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3 of 100

Results for "Elizabeth DeLoughrey ENGL 140A"

Overall rating 3.9
4.6 Overall rating
Richard Yarborough
4.6 Overall rating
3.0 Overall rating
Caroline Streeter
3.0 Overall rating
3.5 Overall rating
Yogita Goyal
3.5 Overall rating
3.0 Overall rating
Harryette Mullen
3.0 Overall rating
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Overall rating N/A
There are no classes listed under this professor.
Overall rating N/A
There are no classes listed under this professor.
ENGL 100
Overall rating 5.0
5.0 Overall rating
King-Kok Cheung
5.0 Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Ji Eun Lee
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Efren Lopez
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Jessica Lee
N/A Overall rating
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ENGL 100
Overall rating 5.0
5.0 Overall rating
Rafael Perez-Torres
5.0 Overall rating
5.0 Overall rating
Uri McMillan
5.0 Overall rating
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ENGL 141
Overall rating 5.0
5.0 Overall rating
Eric Jager
5.0 Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Jonathan Post
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Stephen Dickey
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Arthur Little
N/A Overall rating
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ENGL 146
Overall rating 5.0
5.0 Overall rating
Matthew Fisher
5.0 Overall rating
ENGL 120
Overall rating 4.4
4.7 Overall rating
Mitchum Huehls
4.7 Overall rating
3.4 Overall rating
Robert Maniquis
3.4 Overall rating
4.8 Overall rating
Maureen Shay
4.8 Overall rating
5.0 Overall rating
Anahid Nersessian
5.0 Overall rating
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