
Victor Bascara

Overall Ratings
Based on 75 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (75)

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2 of 5
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Nov. 22, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

The TA strike heavily affected the course during my quarter so I believe my experience was much easier than the course was intended to be. The format of the class would have been pretty tedious: paper 1 draft, paper revision, paper 2 draft, paper 2 revision, paper 3 draft, paper 3 revision. We only got up to the 2nd revision or 3rd draft, and even then my TA (Kyla, LOVEEE them) was pretty kind when it came to grading so some students didn't submit a 2nd revision or 3rd draft. The topics got increasingly more complex but more interesting in my opinion and they weren't too hard to reach the word count. There was a super easy midterm assignment where we just made up our own questions from the readings, no final. There was a quarter long section project we were supposed to create and present but we never got to it. The class as a whole was pretty interesting and I got to learn things about Asian history that I was never aware of but Professor Bascara spoke very theoretically every lecture which made it hard to follow. He also speaks very softly so sitting in the back didn't really help. Overall, cool guy and cool class. I was lucky to be able to fulfill my diversity and writing 2 requirement without much effort.


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Jan. 26, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I found the content to be pretty interesting but I didn't really enjoy the lectures because I didn't find them to be engaging. Your class grade basically consists of 3 papers and in my opinion, the prompts were super vague, and even asking about them during office hours didn't make them much clearer. However, they were graded pretty easily. Overall, I thought the class was slightly boring but I would say that it's an easy GE because even though there is quite a bit of reading per week, you can definitely get away with not doing them and the papers were pretty easy and mostly relied on personal experiences with maybe 1-2 required quotes from the readings.


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Dec. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I have a lot of respect for Professor Bascara because I can tell his thoughts are very complex and interesting. However, his lectures are incredibly dry and boring and you'll probably end up falling asleep on a couple occasions. The good thing about this class is that there is no midterm. My TA was also another plus, since he made the discussions very interesting.

I think its very important that you have to be interested in the course to succeed.

For the final, you should be pretty familiar with your readings and be able to think on the spot for the essay.

Overall, I really enjoyed this class because of its discussion when my TA elaborated further on Professor Bascara's complex ideas.


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Dec. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

So I signed up for this class thinking it'd be an easy GE and all that good stuff. Turns out, there's a TON of readings to do so be prepared for that. His final is pretty much based off of the readings that are assigned. That said, there is no point in attending his lectures because his lectures are random and vague. One minute he's talking about racism, the next he's talking about mangoes. I suppose it would make more sense if I didn't fall asleep all the time. There was no lecture that I did not fall asleep in. The only lectures that I would recommend going to are the ones during the last few weeks, where he reveals essay prompts and example short answers.

There are two papers and one final and they're both based off the readings. Again, no point in attending lectures. I would recommend finishing the papers early to have your TA look over them. The final consists of two essays and 13 short answers, all from the readings so I would suggest you look over the readings in order to study.

Overall, I would not suggest taking this class. It was very broad and I felt that all we talked about was racism and activism. I got an A in the class but I had to spend a lot of time on the readings and on the weekly journals we had to do. I suppose it was fairly easy, but just prepare yourself for a lot of irrelevant busywork.


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Nov. 13, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took his Filipino Experience 133 class. He is very professional and a very easy grader. I turned in many assignments that I thought I did not do too well on but he always gave a better grade than I deserved. His format of the class is very easy. He makes you appreciate Filipinos and their history. TAKE HIM YOU WILL ENJOY IT AND AS LONG AS YOU SHOW UP and do the work YOU'LL GET AN A!!


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Dec. 24, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Those who are taking this class, prepare to read multiple passages almost every week and write journals. The lectures are incredibly boring but Prof. Bascara does provide insight on the readings that can be used when doing journals. Getting a helpful TA is probably the most important thing in getting an A just because he/she will help you on your two essays (one short, one long) during the course. The workload isn't too bad if you read everyday but if you're the type of person to do all the readings before discussion, then life is gonna suck. Overall, this course wasn't super hard nor was it super easy. As long as you get your work checked before turning it in and actually read the assigned passages before midterm/final, then attaining an A is definitely possible.


