641 Gayley Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 11 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.5 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (11)

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Lease Year: 2017
Oct. 8, 2017

They will take every penny of your deposit for no good reason. They will literally make up enormous charges which make no sense. Stay away from this place if you don't want to get ripped off.


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Nov. 15, 2015

Stay away from this apartment! They are nice to you at first but when you get your ass out of their, they show their true face. They charged me hella ridiculous amount of money and sublet fee (??!) When I called to ask them, they said they would call back but they did not. Plus, when I called them, they did not bother to pick up your damn phone!


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Oct. 11, 2011

641 Gayley is the bomb. The manager, Rochelle has been nothing but helpful to me. I've lived at another building she managed last year (478 Landfair), and when I moved out and into this one she waived a ton of fees like maintenance for my old place, and parking for this new one. She always answers her phone, even after business hours, and she is just an overall down to earth person. As long as you are cooperative and nice to her she is the same, even better, to you.
The place is a bit strict on all-out parties, but having kickbacks and some friends over is always chill unless it turns into a zoo. I recommend this spot, as I do 478.


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Oct. 7, 2011

Don't even bother living here. The only good thing that it is really close to campus. BUt other than that, consider other places please, I beg you. The new manager is Rochelle who is totally rude very b*****y. She's gonna make you pay for things that were promised to be provided (copy of keys, microwave, etc). Promised you to help finding sublet in the summer, in actually total lie, they even threaten to report you for asking help to find sublet. In the end, your deposit (1 month rent) will never come back to you, cause they will charge 500 just because you sublet (not that they help you with this anyway), and other minor things: painting, patcching,etc. I dont remember moving in to freshly paint apartment.


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May 27, 2011

Everything was very nice when i moved in with the exception of the the dishwasher which was so old it was rotting and it was prone to leaks. We ended up using it as a dish drier. The water that came out of the shower had a yellow tinge to it, you had to let it run for a minute before being able to use it. This condition did not affect the sinks at all. The place is relatively quite although one still gets noise occasionally from the nearby frats. Its very close to campus, 5 minutes to Ackerman and 15-20 minutes to north campus. Management was very good and orderly about fixing problems, usually the day after we called them. Trash and laundry are conveniently located down the hall and the neighbors are also nice and quiet too. Overall i would recommend this place to anyone willing to put up with minor annoyances in exchange for a cheap place that is close to campus.


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May 1, 2011

My roommates and I have lived in this apartment for 3 years now. We have seen some of the problems that people have reported, but everything has changed and I just have to speak out. They have put in a new manager and the place has been completely turned around. There are absolutely no more bugs!!!! PERIOD!!! The ants are completely gone and there have been maintenance people here in the last month since she took over, cleaning and painting and just making this place really nice.Our dishwasher broke and she had the repairman here the next day. I needed a new one and that took 2 days to get but it was replaced faster than any maintenance work that I've ever needed.She is easy to get a hold of and tells you how long something is going to take, so you're not just waiting... I have seen such an improvement in the short time that she has been here that I even referred a friend and she leased an apt. Then the manager gave me $200.00 off my rent for referring her. I say it's all in the manager and the new one is great. I wish I could remember her name!!!!


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April 21, 2010

I have lived here for the past year, and have had a really good experience! The managers are really nice, and have always responded to us quickly. The price is really good, and it comes with free parking. Also it is really nice to have a dishwasher and fireplace, which most apartments around here don't have. The building is kept clean, I am always seeing the cleaners here. My neighbors are nice, and in general everyone is pretty quiet in the building. I would definitely live here again, if I weren't graduating!

