Tamara L Addison
Department of Psychology
Overall Rating
Based on 53 Users
Easiness 2.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (48)

5 of 5
5 of 5
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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2001

all i have to say is that this is not high school anymore and 8 am classes are just not going to cut it, unless you are a morning person. i personally was never ever able to stay awake through a whole lecture. the problem was not prof. addison, she was actually a very nice, intelligent person, but the time is just too early. my advice is to not even bother reading but try to make it to class. although you will probably not be able to stay awake the whole time...you will be awake for at least an hour of it, and come midterm and final time it counts. i would suggest not even bothering to read the book. just remember to print out the lecture notes before going to class, and when she passes out the review papers for the midterm and final study those!!! if you know the material on those sheets you will succeed in her class. just remember that they are time consuming so dont try to bust answering all the questions the night before. overall i really just think that her class is at a bad time, if it werent for that it wouldnt be so bad.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 10, 2001

Nice person, just a bad lecturer, especially at 8:00 in the morning. Absolutely don't take this class at 8:00, that's a no no. She's a very nice person, she just has a bad habit of sucking the fun out of a very enjoyable subject.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 8, 2001

If you are even thinking about taking this class at 8:00 in the morning, I advise you to think again! I never knew what I was getting myself into! Prof. Addison has a soothing voice, i.e. I found myself falling asleep around 9 every day. She did let us take breaks, but again, don't try and take a "nap" during break...You'll never wake up. I stopped going after the midterm, which I managed to ace because I went through every single question on the review sheet she handed out. The tests aren't actually that hard - I'd heard horror stories about her tests before and was surprised when I sat down and read the midterm questions. The lectures aren't actually boring, either, the question is just whether you can force yourself to stay awake. As in, I went to the last class and promised I would stay awake...I didn't. Overall, though, do the reading, answer the review questions, and you'll do fine.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 6, 2001

Well now, I thought having an 8:00 AM class would be good for me, but I sure was wrong. Addison's class didn't motivate me to wake up for it. She has a very soft & soothing voice that made me want to go to sleep. Some of the presentations in class were interesting, but that's about it. She never gave any breaks for those 2 hours with her. I dont' know if she kept up with that, but I heard she started to give breaks after the first hour. Ohwell. I stopped going to class during 2nd or 3rd week. However, I did keep up with the readings. It was pretty boring at times... many times, but I did it to make up for my absence in class. I got a C+ on the midterm, which I was happy about. I'm glad that she gave out the review sheets & practice questions online. I'm also glad that her powerpoint presentations were available online. She's very friendly and responds sociable if you e-mail her. However, the course content wasn't on my top 10 lists. I didn't like learning about the history of psychological foundations or the physical & chemical processes of psychological responses. Who cares about that? Not me. I thought an INTRODUCTION to Psychology would interest me, but I feel like it's too indepth for an introduction. Even my tutor says she's too indepth. My tutor is an upperclassman, and she says the stuff we learn in Addison's class is the same stuff she learns in her upper div classes... ? What gives with that? I'm not looking for upper div. information, I want the introduction. Her exams are multiple choice, and the way to go with that is to understand how to take multiple choice tests itself. Soooo... if you want to take her class... be my guest. If you don't want to take her class... join the club.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 3, 2001

You guys are all being a little harsh. Sure her lectures are boring, especially if you have it at 8 in the morning, but the class is not all that difficult. Although she is a nice person, she doesn't have the teaching thing down all the way...but at least she gives us review sheets (note: answer all those questions well and learn that info and you should be fine). I do think she concentrates too much on the reading (which is booooooring!) but hey, at least she tells us that the tests will be from the lectures, demos, AND readings...no surprises there. The material is interesting, although she could make it more exciting. All in all, take it with someone else if you can but if you get "stuck" taking it with Addison, don't let these other reviews freak you out, you'll be okay. Oh yeah and she responds to emails really well so take advantage of that.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 30, 2001

Absolutely horrible. The psych class should be interesting but somehow she finds a way to make it completely and utterly boring. Her lectures are mundane and dry. She does a terrible job of getting her point across and she hardly ever does any examples to prove her point. The examples that she did do were so remedial that you had no idea what she was talking about and what point she was trying to get across. I took Psych 10 thinking that it would be a class worth my time. Boy was I wrong. Her tests have nothing to do with what she teaches and she makes the questions much harder than they need to be. Her questions are way to specific. I would not take this class if I were you. Especially if she is teaching it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 15, 2001

Addison is not a bad person, but she needs to learn how to teach and make her exams more fair. She gives us TOO much to remember for the exams (half the text) and the text is too historical. If I would have read how people rate her before taking her, I wouldn't be taking her, but it's too late.
For the midterm I read all of the chapters and reviewed a lot and I still failed the midterm. She expects us to remember stuff from activities we did during lectures too. This class is NOT easy! Another thing, your entire grade is based on the midterm and a final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 30, 2001

