
Thomas Sherrer

Overall Ratings
Based on 34 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (34)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 19, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

This is by far the most engaging, interesting, and pertinent political science class I've taken at UCLA. "Professor" Sherrer is exceptionally talented and gives engaging and clear lectures (it's amazing to have a professor that actually speaks like a normal human being and not a robot programmed to spew out overcomplicated academic jargon, as do 90% of the tenured faculty here).

The readings for this class are fairly light and the vast majority of them were actually very interesting. I think there may have been only two or three that were boring (the majority were Washington Post or NYT articles, excerpts from a very recent/engaging book, and super cool voter psychology studies). None of the readings felt like filler or irrelevant to the course (again, credit to Sherrer for planning the class so well).

Grading is fair and is based on a midterm (30% of grade, was super easy), a short writing assignment (20%), an infographic (10%), and a final (40% of grade, very fair but marginally harder than the midterm).

Sherrer is very organized and uses very clear slides. He also recorded lecture and did not require attendance.

I highly, highly recommend this class and Prof. Sherrer in general. I wish UCLA's political science department offered more classes related to this topic.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 21, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A

30% midterm
40% final
15% essay 1
15% essay 2

Sherrer is pretty good he moved around assignments to be accommodating.
Covid-19 so tests were open book
however, he is a super slow grader(3+weeks) and graded stuff after p/np deadline so some people were concerned.
Did not give a ton of feedback on essays
overall he's a good professor to have


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 14, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B



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Dec. 23, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This was def my favorite class this quarter!! Professor Sherrer is great at what he does, making this class an easy and educational experience for his students. First off, all exams (midterm and final) are open note so long as everything is handwritten, which honestly helped me retain the information better. Sometimes the questions on the exams were pulled directly from the slides, word for word, so do take good notes. I'd say around 18/20 of the questions were based on the lectures while around 1-2 were pulled from the readings so make sure to skim them over and take note of the central argument. A tip I recommend is to put a Post-it note on each page of your notes and list all of the main topics you wrote about so you can go through them quickly when taking the exam. 

There is no textbook and you don't need to pay for class materials since he provides scantrons. The midterm average was 90% and the final was around 87%!! The topics you can expect to learn about are the movements relating to race, women's rights, environment, gun violence, healthcare, education, immigration, economic inequality, barriers to policymaking like the filibuster, etc. Super interesting lectures plus he's really funny. I highly encourage attending the lectures in person (he does post the slides after) since he sometimes did state a few things that were not in the slides but were present in the exam.

There were only 3 homework assignments that consisted of making slideshows of a social problem of your choice. The first 2 assignments ranged from 250-500 words while the last assignment (a more research-intensive slideshow) was 500+ words. All of them were spaced out pretty well throughout the quarter and you had an entire week to do them. The first two assignments took me about 1 hour each while the last one took 2 hours.

Shoutout to my TA Selena, she's super chill and made my discussion section engaging. All of the discussions extend to the assigned readings and there's really no pressure to participate but if you can, you def should. Attendance is mandatory for these and is included in your grade. Loved this class and will def take another class with him!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 19, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Professor Sherrer is such a cool dude and a great teacher. He is engaging and so passionate about American politics. He had great lecture slides and encouraged us to engage in breakout room discussions with our peers every class. This helped us feel a bit more connected to each other during online school. The class was made up of two homework assignments that were full credit if submitted on time, attendance and multiple choice and short answer midterm and final. There was no textbook required and instead, he provided really interesting chapters from books he enjoyed. I would highly recommend taking this class and any class he teaches at UCLA.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Do you ever have a professor who you think, "wow, I could probably play a nice game of connect four with this guy"? Well, Thomas is one of those professors (lecturer, he insists on not being called professor). He is super chill and has a great sense of blunt humor which I found hilarious. I would 100% take his class again. Granted, he is new and the material was at times a bit unnecessary and felt like common sense, but I'm sure he will get over that soon. The homework was super easy and was graded based on completion. The tests were a bit odd and felt unrelated to the course at times, but they weren't hard. Definitely my favorite covid-era class.


