Steve Lopez
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Lopez's 127 class is great if interested in the field of abnormal psychology. I was taking this class to satisfy a major elective requirement for a life-science major. The GOOD: He hands out lecture notes prior to the class which REALLY helps with note-taking. He is always available during his office hours (except after tests) to help the student. Dr. Lopez also asked students if they wanted him to show up to class a 1/2 hour before it was to begin to help those who had questions (since the lecture hall was empty before our class). He is a decent grader when it came to tests (3 tests, final is NOT cumulative, 45 or so questions, mult-choice scantron). BTW, I earned a "mid-B" at 82%, the cutoffs for A = Top 20%, B = Next 30%, C = Next 40%. Also, there were some questions that just were not fair or the answer could have been 2 of the choices... so he did not count the unfair questions and added points to those questions where there could have been 2 right answers... how many profs would do that??? The BAD: He doesn't usually finish what his in-class lecture notes cover because he gets so caught up in a particular area that he spends a lot of class time on it, and leaves the rest to be desired. His exams are quite detailed, so you must attend ALL his lectures and read the book carefully since questions come from both sources. The UGLY: nothing really Overall... great prof. Would take again, but this time read the book more than once!
Prof. Lopez's 127 class is great if interested in the field of abnormal psychology. I was taking this class to satisfy a major elective requirement for a life-science major. The GOOD: He hands out lecture notes prior to the class which REALLY helps with note-taking. He is always available during his office hours (except after tests) to help the student. Dr. Lopez also asked students if they wanted him to show up to class a 1/2 hour before it was to begin to help those who had questions (since the lecture hall was empty before our class). He is a decent grader when it came to tests (3 tests, final is NOT cumulative, 45 or so questions, mult-choice scantron). BTW, I earned a "mid-B" at 82%, the cutoffs for A = Top 20%, B = Next 30%, C = Next 40%. Also, there were some questions that just were not fair or the answer could have been 2 of the choices... so he did not count the unfair questions and added points to those questions where there could have been 2 right answers... how many profs would do that??? The BAD: He doesn't usually finish what his in-class lecture notes cover because he gets so caught up in a particular area that he spends a lot of class time on it, and leaves the rest to be desired. His exams are quite detailed, so you must attend ALL his lectures and read the book carefully since questions come from both sources. The UGLY: nothing really Overall... great prof. Would take again, but this time read the book more than once!
Most Helpful Review
Professor Lopez is an awesome guy, this is one of the few classes I actually enjoy going to and look forward to attending. He is very clear and gives you the lecture slides ahead of time. There are no surprises on the tests, its based exactly on his lectures and readings, and he goes out of his way to talk to students and help them out. Very friendly and approachable guy. Class is very interesting, 3 journal assignments which you get to do in a group. You get to learn a lot about other people and this class really opens up your prespective on the way you look at things. Definitely recommend him to my friends.
Professor Lopez is an awesome guy, this is one of the few classes I actually enjoy going to and look forward to attending. He is very clear and gives you the lecture slides ahead of time. There are no surprises on the tests, its based exactly on his lectures and readings, and he goes out of his way to talk to students and help them out. Very friendly and approachable guy. Class is very interesting, 3 journal assignments which you get to do in a group. You get to learn a lot about other people and this class really opens up your prespective on the way you look at things. Definitely recommend him to my friends.