
Stefan Timmermans

Overall Ratings
Based on 42 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (42)

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Dec. 7, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A

Great class about all sorts of death that you wouldnt want yourself to be in. Learnt a lot about how different types of death is treated by society as well as the histories behind some of them. Given that Timmermans is a sociology professor, the demands, style and content of this class is quite different from the usual psychology class. Much more focused on ideas, readings and theories and less so on experimental data. if you have some morbid interest in deaths and dying, it is definitely a fun and informative class to take


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Dec. 20, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

This class had 2 one page write ups (reaction papers) which everyone recieved 5/5 on as long as they wrote something on a piece of paper, 2 quizzes that were both out of 20 points, the midterm, the final, and discussion attendance/participation. Lectures are interesting and cover the material that will be on the quizzes, but Timmermans does not take attendance and often students miss class and review his PowerPoints that are posted online after lecture. The quizzes were very difficult but a 10 page paper on the readings can be written to make up points for a quiz that a student performed poorly on. The midterm and final are both a 10 page paper on a prompt with multiple dynamics that cover information from readings. Three textbooks were required for this course (one being Timmermans' own), while the homework's articles are posted online. Overall, this class was interesting and the TA's are also awesome!


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Dec. 23, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

I feel that he could have been more specific about what he wanted from his students in regards to quiz expectations, paper expectations, and grading. Otherwise, he was an entertaining and kind professor.

This was one of the most frustrating out of the classes I've taken; little steps on clarity, but the material was very interesting.

Two "reaction" papers, two quizzes, midterm and final paper, and TONS of reading.


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Dec. 24, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

This class can be very interesting, but Timmermans makes it quite hard to grasp. There are two quizzes (each worth 10%) the average on both of them was a C-. No one got 100%. They were incredibly detailed and he didn't give us any kind of a study guide for them. The midterm and final were take home papers. They were 10 pages each. They are fairly broad and can be difficult to get to the point. I got an A on both the midterm and the final but since I got a C on the quizzes, i ended up with a B+ in the class. If you take this class, be ready for the quizzes.


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Jan. 16, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Dr. Timmermans is a kind and funny professor. He is easy-going as he allowed me to turn in my reaction paper late because I was enrolled late. He has a Dutch accent which might be hard to understand sometimes but he's generally very understandable and clear. Discussion participation was 20-25% of the final grade which you can easily get 100% just by sharing a question with the section. I thought I was going to get a A-/B+ but I think he ended up curving a little bit which boosted a lot of people's grades. Very interesting class about death and trauma through a sociological perspective. 8/10 would recommend


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Nov. 29, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Timmermans is great lecturer who actually makes a research methods class interesting. He has some of the most organized and easy to follow lectures I have encountered. The book is not necessary at all; the midterm and final (both multiple choice) only cover material from lecture and some online readings. The TAs are great and very helpful. The exams can be tricky, but there is a generous curve that creates a nice grade distribution. Overall, I highly recommend Timmermans for this class.


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May 13, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

If you have any sort of respect for medical professionals and believe that they might be doing even the slightest good for humanity, avoid his Medical Sociology class. He insists on claiming that doctors are only interested in money even if it means hurting their patients. Regardless of what type of factual information from other sources you provide that disprove his beliefs, he will shoot it down and claim it's "not accurate."

Perhaps the worst thing is he decided to use a rubric for a paper after we had already turned in the paper. So if you went and found a bunch of third party sources (which he suggested when he assigned the paper) you'd get a lower grade than if you just cited stuff from the books he assigned for reading.

To top it all off, he pushes a book he wrote that claims we shouldn't do CPR. He cites some outdated statistics that state that it only helps in a small percentage of situations. Don't even bother trying to point out that CPR is valuable even if it saves just one person's life.

Overall, he's a stubborn professor and he picks his TAs to be yes men who will back up whatever he says, even if you provide evidence for every single one of your arguments.


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April 1, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Here's the thing. I really like Professor Timmermans. But, I was also VERY interested in the Medical Sociology course and got to spend time with him in the additional 170H honors seminar. If I wasn't that interested in medicine, or looking for an easy course to fulfill a requirement, I would NOT take Soc 170, especially from Timmermans. His lectures move very quickly through slides and he expects a lot out of students. For the midterm I received an A- and B+ on the two five page essays he had us write. This freaked me out, because I needed an A in this course, and busted by butt for the final and ended up with an A in the course and an A in the honors course. He is a very serious man, but he is like a comedy performer when he is in front of a lecture hall. One time he thought it would be hilarious if he played the jeopardy theme song throughout an entire quiz. It was funny for about a minute, and then it just completely messed with everyones concentration. Basically his job is to observe and write about death, so he is a pretty grave guy if you talk to him on the side, and although he may appear to not be that interested in you and your studies, he will take the effort to help you if you need it.


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Aug. 19, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

Timmermans is one of my favorite professors - but that being said, I love dry humor and witty comments, which you will only get if you understand the readings well enough. If you're not willing to put in the effort into your readings and essays, then good luck with the course.

There are two quizzes - which depending on your TAs and how he's feeling can be pretty skewed and pointless. People tend to not score well on them - mainly because they're poorly worded and phrased. Not your fault.

The place to redeem your grade is the midterms and the essays. Always come up with a thesis that carries through your paper and is backed by and woven through with research.