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Jan. 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Professor Sherrer is my favorite professor I've had at UCLA. He's super funny, engaging, and good at conveying information. You can tell he really cared about this class and put a lot of work into it. There's a once a week discussion section that just reviews the material we went over during the week and a few exams that are nearly impossible to get a bad grade on. The exams were pretty easy, but there were definitely some questions that were very specific to certain readings (so make sure to do all of them). I would definitely retake this class!


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Dec. 27, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

I really enjoyed this class! Professor Sherrer is SO funny and chill, I found that I was super engaged every time I attended lecture. His exams are fair and the assignments are quite easy and practically grade cushions. You just need to select a social issue that interests you and write a few hundred words about it. He allows unlimited handwritten notes for the midterm and final which is super helpful as I pulled some of the answers for both MC and short answer right out of my notes. I'd love to take another Public Affairs class with him, he's awesome!


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Nov. 21, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class was so so chill. Most lectures are guest speakers who are actually really interesting. This class balances both being chill and being useful at the same time. Sherrer is funny and helpful. Only thing is that you do have to show up to lectures. He has a code each lecture + simple & open questions about the guest speaker's speech or his own lecture that you have to submit to prove you were there. There are some assignments too but those are really chill and never take too long (ex: editing your resume, writing a sample cover letter, editing LinkedIn). Overall, TAKE THIS CLASS you will not regret it.


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Nov. 9, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+

While I definitely enjoyed taking this class, and I believe Professor Sherrer is an amazing teacher, it is not a class anyone should take if they are looking for an easy upper div Poli Sci course. Don't get me wrong, the content was interesting, and Sherrer is a guy that's difficult not to like, however, the exams are anything but easy and depending on your TA, grading can be all over the board. One of my friends, who is a professional writing minor, received a C+ on one of her papers, with little to no explanation. While it isn't Sherrer's fault, the TAs completely determine whether or not your are successful in the course. Further, Sherrer supplements the lack of a discussion section with a large sum of weekly readings, which also show up on exams. All in all, this is a great class if you have ample time to commit to the workload and kiss up to your TA, but it definitely isn't a skate in the park. I took this class in the spring and most people I know received an A-s and Bs, with only a few actually getting an A. I also heavily suggest buying the course reader!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 19, 2021

This is by far the most engaging, interesting, and pertinent political science class I've taken at UCLA. "Professor" Sherrer is exceptionally talented and gives engaging and clear lectures (it's amazing to have a professor that actually speaks like a normal human being and not a robot programmed to spew out overcomplicated academic jargon, as do 90% of the tenured faculty here).

The readings for this class are fairly light and the vast majority of them were actually very interesting. I think there may have been only two or three that were boring (the majority were Washington Post or NYT articles, excerpts from a very recent/engaging book, and super cool voter psychology studies). None of the readings felt like filler or irrelevant to the course (again, credit to Sherrer for planning the class so well).

Grading is fair and is based on a midterm (30% of grade, was super easy), a short writing assignment (20%), an infographic (10%), and a final (40% of grade, very fair but marginally harder than the midterm).

Sherrer is very organized and uses very clear slides. He also recorded lecture and did not require attendance.

I highly, highly recommend this class and Prof. Sherrer in general. I wish UCLA's political science department offered more classes related to this topic.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A
March 21, 2021

30% midterm
40% final
15% essay 1
15% essay 2

Sherrer is pretty good he moved around assignments to be accommodating.
Covid-19 so tests were open book
however, he is a super slow grader(3+weeks) and graded stuff after p/np deadline so some people were concerned.
Did not give a ton of feedback on essays
overall he's a good professor to have


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B
Jan. 14, 2022



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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2023

This was def my favorite class this quarter!! Professor Sherrer is great at what he does, making this class an easy and educational experience for his students. First off, all exams (midterm and final) are open note so long as everything is handwritten, which honestly helped me retain the information better. Sometimes the questions on the exams were pulled directly from the slides, word for word, so do take good notes. I'd say around 18/20 of the questions were based on the lectures while around 1-2 were pulled from the readings so make sure to skim them over and take note of the central argument. A tip I recommend is to put a Post-it note on each page of your notes and list all of the main topics you wrote about so you can go through them quickly when taking the exam. 

