
Yang Zhang

Overall Ratings
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (10)

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Dec. 7, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

I took ECE100 with Professor Zhang and I think he is a good professor. He lectures well and covers the basics of circuits. He also shows us some real world applications of what we learn at the end of every lecture, which is cool. However, he went too slow in the first half of the class, which was mostly review for me since I had taken ECE3 and Physics 1B/1C before. Then, he went too fast in the second half, especially on MOSFETs, (which would later become super important in ECE115C). I wish he had spent more time on those topics and explained them better. The homeworks were mostly fine, except for the one on MOSFETs, which I couldn't finish it on time. The exams were also mixed. The midterm was too long and had too many problems, especially on 2nd order circuits, which took a lot of time to solve (but he curved generously!). Thankfully, he learned his lesson from the midterm. The final was better, as it was shorter and more balanced. He also gave us a practice exam before the final, which was helpful (a bit too helpful?). He graded generously and gave a lot of partial credit.

Overall, I learned a lot from this class and I liked Professor Zhang. He is a nice guy and has a good sense of humor. He definitely cares about his students and tries to make the class interesting and relevant. The only complaint I have is the pacing, but definitely take it with him if you can!


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June 28, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

Awesome course, and I would definitely take another with this professor. The lectures were clear and engaging, and if you showed up to them, you should be able to do the homeworks and exams.
Homeworks were quite long but doable. I usually started them the day they were due, but I would recommend not following my example and starting beforehand. Homeworks and the practice exams given were very good at preparing you for the content on the exams. Even if you found the content confusing, you could brute force the exams simply by studying the practice exams and going to office hours if you don't understand something on them.
There was also a good amount of leeway given in the class: one out of the five homeworks was dropped and 1% EC given for doing the course evaluation. You could also get 2% EC for being in the top 10% for answering questions on Piazza and getting your responses endorsed. This sounds hard, but in our quarter, you only needed 4 endorsed answers to qualify for this.
Overall, I truly enjoyed this course, and I wish more courses were like this one.


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June 14, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B

Zhang is an amazing lecturer and makes concepts very easy to follow even for non ee majors. if you attend every lecture and take good notes you should have no problem doing well on exams. exams are fully open note which helps. the final was 10 questions which was a lot to complete in the 3 hours. homeworks could be long (10 questions) and we had hw up until the last week which wasn't great. there are no actual discussion sections, TAs will hold office hours that serve as discussion sections. overall solid engineering class.


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June 4, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A

Professor Zhang was incredible. Very patient, kind, and well-spoken. I'm a lot more interested in the material than I used to be.


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Aug. 30, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Very reasonable hw, midterm, and final. Lectures can get boring but that's mostly due to the nature of the material, not the professor.


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March 30, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+

This class is primarily run by the TA, but it is organized and structured by the Professor, and the lab manuals are reasonable and can easily be completed in an hour or two. Except for the first one, which has a four-week time frame, you have two weeks. They were designed to be completed at home, but there are still lab lab sections available for additional help. It makes no difference which one you are enrolled in; you can attend any of them.
The labs essentially test the concepts you learned in ECE 10, up to Second Order Differentials. All labs require the AD2, so if you loved it in ECE3, you're in for a treat!


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March 30, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

I believe this was Professor Zhang's first time teaching ECE 10, and it was fairly straightforward. In contrast to ECE 3, where you are merely introduced to various methods such as NVA, Impedance, and so on, Professor Zhang goes into detail about each topic and shows many examples in lecture.

His exams are fair and simple (Midterm Median ~ 89, Final Median ~ 85). If you review lecture examples and tackle the homework problems honestly, you should be fine. If you want to feel more prepared, I recommend doing extra problems from YouTube or the textbook (but this is not required).

I will say that he would sometimes ramble on about proofs, which could make you feel lost at times, but just remember that they are not required to be known. You'll do well if you understand both the lecture examples and main topics! He's very friendly and nice during office hours!


