
Stella Ghervas

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Easiness 3.6/ 5
Clarity 4.1/ 5
Workload 4.3/ 5
Helpfulness 4.1/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - When I first saw the chance to take a class on War and Peace in Europe in 132, I immediately jumped at that chance since I am very interested and knowledgeable in the subject, which meant that going into the course, I and some of my other classmates knew some of the things she taught already, and Professor Ghervas was a great lecturer when it came to those things and as she is extremely knowledgeable on these topics. Though something that I personally really enjoyed was getting new perspectives on the history that we have all gotten accustomed to learning about it as a certain type of way, but instead in this class she challenges that which made for very engaging lectures with interesting primary and secondary sources. The class structure itself was nothing crazy, consisting of a 3 page midterm essay and a 6 page final essay, the midterm was more of a reading response while the final essay was more of a research paper. Both were very interesting to write/research, and I was able to go to Professor Ghervas' office hours when I had questions where she gave much clarity regarding these assignments. Though there was problem with ChatGPT users in the class for the midterm, I felt she handled it well and I very much appreciate her willingness to keep the final exam as an asynchronous paper and not an in person blue book exam. Overall I really enjoyed the class and I feel like I learned a lot that will definitely stick with me for not only the rest of my college career, but also personally with the history I love to learn about pertaining to war and peace in Europe; and I hope that others will be able to experience this class to also get an eye opening experience like I did regarding this field of history that Professor Ghervas is so passionate about.
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