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Dec. 27, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B

This class is awesome. You truly learn a lot. Professor Timmermans is funny, smart and makes his class very interesting. His quizzes are challenging but do able. He assings many readings but you can skim and be okay with just grasping the main idea . His midterm/final are 10-pg essays but he is clear and they are doable with all the content one learns and we can use his slides and notes in the essays


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A
Dec. 7, 2018

Great class about all sorts of death that you wouldnt want yourself to be in. Learnt a lot about how different types of death is treated by society as well as the histories behind some of them. Given that Timmermans is a sociology professor, the demands, style and content of this class is quite different from the usual psychology class. Much more focused on ideas, readings and theories and less so on experimental data. if you have some morbid interest in deaths and dying, it is definitely a fun and informative class to take


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 20, 2018

This class had 2 one page write ups (reaction papers) which everyone recieved 5/5 on as long as they wrote something on a piece of paper, 2 quizzes that were both out of 20 points, the midterm, the final, and discussion attendance/participation. Lectures are interesting and cover the material that will be on the quizzes, but Timmermans does not take attendance and often students miss class and review his PowerPoints that are posted online after lecture. The quizzes were very difficult but a 10 page paper on the readings can be written to make up points for a quiz that a student performed poorly on. The midterm and final are both a 10 page paper on a prompt with multiple dynamics that cover information from readings. Three textbooks were required for this course (one being Timmermans' own), while the homework's articles are posted online. Overall, this class was interesting and the TA's are also awesome!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 23, 2018

I feel that he could have been more specific about what he wanted from his students in regards to quiz expectations, paper expectations, and grading. Otherwise, he was an entertaining and kind professor.

This was one of the most frustrating out of the classes I've taken; little steps on clarity, but the material was very interesting.

Two "reaction" papers, two quizzes, midterm and final paper, and TONS of reading.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
Dec. 24, 2018

This class can be very interesting, but Timmermans makes it quite hard to grasp. There are two quizzes (each worth 10%) the average on both of them was a C-. No one got 100%. They were incredibly detailed and he didn't give us any kind of a study guide for them. The midterm and final were take home papers. They were 10 pages each. They are fairly broad and can be difficult to get to the point. I got an A on both the midterm and the final but since I got a C on the quizzes, i ended up with a B+ in the class. If you take this class, be ready for the quizzes.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 16, 2019

Dr. Timmermans is a kind and funny professor. He is easy-going as he allowed me to turn in my reaction paper late because I was enrolled late. He has a Dutch accent which might be hard to understand sometimes but he's generally very understandable and clear. Discussion participation was 20-25% of the final grade which you can easily get 100% just by sharing a question with the section. I thought I was going to get a A-/B+ but I think he ended up curving a little bit which boosted a lot of people's grades. Very interesting class about death and trauma through a sociological perspective. 8/10 would recommend


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 29, 2014

Professor Timmermans is great lecturer who actually makes a research methods class interesting. He has some of the most organized and easy to follow lectures I have encountered. The book is not necessary at all; the midterm and final (both multiple choice) only cover material from lecture and some online readings. The TAs are great and very helpful. The exams can be tricky, but there is a generous curve that creates a nice grade distribution. Overall, I highly recommend Timmermans for this class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 13, 2011

If you have any sort of respect for medical professionals and believe that they might be doing even the slightest good for humanity, avoid his Medical Sociology class. He insists on claiming that doctors are only interested in money even if it means hurting their patients. Regardless of what type of factual information from other sources you provide that disprove his beliefs, he will shoot it down and claim it's "not accurate."

Perhaps the worst thing is he decided to use a rubric for a paper after we had already turned in the paper. So if you went and found a bunch of third party sources (which he suggested when he assigned the paper) you'd get a lower grade than if you just cited stuff from the books he assigned for reading.

To top it all off, he pushes a book he wrote that claims we shouldn't do CPR. He cites some outdated statistics that state that it only helps in a small percentage of situations. Don't even bother trying to point out that CPR is valuable even if it saves just one person's life.

Overall, he's a stubborn professor and he picks his TAs to be yes men who will back up whatever he says, even if you provide evidence for every single one of your arguments.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 1, 2013

Here's the thing. I really like Professor Timmermans. But, I was also VERY interested in the Medical Sociology course and got to spend time with him in the additional 170H honors seminar. If I wasn't that interested in medicine, or looking for an easy course to fulfill a requirement, I would NOT take Soc 170, especially from Timmermans. His lectures move very quickly through slides and he expects a lot out of students. For the midterm I received an A- and B+ on the two five page essays he had us write. This freaked me out, because I needed an A in this course, and busted by butt for the final and ended up with an A in the course and an A in the honors course. He is a very serious man, but he is like a comedy performer when he is in front of a lecture hall. One time he thought it would be hilarious if he played the jeopardy theme song throughout an entire quiz. It was funny for about a minute, and then it just completely messed with everyones concentration. Basically his job is to observe and write about death, so he is a pretty grave guy if you talk to him on the side, and although he may appear to not be that interested in you and your studies, he will take the effort to help you if you need it.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
Aug. 19, 2016

Timmermans is one of my favorite professors - but that being said, I love dry humor and witty comments, which you will only get if you understand the readings well enough. If you're not willing to put in the effort into your readings and essays, then good luck with the course.

There are two quizzes - which depending on your TAs and how he's feeling can be pretty skewed and pointless. People tend to not score well on them - mainly because they're poorly worded and phrased. Not your fault.

The place to redeem your grade is the midterms and the essays. Always come up with a thesis that carries through your paper and is backed by and woven through with research.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B
Dec. 27, 2018

This class is awesome. You truly learn a lot. Professor Timmermans is funny, smart and makes his class very interesting. His quizzes are challenging but do able. He assings many readings but you can skim and be okay with just grasping the main idea . His midterm/final are 10-pg essays but he is clear and they are doable with all the content one learns and we can use his slides and notes in the essays


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