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June 17, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Bascara seems to be a very nice man but I had a difficult time relating his lectures to the materials that were covered. There are abundant readings (which was expected since the class was a 5 units course) and the professor expected us to understand the main points for each readings(many of them were pretty lengthy readings that took a lot of time). We had one additional book to read for the final.
Overall, the class was not extremely hard though was not worth of all time consumed reading the course articles. The lecture was unclear and unrelated that I almost felt like I was self-studying the matter. The words professor used were unnecessarily difficult and sophisticated, which made the lecture even more confusing and unclear.


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Feb. 2, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I really liked this class, it was nice to study different Asian cultures and how it related and interacted with American culture.
Before Lectures the professor would play contemporary music and that really woke me up after 8am discussion. My TA, Diana, is really nice and helpful and she helped with the two essays (one short, one long). The lecture were from powerpoint slides and it helps to sit in the front or else you will fall asleep. He synthesizes ideas for you so pay attention and you can get ideas about the sometimes arbitrary readings.
There is a lot of reading but they are not too hard. There are one page journals due each week, one short essay (one page), one longer essay (5 pages), and a final that is really easy and only based on readings.


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Dec. 14, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Although his lectures can be very dull and boring, Professor Bascara himself is a very kind person. He is not a well-articulated person during the lecture, but his exams are fairly easy. Also the two paper assignments will be graded by TAs. So, getting a chill TA is the most important thing for this class. If you visit him during office hour, he treats you well. I enjoyed a lot even though there were a lot of readings to do. I loved how I experienced different literatures of Asian American literature. Take this class if you can handle all the readings (:


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March 17, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Attending lectures is a waste of time. He throws in ideas and vocabularies that you've never heard of. It's impossible to take notes from his lectures, so people just do nothing or copy down the powerpoint slides that are uploaded.
His grading seems really generous though. It's good to have a good TA who grades easily. Final is difficult, but don't worry, the curve is generous.
This is a GE that requires a lot of work, but you can get an A if you do them all.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Nov. 22, 2022

The TA strike heavily affected the course during my quarter so I believe my experience was much easier than the course was intended to be. The format of the class would have been pretty tedious: paper 1 draft, paper revision, paper 2 draft, paper 2 revision, paper 3 draft, paper 3 revision. We only got up to the 2nd revision or 3rd draft, and even then my TA (Kyla, LOVEEE them) was pretty kind when it came to grading so some students didn't submit a 2nd revision or 3rd draft. The topics got increasingly more complex but more interesting in my opinion and they weren't too hard to reach the word count. There was a super easy midterm assignment where we just made up our own questions from the readings, no final. There was a quarter long section project we were supposed to create and present but we never got to it. The class as a whole was pretty interesting and I got to learn things about Asian history that I was never aware of but Professor Bascara spoke very theoretically every lecture which made it hard to follow. He also speaks very softly so sitting in the back didn't really help. Overall, cool guy and cool class. I was lucky to be able to fulfill my diversity and writing 2 requirement without much effort.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Jan. 26, 2023

I found the content to be pretty interesting but I didn't really enjoy the lectures because I didn't find them to be engaging. Your class grade basically consists of 3 papers and in my opinion, the prompts were super vague, and even asking about them during office hours didn't make them much clearer. However, they were graded pretty easily. Overall, I thought the class was slightly boring but I would say that it's an easy GE because even though there is quite a bit of reading per week, you can definitely get away with not doing them and the papers were pretty easy and mostly relied on personal experiences with maybe 1-2 required quotes from the readings.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 20, 2011

I have a lot of respect for Professor Bascara because I can tell his thoughts are very complex and interesting. However, his lectures are incredibly dry and boring and you'll probably end up falling asleep on a couple occasions. The good thing about this class is that there is no midterm. My TA was also another plus, since he made the discussions very interesting.

I think its very important that you have to be interested in the course to succeed.

For the final, you should be pretty familiar with your readings and be able to think on the spot for the essay.

