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Results for "Stuart Conway CHEM 144"

Overall rating N/A
SOC WLF 286C Research Internship N/A Overall rating
Overall rating N/A
LAW 571 Legal History Workshop N/A Overall rating
LAW 345 Individual Project N/A Overall rating
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This professor's ratings and reviews have been removed because we have been informed that the professor has passed away. You may contact us at for more information.

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This professor's ratings and reviews have been removed because we have been informed that the professor has passed away. You may contact us at for more information.

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CHEM 147
Overall rating 5.0
5.0 Overall rating
Catherine Clarke
5.0 Overall rating
5.0 Overall rating
Michael Jung
5.0 Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Hung Pham
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Robert Clubb
N/A Overall rating
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CHEM 184
Overall rating 4.8
4.8 Overall rating
Joseph Loo
4.8 Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Deborah Jarrett
N/A Overall rating
CHEM 154
Overall rating 2.8
2.7 Overall rating
Stacie Nakamoto
2.7 Overall rating
3.5 Overall rating
Steven Kim
3.5 Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Domagoj Hodko
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Christian Beren
N/A Overall rating
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CHEM 114
Overall rating 2.3
1.9 Overall rating
Delroy Baugh
1.9 Overall rating
2.0 Overall rating
Shimon Weiss
2.0 Overall rating
3.0 Overall rating
James Gimzewski
3.0 Overall rating
2.1 Overall rating
Louis-Serge Bouchard
2.1 Overall rating
CHEM 194
Overall rating N/A
N/A Overall rating
Delroy Baugh
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
David Bensimon
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
Louis-Serge Bouchard
N/A Overall rating
N/A Overall rating
James Bowie
N/A Overall rating
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Overall rating 4.0
5.0 Overall rating
Alexander Spokoyny
5.0 Overall rating
2.8 Overall rating
Alfred Bacher
2.8 Overall rating

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