
Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths

Overall Ratings
Based on 76 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (76)

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Aug. 26, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Benjamin was a great professor, and I would take his class 1000 times over again. His lectures are very straightforward, which is uncommon in this class for some reason. Tests were not that hard, as the practice tests he gave were very similar, and everything on the tests was covered in class. Overall a great experience. Goat status: achieved.


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Aug. 13, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B+

Harrop-Griffiths is the clearest, organized, most concise professor I've ever had. This subject material is rough, but his tests were extremely fair, and I went away from them feeling like I got to actually show off what I knew about the class. He's kind, helpful, and was always answering questions both in class and on slack. Take him if you can!!


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June 19, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths is great. I've heard that Math 32B is the most difficult math lower div at UCLA, but professor Harrop-Griffiths made it extremely clear and understandable. I would definitely recommend this professor for anyone who wants to take Math 32B.


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June 18, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

He is the best Math Professor in all of my lower-division courses. Great demonstration of concepts in the lectures, rigorous academic, and give students the interest to fight against all the challenging concepts and REALLY learn from Maths!
I LOVE the way how Ben guides us through 32B and it's definitely a hard but enjoyable experience. Strongly recommend this man!


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June 17, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Professor Harrop-Griffiths is my favorite math professor I've ever taken at UCLA. His lectures were clear, and the tests were actually manageable.


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March 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

I was really nervous about taking 32B after hearing it was a really hard class, but Harrops made it bearable. He was a great professor with pretty straightforward midterms. He provides practice finals and midterms, and review sessions in class for each. I went to my TA's office hours which really helped me a lot, and I would recommend doing that as well, as it helped me score well above the average on the second midterm. The material definitely isn't easy but Harrops does a good job explaining, and as long as you make a good effort to understand it yourself as well, you will do well in this class.


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March 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

If you have to take 32B take it with Ben. I had a really tough time in 32A and was pretty worried about this class but this quarter was so much better. Some of the homework problems can be challenging but if you go to office hours he's extremely helpful and will go through the problems step by step. His lectures are clear and well organized and he often makes funny comments that are just as endearing as his accent. Both midterms were fair (we'll see about the final though) and he's an all around really nice guy and a good professor.


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March 23, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

Professor Harrop-Griffiths is an excellent choice for 32B. He is a clear, effective lecturer (with a London accent as well) who is very helpful during office hours. His midterms were both fully computational and reasonable, but the final was significantly harder. Median was a 64%.

Some tips for success:
-Put in the work throughout the quarter. 32B is a tough class with a lot of material to cover, so its critical that you stay on top of things.
-Try to do well on the second midterm because the median was significantly lower than the first.
-Try to understand the tough homework problems, because the final may include things such as parameterizations of ellipses and irregular cones, extensions of cylinders on non-z axes, etc. Doable stuff but takes practice.

Overall, take HG if you have the opportunity. You'll develop a strong understanding and appreciation of the material.


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March 27, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

I'll list off what I like about him: great professor, clear lectures, awesome accent, good at teaching.
The hardest things about this class are undoubtedly the FINAL and some of the "additional problems" he puts on the homework.
My advice to you if you take this class is do not think the final will be as easy as the midterms. Make sure you can do the PRACTICE FINAL he gives you without hesitation. The final will be like the practice one.
If you didn't deduce it I didn't do so good on the final. I got a 49 and a 47 on the midterms and I still got 10 pts above the average on the final. I guess it wasn't good enough because that turned out o be a B+. Just goes to show you study for the final.
If you have the option I definitely recommend taking a class with Harrop-Griffiths.


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March 29, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

If you have to take 32B definitely take it with Harrop-Griffiths. I had May Clover for 32A and she was a really great professor as well. However I think her and Harrop-Griffiths have different teaching styles so it took me awhile to adjust to him. After I did adjust though he proved to be a great lecturer and his examples in class really help. Reading the chapters in the textbook also helps a lot and his lectures are also based off the textbook as he often explains things the exact same way the textbook does. His midterms are pretty easy and his final is slightly more challenging. Although he does give partial credit on problems, in some problems I feel as though the partial credit he gives is slightly unfair. Remember to draw out the regions on tests as he sometimes gives extra credit for them. Discussions are helpful and homeworks are time-consuming but helpful.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Aug. 26, 2022

