Vivian Lew
Department of Statistics
Overall Rating
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Often Funny
  • Would Take Again
  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Participation Matters

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (5)

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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Aug. 8, 2023

Professor Lew is great! She cares about her students actually understanding the material and the processes but doesn't make us actually do the calculations. There are no midterms or exams rather than the final, which is 30 minutes and worth 10% of your grade. Her lectures may be kinda boring sometimes but they do provide a thorough understanding of the material. Her office hours are also very helpful to clarify any topics that you didn't understand. The workload is pretty manageable with one assignment and one reflection a week (6 assignments, but the lowest score gets dropped, no drops on the reflections, they are graded complete/not complete) but the labs can be confusing, especially if you've never coded before. However, my TA (Hao) was great and happy to answer questions. The meet-the-professor is also worth 10% of your grade. However, coming to lecture is crucial because the in-class assignments (there are two per class) make up a significant portion of your grade. Overall, it's an extremely class to pass and pretty easy to get an A! If you can, definitely take it with Lew.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Aug. 6, 2023

Easiest class ever. Professor Lew is awesome. She actually cares about making sure you understand what the numbers and data in stats mean and doesn't focus too much on all the calculation parts of it. The work in this class is super easy and consists of in-class participation, homework assignments, labs, reflection assignments, and a meet-the-professor. Sounds like a lot at first but it's not bad at all, especially because we had no midterms or quizzes. The final is 10% and only 30 minutes. It's very straightforward and exactly like the practice she gave us, just interpreting data like p-values and confidence intervals. I feel like I learned a lot in this class despite the lack of exams. Professor Lew was very welcoming and she really cares about her students. I would definitely recommend this class to everyone, especially those wanting to take it over the summer!


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Aug. 6, 2023

Professor Lew is awesome! You can tell she loves her work and teaching stats. This class was probably the easiest class I've taken at UCLA.
The grading consisted of in-class activities (usually 2 per day), 5 homework assignments (technically 6 but the lowest one gets dropped), 5 labs, a meet-the-professor, and 6 reflection assignments. It is almost impossible to fail this class if you just do the bare minimum and submit the assignments. The final is 10% of the overall grade and is only 30 minutes long. If you're happy with your grade without the final, you don't even need to take it, but the exam is basic statistics (just the takeaways from the whole class--not super nitty gritty with a lot of math) and why would you not want an A lol. Professor Lew is very cool and really cares about making sure you're actually understanding the concepts. Even though she doesn't give midterms or quizzes or anything like that, I feel like I actually learned a lot and feel way more equipped when it comes to understanding statistical data. Even her final is mostly just interpreting and trying to make sense of p-values and confidence intervals and similar stuff. The labs were also not bad. Personally, I don't like coding and I found them to be perfectly manageable. Homework is short and doable, and the reflection assignments are easy ways to keep your grade high, so make sure you do them.
This class was great to take over the summer (especially because since it was only 6 weeks, there was no final project to do!!) There wasn't much work, the teacher was super chill, and I would definitely recommend.
(You do have to go to class though--a solid part of your grade is the participation of in-class activities & you have to take pictures with other students)


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Aug. 5, 2023

I loved this class. Vivian Lew is an amazing professor, and I would only take this class again if she was the instructor. Not only did she simplify EXACTLY what we needed to know for the class/ final exam, but she made it interesting throughout the process. Her lectures could be a little boring sometimes, but they were recorded so that we could always return if we needed to. She truly cared about her students and had office hours frequently so that she could help us students grasp the essential concepts. With it being a summer course and "fast-paced", it did not feel too stressful at all. Take this class with Professor Lew!


