
Artur Jaroszewicz

Overall Ratings
Based on 44 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (44)

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June 24, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

The best thing about this prof is how excited he gets about math. As a student that means so much because we often subconsciously wonder if the professor isn't interested in the topic, why should we? He prioritizes and responds to the needs of his students. His lectures are well organized and the homework is helpful to understanding the topics. There is no busy work, everything we are assigned in this class is conducive to improving your understanding. I had Artur for 30A and 30B, and I tried my best to get into his LS 40 class. My favorite prof so far.


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June 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Artur is amazing!!! My favorite professor thus far! I had mine for 30A and I took his class again for 30B! Super clear in lecture! He seeks to help all students whenever he can! His practice exams are the most helpful for studying; use these to prepare and you will get an A! Homework is not dense at all and it was graded on completion! My quarter he didn't test on coding but I am not sure if that changed. Overall he's very passionate about math and is so funny. I would definitely take his courses if I had the option to do so!!! He's the best!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: C

This class is insanely easy. All the lectures are recorded, but before lecture, you have to watch mini lectures recorded by Will Conley, which makes the learning extremely easy. This quarter the professors were extremely lenient and gave out a lot of extra credit. There were homework problems from the online textbook, labs, and small activities to be completed every week. They made each category worth 2 less than the total amount, so if there were 10 homework assignments, then you only needed to complete 8 to get 100% and anything extra was extra credit. The material in this class was very straight forward and easy to learn. However, it is very easy to slack off and get behind on the material, so make sure you stay on top of your work. I didn't do almost all of the labs, 2 homework assignments, 1 weekly activity, and I didn't take the (optional) final, and I passed so you all should be fine.


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April 17, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

I actually had professor Deeds for this class but he isn't listed on bruinwalk and you have to have a teacher listed to submit a review. Professor Eric Deeds was totally awesome and probably my favorite professor so far in college. He's really enthusiastic, super nice, and a great teacher of the material because he completely understands it himself. I thought his lectures were well organized and explained in very clear terms. I highly recommend taking a class with professor Deeds. His office hours were very helpful and overall the class was pretty fair. I didn't think the material was too hard as long as you go to lecture and stay on top of homework assignments. If you have any high school experience in calc it'll be pretty smooth sailing and even if you don't honestly you could still figure out most everything pretty easily because there's not actually a crazy amount of calculus in the course. The first midterm was really easy, the second one was slightly harder but still pretty easy, and the final covered everything so it was a little harder but I'd still say as long as you study and feel comfortable with the material you'll do fine.


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June 3, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

Artur is incredible. He is clear, engaging, relatable, and overall an amazing educator. The class is really manageable and really interesting because it's so applicable. I'm taking Conley this quarter and I would go as far to say Artur is just as amazing.


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June 5, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

I honestly say I enjoyed his class and I want to thank Artur for being such an amazing lecturer ! He is very understanding and caring. Thank you so much Artur!


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June 9, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

Take this class! Will Conley and Artur are the best professors I encountered during my freshman year. This class is very engaging and you have a lot to learn from it. If you do all the work and pay attention, getting an A is easy. The professors are here to make sure you learn and want what is best for you in the long run. Plenty of extra credit is offered and this class was one of my favorites to take. You will not regret enrolling in this course and 30B is just as amazing.


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June 14, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

If I could take more classes with Artur, I would! He's a very good lecturer who makes sure that if the students don't really understand what's going on, he will take more time to explain it. He thoroughly explains how we get certain answers, instead of just saying the answer. His review sessions are the best and they really help you understand what's expected of you on the exams.


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June 21, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

I'm not sure if Artur is continuing to teach LS courses, but I found that he was really engaging and effective - especially for being a new lecturer. His lectures sometimes went over by a few minutes, but he was always thorough in his explanations and took questions and re-explained if necessary. Students felt comfortable asking questions and expressing confusion, and I was always engaged during class and actually wanted to pay attention. His office hours were incredibly helpful and he didn't mind taking more time to explain something if one person was still confused. He was also super approachable and open to talking about graduate school and research, among other things, which I think a lot of students really appreciated. I generally felt really supported in this course - the LS department does a good job of assuaging math-anxious students like myself, and I found myself actually enjoying the material and wanting to learn more. I think Artur genuinely cared about his students' well-being and wanted to help people understand what was being taught. Would definitely recommend!


