Tiffany Brannon
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - A review is due for this course and professor. Personal take on the professor: Professor Brannon is a kind professor, who is happy to answer a lot of questions. In the my experience writing research papers at UCLA, I had encountered professors with power-tripping issues, and often refused to answer basic questions to help out students write their papers. Brannon, thankfully, is not one of those professors. If you want to do well on an assignment, you could literally ask her for advice on an idea, and she'll tell you her thoughts. The only bummer can be her lecturing style; she can put you to sleep with that voice, and the lectures are long. One other thing, this quarter was supposed to be in person, but Omnicron had other plans for us; this whole review is based on a virtual experience. Best part of the class: Teacher/TA WANT you to do well; Brannon isn't a tough grader. Worst part of the class: The giant weekly articles Participation assignments: 10% -- Easy A, subjective answers, completed in class. Sometimes you just fill out a few question survey. The most I ever did was type a paragraph. Questions are simple, and relevant to the course topics. (ex: we were talking about socio-political topics in lecture, and a participation assignment asked, if you were researching a topic, what would be a set-back for you). In-class Exam: 20%-- open note. This was very difficult for me (I got a B). The exam was based on all the articles we had read up until the halfway point of the quarter, & knowing the basics of a 2x2 design. I read all of the articles and attended every lecture. I asked what to focus on for the exam, and I got one of those, "as long as you have been keeping up w the readings and lectures you should be fine" answers. WRONG. Take notes on every article (just the who/what/why/conclusion points). I didn't take notes, I just paid attention, and it wasnt enough. I was not ready for the comprehension test despite keeping up with the class, it was way harder than they said it would be. The class averaged an 81% for the exam, thats all you need to know. Group Project: 20% -- you design a 2-part (1 qualitative/1 experimental) study on a social psych topic that is preassigned to you. Your group will be 4-5 people and you create a powerpoint show that you present at the end of the quarter. I hated this personally, bc I was paired w a group of pseudo intellectual preppy brats that enjoy the idea of the college experience but complain about the actual work tied to it. My advice? Take charge, especially when you sense laziness in your group. I did that, and it saved my grade. Introduction Paper: 10% -- Easy A. Follow the exact guideline they provide you, and you will be good. its 3 pages long, double-spaced. And its the first half of your research report mentioned below. I put time into it, but I got a 98%. A lot of people got 100%! Critique Exercise: 5% -- Easy A; A simple 1 page paper. you read the introduction of another student any anonymously critique it and submit it. Introductions will have already been graded by the professor, so if anything, its just a student exercise, Research Report: 25% -- Regarding your project. Half of this is your introduction. The other half, you write a methods, anticipated results, and discussion section. I felt very comfortable writing this bc they provide guidelines so you have a framework to refer to. I greatly appreciated that help. Biggest challenge? the 7-page limit. Restraint is everything when you write a research paper. Class Participation: 10% -- Attendance is taken. Be there or be square. Plus, if you wanna do well on the exam, you wanna hear what key points re the articles you've read about to focus on. I showed up but I let boredom get the best of me. Pay attention when she's talking about articles, for real, no matter how bored you get.
Winter 2022 - A review is due for this course and professor. Personal take on the professor: Professor Brannon is a kind professor, who is happy to answer a lot of questions. In the my experience writing research papers at UCLA, I had encountered professors with power-tripping issues, and often refused to answer basic questions to help out students write their papers. Brannon, thankfully, is not one of those professors. If you want to do well on an assignment, you could literally ask her for advice on an idea, and she'll tell you her thoughts. The only bummer can be her lecturing style; she can put you to sleep with that voice, and the lectures are long. One other thing, this quarter was supposed to be in person, but Omnicron had other plans for us; this whole review is based on a virtual experience. Best part of the class: Teacher/TA WANT you to do well; Brannon isn't a tough grader. Worst part of the class: The giant weekly articles Participation assignments: 10% -- Easy A, subjective answers, completed in class. Sometimes you just fill out a few question survey. The most I ever did was type a paragraph. Questions are simple, and relevant to the course topics. (ex: we were talking about socio-political topics in lecture, and a participation assignment asked, if you were researching a topic, what would be a set-back for you). In-class Exam: 20%-- open note. This was very difficult for me (I got a B). The exam was based on all the articles we had read up until the halfway point of the quarter, & knowing the basics of a 2x2 design. I read all of the articles and attended every lecture. I asked what to focus on for the exam, and I got one of those, "as long as you have been keeping up w the readings and lectures you should be fine" answers. WRONG. Take notes on every article (just the who/what/why/conclusion points). I didn't take notes, I just paid attention, and it wasnt enough. I was not ready for the comprehension test despite keeping up with the class, it was way harder than they said it would be. The class averaged an 81% for the exam, thats all you need to know. Group Project: 20% -- you design a 2-part (1 qualitative/1 experimental) study on a social psych topic that is preassigned to you. Your group will be 4-5 people and you create a powerpoint show that you present at the end of the quarter. I hated this personally, bc I was paired w a group of pseudo intellectual preppy brats that enjoy the idea of the college experience but complain about the actual