Though I did all of the reading and faithfully attended all lectures, I found this course difficult. I appreciate the fact that Dr. Addison is trying to break the stereotype of Psych 10 as being an "easy GE," but it's almost as if she goes too far. She seems to expect us to understand psychological theory based on what she tells us in class and what we read in the text. However, it doesn't always work that way. I appreciated the review sheets that she would post on the internet prior to each exam, however, her test STILL seemed tricky.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2001

all i have to say is that this is not high school anymore and 8 am classes are just not going to cut it, unless you are a morning person. i personally was never ever able to stay awake through a whole lecture. the problem was not prof. addison, she was actually a very nice, intelligent person, but the time is just too early. my advice is to not even bother reading but try to make it to class. although you will probably not be able to stay awake the whole time...you will be awake for at least an hour of it, and come midterm and final time it counts. i would suggest not even bothering to read the book. just remember to print out the lecture notes before going to class, and when she passes out the review papers for the midterm and final study those!!! if you know the material on those sheets you will succeed in her class. just remember that they are time consuming so dont try to bust answering all the questions the night before. overall i really just think that her class is at a bad time, if it werent for that it wouldnt be so bad.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 10, 2001

Nice person, just a bad lecturer, especially at 8:00 in the morning. Absolutely don't take this class at 8:00, that's a no no. She's a very nice person, she just has a bad habit of sucking the fun out of a very enjoyable subject.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 8, 2001

If you are even thinking about taking this class at 8:00 in the morning, I advise you to think again! I never knew what I was getting myself into! Prof. Addison has a soothing voice, i.e. I found myself falling asleep around 9 every day. She did let us take breaks, but again, don't try and take a "nap" during break...You'll never wake up. I stopped going after the midterm, which I managed to ace because I went through every single question on the review sheet she handed out. The tests aren't actually that hard - I'd heard horror stories about her tests before and was surprised when I sat down and read the midterm questions. The lectures aren't actually boring, either, the question is just whether you can force yourself to stay awake. As in, I went to the last class and promised I would stay awake...I didn't. Overall, though, do the reading, answer the review questions, and you'll do fine.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 6, 2001

Well now, I thought having an 8:00 AM class would be good for me, but I sure was wrong. Addison's class didn't motivate me to wake up for it. She has a very soft & soothing voice that made me want to go to sleep. Some of the presentations in class were interesting, but that's about it. She never gave any breaks for those 2 hours with her. I dont' know if she kept up with that, but I heard she started to give breaks after the first hour. Ohwell. I stopped going to class during 2nd or 3rd week. However, I did keep up with the readings. It was pretty boring at times... many times, but I did it to make up for my absence in class. I got a C+ on the midterm, which I was happy about. I'm glad that she gave out the review sheets & practice questions online. I'm also glad that her powerpoint presentations were available online. She's very friendly and responds sociable if you e-mail her. However, the course content wasn't on my top 10 lists. I didn't like learning about the history of psychological foundations or the physical & chemical processes of psychological responses. Who cares about that? Not me. I thought an INTRODUCTION to Psychology would interest me, but I feel like it's too indepth for an introduction. Even my tutor says she's too indepth. My tutor is an upperclassman, and she says the stuff we learn in Addison's class is the same stuff she learns in her upper div classes... ? What gives with that? I'm not looking for upper div. information, I want the introduction. Her exams are multiple choice, and the way to go with that is to understand how to take multiple choice tests itself. Soooo... if you want to take her class... be my guest. If you don't want to take her class... join the club.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 3, 2001

You guys are all being a little harsh. Sure her lectures are boring, especially if you have it at 8 in the morning, but the class is not all that difficult. Although she is a nice person, she doesn't have the teaching thing down all the way...but at least she gives us review sheets (note: answer all those questions well and learn that info and you should be fine). I do think she concentrates too much on the reading (which is booooooring!) but hey, at least she tells us that the tests will be from the lectures, demos, AND readings...no surprises there. The material is interesting, although she could make it more exciting. All in all, take it with someone else if you can but if you get "stuck" taking it with Addison, don't let these other reviews freak you out, you'll be okay. Oh yeah and she responds to emails really well so take advantage of that.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 30, 2001

Absolutely horrible. The psych class should be interesting but somehow she finds a way to make it completely and utterly boring. Her lectures are mundane and dry. She does a terrible job of getting her point across and she hardly ever does any examples to prove her point. The examples that she did do were so remedial that you had no idea what she was talking about and what point she was trying to get across. I took Psych 10 thinking that it would be a class worth my time. Boy was I wrong. Her tests have nothing to do with what she teaches and she makes the questions much harder than they need to be. Her questions are way to specific. I would not take this class if I were you. Especially if she is teaching it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 15, 2001

Addison is not a bad person, but she needs to learn how to teach and make her exams more fair. She gives us TOO much to remember for the exams (half the text) and the text is too historical. If I would have read how people rate her before taking her, I wouldn't be taking her, but it's too late.
For the midterm I read all of the chapters and reviewed a lot and I still failed the midterm. She expects us to remember stuff from activities we did during lectures too. This class is NOT easy! Another thing, your entire grade is based on the midterm and a final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 30, 2001

Though I did all of the reading and faithfully attended all lectures, I found this course difficult. I appreciate the fact that Dr. Addison is trying to break the stereotype of Psych 10 as being an "easy GE," but it's almost as if she goes too far. She seems to expect us to understand psychological theory based on what she tells us in class and what we read in the text. However, it doesn't always work that way. I appreciated the review sheets that she would post on the internet prior to each exam, however, her test STILL seemed tricky.


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5 of 5
Overall Rating
Based on 53 Users
Easiness 2.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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