
Thomas Maierhofer

Overall Ratings
Based on 27 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (27)

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Feb. 9, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

I took this class because it was a prereq to my major and it was alright. Maeirhofer is a pretty average teacher, he is a boring lecturer but good at responding to his emails and seemed receptive to the needs of the class which was nice. The coding was hard because it wasn’t discussed in lecture, only section and my TA was not a very good teacher. Avoid having Zhi Zhang as your TA if you can, sections were completely useless and frustrating with him. On the bright side, the labs are very easy to find on the internet and copy. But, if you are going into a major that uses more coding, you will want to actually learn it, not just copy it and you should make sure to get a good TA. The lectures, homeworks, and quizzes are all very easy but the midterm was a lot harder than these things, which I felt unprepared for and did poorly on, even after acing all other aspects of the class so watch out for that. You are allowed cheat sheets for midterm and final but don’t get too comfortable with that, the midterm was hard. Also I didn’t mind at all taking it at 8am because all lectures are recorded and I could skip as much as I wanted without falling behind.


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Jan. 10, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Professor Maierhofer was great – super clear, helpful, and prepared interesting and engaging lectures (with Kahoots for bonus points on the final grade). Exams were very manageable, and the homework and labs were straightforward. Would highly recommend this class.


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Dec. 30, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class is almost identical to AP stats but with a bit of R programming on top. The tests shouldn't be too bad as long as you do all the quizzes and make sure you understand the content on them (its really easy not to since they have infinite attempts). The labs aren't really relevant to the tests and the TA's give out the answers to them in discussion and the hws are really easy. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's really not. I thought the class was pretty easy overall.


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Dec. 26, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Probably one of the easier classes I've taken. The homework and lab answers are given to you in discussion, while the midterm and final were pretty straightforward. You also get extra credit if you do a bonus assignment. 15% of the people got A+, and 20% got A, which is a very nice distribution for a GPA boost.


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Dec. 23, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

I felt like this class was very easy (although I am a stats major, but have never taken a stats class before). There is one midterm and one final, both multiple choice (around 30 questions) and take about an hour. You also get to make a cheat sheet so there's no need for much memorization, just understanding basic concepts. The tests are similar to the practice tests and are just pretty straightforward in general.
Discussions consist of doing a coding lab. Make sure to attend discussion though because the TA will basically just do the lab for you. Attendance for lectures and discussions is not mandatory since he records the slides, but personally I find it hard to pay attention to his recordings because the slides aren't the most engaging.
Overall super nice and caring professor, and he gives extra credit!


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Dec. 23, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Honestly, such a good teacher. While he does post lecture slides and recordings online, I would recommend attending his lectures because he is always open to questions during and after. He prepares you extremely well for both mid term and final. One thing thats a bit tough is that you have basically no room for error on both the mid term and final because everyone gets 100% on homework and labs. He is a very caring and knowledgeable professor, and I recommend this class as a good and useful GE.


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Dec. 23, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Professor Maierhofer’s class is definitely the best statistics class offered at UCLA. He provides engaging lectures with detailed slides, Kahoots, and examples that really prepare you for the quizzes, homeworks, and tests. The grading is nothing too heavy, but make sure to do good on the Mid-Term and Final because those add up to 70% of your Grade (35% each); he offers bonus points throughout the course as well which will increase your grade by 1%. There are 2 quizzes and a homework assignment due each week, and a lab due once every two weeks that are done in your discussion sessions with your TA (you must go to these). These assignments are pretty mediocre and are definitely time consuming. Additionally, the professor is very passionate about his students success and will do everything he can for you to do well in his class. He’s a very friendly guy so never hesitate to ask questions and show up to his office hours. He posts announcements quite often to keep you on track with his class on Bruinlearn, which I thought was very helpful. One thing I have to say though is that he talks way too fast in his lectures, so if you have a hard time understanding fast-talkers like I do, bring another device to his lectures in handy with his lecture slides. Other than that, I highly recommend you take this class with Professor Maierhofer because he is amazing.

P.s, the lectures slides cover all the textbook material, so there is no need to buy it.


