
Daria Bahtina

Overall Ratings
Based on 26 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (26)

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June 21, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

I love Professor Bahtina! This was my second class with her and she's still one of my favorite professors. The subject is really interesting and the project allows for exploration of really anything you are interested in. What I will say is that attendance is taken in lectures (you get three allowed absences, not bad) and the majority of your grade is a group project. I got lucky and loved my group, but in general group projects are not everyone's favorite so fair warning. Despite attendance and group projects, which usually makes me drop a class right away, the professor is awesome and made it worth taking!


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April 2, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

I loved this class and a huge reason why was because of Daria. She made lectures interesting and engaging. The topic was interesting to me so I had a lot of fun learning about it. The workload isn't crazy, it's a decent amount but the grades given out were all reasonable. Daria wants all of her students to succeed so she is pretty lenient about a lot of things as long as you approach her. She loves when people give their opinion and participate in class. She only grades participation on if you show up to class or not. There are no tests, only one final research paper along with other supplemental writing assignments. I loved this class and would definitely recommend it!


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LING 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 18, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU AREN'T VERY FLUENT IN A LANGUAGE!!! I really loved having Professor Daria. She not only was super sweet but also a great professor. It is a lot of busy work, but it's super simple. Considering the situation of this quarter, she made it super enjoyable and I would definitely recommend taking a class with her. There were weekly assignments that didn't take long, an essay where you had to analyze a text that was translated from one language into english, another essay where you had to analyze subtitles in a language translated into english and a big group project where you have to interview people. It was a lot of busy work, but it wasn't hard. I recommend taking this class only if you are fluent in a language because it requires a lot of analyzing. Overall great class and not super hard. I totally recommend it as an elective for Ling majors and also having her as a professor!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 24, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

I enrolled this class mostly because it was a GE and WII, and by gosh is it difficult to get into. That being said, I'm really glad I took this class with Dr. Bahtina because I've learned more than I would ever think about learning and teaching language. Dr. Bahtina tries really hard to make sure we are learning practical things, and so this class is really helpful if you want to teach language either in the short or long term.

That being said, I wouldn't classify this class as an easy A. Your grade depends on 3 total writing assignments (split up into drafts, so technically 6), weekly journal assignments, peer reviews, a classroom observation (basically just attend a language class and take notes), and participation (+ you get 1% extra credit for using the UWC). The first two writing assignments make up 15% of your grade each, with the final paper being 25%. You can basically get 100% on the peer reviews, journal assignments, and in participation as long as you try to speak in class a couple of times each session. As someone who usually is uncomfortable with speaking in class, I felt like Dr. Bahtina made the environment extremely conducive to participation for students, and I had a really great time in this class.

While the content itself isn't insanely hard, there is a fair bit of work associated with the class. But, as long as you stay diligent and go into office hours and utilize feedback from your rough drafts, you should still end up with a good grade.


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LING 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 29, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Like other post said, you should take this class when you are confident in many aspects of 2 or 3 languages. Since this quarter is fully online, the prof. has tried to post the slides as well as the Zoom recording on CCLE.
There is no test in this class. Just 2 big papers, 5 small homework, 2 group works, ... The grading is ok as long as you follow the guidelines. She is really helpful outside class, responded to emails on time, so remember to reach out to her.
The deadlines for some assignments sometimes drove me crazy. For example: the hw posted on Weds, and due on Fri the same week.


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July 16, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

This class was my first GE and I am so thankful that I enrolled in it. The professor is genuinely passionate and her material is very interesting.
- The material can be confusing, so I highly recommend attending office hours and the discussion. That being said I wasn't very diligent about attending discussions and I was still able to understand and do well in the class.
- Read your materials before hand and attend class, there's a quiz almost every lecture
- The professor gives extra credit for participating in the psychology department's experiments, using the writing center, and going to the library.

