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Tim Groeling
Based on 97 Users
This class was fun! The structure of the class pretty much requires that you stay on top of the material, and there's a lot of material. There are readings assigned for every class and iClicker questions graded for accuracy and that take your attendance. There are 2 midterm exams, each with a take-home essay worth 5 points and a final exam of the same structure. The readings are all very interesting and relevant. Dr. Groeling makes great slides and is an interesting lecturer. Towards the end of the class his lectures got kind of hard to follow with the slides (he talks a lot and the slides have a lot of text on them, which are difficult to synthesize at the same time) but he gives you the slides and recorded audio so you can also go back and review on your own. The tests were all very fair and he gives you the opportunity to write questions for the exam for extra credit. There are also a bunch of projects which are kind of a pain but relevant to what you're learning in class. Overall, kind of a heavy workload, but nothing too intense and always interesting.
Professor Groeling is one of the most prepared professors I have ever had. His lessons are structured to address different aspects of computer mediated communication each class. His syllabus is consistently updated. I will say this class requires a lot of consistent work and I would say it is more equivalent to a 5 credit class. Readings are assigned and tested every single class, which is why this is the only class I have 100% attendance in. The project and examinations are all very fair and I feel like it accurately tests my knowledge and mastery of this class.
The only suggestion I would have is to utilize the Modules section of Bruinlearn to make it easier to access paywalled articles and lectures by week.
Groeling is a great professor- engaging, passionate, makes himself available to students outside of class. I personally have zero interest in this course material, but he approaches it with such passion and care that I've come to really respect. I found a lot of the content dense and kind of boring, but of course that's a personal opinion and Groeling made it as interesting and engaging as possible. The projects facilitate great in lecture discussion, more than I have experienced in any other large lecture before.
My two complaints- he talks fast and there is way too. much text on the lecture slides. It's hard to try and read the slides and listen to him at the same time because there is so much text on the slides. It does make the slides a great study tool, but I found it hard to follow in live lecture. I think there's too much content on the slides, a lot of which never ends up coming up again or being part of test material. That said- they are cohesive and well done, his passion for the content is obvious.
Other complaint- there is an in class quiz every day and I felt like my scores on the quizzes sometimes did not reflect the effort I had put into the readings. From my understanding, the quizzes are meant to check if we had done the readings. However, sometimes the questions were minute details or trick questions, in which case my quiz score wouldn't reflect the effort and time I had put into reading. Professor Kernell does a similar task, but her reading quiz questions feel fairer to me- consistently when I did the readings I got 100% and when I didn't less so. I think Groeling's quiz questions are sometimes too specific and minute, and it is frustrating when the quiz score doesn't feel representative of effort put into the readings.
Groeling is a wonderful, engaging professor whose passion for his students makes a dense topic as interesting as it could be. I really appreciate his dedication to his students and learning from him this quarter.
I think the professor had a lot of interesting insights and information to give us, but I do think that it impacted the class because we were really speeding through content, and often the lecture from the previous class would leak into the next class. I did enjoy the content though. I also think the last third of the class felt very rushed, there was a lot more content than the first two midterms. I liked suggested questions for the exams, and I also enjoyed the projects for the most part (since we got to choose!)
Professor Groeling is extremely knowledgable about the history of CMC and is an eloquent lecturer. The class is structured as a series of mini-lessons which transition into one another nicely to give students a modern narrative of CMC and how it is directly affecting the economy, sociality, and even politics. The history of the internet and comm tech was especially interesting to learn about.
The class had 3 exams, weekly readings which he quizzed you on via iClicker at the start of each class. There were mini-projects assigned to engage students in a real world application of class material, each worth a certain number of points towards your final grade (he used a points-based system). The quizzes can be tricky sometimes, so don't just skim the readings -- actually read them.
The exams are about half-half multiple choice and short answer. The questions are generated by the students themselves on a discussion board and selected by the professor. Having your question appear on an exam means you get extra credit. Every point definitely matters in this class, so complete every assignment you can! Overall this class is a moderate workload so be prepare to set aside time for it. Personally I liked the content and thought it was one of the better comm courses taught at UCLA.
Overall enjoyed this class. Groeling is a good lecturer, even if his slides are a little text heavy (although they are a great tool for studying). The workload was pretty reasonable, with readings + a 1 question quiz (very reasonable) every class. Midterms and final were also reasonable. He lets you suggest questions but I would recommend studying more than the material suggested by your classmates. I only studied the suggested questions for my second midterm and didn't do as well.
This class satisfied the practicum requirement for the Comm major, and I'd say it's a pretty good class to take if you need to do so. It fulfills the requirement by requiring you to work with a group to create two 30-second political ads. One negative one for a political candidate and one positive one for another candidate. You should make sure that you choose a good group because this part of the class is the most stressful. Make sure that someone in your group is familiar with video editing, and get all the help you can from the professor in evaluating your ads. He's willing to give feedback at every stage of the project, and my group didn't take advantage of this which would be my main regret.