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Sept. 12, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-

I have the textbook for the class (like new) and am willing to sell it for a good price! You can email me via ************* if you're interested :)


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April 4, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

The midterm and final for this class were both 30 question multiple choice, and at the end of the quarter he offered 1% of extra credit for a completion assignment that takes 10 minutes. take this class!!! all his slides were super detailed and he seems like he genuinely cares about his students succeeding and learning. The labs are all done in section and the TA basically walks you through every step. There is also another section for going over anything that is unclear for the week. overall very helpful professor and TAs just do what ur supposed to and it will be pretty easy


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Feb. 9, 2024

I took this class because it was a prereq to my major and it was alright. Maeirhofer is a pretty average teacher, he is a boring lecturer but good at responding to his emails and seemed receptive to the needs of the class which was nice. The coding was hard because it wasn’t discussed in lecture, only section and my TA was not a very good teacher. Avoid having Zhi Zhang as your TA if you can, sections were completely useless and frustrating with him. On the bright side, the labs are very easy to find on the internet and copy. But, if you are going into a major that uses more coding, you will want to actually learn it, not just copy it and you should make sure to get a good TA. The lectures, homeworks, and quizzes are all very easy but the midterm was a lot harder than these things, which I felt unprepared for and did poorly on, even after acing all other aspects of the class so watch out for that. You are allowed cheat sheets for midterm and final but don’t get too comfortable with that, the midterm was hard. Also I didn’t mind at all taking it at 8am because all lectures are recorded and I could skip as much as I wanted without falling behind.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 10, 2024

Professor Maierhofer was great – super clear, helpful, and prepared interesting and engaging lectures (with Kahoots for bonus points on the final grade). Exams were very manageable, and the homework and labs were straightforward. Would highly recommend this class.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 30, 2023

This class is almost identical to AP stats but with a bit of R programming on top. The tests shouldn't be too bad as long as you do all the quizzes and make sure you understand the content on them (its really easy not to since they have infinite attempts). The labs aren't really relevant to the tests and the TA's give out the answers to them in discussion and the hws are really easy. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's really not. I thought the class was pretty easy overall.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 26, 2023

Probably one of the easier classes I've taken. The homework and lab answers are given to you in discussion, while the midterm and final were pretty straightforward. You also get extra credit if you do a bonus assignment. 15% of the people got A+, and 20% got A, which is a very nice distribution for a GPA boost.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 23, 2023

I felt like this class was very easy (although I am a stats major, but have never taken a stats class before). There is one midterm and one final, both multiple choice (around 30 questions) and take about an hour. You also get to make a cheat sheet so there's no need for much memorization, just understanding basic concepts. The tests are similar to the practice tests and are just pretty straightforward in general.
Discussions consist of doing a coding lab. Make sure to attend discussion though because the TA will basically just do the lab for you. Attendance for lectures and discussions is not mandatory since he records the slides, but personally I find it hard to pay attention to his recordings because the slides aren't the most engaging.
Overall super nice and caring professor, and he gives extra credit!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2023

Honestly, such a good teacher. While he does post lecture slides and recordings online, I would recommend attending his lectures because he is always open to questions during and after. He prepares you extremely well for both mid term and final. One thing thats a bit tough is that you have basically no room for error on both the mid term and final because everyone gets 100% on homework and labs. He is a very caring and knowledgeable professor, and I recommend this class as a good and useful GE.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Dec. 23, 2023

Professor Maierhofer’s class is definitely the best statistics class offered at UCLA. He provides engaging lectures with detailed slides, Kahoots, and examples that really prepare you for the quizzes, homeworks, and tests. The grading is nothing too heavy, but make sure to do good on the Mid-Term and Final because those add up to 70% of your Grade (35% each); he offers bonus points throughout the course as well which will increase your grade by 1%. There are 2 quizzes and a homework assignment due each week, and a lab due once every two weeks that are done in your discussion sessions with your TA (you must go to these). These assignments are pretty mediocre and are definitely time consuming. Additionally, the professor is very passionate about his students success and will do everything he can for you to do well in his class. He’s a very friendly guy so never hesitate to ask questions and show up to his office hours. He posts announcements quite often to keep you on track with his class on Bruinlearn, which I thought was very helpful. One thing I have to say though is that he talks way too fast in his lectures, so if you have a hard time understanding fast-talkers like I do, bring another device to his lectures in handy with his lecture slides. Other than that, I highly recommend you take this class with Professor Maierhofer because he is amazing.

P.s, the lectures slides cover all the textbook material, so there is no need to buy it.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-
Sept. 12, 2023

I have the textbook for the class (like new) and am willing to sell it for a good price! You can email me via ************* if you're interested :)


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
April 4, 2023

The midterm and final for this class were both 30 question multiple choice, and at the end of the quarter he offered 1% of extra credit for a completion assignment that takes 10 minutes. take this class!!! all his slides were super detailed and he seems like he genuinely cares about his students succeeding and learning. The labs are all done in section and the TA basically walks you through every step. There is also another section for going over anything that is unclear for the week. overall very helpful professor and TAs just do what ur supposed to and it will be pretty easy


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