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Tonya Kane
Based on 123 Users
Dr. Kane is an amazing, approachable, and kind professor. She is engaging and cares about her students' well-being, in addition to their success. I made super-comprehensive study guides to ace this class (A+). It was kind of tedious going through and answering all her study questions but it was useful, and I still have my notes from it that worked out well for me! I can spare you the hassle by sharing my guides.
My friends have all used them to do well in her class too, and I've been asked to sell them a lot, so if you're interested in it, just text or email me at ************* for the midterm and final study guides! They are consistent with all of the 2019 and 2020 course materials. $15 for everything that helped me get an A+ :)
EEB 109 is a really fun and easy class! Dr.Kane changed the exam format to in-person without any cheat sheets but exams were very manageable and knowing the learning objectives for each unit is important. Grades were based on the amount of points you earned compared to the total points in the class. Weekly assignments were pre-lecture reading questions, pre-discussion questions, post-discussion questions, and end-of-the-week quizzes all on Canvas and mostly multiple choice with some short answers. You get multiple attempts on the pre-lecture reading questions but the rest is only one attempt and most of them are not timed either. They could all be found in the textbook by skimming or in the slide decks. Discussions weren't mandatory but helpful in answering the post-discussion questions since your TA gave you the answers and what they were expecting. Exams were very fair and mostly multiple choice. The short-answer parts were a bit difficult since they were picky about specific details and what you explained. The final was only multiple choice questions and very manageable as well.
Dr.Kane is an amazing lecturer who really cares about the subjects! Her lectures are clear and she outlines what she wants us to know in her learning objectives which kinda act as a study guide! You should be okay just reading from the slides though but it might be helpful to hear her interpretation of the graphs. Overall would recommend Dr.Kane! It was quite a stressfree, easy, and interesting upper div EEB course! I really love marine bio now thanks to her : )
This class is okay. It is mainly an introduction of basic biology. I would suggest students who have doubts about the bio major to take this class first and re-consider, as it is also a GE.
Prof. Kane is funny and engaged, though she basically reads from the slides. So overall there is no need to take much notes in the class as you can find mostly everything she said on the slides, which she posts before class.
The hw on launchpad is relatively easy, the lab works are harder but the TAs are really helpful. Go to the OH!
The class materials are all on the launchpad, which includes an access code and an ebook.
Selling BRANDNEW class materials for LS1. Text me if interested at **********
LS1 Course Reader
It's the customized UCLA version of
Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
Principles of Life
by Hillis, Sadava, Heller, Price
-very good condition, no hilighting inside, pages super crisp
Highly recommend taking this class with Dr. Kane! It was a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Had about two modules a week (summer class) with each module having around 2-4 lectures. Had easy module quizzes that you had a week to complete. Midterm and final were mix of multiple choice and short answer; everything came from the lectures, didn't need the textbook. For discussion sections, we read a paper each week, answered some questions about it, and then discussed it during section. Definitely one of my more favorite classes and professor!!
Professor Kane was pretty chill and nice, the class itself was a little challenging but if you spend a decent amount of time studying the tests shouldn't be much of a problem. Labs we were pressed for time usually but also weren't too bad.
I personally really liked her. She's very quirky and really enjoys what she's teaching. She does generally read off the slides, but her tests are really fair. All of the information that she tests you on is in her lectures. So I basically went to class and wrote every single word she said down for each slide, and then I just studied the lecture slides for tests repeatedly. I got an A-, I probably could have done better if I didn't procrastinate with the first midterm. Definitely recommend her though!
Dr Kane tends to just read off of her slides, but she is organized enough where it's really easy to follow what she's talking about in lecture. She is one of the few professors who DOES NOT LIE when she says you will only be tested on material we learned in demo or lecture. Midterms were very fair and every question was doable. Actually doing readings helped a lot, and the busy work (online quizzes and demos and lab write ups) was not all that hard. Attendance makes up for 75 points and online demos (graded on completion) make up another 75 points on a 900 point scale, so just showing up to every lecture and doing the online demos gets you about 17% of your final grade... Midterms are each worth 140 points, final is 200 points, lab quizzes and assignments are 180 points, and reading quizzes are 90 points. Basically, there are quite a few easy points to earn and everyone has a good chance at getting an A. Half my class got 90 or above on the first midterm... Demo section/lab wasn't that bad. Once again, it's not hard to get full credit on most assignments.
Tonya is great. Even though she only reads off the slides, that's about all you need since the material is some of the easiest you will ever encounter for a South Campus class. This is the first A I have ever gotten in a science class and I worked fairly hard. Doing the readings each week really helped since the entire course is basically all memorization and common sense. I can tell she's not all that excited about teaching, but she's is a funny and kind lady. Her office hours are helpful if you have a question. The hardest part was sometimes finding something I didn't understand to ask her for clarification.
Overall, easy class if you put in the time to read the book and pay attention in class. There are tons of free points in online quizzes and clickers. Average for the midterms and final probably will be between 80 and 90. The median is usually a bit higher (I think 50% of the class got 90 or above on the first midterm). And she also grades on a straight-scale unless the average dips below 75% (which she said will probably never happen in one of her LS 1 classes).