There is no textbook and you don't need to pay for class materials since he provides scantrons. The midterm average was 90% and the final was around 87%!! The topics you can expect to learn about are the movements relating to race, women's rights, environment, gun violence, healthcare, education, immigration, economic inequality, barriers to policymaking like the filibuster, etc. Super interesting lectures plus he's really funny. I highly encourage attending the lectures in person (he does post the slides after) since he sometimes did state a few things that were not in the slides but were present in the exam.

There were only 3 homework assignments that consisted of making slideshows of a social problem of your choice. The first 2 assignments ranged from 250-500 words while the last assignment (a more research-intensive slideshow) was 500+ words. All of them were spaced out pretty well throughout the quarter and you had an entire week to do them. The first two assignments took me about 1 hour each while the last one took 2 hours.

Shoutout to my TA Selena, she's super chill and made my discussion section engaging. All of the discussions extend to the assigned readings and there's really no pressure to participate but if you can, you def should. Attendance is mandatory for these and is included in your grade. Loved this class and will def take another class with him!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2020

Professor Sherrer is such a cool dude and a great teacher. He is engaging and so passionate about American politics. He had great lecture slides and encouraged us to engage in breakout room discussions with our peers every class. This helped us feel a bit more connected to each other during online school. The class was made up of two homework assignments that were full credit if submitted on time, attendance and multiple choice and short answer midterm and final. There was no textbook required and instead, he provided really interesting chapters from books he enjoyed. I would highly recommend taking this class and any class he teaches at UCLA.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Dec. 28, 2020

Do you ever have a professor who you think, "wow, I could probably play a nice game of connect four with this guy"? Well, Thomas is one of those professors (lecturer, he insists on not being called professor). He is super chill and has a great sense of blunt humor which I found hilarious. I would 100% take his class again. Granted, he is new and the material was at times a bit unnecessary and felt like common sense, but I'm sure he will get over that soon. The homework was super easy and was graded based on completion. The tests were a bit odd and felt unrelated to the course at times, but they weren't hard. Definitely my favorite covid-era class.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 2, 2024

Professor Sherrer is my favorite professor I've had at UCLA. He's super funny, engaging, and good at conveying information. You can tell he really cared about this class and put a lot of work into it. There's a once a week discussion section that just reviews the material we went over during the week and a few exams that are nearly impossible to get a bad grade on. The exams were pretty easy, but there were definitely some questions that were very specific to certain readings (so make sure to do all of them). I would definitely retake this class!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Dec. 27, 2023

I really enjoyed this class! Professor Sherrer is SO funny and chill, I found that I was super engaged every time I attended lecture. His exams are fair and the assignments are quite easy and practically grade cushions. You just need to select a social issue that interests you and write a few hundred words about it. He allows unlimited handwritten notes for the midterm and final which is super helpful as I pulled some of the answers for both MC and short answer right out of my notes. I'd love to take another Public Affairs class with him, he's awesome!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Nov. 21, 2023

This class was so so chill. Most lectures are guest speakers who are actually really interesting. This class balances both being chill and being useful at the same time. Sherrer is funny and helpful. Only thing is that you do have to show up to lectures. He has a code each lecture + simple & open questions about the guest speaker's speech or his own lecture that you have to submit to prove you were there. There are some assignments too but those are really chill and never take too long (ex: editing your resume, writing a sample cover letter, editing LinkedIn). Overall, TAKE THIS CLASS you will not regret it.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
Nov. 9, 2023

While I definitely enjoyed taking this class, and I believe Professor Sherrer is an amazing teacher, it is not a class anyone should take if they are looking for an easy upper div Poli Sci course. Don't get me wrong, the content was interesting, and Sherrer is a guy that's difficult not to like, however, the exams are anything but easy and depending on your TA, grading can be all over the board. One of my friends, who is a professional writing minor, received a C+ on one of her papers, with little to no explanation. While it isn't Sherrer's fault, the TAs completely determine whether or not your are successful in the course. Further, Sherrer supplements the lack of a discussion section with a large sum of weekly readings, which also show up on exams. All in all, this is a great class if you have ample time to commit to the workload and kiss up to your TA, but it definitely isn't a skate in the park. I took this class in the spring and most people I know received an A-s and Bs, with only a few actually getting an A. I also heavily suggest buying the course reader!


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