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Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: A
Aug. 23, 2018

Professor Lew is one of the best professors for STATS 13. Her office hour is super helpful in clarifying the materials. She did not push her students to learn all the materials. Instead, she really wants her students to understand the materials well before moving on to the next chapters. This class does requires some times in reading the textbook and coming to her office hours, but it is all worth it when you finally received your grade.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Aug. 8, 2023

Professor Lew is great! She cares about her students actually understanding the material and the processes but doesn't make us actually do the calculations. There are no midterms or exams rather than the final, which is 30 minutes and worth 10% of your grade. Her lectures may be kinda boring sometimes but they do provide a thorough understanding of the material. Her office hours are also very helpful to clarify any topics that you didn't understand. The workload is pretty manageable with one assignment and one reflection a week (6 assignments, but the lowest score gets dropped, no drops on the reflections, they are graded complete/not complete) but the labs can be confusing, especially if you've never coded before. However, my TA (Hao) was great and happy to answer questions. The meet-the-professor is also worth 10% of your grade. However, coming to lecture is crucial because the in-class assignments (there are two per class) make up a significant portion of your grade. Overall, it's an extremely class to pass and pretty easy to get an A! If you can, definitely take it with Lew.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Aug. 6, 2023

Easiest class ever. Professor Lew is awesome. She actually cares about making sure you understand what the numbers and data in stats mean and doesn't focus too much on all the calculation parts of it. The work in this class is super easy and consists of in-class participation, homework assignments, labs, reflection assignments, and a meet-the-professor. Sounds like a lot at first but it's not bad at all, especially because we had no midterms or quizzes. The final is 10% and only 30 minutes. It's very straightforward and exactly like the practice she gave us, just interpreting data like p-values and confidence intervals. I feel like I learned a lot in this class despite the lack of exams. Professor Lew was very welcoming and she really cares about her students. I would definitely recommend this class to everyone, especially those wanting to take it over the summer!


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Aug. 6, 2023

Professor Lew is awesome! You can tell she loves her work and teaching stats. This class was probably the easiest class I've taken at UCLA.
The grading consisted of in-class activities (usually 2 per day), 5 homework assignments (technically 6 but the lowest one gets dropped), 5 labs, a meet-the-professor, and 6 reflection assignments. It is almost impossible to fail this class if you just do the bare minimum and submit the assignments. The final is 10% of the overall grade and is only 30 minutes long. If you're happy with your grade without the final, you don't even need to take it, but the exam is basic statistics (just the takeaways from the whole class--not super nitty gritty with a lot of math) and why would you not want an A lol. Professor Lew is very cool and really cares about making sure you're actually understanding the concepts. Even though she doesn't give midterms or quizzes or anything like that, I feel like I actually learned a lot and feel way more equipped when it comes to understanding statistical data. Even her final is mostly just interpreting and trying to make sense of p-values and confidence intervals and similar stuff. The labs were also not bad. Personally, I don't like coding and I found them to be perfectly manageable. Homework is short and doable, and the reflection assignments are easy ways to keep your grade high, so make sure you do them.
This class was great to take over the summer (especially because since it was only 6 weeks, there was no final project to do!!) There wasn't much work, the teacher was super chill, and I would definitely recommend.
(You do have to go to class though--a solid part of your grade is the participation of in-class activities & you have to take pictures with other students)


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Aug. 5, 2023

I loved this class. Vivian Lew is an amazing professor, and I would only take this class again if she was the instructor. Not only did she simplify EXACTLY what we needed to know for the class/ final exam, but she made it interesting throughout the process. Her lectures could be a little boring sometimes, but they were recorded so that we could always return if we needed to. She truly cared about her students and had office hours frequently so that she could help us students grasp the essential concepts. With it being a summer course and "fast-paced", it did not feel too stressful at all. Take this class with Professor Lew!


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Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: A
Aug. 23, 2018

Professor Lew is one of the best professors for STATS 13. Her office hour is super helpful in clarifying the materials. She did not push her students to learn all the materials. Instead, she really wants her students to understand the materials well before moving on to the next chapters. This class does requires some times in reading the textbook and coming to her office hours, but it is all worth it when you finally received your grade.


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1 of 1
Overall Rating
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Often Funny
  • Would Take Again
  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Participation Matters

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