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- Thaiesha Andrea Wright
- CH ENGR C112
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Professor Wright is a super nice and lovely person. You can tell she genuinely is passionate about teaching and improving the student experience. She welcomes feedback and questions, and weighs what topics students are interested in. At the end of the class, she provided doughnuts which was a super nice touch as we didn’t have much left content-wise for the class. The journal club groups were definitely on the large-side and made it hard to engage everyone in the group and make sure everyone was contributing equally. In the end, the presentations weren’t too engaging since our peers had to attend but would be on laptops or their phones during the discussion. Since it was rare that people paid enough attention to ask questions, it was up to Vihar to ask the questions and “grill” the presenters. His questions seemed complicated at times especially for the undergraduates to be able to understand complex polymerization. For the professor, I would encourage her to be more confident and speak at a greater volume during lecture while sharing any additional knowledge she has. Even going into explaining her own research would be a good learning opportunity. I am grateful for the reasonable grading scheme and how there were allowed absences and some dropped homeworks. It allowed me during some of my busy weeks to prioritize other classes and get work done.
Professor Wright is a super nice and lovely person. You can tell she genuinely is passionate about teaching and improving the student experience. She welcomes feedback and questions, and weighs what topics students are interested in. At the end of the class, she provided doughnuts which was a super nice touch as we didn’t have much left content-wise for the class. The journal club groups were definitely on the large-side and made it hard to engage everyone in the group and make sure everyone was contributing equally. In the end, the presentations weren’t too engaging since our peers had to attend but would be on laptops or their phones during the discussion. Since it was rare that people paid enough attention to ask questions, it was up to Vihar to ask the questions and “grill” the presenters. His questions seemed complicated at times especially for the undergraduates to be able to understand complex polymerization. For the professor, I would encourage her to be more confident and speak at a greater volume during lecture while sharing any additional knowledge she has. Even going into explaining her own research would be a good learning opportunity. I am grateful for the reasonable grading scheme and how there were allowed absences and some dropped homeworks. It allowed me during some of my busy weeks to prioritize other classes and get work done.
Based on 2 Users
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