
Craig Enders

Overall Ratings
Based on 69 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (69)

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Dec. 12, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+

Usually don't write reviews, but Craig Enders is THE MAN. Probably one of my favorite professors I've had at UCLA. Legit so funny and kind and genuinely wants everyone to do well. The material is pretty straight forward, but you do have to study a bit to understand the exact answers/interpretations he wants on the exams and assignments. Other than that, pretty easy class and I would definitely recommend to anyone to take his class if you can!


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Dec. 16, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+

I got a 97% in this class. I often lost interest during lecture because I feel as if he oversimplifies things and explains things ten thousand times. 90%+ is an A, which is great. You don't need a textbook and he is a really nice guy. He uses polleverywhere for lecture participation points and as long as you submit an answer, you get a point.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

I enjoyed taking Professor Enders! He teaches assuming students have no prior knowledge of statistics, which is great for those who were unable to take it in high school prior to attending the class. He's super helpful in terms of answering questions and explains things in a clear, simplified manner. His slides are also amazing -- they're very well-formatted and easy to follow, and the visual components he includes clarifies the concepts a lot.

He provided several extra credit opportunities throughout the quarter, which was very generous. This class was taken online, so he provided the textbook reading materials along with several recommended videos. There was 1 pre-class quiz and 1 post-class quiz to take for each unit. Both could be taken multiple times before the deadline, and only the highest attempt was graded. These quizzes were very straightforward if you read the (short) textbook pages and attended lecture or read through the lecture slides. There were around 12 units total that we covered.

As for the exams, he provided all of the questions to the exams beforehand so we could solve them out ourselves. During the scheduled exam time, we chose the correct answer out of the MCQs from the questions he provided beforehand.

The professor also encouraged collaboration, so the other students were extremely helpful as well. Overall, 10 out of 10!


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Professor Enders is charismatic, handsome, funny, approachable... physical qualities aside, though, he is an amazing professor to take for Stats. I took him my first quarter transferring to UCLA and it was a breeze. He is a pleasure to listen to and I can't recommend him enough!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

This is probably the easiest class I've taken at UCLA. Craig does an amazing job of simplifying and explaining the content. To be honest, I never attended the live lectures since attendance wasn't mandatory and just watched the recordings on 2x speed. It was a flipped classroom so we always had complete readings and watch videos before class. We also had to complete quizzes based on these readings and videos. There were quite a few quizzes (12 class prep quizzes, 12 content quizzes) but they were fairly easy since they were all multiple-choice. You could retake the content quizzes until you got a perfect score but you could only take the class prep quizzes once. I never attended or watched the labs but they were connected to the 5 multiple-choice assignments we had to complete. These assignments were easy as well, and actually kinda fun since we played with real data. The midterm and final were essentially take-home. Craig gave us the questions that we would respond to with our own answer, then on midterm/final day, we had to choose the multiple-choice options that aligned with our written answers. This sounds a little difficult but if you frame your answer the way they're framed in the quizzes and assignments, you should be fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Professor Enders is awesome! He is charming and his lectures are always great. You can really tell that he is passionate about what he teaches. Every time someone asked him a question he made sure to answer is until the student fully understood, and he never made someone feel dumb for asking a question. My biggest complaint is that he overexplains everything but with good intention. This is really helpful when you don't know what the heck is going on, otherwise it makes some of his lectures a bit boring for those moments that he goes through a review. Honestly he is just such an overall good person that that doesn't even matter


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 29, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Craig is honestly just a good professor and a nice person. He goes over the material in a very clear way that's very easy to understand. The tests and quizzes were fairly easy and reflected the material with little to no surprises. He also gave us the midterm and final questions two weeks in advance and encouraged students to work together. The only bad thing was the prep quizzes. These are worth 25% of your grade and include material from the next lecture. I felt it was pretty counterintuitive to test students on material that has not been taught yet, but the quizzes were still very generous with unlimited attempts.


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Dec. 28, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: N/A

Amazing professor, if you get the chance take it with Enders. Easiest A of my undergrad as long as you have a basic understanding of statistics. Very clear lectures and easy tests.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 5, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

This class was online because of the pandemic. Prof was very helpful and straightforward. The material was not difficult at all and was interesting to learn. Prof provides textbooks PDFs and lecture slides. Lectures are recorded and posted on CCLE. We had weekly content quizzes and class prep quizzes which were also easy. Midterm and final exams were on CCLE. We were given the questions two weeks before the exam and on text day, we just plugged in our answers. Recommend this prof.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

This class was super easy, where I would spend almost no time on it each week. There are multiple quizzes each week and our assignments/exams would be given to us weeks in advance. If you've taken any statistics class beforehand, you'll be fine. I barely learned any new material in this class, and for me, it felt like Dr. Enders would over-explain concepts a lot. I stopped going to lecture, but it was still super easy.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 12, 2018

