
Teddi Chichester

Overall Ratings
Based on 95 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (95)

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June 5, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-

Chichester is a great professor and really passionate about her work and how she teaches. You just really need to understand how she likes things to work fast in this class.
1. Be prepared in all of her classes to get randomly called on at least once. She’ll have assumed you have read or are reading what poem/literature we are going over in class so you always gotta be on your toes for this class
2. FOLLOW HER GUIDELINES FOR NUMBER OF LINES/PAGES. She will quite literally give you a 0 or make you resubmit as she is super strict about the number of pages and the number of lines you can have in a paragraph and how many spaces to indent by.
3. In class is honestly super laidback as she goes through the texts. The workload is really light in this class and all there are are journals about once a week and then a big due date at the end of the quarter so make sure you start early on the final assignments. I’ve taken two classes with her and both the final papers/journals/take home journals and reading responses have been due the Friday before finals week.
Chichester is a chiller and a great teacher just make sure you really listen to how she wants assignments.
Also I forgot to mention she doesn’t give letter grades until the end of the quarter and so it’s kind of a surprise what grade you get. She grades on a check minus, check, check plus grading scale.


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July 2, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Haven't taken EC3 with Prof. Chichester but I have her course reader in completely new condition. I bought her course reader last year but end up dropping her course for another major requirement, and now I've enrolled in an EC3 with another Prof. So I'm selling the course reader, which I haven't used one single time, at 70% of the price. If interested, please text me at ********** or e-mail me at *************
Btw, I had one class with Prof. Chichester and she was really approachable regarding the materials, and she is a really elegant lady who I would recommend to take the class with. I chose another Prof. only because her spots were taken really quickly and my first pass was pretty late.


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April 3, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

Prof. Chichester is great! Though you may feel disappointed after receiving the feedback of your first paper, you would probably get a nice final grade! Selling course reader and the required Wadsworth Handbook for $35 (combined)! PM **********


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Sept. 20, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A

Chichester was a great professor for Comp 3 and actually made me enjoy writing. You should definitely go to her office hours because she helps you a lot with editing essays.
Selling course reader, text me 1**********


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March 30, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2015
Grade: A

Selling the course reader for Chichester's English Comp. 3 class for $35, including some annotations. Text **********7.


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March 8, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

I'm selling the course reader "Writing the Environment" for $34. Some highlighting and notes on the texts. Text me if interested **********


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April 10, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Great class to take care of the writing 2 requirement. Go to office hours and show her your writing and she will help you make corrections. I'm selling the course reader, email *************


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Feb. 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

An easy A class as long as you edited the essay the way she wanted. Selling course reader for 25 bucks. Text me **********


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Jan. 12, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A+

Pretty easy GE class. Definitely an easy way to fulfill your writing requirement. Take Chichester!! She's such a sweetheart and genuinely wants you to do well.
Readings are so important!! It's so hard to bullshit the papers/discussions if you haven't done or even looked at the readings.
Selling my Course Reader + final notes + annotated notes + completed and graded papers (got full marks) for $30 OBO!! Almost perfect condition for physical books. Text me **********


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April 5, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-

Chichester is an overall great professor. Office hours tend to get busy, but she will do her best to help you out. Seeling environment course reader for her class. Contact me at ************* if interested!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-
June 5, 2024

Chichester is a great professor and really passionate about her work and how she teaches. You just really need to understand how she likes things to work fast in this class.
1. Be prepared in all of her classes to get randomly called on at least once. She’ll have assumed you have read or are reading what poem/literature we are going over in class so you always gotta be on your toes for this class
2. FOLLOW HER GUIDELINES FOR NUMBER OF LINES/PAGES. She will quite literally give you a 0 or make you resubmit as she is super strict about the number of pages and the number of lines you can have in a paragraph and how many spaces to indent by.
3. In class is honestly super laidback as she goes through the texts. The workload is really light in this class and all there are are journals about once a week and then a big due date at the end of the quarter so make sure you start early on the final assignments. I’ve taken two classes with her and both the final papers/journals/take home journals and reading responses have been due the Friday before finals week.
Chichester is a chiller and a great teacher just make sure you really listen to how she wants assignments.
Also I forgot to mention she doesn’t give letter grades until the end of the quarter and so it’s kind of a surprise what grade you get. She grades on a check minus, check, check plus grading scale.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
July 2, 2017

Haven't taken EC3 with Prof. Chichester but I have her course reader in completely new condition. I bought her course reader last year but end up dropping her course for another major requirement, and now I've enrolled in an EC3 with another Prof. So I'm selling the course reader, which I haven't used one single time, at 70% of the price. If interested, please text me at ********** or e-mail me at *************
Btw, I had one class with Prof. Chichester and she was really approachable regarding the materials, and she is a really elegant lady who I would recommend to take the class with. I chose another Prof. only because her spots were taken really quickly and my first pass was pretty late.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
April 3, 2017

Prof. Chichester is great! Though you may feel disappointed after receiving the feedback of your first paper, you would probably get a nice final grade! Selling course reader and the required Wadsworth Handbook for $35 (combined)! PM **********


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Sept. 20, 2016

Chichester was a great professor for Comp 3 and actually made me enjoy writing. You should definitely go to her office hours because she helps you a lot with editing essays.
Selling course reader, text me 1**********


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Quarter: Winter 2015
Grade: A
March 30, 2016

Selling the course reader for Chichester's English Comp. 3 class for $35, including some annotations. Text **********7.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
March 8, 2016

I'm selling the course reader "Writing the Environment" for $34. Some highlighting and notes on the texts. Text me if interested **********


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 10, 2019

Great class to take care of the writing 2 requirement. Go to office hours and show her your writing and she will help you make corrections. I'm selling the course reader, email *************


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
Feb. 15, 2019

An easy A class as long as you edited the essay the way she wanted. Selling course reader for 25 bucks. Text me **********


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A+
Jan. 12, 2019

Pretty easy GE class. Definitely an easy way to fulfill your writing requirement. Take Chichester!! She's such a sweetheart and genuinely wants you to do well.
Readings are so important!! It's so hard to bullshit the papers/discussions if you haven't done or even looked at the readings.
Selling my Course Reader + final notes + annotated notes + completed and graded papers (got full marks) for $30 OBO!! Almost perfect condition for physical books. Text me **********


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-
April 5, 2018

Chichester is an overall great professor. Office hours tend to get busy, but she will do her best to help you out. Seeling environment course reader for her class. Contact me at ************* if interested!


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