Benjamin was a great professor, and I would take his class 1000 times over again. His lectures are very straightforward, which is uncommon in this class for some reason. Tests were not that hard, as the practice tests he gave were very similar, and everything on the tests was covered in class. Overall a great experience. Goat status: achieved.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B+
Aug. 13, 2022

Harrop-Griffiths is the clearest, organized, most concise professor I've ever had. This subject material is rough, but his tests were extremely fair, and I went away from them feeling like I got to actually show off what I knew about the class. He's kind, helpful, and was always answering questions both in class and on slack. Take him if you can!!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 19, 2022

Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths is great. I've heard that Math 32B is the most difficult math lower div at UCLA, but professor Harrop-Griffiths made it extremely clear and understandable. I would definitely recommend this professor for anyone who wants to take Math 32B.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 18, 2022

He is the best Math Professor in all of my lower-division courses. Great demonstration of concepts in the lectures, rigorous academic, and give students the interest to fight against all the challenging concepts and REALLY learn from Maths!
I LOVE the way how Ben guides us through 32B and it's definitely a hard but enjoyable experience. Strongly recommend this man!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 17, 2022

Professor Harrop-Griffiths is my favorite math professor I've ever taken at UCLA. His lectures were clear, and the tests were actually manageable.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 15, 2019

I was really nervous about taking 32B after hearing it was a really hard class, but Harrops made it bearable. He was a great professor with pretty straightforward midterms. He provides practice finals and midterms, and review sessions in class for each. I went to my TA's office hours which really helped me a lot, and I would recommend doing that as well, as it helped me score well above the average on the second midterm. The material definitely isn't easy but Harrops does a good job explaining, and as long as you make a good effort to understand it yourself as well, you will do well in this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 15, 2019

If you have to take 32B take it with Ben. I had a really tough time in 32A and was pretty worried about this class but this quarter was so much better. Some of the homework problems can be challenging but if you go to office hours he's extremely helpful and will go through the problems step by step. His lectures are clear and well organized and he often makes funny comments that are just as endearing as his accent. Both midterms were fair (we'll see about the final though) and he's an all around really nice guy and a good professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
March 23, 2019

Professor Harrop-Griffiths is an excellent choice for 32B. He is a clear, effective lecturer (with a London accent as well) who is very helpful during office hours. His midterms were both fully computational and reasonable, but the final was significantly harder. Median was a 64%.

Some tips for success:
-Put in the work throughout the quarter. 32B is a tough class with a lot of material to cover, so its critical that you stay on top of things.
-Try to do well on the second midterm because the median was significantly lower than the first.
-Try to understand the tough homework problems, because the final may include things such as parameterizations of ellipses and irregular cones, extensions of cylinders on non-z axes, etc. Doable stuff but takes practice.

Overall, take HG if you have the opportunity. You'll develop a strong understanding and appreciation of the material.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
March 27, 2019

I'll list off what I like about him: great professor, clear lectures, awesome accent, good at teaching.
The hardest things about this class are undoubtedly the FINAL and some of the "additional problems" he puts on the homework.
My advice to you if you take this class is do not think the final will be as easy as the midterms. Make sure you can do the PRACTICE FINAL he gives you without hesitation. The final will be like the practice one.
If you didn't deduce it I didn't do so good on the final. I got a 49 and a 47 on the midterms and I still got 10 pts above the average on the final. I guess it wasn't good enough because that turned out o be a B+. Just goes to show you study for the final.
If you have the option I definitely recommend taking a class with Harrop-Griffiths.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 29, 2019

If you have to take 32B definitely take it with Harrop-Griffiths. I had May Clover for 32A and she was a really great professor as well. However I think her and Harrop-Griffiths have different teaching styles so it took me awhile to adjust to him. After I did adjust though he proved to be a great lecturer and his examples in class really help. Reading the chapters in the textbook also helps a lot and his lectures are also based off the textbook as he often explains things the exact same way the textbook does. His midterms are pretty easy and his final is slightly more challenging. Although he does give partial credit on problems, in some problems I feel as though the partial credit he gives is slightly unfair. Remember to draw out the regions on tests as he sometimes gives extra credit for them. Discussions are helpful and homeworks are time-consuming but helpful.


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