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Feb. 17, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Artur did really well for his first quarter teaching! He's really passionate and is always willing to help out students if they're struggling. I highly recommend going to his office hours just to get to know him more! His homework is graded on participation (which is clutch) so you basically just need to pay attention to his lectures and take notes. I liked him so much as a professor I am taking him for LS30B this quarter and I am going to take LS40 with him next quarter as well.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
June 24, 2020

The best thing about this prof is how excited he gets about math. As a student that means so much because we often subconsciously wonder if the professor isn't interested in the topic, why should we? He prioritizes and responds to the needs of his students. His lectures are well organized and the homework is helpful to understanding the topics. There is no busy work, everything we are assigned in this class is conducive to improving your understanding. I had Artur for 30A and 30B, and I tried my best to get into his LS 40 class. My favorite prof so far.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
June 30, 2020

Artur is amazing!!! My favorite professor thus far! I had mine for 30A and I took his class again for 30B! Super clear in lecture! He seeks to help all students whenever he can! His practice exams are the most helpful for studying; use these to prepare and you will get an A! Homework is not dense at all and it was graded on completion! My quarter he didn't test on coding but I am not sure if that changed. Overall he's very passionate about math and is so funny. I would definitely take his courses if I had the option to do so!!! He's the best!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: C
July 2, 2020

This class is insanely easy. All the lectures are recorded, but before lecture, you have to watch mini lectures recorded by Will Conley, which makes the learning extremely easy. This quarter the professors were extremely lenient and gave out a lot of extra credit. There were homework problems from the online textbook, labs, and small activities to be completed every week. They made each category worth 2 less than the total amount, so if there were 10 homework assignments, then you only needed to complete 8 to get 100% and anything extra was extra credit. The material in this class was very straight forward and easy to learn. However, it is very easy to slack off and get behind on the material, so make sure you stay on top of your work. I didn't do almost all of the labs, 2 homework assignments, 1 weekly activity, and I didn't take the (optional) final, and I passed so you all should be fine.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
April 17, 2020

I actually had professor Deeds for this class but he isn't listed on bruinwalk and you have to have a teacher listed to submit a review. Professor Eric Deeds was totally awesome and probably my favorite professor so far in college. He's really enthusiastic, super nice, and a great teacher of the material because he completely understands it himself. I thought his lectures were well organized and explained in very clear terms. I highly recommend taking a class with professor Deeds. His office hours were very helpful and overall the class was pretty fair. I didn't think the material was too hard as long as you go to lecture and stay on top of homework assignments. If you have any high school experience in calc it'll be pretty smooth sailing and even if you don't honestly you could still figure out most everything pretty easily because there's not actually a crazy amount of calculus in the course. The first midterm was really easy, the second one was slightly harder but still pretty easy, and the final covered everything so it was a little harder but I'd still say as long as you study and feel comfortable with the material you'll do fine.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
June 3, 2020

Artur is incredible. He is clear, engaging, relatable, and overall an amazing educator. The class is really manageable and really interesting because it's so applicable. I'm taking Conley this quarter and I would go as far to say Artur is just as amazing.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
June 5, 2020

I honestly say I enjoyed his class and I want to thank Artur for being such an amazing lecturer ! He is very understanding and caring. Thank you so much Artur!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
June 9, 2020

Take this class! Will Conley and Artur are the best professors I encountered during my freshman year. This class is very engaging and you have a lot to learn from it. If you do all the work and pay attention, getting an A is easy. The professors are here to make sure you learn and want what is best for you in the long run. Plenty of extra credit is offered and this class was one of my favorites to take. You will not regret enrolling in this course and 30B is just as amazing.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
June 14, 2020

If I could take more classes with Artur, I would! He's a very good lecturer who makes sure that if the students don't really understand what's going on, he will take more time to explain it. He thoroughly explains how we get certain answers, instead of just saying the answer. His review sessions are the best and they really help you understand what's expected of you on the exams.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
June 21, 2020

I'm not sure if Artur is continuing to teach LS courses, but I found that he was really engaging and effective - especially for being a new lecturer. His lectures sometimes went over by a few minutes, but he was always thorough in his explanations and took questions and re-explained if necessary. Students felt comfortable asking questions and expressing confusion, and I was always engaged during class and actually wanted to pay attention. His office hours were incredibly helpful and he didn't mind taking more time to explain something if one person was still confused. He was also super approachable and open to talking about graduate school and research, among other things, which I think a lot of students really appreciated. I generally felt really supported in this course - the LS department does a good job of assuaging math-anxious students like myself, and I found myself actually enjoying the material and wanting to learn more. I think Artur genuinely cared about his students' well-being and wanted to help people understand what was being taught. Would definitely recommend!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 17, 2020

Artur did really well for his first quarter teaching! He's really passionate and is always willing to help out students if they're struggling. I highly recommend going to his office hours just to get to know him more! His homework is graded on participation (which is clutch) so you basically just need to pay attention to his lectures and take notes. I liked him so much as a professor I am taking him for LS30B this quarter and I am going to take LS40 with him next quarter as well.


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