
Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths

Overall Ratings
Based on 76 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (76)

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March 30, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

Ben is an amazing professor. His lectures are always well-prepared and he is extremely helpful and clear when explaining material and answering questions. 32B material is not easy, but Ben makes it seem not as bad. If you have the opportunity to take his class, do it!

The midterms were not too difficult, the second midterm being harder than the first. However, the final was significantly harder. There is a lot of material in 32B that the final mostly does not skip on. Make sure you can do the practice finals he provides without much difficulty, and nail the parameterizations and bounds of integration for problems. The final is much more important in determining how well you do in the class, so even if you don’t do well on the midterms you can still bounce back on the final!

Overall, Ben has probably been my favorite professor so far. Highly recommend!


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March 30, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

Ben was a great professor for Math 32B! He was very clear, effective, and engaging as a professor. 32B is without a doubt, a very difficult lower div course, and if you have to take it, I would take it with him. He certainly may not be the easiest, and a good amount of work is required, but he is a great prof. If you have Harrop-Griffiths for 32B, here's some tips:

-He teaches the class a little out of order of the textbook, but trust him and follow his sequence, it makes much more sense in the end.
-Really practice 3-D parameterizations, surface parameterizations or else they'll kick your butt on 2nd midterm/final.
-Do not count on dropping a midterm and saving your grade with the final! The final is significantly more difficult/abstract and will require more conceptual knowledge.


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April 1, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C

I think I'm just an idiot, which is why I got this grade. 32B is a hard class overall, but Ben really clarifies materials very well. He is articulate and goes in depth to help you understand. I really like him and would recommend him for anyone not wanting to do poorly.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 30, 2019

Ben is an amazing professor. His lectures are always well-prepared and he is extremely helpful and clear when explaining material and answering questions. 32B material is not easy, but Ben makes it seem not as bad. If you have the opportunity to take his class, do it!

The midterms were not too difficult, the second midterm being harder than the first. However, the final was significantly harder. There is a lot of material in 32B that the final mostly does not skip on. Make sure you can do the practice finals he provides without much difficulty, and nail the parameterizations and bounds of integration for problems. The final is much more important in determining how well you do in the class, so even if you don’t do well on the midterms you can still bounce back on the final!

Overall, Ben has probably been my favorite professor so far. Highly recommend!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
March 30, 2019

Ben was a great professor for Math 32B! He was very clear, effective, and engaging as a professor. 32B is without a doubt, a very difficult lower div course, and if you have to take it, I would take it with him. He certainly may not be the easiest, and a good amount of work is required, but he is a great prof. If you have Harrop-Griffiths for 32B, here's some tips:

-He teaches the class a little out of order of the textbook, but trust him and follow his sequence, it makes much more sense in the end.
-Really practice 3-D parameterizations, surface parameterizations or else they'll kick your butt on 2nd midterm/final.
-Do not count on dropping a midterm and saving your grade with the final! The final is significantly more difficult/abstract and will require more conceptual knowledge.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C
April 1, 2019

I think I'm just an idiot, which is why I got this grade. 32B is a hard class overall, but Ben really clarifies materials very well. He is articulate and goes in depth to help you understand. I really like him and would recommend him for anyone not wanting to do poorly.


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