There are three exams spread out throughout the quarter, but they are not cumulative which is really nice. The final is just treated as a normal exam like the first two. Each exam is based almost entirely on questions that are suggested by yourself and your classmates. Everyone is able to submit up to two suggested questions for each exam, and the professor then chooses questions from these suggested questions to put on the exams. Because of this, the best way to prepare for the exams is to MEMORIZE ALL OF THE SUGGESTED QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS! It's a lot of work, but if you do this you'll for sure do well on the exams. There are a decent amount of readings, and you should have a general understanding of each one in order to do well on the exams.
This is a super interesting class! There are three exams spread out throughout the quarter, but they are not cumulative which is really nice. The final is just treated as a normal exam like the first two. Each exam is based almost entirely on questions that are suggested by yourself and your classmates. Everyone is able to submit up to two suggested questions for each exam, and the professor then chooses questions from these suggested questions to put on the exams. Because of this, the best way to prepare for the exams is to MEMORIZE ALL OF THE SUGGESTED QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS! It's a lot of work, but if you do this you'll for sure do well on the exams. There are a decent amount of readings, and you should have a general understanding of each one in order to do well on the exams. There are also small "projects" that you are required to do throughout the quarter. You need to do a certain number of projects in order to get your full points, so make sure that you're regularly doing projects throughout the quarter and that you don't wait until the last few weeks to try and cram in all of your project points.
Groeling is a super engaging professor; the material was already fairly interesting to me, but his depth of knowledge on it made me even more invested! You will have to go to almost every lecture (iClicker quizzes and he covers a lot in each lecture), but if you miss you do have opportunities to make up the points lost. There is a fair amount of reading; some are more intriguing than others, but most of them are tested on exams. The main thing is to do the readings and get a GOOD group for the final project.
I am a Political Science major and I generally enjoyed this class. Groeling is a pretty engaging lecturer, although he does assign a fair bit of reading. Definitely still manageable, but given that there are 3 classes a week, you get through a lot of material. Most of the time, you do have to go to class in person and do the readings because there is an iClicker quiz in every lecture (although there are plenty of opportunities for makeups and you can prob get the questions right by guessing).
The thing that really sets this class apart is the commercial project. In a group of 3, you make a 30 sec positive and 30 sec negative campaign ad for 2 assigned congressmen (everyone has the same ones). This project is a lot of work and is intended to fulfill a Comm major requirement, so I would say if you're a Pol Sci major like me, you could probably find an easier upper div. That being said, I had a lot of fun with the project and it ended up being one of my favorite parts of the class. Other than that, the 3 exams were easy.
This class was fun! The structure of the class pretty much requires that you stay on top of the material, and there's a lot of material. There are readings assigned for every class and iClicker questions graded for accuracy and that take your attendance. There are 2 midterm exams, each with a take-home essay worth 5 points and a final exam of the same structure. The readings are all very interesting and relevant. Dr. Groeling makes great slides and is an interesting lecturer. Towards the end of the class his lectures got kind of hard to follow with the slides (he talks a lot and the slides have a lot of text on them, which are difficult to synthesize at the same time) but he gives you the slides and recorded audio so you can also go back and review on your own. The tests were all very fair and he gives you the opportunity to write questions for the exam for extra credit. There are also a bunch of projects which are kind of a pain but relevant to what you're learning in class. Overall, kind of a heavy workload, but nothing too intense and always interesting.
Professor Groeling is one of the most prepared professors I have ever had. His lessons are structured to address different aspects of computer mediated communication each class. His syllabus is consistently updated. I will say this class requires a lot of consistent work and I would say it is more equivalent to a 5 credit class. Readings are assigned and tested every single class, which is why this is the only class I have 100% attendance in. The project and examinations are all very fair and I feel like it accurately tests my knowledge and mastery of this class.
The only suggestion I would have is to utilize the Modules section of Bruinlearn to make it easier to access paywalled articles and lectures by week.
Groeling is a great professor- engaging, passionate, makes himself available to students outside of class. I personally have zero interest in this course material, but he approaches it with such passion and care that I've come to really respect. I found a lot of the content dense and kind of boring, but of course that's a personal opinion and Groeling made it as interesting and engaging as possible. The projects facilitate great in lecture discussion, more than I have experienced in any other large lecture before.
My two complaints- he talks fast and there is way too. much text on the lecture slides. It's hard to try and read the slides and listen to him at the same time because there is so much text on the slides. It does make the slides a great study tool, but I found it hard to follow in live lecture. I think there's too much content on the slides, a lot of which never ends up coming up again or being part of test material. That said- they are cohesive and well done, his passion for the content is obvious.
Other complaint- there is an in class quiz every day and I felt like my scores on the quizzes sometimes did not reflect the effort I had put into the readings. From my understanding, the quizzes are meant to check if we had done the readings. However, sometimes the questions were minute details or trick questions, in which case my quiz score wouldn't reflect the effort and time I had put into reading. Professor Kernell does a similar task, but her reading quiz questions feel fairer to me- consistently when I did the readings I got 100% and when I didn't less so. I think Groeling's quiz questions are sometimes too specific and minute, and it is frustrating when the quiz score doesn't feel representative of effort put into the readings.
