641 Gayley Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 11 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.5 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (11)

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March 12, 2009

The good: Campus is just across the street. Even though the apartment is pretty close to the frats, they only throw parties about once a month. I've lived in two different units, and they are both pretty spacious. The studios are one of the bigger studios in Westwood.

The unknown: The first manager that I had was terrible. Then we didn't have a manager for awhile. The next manager was awesome, but he left. So I can't say if the manager they have right now is good or not.

The bad: ANTS! The apartment is infested with ants (although I imagine many apartments in Westwood have the same problem). Both units that I lived in were infested with ants. The ants were there when we were moving in... there wasn't even any food in the apartment at that point! The ants are only there in the summer though, and we didn't have a problem with them the rest of the year.

The ugly: Take pictures of your apartment befpre you move in! They did not send us our security deposit back and it took numerous emails and phone calls for them to finally send us a check after 3 months. When we got our deposit back, they had deducted more than half of our deposit. So remember to take pictures of your apartment before you move in, otherwise they will claim that they need to fix a bunch of crap in your apartment!


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Overall Rating
Based on 11 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.5 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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