Yongkang Xue
Most Helpful Review
I went into the class a little bit apprehensive but I warmed up to Professor Xue's style of teaching very quickly. He posts his lecture notes prior to class, and then when he does lecture it's extremely straightforward, straight off of the bullet points. I didn't bother to read the textbook or the lecture notes and still feel like I did extremely well, perhaps because I found Geog 172 Advanced Remote Sensing to be very interesting. It's a lot of statistics, which I like, and I also have an interest in graphic design, so I found the parallels between image manipulation and your average Photoshop usage to be really neat. Professor Xue is a little bit hard to understand at first, but once you get used to his accent you realize he's got a sense of humor. He has the funniest turns of phrase. "This image has a lot of noise, all these pepper and salts." Every time he said "filter" I felt like he wanted to say "gefilte fish." Anyway, take 172! It's very interesting even though the labs could take more time than you'd like.
I went into the class a little bit apprehensive but I warmed up to Professor Xue's style of teaching very quickly. He posts his lecture notes prior to class, and then when he does lecture it's extremely straightforward, straight off of the bullet points. I didn't bother to read the textbook or the lecture notes and still feel like I did extremely well, perhaps because I found Geog 172 Advanced Remote Sensing to be very interesting. It's a lot of statistics, which I like, and I also have an interest in graphic design, so I found the parallels between image manipulation and your average Photoshop usage to be really neat. Professor Xue is a little bit hard to understand at first, but once you get used to his accent you realize he's got a sense of humor. He has the funniest turns of phrase. "This image has a lot of noise, all these pepper and salts." Every time he said "filter" I felt like he wanted to say "gefilte fish." Anyway, take 172! It's very interesting even though the labs could take more time than you'd like.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Professor Xue is super sweet, but his lecture can be super technical, so it might be challenging not to fall asleep. The content discussed before the midterm is very detailed and technical, possibly one of the hardest GIS electives I have been in. The primary grade for this class is the weekly lab assignments, which can take a lot of time for the writing portion. I always got points deducted for the most minuscule elements each week, so it is better to talk to your TA regarding your work and expectations. Midterms are challenging but not too hard to do if you study well. I did not enjoy the first half of the class much, but I found the latter half to be very useful, especially if you want to continue remote sensing as a career.
Spring 2024 - Professor Xue is super sweet, but his lecture can be super technical, so it might be challenging not to fall asleep. The content discussed before the midterm is very detailed and technical, possibly one of the hardest GIS electives I have been in. The primary grade for this class is the weekly lab assignments, which can take a lot of time for the writing portion. I always got points deducted for the most minuscule elements each week, so it is better to talk to your TA regarding your work and expectations. Midterms are challenging but not too hard to do if you study well. I did not enjoy the first half of the class much, but I found the latter half to be very useful, especially if you want to continue remote sensing as a career.