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Jan. 21, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Just boosting Yang's stats. Definitely the one to take


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June 1, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Professor Zhang is a great teacher and the class is structured very well to help students who ask questions. It definitely isn't an easy topic, but he will support you through it.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 7, 2023

I took ECE100 with Professor Zhang and I think he is a good professor. He lectures well and covers the basics of circuits. He also shows us some real world applications of what we learn at the end of every lecture, which is cool. However, he went too slow in the first half of the class, which was mostly review for me since I had taken ECE3 and Physics 1B/1C before. Then, he went too fast in the second half, especially on MOSFETs, (which would later become super important in ECE115C). I wish he had spent more time on those topics and explained them better. The homeworks were mostly fine, except for the one on MOSFETs, which I couldn't finish it on time. The exams were also mixed. The midterm was too long and had too many problems, especially on 2nd order circuits, which took a lot of time to solve (but he curved generously!). Thankfully, he learned his lesson from the midterm. The final was better, as it was shorter and more balanced. He also gave us a practice exam before the final, which was helpful (a bit too helpful?). He graded generously and gave a lot of partial credit.

Overall, I learned a lot from this class and I liked Professor Zhang. He is a nice guy and has a good sense of humor. He definitely cares about his students and tries to make the class interesting and relevant. The only complaint I have is the pacing, but definitely take it with him if you can!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 28, 2024

Awesome course, and I would definitely take another with this professor. The lectures were clear and engaging, and if you showed up to them, you should be able to do the homeworks and exams.
Homeworks were quite long but doable. I usually started them the day they were due, but I would recommend not following my example and starting beforehand. Homeworks and the practice exams given were very good at preparing you for the content on the exams. Even if you found the content confusing, you could brute force the exams simply by studying the practice exams and going to office hours if you don't understand something on them.
There was also a good amount of leeway given in the class: one out of the five homeworks was dropped and 1% EC given for doing the course evaluation. You could also get 2% EC for being in the top 10% for answering questions on Piazza and getting your responses endorsed. This sounds hard, but in our quarter, you only needed 4 endorsed answers to qualify for this.
Overall, I truly enjoyed this course, and I wish more courses were like this one.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B
June 14, 2024

Zhang is an amazing lecturer and makes concepts very easy to follow even for non ee majors. if you attend every lecture and take good notes you should have no problem doing well on exams. exams are fully open note which helps. the final was 10 questions which was a lot to complete in the 3 hours. homeworks could be long (10 questions) and we had hw up until the last week which wasn't great. there are no actual discussion sections, TAs will hold office hours that serve as discussion sections. overall solid engineering class.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
June 4, 2024

Professor Zhang was incredible. Very patient, kind, and well-spoken. I'm a lot more interested in the material than I used to be.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Aug. 30, 2024

Very reasonable hw, midterm, and final. Lectures can get boring but that's mostly due to the nature of the material, not the professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
March 30, 2024

This class is primarily run by the TA, but it is organized and structured by the Professor, and the lab manuals are reasonable and can easily be completed in an hour or two. Except for the first one, which has a four-week time frame, you have two weeks. They were designed to be completed at home, but there are still lab lab sections available for additional help. It makes no difference which one you are enrolled in; you can attend any of them.
The labs essentially test the concepts you learned in ECE 10, up to Second Order Differentials. All labs require the AD2, so if you loved it in ECE3, you're in for a treat!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 30, 2024

I believe this was Professor Zhang's first time teaching ECE 10, and it was fairly straightforward. In contrast to ECE 3, where you are merely introduced to various methods such as NVA, Impedance, and so on, Professor Zhang goes into detail about each topic and shows many examples in lecture.

His exams are fair and simple (Midterm Median ~ 89, Final Median ~ 85). If you review lecture examples and tackle the homework problems honestly, you should be fine. If you want to feel more prepared, I recommend doing extra problems from YouTube or the textbook (but this is not required).

I will say that he would sometimes ramble on about proofs, which could make you feel lost at times, but just remember that they are not required to be known. You'll do well if you understand both the lecture examples and main topics! He's very friendly and nice during office hours!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 21, 2024

Just boosting Yang's stats. Definitely the one to take


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 1, 2024

Professor Zhang is a great teacher and the class is structured very well to help students who ask questions. It definitely isn't an easy topic, but he will support you through it.


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