PROS: Clean building, Quiet, Nice managers, free parking, maintenance fixes whatever we need
CONS: No balcony


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Feb. 25, 2010


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Feb. 24, 2010

If you're looking for an apartment near UCLA, DON'T even consider 641 Gayley. Yes, it may be close to campus, yet the rent doesn't even include trash nor water bill. The big thing is that the apartment is infested with ANTS, that you can't get rid of. The ants were all over the walls and kitchen counter when we moved in and there wasn't even ANY food at all. The bathroom ceiling is full of mold. The A/C doesn't even work. Even if you can bear the summer without A/C and the winter without heating, you won't believe that the fridge was broken too. We emailed management several times regarding our broken fridge and they only attempted to fix it after a few weeks and it was STILL BROKEN. Sometimes they just ignore certain emails too. Our fridge kept leaking, the freezer wasn't working, the fridge's self defrost system wasn't working. Nothing works here. This place is terrible. DON'T LIVE HERE!!!


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Feb. 24, 2010

…the only upside is its close proximity to campus, but that's just about it. It’s pretty much the only apartment building on this side of the block besides one other building at the corner of Landfair. It is right next to the University Catholic Center, but other than that it is LITERALLY surrounded by frats.
When I signed the lease last year, the manager at the time (Peter) was really nice. However, by the time I actually moved into the building, management changed (to Emily and Bill). These new people don't care about their tenants at all. When I moved in, THE PLACE WAS CRAWLING WITH ANTS!!! They were all over the walls and on the counter in the kitchen! Emily let us into the unit and when she saw the ants, she just wacked them aside and kept on talking. SHE ACTED LIKE THEY WEREN'T A PROBLEM!
I moved in at the end of the summer so it was still pretty hot out, but when I tried to use the air-conditioner it was BROKEN. It would spew out semi-cool air for about all of 2 minutes and then proceeded to fill the room with even more hot air. When maintenance came to look at it, they said that it just required a "little trick" to get it working. Tried the "trick". Didn't work. Still BROKEN!
I also noticed mold in my bathroom. The bathroom in my unit had terrible ventilation. The ventilation fan on the ceiling looked like it had never been cleaned since the place was built! Massive amounts of condensation would build up on the ceiling even after the shortest hot showers. Towels take DAYS to dry. The mold was there since the day I moved in and only continued to get worse. It covered half of the ceiling and all of the walls above the shower.
I also had a broken fridge that literally took MONTHS to replace. It also leaked all over the kitchen floor, made extremely loud noise during all hours of the day, and ran my electricity bill THROUGH THE ROOF!!! Much of my “frozen” food ended up in the trash from melting. Everything in the refrigerator was covered in water dripping from the freezer while the actual ceiling of the fridge was covered in ice. I know that many other tenants have been plague with this problem as well. I have seen many broken fridges just sitting in the garage after their tenants could no longer use them.
The management here obviously doesn’t take a close look at their units before renting them out. There were also huge cracks on two different walls. They turn a blind eye to any pre-existing problems and blame everything on their tenants. They take ABSOLUTELY no responsibility for anything. All they want is your money and they do their best to prey on ill-informed students. The only way they’ll handle your problems is if you contact them by email. They usually RESPOND to the email within a week, but it takes them MUCH longer to actually send any out to take care of it. They say they usually have someone out within 2 days, but I know I have only seen maintenance come in ONCE and when they did they did it was well over two days after I had last emailed about the problem. If maintenance ever did come through when I wasn’t in the unit, then they are required to leave a notice letting me know that they were here, but I have never received anything about someone coming in when I wasn’t home.
My biggest problem was not taking a thorough walk-through of the apartment when I moved in with the manager there. I should have taken pictures of everything, tested everything, and reported all the problems right then and there so management could witness all the issues first-hand as I was.
My best advice is to just steer clear of this place. Learn from my mistake and make sure you know exactly what you’re getting before you sign away a year of your life and thousands of dollars to people and places like this. When looking for potential apartments and even before signing a lease, make sure you talk to the current tenants of the actual unit you’re looking at and ask them if there are any problems. This may be hard to do when management is around but a few moments of awkwardness will save you from wasting even more time and money on a crappy apartment.


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Overall Rating
Based on 11 Users
Noise Level 2.4 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.0 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.5 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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