Ulrike Seibt
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2017 - Professor Seibt was an awesome professor. For my first quarter at UCLA, the class was a total breeze and her humor added to the overall lighthearted atmosphere of the class. There was a total of three assignments, all of which were writing-based (not too complicated and graded easily) that we worked on in assigned groups. Other than that, points came from the midterm, final, and participation (clicker questions asked throughout every lecture; not graded on accuracy - only a measure of attendance). I found a majority of the material to be pretty straight forward and definitely manageable for a north campus major taking it as a physical science GE! 10/10 would recommend.
Fall 2017 - Professor Seibt was an awesome professor. For my first quarter at UCLA, the class was a total breeze and her humor added to the overall lighthearted atmosphere of the class. There was a total of three assignments, all of which were writing-based (not too complicated and graded easily) that we worked on in assigned groups. Other than that, points came from the midterm, final, and participation (clicker questions asked throughout every lecture; not graded on accuracy - only a measure of attendance). I found a majority of the material to be pretty straight forward and definitely manageable for a north campus major taking it as a physical science GE! 10/10 would recommend.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - If you need to take a lab solely to knock out that GE requirement, then I HIGHLY recommend this lab for you. It has a super light workload and is ridiculously easy. It's only one unit, but has no lecture/midterm/final. Only a few online assignments that allow you to work with a partner, further lessening your workload. You simply do some online research for these assignments.
Winter 2019 - If you need to take a lab solely to knock out that GE requirement, then I HIGHLY recommend this lab for you. It has a super light workload and is ridiculously easy. It's only one unit, but has no lecture/midterm/final. Only a few online assignments that allow you to work with a partner, further lessening your workload. You simply do some online research for these assignments.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2020 - I took this course spring quarter of 2020 online. Although I ended up with an A, I felt confused through the majority of the course. Professor Ulrike is clearly knowledgable on the content but I do feel like she has trouble explaining it in an easy way. I am not a science major so most of the material was new and confusing. Due to the online format, there were no midterms or finals which honestly saved my grade. The homeworks are pretty easy to get an A on and my TA was very helpful. I recommend taking the lab since the questions were very easy and short. If you are not a science major like me, make sure to go to discussion because they were more helpful than lecture to me!
Spring 2020 - I took this course spring quarter of 2020 online. Although I ended up with an A, I felt confused through the majority of the course. Professor Ulrike is clearly knowledgable on the content but I do feel like she has trouble explaining it in an easy way. I am not a science major so most of the material was new and confusing. Due to the online format, there were no midterms or finals which honestly saved my grade. The homeworks are pretty easy to get an A on and my TA was very helpful. I recommend taking the lab since the questions were very easy and short. If you are not a science major like me, make sure to go to discussion because they were more helpful than lecture to me!
Most Helpful Review
Firstly, I want to state that I liked the material. I took her course A&OSci 1 and it exposed me to things I didn't know before. Secondly, I liked that she is friendly during office hours and that she wants her students to learn the concepts. Overall one of the best courses I have had because it was enjoyable and because Professor Seibt taught it.
Firstly, I want to state that I liked the material. I took her course A&OSci 1 and it exposed me to things I didn't know before. Secondly, I liked that she is friendly during office hours and that she wants her students to learn the concepts. Overall one of the best courses I have had because it was enjoyable and because Professor Seibt taught it.