Overall, I really enjoyed this class because of its discussion when my TA elaborated further on Professor Bascara's complex ideas.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 20, 2011

So I signed up for this class thinking it'd be an easy GE and all that good stuff. Turns out, there's a TON of readings to do so be prepared for that. His final is pretty much based off of the readings that are assigned. That said, there is no point in attending his lectures because his lectures are random and vague. One minute he's talking about racism, the next he's talking about mangoes. I suppose it would make more sense if I didn't fall asleep all the time. There was no lecture that I did not fall asleep in. The only lectures that I would recommend going to are the ones during the last few weeks, where he reveals essay prompts and example short answers.

There are two papers and one final and they're both based off the readings. Again, no point in attending lectures. I would recommend finishing the papers early to have your TA look over them. The final consists of two essays and 13 short answers, all from the readings so I would suggest you look over the readings in order to study.

Overall, I would not suggest taking this class. It was very broad and I felt that all we talked about was racism and activism. I got an A in the class but I had to spend a lot of time on the readings and on the weekly journals we had to do. I suppose it was fairly easy, but just prepare yourself for a lot of irrelevant busywork.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 13, 2013

I took his Filipino Experience 133 class. He is very professional and a very easy grader. I turned in many assignments that I thought I did not do too well on but he always gave a better grade than I deserved. His format of the class is very easy. He makes you appreciate Filipinos and their history. TAKE HIM YOU WILL ENJOY IT AND AS LONG AS YOU SHOW UP and do the work YOU'LL GET AN A!!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 24, 2012

Those who are taking this class, prepare to read multiple passages almost every week and write journals. The lectures are incredibly boring but Prof. Bascara does provide insight on the readings that can be used when doing journals. Getting a helpful TA is probably the most important thing in getting an A just because he/she will help you on your two essays (one short, one long) during the course. The workload isn't too bad if you read everyday but if you're the type of person to do all the readings before discussion, then life is gonna suck. Overall, this course wasn't super hard nor was it super easy. As long as you get your work checked before turning it in and actually read the assigned passages before midterm/final, then attaining an A is definitely possible.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 17, 2011

Professor Bascara seems to be a very nice man but I had a difficult time relating his lectures to the materials that were covered. There are abundant readings (which was expected since the class was a 5 units course) and the professor expected us to understand the main points for each readings(many of them were pretty lengthy readings that took a lot of time). We had one additional book to read for the final.
Overall, the class was not extremely hard though was not worth of all time consumed reading the course articles. The lecture was unclear and unrelated that I almost felt like I was self-studying the matter. The words professor used were unnecessarily difficult and sophisticated, which made the lecture even more confusing and unclear.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 2, 2012

I really liked this class, it was nice to study different Asian cultures and how it related and interacted with American culture.
Before Lectures the professor would play contemporary music and that really woke me up after 8am discussion. My TA, Diana, is really nice and helpful and she helped with the two essays (one short, one long). The lecture were from powerpoint slides and it helps to sit in the front or else you will fall asleep. He synthesizes ideas for you so pay attention and you can get ideas about the sometimes arbitrary readings.
There is a lot of reading but they are not too hard. There are one page journals due each week, one short essay (one page), one longer essay (5 pages), and a final that is really easy and only based on readings.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2012

Although his lectures can be very dull and boring, Professor Bascara himself is a very kind person. He is not a well-articulated person during the lecture, but his exams are fairly easy. Also the two paper assignments will be graded by TAs. So, getting a chill TA is the most important thing for this class. If you visit him during office hour, he treats you well. I enjoyed a lot even though there were a lot of readings to do. I loved how I experienced different literatures of Asian American literature. Take this class if you can handle all the readings (:


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 17, 2012

Attending lectures is a waste of time. He throws in ideas and vocabularies that you've never heard of. It's impossible to take notes from his lectures, so people just do nothing or copy down the powerpoint slides that are uploaded.
His grading seems really generous though. It's good to have a good TA who grades easily. Final is difficult, but don't worry, the curve is generous.
This is a GE that requires a lot of work, but you can get an A if you do them all.


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2 of 5

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