and be rewarded with a good grade. Good luck!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
May 6, 2024

If you're looking for a course to fulfill the linguistic anthro requirement, or if you're just looking for an elective I definitely reccomend this course. The class consists of 5 "participation" assignments, 5 annotation assignments and a final group project. The participation assignments are super easy since they can be pretty much anything, including lecture notes, questions about the readings or lectures, or even drawings that are relevent to the class topics; you also have until the end of the quarter to turn them in since they don't have a hard deadline. For the annotation assignments, each one requires 3 annotations for the assigned reading, around 200 words per annotation posted and Perusall will automatically give you full credit. The final project makes up a majority of your grade since it has multiple components to it that you work on throughout the quarter, each worth like 10-15%, but everything is turned in as a group so that makes it a lot easier. You're pretty much allowed to choose any topic you want as long as its relevant to the class. If you have a good group of people (you are allowed to choose your own group members) where everyone contributes, you're almost guaranteed an A.


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LING 170
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Jan. 14, 2023

I absolutely loved taking 170 with Daria and Corinna as my TA!! They were both so accommodating and helpful, and really took student's opinions into account. Daria is so sweet and funny and played us a song at the beginning of every lecture. Due to the TA strike I didn't get to spend the whole quarter with Corinna but she was an amazing and helpful instructor leading up to the strike. The course is centered around one group project where you study a sociolinguistic phenomenon of your choice and it was a lot of fun. I loved this class and plan on taking bilingualism with Daria in the future!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
May 5, 2023

This class was easy, fun, and interesting. There are no tests or quizzes, only readings, and a group project. The professor is very helpful and engaging. Highly recommend for comm or soc majors!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
April 5, 2023

Professor Bahtina is an easygoing, kind, and helpful professor! This class is graded on Persuall annotations that are done throughout the quarter, participation, and the biggest grade being the group project, (there are NO test and quizzes!). The group project in this class had a few milestones to complete such as an annotated bibliography, meetings throughout the week with the T.A., research proposal, final research proposal, presentation, and blog post. Professor Bahtina is super helpful and her use of Slack to communicate with students was a great and quick way to get answers to questions. However, this may have just been a problem for Winter 2023, but the communication between the T.A. and Professor was lacking. At times us students in the class were being told one thing to do by the professor and then being told differently by the T.A. Lastly, I'd like to add that attendance was not mandatory and she did record lectures!
Some personal suggestions I'd like to put out there if you are ever considering this class is if you dislike group projects, this class is NOT for you. It is heavily based on the group project so that is something to look out for. Also if you do take this class, you need to make sure you are in a group that works consistently and well together. Ultimately, this class is an easy A. As long as you and your group members keep up on assignments and work you should do great in the class.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 26, 2023

Dr. Bahtina is an awesome professor who really knows her craft. The lectures and readings are pretty dense with information and can feel a bit overwhelming. With that said, Dr. Bahtina is there for her students all the time and provides a lot of recourse for any issues that may arise while learning. The group projects are probably the toughest part of the class because they entail the most work and communication among your peers more than any other element of the class. If you attend class, do what is required, and engage in the material, you'll do well. We're lucky to have her here at UCLA.


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LING 170
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
June 18, 2022

I have taken both 170 and c140(bilingualism and second language acquisition) with professor Bahtina and I am truly amazed how good she is. First of all you can approach to her with any issues, she is caring and understanding on another level. Second, she makes her classroom environment super friendly where shy people like me feel very comfortable. This honestly is hard to do with bunch of students but she does. Her class is very organised and structured. She created this really helpful excel sheet that has all the importance dates that helps to keep track of everything. Overall i never felt overwhelmed with the material in class bc everything is nicely organized . On top of that she reaches back fast if you contact her through slack or email. Okay now about how hard her class is. Considering that both classes are upper div and you are expecting to have knowledge on those topics her class is very doable. She doesn’t have any exams which makes the lectures less stressful and for me it was like watching a very interesting movie. Her lectures are interesting and engaging but because of the length of the class (around 2 hours and no break) it was hard to focus for the entirety of the class. But if you do pay attention in class and do the assignments and ask for her help when something is unclear you will be fine. The group project is time consuming so start early. It is not an easy project you have to choose a topic you are interested and conduct a research about it. So start doing literature review early and look though instructions, don’t wait until she tells everyone to start working on the project bc then it will be a little stressful. Overall if someone is enjoying a more humanistic studies rather then pure linguistics then this class is for you!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 19, 2019

Can't find the review page for her Ling M7, I'll just write it here:

I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS CLASS TO ANYONE, THIS CLASS HONESTLY GAVE ME SO MUCH PAIN AND ANXIETY. Most people taking this class are just trying to fulfill their GE req, but Prof Bahtina thinks everyone is linguistics genius or sth, so she made the material really challenging for us. If it wasn't for the curve, I probably would have got a B+, but just because the entire class was doing so poorly, I got round up to an A+ ...?

This class killed my interest for linguistics lol


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