work tied to it. My advice? Take charge, especially when you sense laziness in your group. I did that, and it saved my grade. Introduction Paper: 10% -- Easy A. Follow the exact guideline they provide you, and you will be good. its 3 pages long, double-spaced. And its the first half of your research report mentioned below. I put time into it, but I got a 98%. A lot of people got 100%! Critique Exercise: 5% -- Easy A; A simple 1 page paper. you read the introduction of another student any anonymously critique it and submit it. Introductions will have already been graded by the professor, so if anything, its just a student exercise, Research Report: 25% -- Regarding your project. Half of this is your introduction. The other half, you write a methods, anticipated results, and discussion section. I felt very comfortable writing this bc they provide guidelines so you have a framework to refer to. I greatly appreciated that help. Biggest challenge? the 7-page limit. Restraint is everything when you write a research paper. Class Participation: 10% -- Attendance is taken. Be there or be square. Plus, if you wanna do well on the exam, you wanna hear what key points re the articles you've read about to focus on. I showed up but I let boredom get the best of me. Pay attention when she's talking about articles, for real, no matter how bored you get.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Dr. Brannon's course was very enjoyable and super applicable to many things. As someone interested in IO psych/ Org behavior, I think this course was very relevant to DEI in organizations/institutions. I loved how Dr. Brannon explained key issues, but also presented possible solutions to promote inclusion and belonging. She was also very understanding during difficult times on campus, and changed the grading policy so that the final was optional if we did well on the midterm. It is clear that she truly cares about her students and is also very passionate about cultural psychology. She also gave out 2 extra points for extra credit! All I had to do was find an article that was relevant to the lectures/readings, explain why the article was relevant, and email it to her. The coursework was extremely manageable. In terms of the readings, there were a lot, but I think you could just skim through them. I read all of them in depth because they were very interesting! Midterm and final were both very easy and straightforward - both were online/on Canvas given the situation on campus.
Spring 2024 - Dr. Brannon's course was very enjoyable and super applicable to many things. As someone interested in IO psych/ Org behavior, I think this course was very relevant to DEI in organizations/institutions. I loved how Dr. Brannon explained key issues, but also presented possible solutions to promote inclusion and belonging. She was also very understanding during difficult times on campus, and changed the grading policy so that the final was optional if we did well on the midterm. It is clear that she truly cares about her students and is also very passionate about cultural psychology. She also gave out 2 extra points for extra credit! All I had to do was find an article that was relevant to the lectures/readings, explain why the article was relevant, and email it to her. The coursework was extremely manageable. In terms of the readings, there were a lot, but I think you could just skim through them. I read all of them in depth because they were very interesting! Midterm and final were both very easy and straightforward - both were online/on Canvas given the situation on campus.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - I took this class simply as a filler, and it turned out to be one of my favorite classes I've taken at UCLA thus far. I remember being worried to take this class because her ratings on this website aren't great, but DONT BE FOOLED. Professor Brannon is a great teacher and I absolutely recommend this course. The workload is very very manageable, the tests are easy and open note, and furthermore, you actually gain really cool insights on how psychology varies across cultures. If you're a psych major in particular and plan on doing something in the field of psychology, I think this class is vital for your career. Prof Brannon is also dependable when it comes to answering emails, and she's always more than understanding with anything. The one thing is that her lectures aren't bruincasted, so if you want the full experience of this class attendance is mandatory (but worth it).
Spring 2022 - I took this class simply as a filler, and it turned out to be one of my favorite classes I've taken at UCLA thus far. I remember being worried to take this class because her ratings on this website aren't great, but DONT BE FOOLED. Professor Brannon is a great teacher and I absolutely recommend this course. The workload is very very manageable, the tests are easy and open note, and furthermore, you actually gain really cool insights on how psychology varies across cultures. If you're a psych major in particular and plan on doing something in the field of psychology, I think this class is vital for your career. Prof Brannon is also dependable when it comes to answering emails, and she's always more than understanding with anything. The one thing is that her lectures aren't bruincasted, so if you want the full experience of this class attendance is mandatory (but worth it).
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Professor Brannon is an amazing professor and you will not regret taking this class. The subject itself is super interesting (and it's awesome that Brannon has conducted a lot of the research). You'll be easily able to apply class material to your life. Exams are very straightforward (it was open note in person) and we had 2 small papers (easy, just talk about how class material applies to your life). Learned a lot in this class, don't skip on taking it.
Spring 2022 - Professor Brannon is an amazing professor and you will not regret taking this class. The subject itself is super interesting (and it's awesome that Brannon has conducted a lot of the research). You'll be easily able to apply class material to your life. Exams are very straightforward (it was open note in person) and we had 2 small papers (easy, just talk about how class material applies to your life). Learned a lot in this class, don't skip on taking it.