If I took it again I would NOT MISS A CLASS! Professor Bahtina is very helpful, knowledgeable and engaging


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 16, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

Dr. Bahtina is the BEST!!!! This class was so great and I really wish I could've taken it in person. Dr. Bahtina is so nice and very understanding, making the class much more enjoyable and less stressful. The class is centered around a group project and blog post that you focus on for the entire quarter. There are no tests/quizzes, only weekly reading/annotation assignments which are very easy (mostly for participation). I would highly recommend this class, not only for the professor and workload, but also the topics covered are very interesting.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
May 4, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

I took this course just because this was the only writing 2 course available that granted social analysis GE credit. Daria is a good lecturer who truly cares about her students learning. Concise lectures and acceptable workload, with participation points for each discussion you attend. I was generally uninterested in the course material though and it made the lectures and activities really boring for me. Also, there is a 3500word research paper you have to write as a final project and it requires a sizeable data collection if you are to do well. I think I've watched almost a hundred YouTube videos to collect linguistic examples I needed to support my paper. All in all, easy A and interesting course material if you are into linguistics and gender stuff. If you aren't it's still acceptable workload and fair grading, though it may be boring af. Recommended.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 16, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

Dr. Bahtina is extremely caring and thoughtful. She tried her best to make the class engaging - even during COVID - and I appreciate her a bunch! The class wasn't too challenging, but the research paper was definitely more intense than I was expecting. Definitely give your topic some thought, because I ended up hating my topic by the end of the quarter. Daria is super approachable and sweet, but the readings were definitely quite dense. Don't let that dissuade you too much though - I overall enjoyed the class.


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Dec. 26, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Most of the final grade depended on the group project, which wasn't too bad to do. It was broken down into a research proposal, presentation, and final blog article. Every other week a different part of the project was due so by finals week there wasn't much to do but put it all together. So in that sense, Bahtina's assignments helped with overall time-management so you wouldn't procrastinate and be super stressed out near finals.

But other parts of the class were less organized. There was a quiz on the assigned reading for every class, and they were pretty difficult. Since they were out of 3 questions, you either passed or failed. But after you're done with the quiz, you could basically leave the class because she just goes in depth about the reading you just took the quiz for. I mean, she was really funny and what she talked about was always interesting and relevant, but you didn't really need to be there anymore since the group project and other assignments were done outside of class.

The class was pretty lax besides the quizzes. But since everyone in class did so poorly on them, she bumped everyone's overall quiz grade by like 21% so there were a lot of 100%. There was also 5% of extra credit you could do which was really easy. So I think in the end, nearly everyone got like A's and A+'s.

Anyways, Bahtina is really nice and easy to approach. She's young and makes a lot of references to pop culture which was fun, but overall, the class was kind of stressful, there were a lot of assignments, lectures were kind of pointless because you just came to take the quiz, but since grading was easy you just have to do the assignments and you're good


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 21, 2024

I love Professor Bahtina! This was my second class with her and she's still one of my favorite professors. The subject is really interesting and the project allows for exploration of really anything you are interested in. What I will say is that attendance is taken in lectures (you get three allowed absences, not bad) and the majority of your grade is a group project. I got lucky and loved my group, but in general group projects are not everyone's favorite so fair warning. Despite attendance and group projects, which usually makes me drop a class right away, the professor is awesome and made it worth taking!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
April 2, 2020

I loved this class and a huge reason why was because of Daria. She made lectures interesting and engaging. The topic was interesting to me so I had a lot of fun learning about it. The workload isn't crazy, it's a decent amount but the grades given out were all reasonable. Daria wants all of her students to succeed so she is pretty lenient about a lot of things as long as you approach her. She loves when people give their opinion and participate in class. She only grades participation on if you show up to class or not. There are no tests, only one final research paper along with other supplemental writing assignments. I loved this class and would definitely recommend it!


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LING 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 18, 2020

DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU AREN'T VERY FLUENT IN A LANGUAGE!!! I really loved having Professor Daria. She not only was super sweet but also a great professor. It is a lot of busy work, but it's super simple. Considering the situation of this quarter, she made it super enjoyable and I would definitely recommend taking a class with her. There were weekly assignments that didn't take long, an essay where you had to analyze a text that was translated from one language into english, another essay where you had to analyze subtitles in a language translated into english and a big group project where you have to interview people. It was a lot of busy work, but it wasn't hard. I recommend taking this class only if you are fluent in a language because it requires a lot of analyzing. Overall great class and not super hard. I totally recommend it as an elective for Ling majors and also having her as a professor!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 24, 2020

I enrolled this class mostly because it was a GE and WII, and by gosh is it difficult to get into. That being said, I'm really glad I took this class with Dr. Bahtina because I've learned more than I would ever think about learning and teaching language. Dr. Bahtina tries really hard to make sure we are learning practical things, and so this class is really helpful if you want to teach language either in the short or long term.

