William Schniedewind
Most Helpful Review
honestly, professor schniedeweinds class is pretty easy, i went to office hours alot, atleast 6-7 times and let me tell you, he is NARCISSISTIC as hell. Honestly the dead sea scrolls class wasnt as interesting because everytime something got groundbreaking we couldnt (or whoever interpreted them) couldnt figure out what it said because their so old and fragmented. Pretty boring class in my opinion, but easy.
honestly, professor schniedeweinds class is pretty easy, i went to office hours alot, atleast 6-7 times and let me tell you, he is NARCISSISTIC as hell. Honestly the dead sea scrolls class wasnt as interesting because everytime something got groundbreaking we couldnt (or whoever interpreted them) couldnt figure out what it said because their so old and fragmented. Pretty boring class in my opinion, but easy.