Usually don't write reviews, but Craig Enders is THE MAN. Probably one of my favorite professors I've had at UCLA. Legit so funny and kind and genuinely wants everyone to do well. The material is pretty straight forward, but you do have to study a bit to understand the exact answers/interpretations he wants on the exams and assignments. Other than that, pretty easy class and I would definitely recommend to anyone to take his class if you can!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 16, 2018

I got a 97% in this class. I often lost interest during lecture because I feel as if he oversimplifies things and explains things ten thousand times. 90%+ is an A, which is great. You don't need a textbook and he is a really nice guy. He uses polleverywhere for lecture participation points and as long as you submit an answer, you get a point.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 30, 2020

I enjoyed taking Professor Enders! He teaches assuming students have no prior knowledge of statistics, which is great for those who were unable to take it in high school prior to attending the class. He's super helpful in terms of answering questions and explains things in a clear, simplified manner. His slides are also amazing -- they're very well-formatted and easy to follow, and the visual components he includes clarifies the concepts a lot.

He provided several extra credit opportunities throughout the quarter, which was very generous. This class was taken online, so he provided the textbook reading materials along with several recommended videos. There was 1 pre-class quiz and 1 post-class quiz to take for each unit. Both could be taken multiple times before the deadline, and only the highest attempt was graded. These quizzes were very straightforward if you read the (short) textbook pages and attended lecture or read through the lecture slides. There were around 12 units total that we covered.

As for the exams, he provided all of the questions to the exams beforehand so we could solve them out ourselves. During the scheduled exam time, we chose the correct answer out of the MCQs from the questions he provided beforehand.

The professor also encouraged collaboration, so the other students were extremely helpful as well. Overall, 10 out of 10!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

Professor Enders is charismatic, handsome, funny, approachable... physical qualities aside, though, he is an amazing professor to take for Stats. I took him my first quarter transferring to UCLA and it was a breeze. He is a pleasure to listen to and I can't recommend him enough!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 22, 2020

This is probably the easiest class I've taken at UCLA. Craig does an amazing job of simplifying and explaining the content. To be honest, I never attended the live lectures since attendance wasn't mandatory and just watched the recordings on 2x speed. It was a flipped classroom so we always had complete readings and watch videos before class. We also had to complete quizzes based on these readings and videos. There were quite a few quizzes (12 class prep quizzes, 12 content quizzes) but they were fairly easy since they were all multiple-choice. You could retake the content quizzes until you got a perfect score but you could only take the class prep quizzes once. I never attended or watched the labs but they were connected to the 5 multiple-choice assignments we had to complete. These assignments were easy as well, and actually kinda fun since we played with real data. The midterm and final were essentially take-home. Craig gave us the questions that we would respond to with our own answer, then on midterm/final day, we had to choose the multiple-choice options that aligned with our written answers. This sounds a little difficult but if you frame your answer the way they're framed in the quizzes and assignments, you should be fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 28, 2021

Professor Enders is awesome! He is charming and his lectures are always great. You can really tell that he is passionate about what he teaches. Every time someone asked him a question he made sure to answer is until the student fully understood, and he never made someone feel dumb for asking a question. My biggest complaint is that he overexplains everything but with good intention. This is really helpful when you don't know what the heck is going on, otherwise it makes some of his lectures a bit boring for those moments that he goes through a review. Honestly he is just such an overall good person that that doesn't even matter


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 29, 2020

Craig is honestly just a good professor and a nice person. He goes over the material in a very clear way that's very easy to understand. The tests and quizzes were fairly easy and reflected the material with little to no surprises. He also gave us the midterm and final questions two weeks in advance and encouraged students to work together. The only bad thing was the prep quizzes. These are worth 25% of your grade and include material from the next lecture. I felt it was pretty counterintuitive to test students on material that has not been taught yet, but the quizzes were still very generous with unlimited attempts.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: N/A
Dec. 28, 2019

Amazing professor, if you get the chance take it with Enders. Easiest A of my undergrad as long as you have a basic understanding of statistics. Very clear lectures and easy tests.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
July 5, 2020

This class was online because of the pandemic. Prof was very helpful and straightforward. The material was not difficult at all and was interesting to learn. Prof provides textbooks PDFs and lecture slides. Lectures are recorded and posted on CCLE. We had weekly content quizzes and class prep quizzes which were also easy. Midterm and final exams were on CCLE. We were given the questions two weeks before the exam and on text day, we just plugged in our answers. Recommend this prof.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

This class was super easy, where I would spend almost no time on it each week. There are multiple quizzes each week and our assignments/exams would be given to us weeks in advance. If you've taken any statistics class beforehand, you'll be fine. I barely learned any new material in this class, and for me, it felt like Dr. Enders would over-explain concepts a lot. I stopped going to lecture, but it was still super easy.


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