Groeling is a wonderful, engaging professor whose passion for his students makes a dense topic as interesting as it could be. I really appreciate his dedication to his students and learning from him this quarter.
I think the professor had a lot of interesting insights and information to give us, but I do think that it impacted the class because we were really speeding through content, and often the lecture from the previous class would leak into the next class. I did enjoy the content though. I also think the last third of the class felt very rushed, there was a lot more content than the first two midterms. I liked suggested questions for the exams, and I also enjoyed the projects for the most part (since we got to choose!)
Professor Groeling is extremely knowledgable about the history of CMC and is an eloquent lecturer. The class is structured as a series of mini-lessons which transition into one another nicely to give students a modern narrative of CMC and how it is directly affecting the economy, sociality, and even politics. The history of the internet and comm tech was especially interesting to learn about.
The class had 3 exams, weekly readings which he quizzed you on via iClicker at the start of each class. There were mini-projects assigned to engage students in a real world application of class material, each worth a certain number of points towards your final grade (he used a points-based system). The quizzes can be tricky sometimes, so don't just skim the readings -- actually read them.
The exams are about half-half multiple choice and short answer. The questions are generated by the students themselves on a discussion board and selected by the professor. Having your question appear on an exam means you get extra credit. Every point definitely matters in this class, so complete every assignment you can! Overall this class is a moderate workload so be prepare to set aside time for it. Personally I liked the content and thought it was one of the better comm courses taught at UCLA.
Overall enjoyed this class. Groeling is a good lecturer, even if his slides are a little text heavy (although they are a great tool for studying). The workload was pretty reasonable, with readings + a 1 question quiz (very reasonable) every class. Midterms and final were also reasonable. He lets you suggest questions but I would recommend studying more than the material suggested by your classmates. I only studied the suggested questions for my second midterm and didn't do as well.
This class satisfied the practicum requirement for the Comm major, and I'd say it's a pretty good class to take if you need to do so. It fulfills the requirement by requiring you to work with a group to create two 30-second political ads. One negative one for a political candidate and one positive one for another candidate. You should make sure that you choose a good group because this part of the class is the most stressful. Make sure that someone in your group is familiar with video editing, and get all the help you can from the professor in evaluating your ads. He's willing to give feedback at every stage of the project, and my group didn't take advantage of this which would be my main regret.
There are three exams spread out throughout the quarter, but they are not cumulative which is really nice. The final is just treated as a normal exam like the first two. Each exam is based almost entirely on questions that are suggested by yourself and your classmates. Everyone is able to submit up to two suggested questions for each exam, and the professor then chooses questions from these suggested questions to put on the exams. Because of this, the best way to prepare for the exams is to MEMORIZE ALL OF THE SUGGESTED QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS! It's a lot of work, but if you do this you'll for sure do well on the exams. There are a decent amount of readings, and you should have a general understanding of each one in order to do well on the exams.
This is a super interesting class! There are three exams spread out throughout the quarter, but they are not cumulative which is really nice. The final is just treated as a normal exam like the first two. Each exam is based almost entirely on questions that are suggested by yourself and your classmates. Everyone is able to submit up to two suggested questions for each exam, and the professor then chooses questions from these suggested questions to put on the exams. Because of this, the best way to prepare for the exams is to MEMORIZE ALL OF THE SUGGESTED QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS! It's a lot of work, but if you do this you'll for sure do well on the exams. There are a decent amount of readings, and you should have a general understanding of each one in order to do well on the exams. There are also small "projects" that you are required to do throughout the quarter. You need to do a certain number of projects in order to get your full points, so make sure that you're regularly doing projects throughout the quarter and that you don't wait until the last few weeks to try and cram in all of your project points.
Groeling is a super engaging professor; the material was already fairly interesting to me, but his depth of knowledge on it made me even more invested! You will have to go to almost every lecture (iClicker quizzes and he covers a lot in each lecture), but if you miss you do have opportunities to make up the points lost. There is a fair amount of reading; some are more intriguing than others, but most of them are tested on exams. The main thing is to do the readings and get a GOOD group for the final project.
I am a Political Science major and I generally enjoyed this class. Groeling is a pretty engaging lecturer, although he does assign a fair bit of reading. Definitely still manageable, but given that there are 3 classes a week, you get through a lot of material. Most of the time, you do have to go to class in person and do the readings because there is an iClicker quiz in every lecture (although there are plenty of opportunities for makeups and you can prob get the questions right by guessing).
The thing that really sets this class apart is the commercial project. In a group of 3, you make a 30 sec positive and 30 sec negative campaign ad for 2 assigned congressmen (everyone has the same ones). This project is a lot of work and is intended to fulfill a Comm major requirement, so I would say if you're a Pol Sci major like me, you could probably find an easier upper div. That being said, I had a lot of fun with the project and it ended up being one of my favorite parts of the class. Other than that, the 3 exams were easy.