
Yousef Bozorgnia

Overall Ratings
Based on 6 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (6)

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May 26, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+

I think the previous review was written by the professor himself - it certainly reflects his speaking style. The professor is rude and uncaring. He is encumbered by his research and other responsibilities. He demonstrates favoritism early on in the course. I don't think this professor understands what teaching is really about - he takes "sage on the stage" pretty seriously, because you can tell his has a massive ego over his work. I didn't walk away from the course with concrete knowledge on the subject matter beyond what I could read on my own on the PowerPoints. I don't recommend at all. You would expect this quality professor elsewhere, not at a UC.


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May 23, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A

Perhaps the worst professor I've taken at UCLA. First, the temper. My god, this man has a temper. On the first day of class, he yelled at the previous class' instructor for not ending his class exactly at 1:50 PM. Imagine your professor storming into the class at 1:51 PM as students were leaving and yelling how "this is the University of California!!" to a colleague. Great first impression for an early bird like me. Second, he just doesn't like students. He has extensive research experience in the subject but it's evident he has no desire in making it teachable to undergrads. The subject is hard, and Professor Bozorgnia makes it harder by skipping over fundamentals in favor of getting through a lot of material in one class. Third, he isn't that available or approachable for office hours. When he was, I often left more confused and anxious. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't drop - I assumed it would get better, but it never did.


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March 8, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

Professor Bozorgnia is one of the best professors I have ever had. He is so caring, so helpful, and his lectures are really engaging and funny too. I don't know why there are bad reviews about him (it makes me angry). I would gladly retake more classes with him. The homeworks and quizzes were very fair, and he is always willing to hop on a zoom call if there is any confusion.


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June 8, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Professor Bozorgnia gives one of the most engaging lectures I have seen in my years as an undergraduate. He really likes Earthquake engineering and will teach you the fundamentals and even some valuable topics like Design Spectrum. He has motivated me to pursue higher education and get my master's. The course has lots of content but definitely a solid elective with a fair workload. There is 6 homework that takes an hour or two at most and 2 quizzes that are really easy! I would 100% recommend it. Here is the breakdown of the grading:

30% Homework
30% Quizzes
40% Final Exam


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March 23, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

Don't even care about what the previous guy told about him. At the end of the quarter, he even said, if any of you cannot find a job until late April, come find me. Don't accept any job that is underpaying or something that you wouldn't like. I will make sure all of you, my students, will have the best possible start to your careers. He was the most helpful most bonding teacher I have ever seen.
In the lectures, he knows what he is doing. He probably memorized the order of the presentations that he is showing. It is not easy I assure you. There were at least 300 pages of presentations. He was very well planned. He was doing everything to underline the most important parts of the class. He put all the effort to let us understand what is really going on. He is the funniest teacher by the way. The class had a good laugh at least 2 times a lecture. I cannot believe how a mean person can tell something bad about him. By quoting Prof Bozorgnia "Unbelievable".


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C&EE 245
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+
May 26, 2020

I think the previous review was written by the professor himself - it certainly reflects his speaking style. The professor is rude and uncaring. He is encumbered by his research and other responsibilities. He demonstrates favoritism early on in the course. I don't think this professor understands what teaching is really about - he takes "sage on the stage" pretty seriously, because you can tell his has a massive ego over his work. I didn't walk away from the course with concrete knowledge on the subject matter beyond what I could read on my own on the PowerPoints. I don't recommend at all. You would expect this quality professor elsewhere, not at a UC.


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C&EE 245
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: N/A
May 23, 2019

Perhaps the worst professor I've taken at UCLA. First, the temper. My god, this man has a temper. On the first day of class, he yelled at the previous class' instructor for not ending his class exactly at 1:50 PM. Imagine your professor storming into the class at 1:51 PM as students were leaving and yelling how "this is the University of California!!" to a colleague. Great first impression for an early bird like me. Second, he just doesn't like students. He has extensive research experience in the subject but it's evident he has no desire in making it teachable to undergrads. The subject is hard, and Professor Bozorgnia makes it harder by skipping over fundamentals in favor of getting through a lot of material in one class. Third, he isn't that available or approachable for office hours. When he was, I often left more confused and anxious. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't drop - I assumed it would get better, but it never did.


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C&EE 245
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 8, 2024

Professor Bozorgnia is one of the best professors I have ever had. He is so caring, so helpful, and his lectures are really engaging and funny too. I don't know why there are bad reviews about him (it makes me angry). I would gladly retake more classes with him. The homeworks and quizzes were very fair, and he is always willing to hop on a zoom call if there is any confusion.


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C&EE 125
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 8, 2023

Professor Bozorgnia gives one of the most engaging lectures I have seen in my years as an undergraduate. He really likes Earthquake engineering and will teach you the fundamentals and even some valuable topics like Design Spectrum. He has motivated me to pursue higher education and get my master's. The course has lots of content but definitely a solid elective with a fair workload. There is 6 homework that takes an hour or two at most and 2 quizzes that are really easy! I would 100% recommend it. Here is the breakdown of the grading:

30% Homework
30% Quizzes
40% Final Exam


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C&EE 245
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 23, 2020

Don't even care about what the previous guy told about him. At the end of the quarter, he even said, if any of you cannot find a job until late April, come find me. Don't accept any job that is underpaying or something that you wouldn't like. I will make sure all of you, my students, will have the best possible start to your careers. He was the most helpful most bonding teacher I have ever seen.
In the lectures, he knows what he is doing. He probably memorized the order of the presentations that he is showing. It is not easy I assure you. There were at least 300 pages of presentations. He was very well planned. He was doing everything to underline the most important parts of the class. He put all the effort to let us understand what is really going on. He is the funniest teacher by the way. The class had a good laugh at least 2 times a lecture. I cannot believe how a mean person can tell something bad about him. By quoting Prof Bozorgnia "Unbelievable".


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