Dr. Kane is an amazing, approachable, and kind professor. She is engaging and cares about her students' well-being, in addition to their success. I made super-comprehensive study guides to ace this class (A+). It was kind of tedious going through and answering all her study questions but it was useful, and I still have my notes from it that worked out well for me! I can spare you the hassle by sharing my guides.
My friends have all used them to do well in her class too, and I've been asked to sell them a lot, so if you're interested in it, just text or email me at ************* for the midterm and final study guides! They are consistent with all of the 2019 and 2020 course materials. $15 for everything that helped me get an A+ :)
EEB 109 is a really fun and easy class! Dr.Kane changed the exam format to in-person without any cheat sheets but exams were very manageable and knowing the learning objectives for each unit is important. Grades were based on the amount of points you earned compared to the total points in the class. Weekly assignments were pre-lecture reading questions, pre-discussion questions, post-discussion questions, and end-of-the-week quizzes all on Canvas and mostly multiple choice with some short answers. You get multiple attempts on the pre-lecture reading questions but the rest is only one attempt and most of them are not timed either. They could all be found in the textbook by skimming or in the slide decks. Discussions weren't mandatory but helpful in answering the post-discussion questions since your TA gave you the answers and what they were expecting. Exams were very fair and mostly multiple choice. The short-answer parts were a bit difficult since they were picky about specific details and what you explained. The final was only multiple choice questions and very manageable as well.
Dr.Kane is an amazing lecturer who really cares about the subjects! Her lectures are clear and she outlines what she wants us to know in her learning objectives which kinda act as a study guide! You should be okay just reading from the slides though but it might be helpful to hear her interpretation of the graphs. Overall would recommend Dr.Kane! It was quite a stressfree, easy, and interesting upper div EEB course! I really love marine bio now thanks to her : )
This class is okay. It is mainly an introduction of basic biology. I would suggest students who have doubts about the bio major to take this class first and re-consider, as it is also a GE.
Prof. Kane is funny and engaged, though she basically reads from the slides. So overall there is no need to take much notes in the class as you can find mostly everything she said on the slides, which she posts before class.
The hw on launchpad is relatively easy, the lab works are harder but the TAs are really helpful. Go to the OH!
The class materials are all on the launchpad, which includes an access code and an ebook.
Selling BRANDNEW class materials for LS1. Text me if interested at **********
LS1 Course Reader
It's the customized UCLA version of
Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
Principles of Life
by Hillis, Sadava, Heller, Price
-very good condition, no hilighting inside, pages super crisp
Highly recommend taking this class with Dr. Kane! It was a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Had about two modules a week (summer class) with each module having around 2-4 lectures. Had easy module quizzes that you had a week to complete. Midterm and final were mix of multiple choice and short answer; everything came from the lectures, didn't need the textbook. For discussion sections, we read a paper each week, answered some questions about it, and then discussed it during section. Definitely one of my more favorite classes and professor!!
Professor Kane was pretty chill and nice, the class itself was a little challenging but if you spend a decent amount of time studying the tests shouldn't be much of a problem. Labs we were pressed for time usually but also weren't too bad.
I personally really liked her. She's very quirky and really enjoys what she's teaching. She does generally read off the slides, but her tests are really fair. All of the information that she tests you on is in her lectures. So I basically went to class and wrote every single word she said down for each slide, and then I just studied the lecture slides for tests repeatedly. I got an A-, I probably could have done better if I didn't procrastinate with the first midterm. Definitely recommend her though!
Dr Kane tends to just read off of her slides, but she is organized enough where it's really easy to follow what she's talking about in lecture. She is one of the few professors who DOES NOT LIE when she says you will only be tested on material we learned in demo or lecture. Midterms were very fair and every question was doable. Actually doing readings helped a lot, and the busy work (online quizzes and demos and lab write ups) was not all that hard. Attendance makes up for 75 points and online demos (graded on completion) make up another 75 points on a 900 point scale, so just showing up to every lecture and doing the online demos gets you about 17% of your final grade... Midterms are each worth 140 points, final is 200 points, lab quizzes and assignments are 180 points, and reading quizzes are 90 points. Basically, there are quite a few easy points to earn and everyone has a good chance at getting an A. Half my class got 90 or above on the first midterm... Demo section/lab wasn't that bad. Once again, it's not hard to get full credit on most assignments.
Tonya is great. Even though she only reads off the slides, that's about all you need since the material is some of the easiest you will ever encounter for a South Campus class. This is the first A I have ever gotten in a science class and I worked fairly hard. Doing the readings each week really helped since the entire course is basically all memorization and common sense. I can tell she's not all that excited about teaching, but she's is a funny and kind lady. Her office hours are helpful if you have a question. The hardest part was sometimes finding something I didn't understand to ask her for clarification.
Overall, easy class if you put in the time to read the book and pay attention in class. There are tons of free points in online quizzes and clickers. Average for the midterms and final probably will be between 80 and 90. The median is usually a bit higher (I think 50% of the class got 90 or above on the first midterm). And she also grades on a straight-scale unless the average dips below 75% (which she said will probably never happen in one of her LS 1 classes).