That being said, I wouldn't classify this class as an easy A. Your grade depends on 3 total writing assignments (split up into drafts, so technically 6), weekly journal assignments, peer reviews, a classroom observation (basically just attend a language class and take notes), and participation (+ you get 1% extra credit for using the UWC). The first two writing assignments make up 15% of your grade each, with the final paper being 25%. You can basically get 100% on the peer reviews, journal assignments, and in participation as long as you try to speak in class a couple of times each session. As someone who usually is uncomfortable with speaking in class, I felt like Dr. Bahtina made the environment extremely conducive to participation for students, and I had a really great time in this class.

While the content itself isn't insanely hard, there is a fair bit of work associated with the class. But, as long as you stay diligent and go into office hours and utilize feedback from your rough drafts, you should still end up with a good grade.


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LING 144
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 29, 2020

Like other post said, you should take this class when you are confident in many aspects of 2 or 3 languages. Since this quarter is fully online, the prof. has tried to post the slides as well as the Zoom recording on CCLE.
There is no test in this class. Just 2 big papers, 5 small homework, 2 group works, ... The grading is ok as long as you follow the guidelines. She is really helpful outside class, responded to emails on time, so remember to reach out to her.
The deadlines for some assignments sometimes drove me crazy. For example: the hw posted on Weds, and due on Fri the same week.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
July 16, 2020

This class was my first GE and I am so thankful that I enrolled in it. The professor is genuinely passionate and her material is very interesting.
- The material can be confusing, so I highly recommend attending office hours and the discussion. That being said I wasn't very diligent about attending discussions and I was still able to understand and do well in the class.
- Read your materials before hand and attend class, there's a quiz almost every lecture
- The professor gives extra credit for participating in the psychology department's experiments, using the writing center, and going to the library.

If I took it again I would NOT MISS A CLASS! Professor Bahtina is very helpful, knowledgeable and engaging


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
April 16, 2021

Dr. Bahtina is the BEST!!!! This class was so great and I really wish I could've taken it in person. Dr. Bahtina is so nice and very understanding, making the class much more enjoyable and less stressful. The class is centered around a group project and blog post that you focus on for the entire quarter. There are no tests/quizzes, only weekly reading/annotation assignments which are very easy (mostly for participation). I would highly recommend this class, not only for the professor and workload, but also the topics covered are very interesting.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
May 4, 2021

I took this course just because this was the only writing 2 course available that granted social analysis GE credit. Daria is a good lecturer who truly cares about her students learning. Concise lectures and acceptable workload, with participation points for each discussion you attend. I was generally uninterested in the course material though and it made the lectures and activities really boring for me. Also, there is a 3500word research paper you have to write as a final project and it requires a sizeable data collection if you are to do well. I think I've watched almost a hundred YouTube videos to collect linguistic examples I needed to support my paper. All in all, easy A and interesting course material if you are into linguistics and gender stuff. If you aren't it's still acceptable workload and fair grading, though it may be boring af. Recommended.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
June 16, 2021

Dr. Bahtina is extremely caring and thoughtful. She tried her best to make the class engaging - even during COVID - and I appreciate her a bunch! The class wasn't too challenging, but the research paper was definitely more intense than I was expecting. Definitely give your topic some thought, because I ended up hating my topic by the end of the quarter. Daria is super approachable and sweet, but the readings were definitely quite dense. Don't let that dissuade you too much though - I overall enjoyed the class.


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LING 170
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 26, 2019

Most of the final grade depended on the group project, which wasn't too bad to do. It was broken down into a research proposal, presentation, and final blog article. Every other week a different part of the project was due so by finals week there wasn't much to do but put it all together. So in that sense, Bahtina's assignments helped with overall time-management so you wouldn't procrastinate and be super stressed out near finals.

But other parts of the class were less organized. There was a quiz on the assigned reading for every class, and they were pretty difficult. Since they were out of 3 questions, you either passed or failed. But after you're done with the quiz, you could basically leave the class because she just goes in depth about the reading you just took the quiz for. I mean, she was really funny and what she talked about was always interesting and relevant, but you didn't really need to be there anymore since the group project and other assignments were done outside of class.

The class was pretty lax besides the quizzes. But since everyone in class did so poorly on them, she bumped everyone's overall quiz grade by like 21% so there were a lot of 100%. There was also 5% of extra credit you could do which was really easy. So I think in the end, nearly everyone got like A's and A+'s.

Anyways, Bahtina is really nice and easy to approach. She's young and makes a lot of references to pop culture which was fun, but overall, the class was kind of stressful, there were a lot of assignments, lectures were kind of pointless because you just came to take the quiz, but since grading was easy you just have to do the assignments and you're good


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